
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nuclear pore complexes are large multicomponent protein complexes that are embedded in the nuclear envelope, where they mediate nucleocytoplasmic transport. In addition to supporting transport, nuclear pore components, termed nucleoporins (Nups), can interact with chromatin and influence genome function. A subset of Nups can also localize to the nuclear interior and bind chromatin intranuclearly, providing an opportunity to investigate chromatin-associated functions of Nups outside of the transport context. This review focuses on the gene regulatory functions of such intranuclear Nups, with a particular emphasis on their identity as components of several chromatin regulatory complexes. Recent proteomic screens have identified Nups as interacting partners of active and repressive epigenetic machinery, architectural proteins, and DNA replication complexes, providing insight into molecular mechanisms via which Nups regulate gene expression programs. This review summarizes these interactions and discusses their potential functions in the broader framework of nuclear genome organization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The eukaryotic genome is enclosed in a nuclear envelope that protects it from potentially damaging cellular activities and physically segregates transcription and translation.Transport across the NE is highly regulated and occurs primarily via the macromolecular nuclear pore complexes.Loss of nuclear compartmentalization due to defects in NPC function and NE integrity are tied to neurological and ageing disorders like Alzheimer\'s, viral pathogenesis, immune disorders, and cancer progression.Recent work implicates inner-nuclear membrane proteins of the conserved LEM domain family and the ESCRT machinery in NE reformation during cell division and NE repair upon rupture in migrating cancer cells, and generating seals over defective NPCs. In this review, we discuss the recent in-roads made into defining the molecular mechanisms and biochemical networks engaged by LEM and many other integral inner nuclear membrane proteins to preserve the nuclear barrier.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Twenty years since the publication of the Plasmodium falciparum and P. berghei genomes one-third of their protein-coding genes still lack functional annotation. In the absence of sequence and structural homology, protein-protein interactions can facilitate functional prediction of such orphan genes by mapping protein complexes in their natural cellular environment. The Plasmodium nuclear pore complex (NPC) is a case in point: it remains poorly defined; its constituents lack conservation with the 30+ proteins described in the NPC of many opisthokonts, a clade of eukaryotes that includes fungi and animals, but not Plasmodium. Here, we developed a labeling methodology based on TurboID fusion proteins, which allows visualization of the P. berghei NPC and facilitates the identification of its components. Following affinity purification and mass spectrometry, we identified 4 known nucleoporins (Nups) (138, 205, 221, and the bait 313), and verify interaction with the putative phenylalanine-glycine (FG) Nup637; we assigned 5 proteins lacking annotation (and therefore meaningful homology with proteins outside the genus) to the NPC, which is confirmed by green fluorescent protein (GFP) tagging. Based on gene deletion attempts, all new Nups - Nup176, 269, 335, 390, and 434 - are essential to parasite survival. They lack primary sequence homology with proteins outside the Plasmodium genus; albeit 2 incorporate short domains with structural homology to human Nup155 and yeast Nup157, and the condensin SMC (Structural Maintenance Of Chromosomes 4). The protocols developed here showcase the power of proximity labeling for elucidating protein complex composition and annotation of taxonomically restricted genes in Plasmodium. It opens the door to exploring the function of the Plasmodium NPC and understanding its evolutionary position. IMPORTANCE The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is a platform for constant evolution and has been used to study the evolutionary patterns of early-branching eukaryotes. The Plasmodium NPC is poorly defined due to its evolutionary divergent nature making it impossible to characterize it via homology searches. Although 2 decades have passed since the publication of the Plasmodium genome, 30% of the genes still lack functional annotation. Our study demonstrates the ability of proximity labeling using TurboID to assign function to orphan proteins in the malaria parasite. We have identified a total of 10 Nups that will allow further study of NPC dynamics, structural elements, involvement in nucleocytoplasmic transport, and unique non-transport functions of nucleoporins that provide adaptability to this malaria parasite.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding how the integrity of the nuclear membranes is protected against internal and external stresses is an emergent challenge. Work reviewed here investigated the mechanisms by which losses of nuclear-cytoplasmic compartmentalization are sensed and ameliorated. Fundamental to these is spatial control over interactions between the endosomal sorting complexes required for transport machinery and LAP2-emerin-MAN1 family inner nuclear membrane proteins, which together promote nuclear envelope sealing in interphase and at the end of mitosis. We suggest that the size of the nuclear envelope hole dictates the mechanism of its repair, with larger holes requiring barrier-to-autointegration factor and the potential triggering of a postmitotic nuclear envelope reassembly pathway in interphase. We also consider why these mechanisms fail at ruptured micronuclei. Together, this work re-emphasizes the need to understand how membrane flow and local lipid metabolism help ensure that the nuclear envelope is refractory to mechanical rupture yet fluid enough to allow its essential dynamics.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are main channels controlling nucleocytoplasmic transport and are composed of approximately 30 nucleoporins (NUPs). Emerging evidence suggests that some NUP genes have specialized functions that challenge the traditional view of NPCs as structures of uniform composition. Here, we analysed the role of six outer-ring components of NPC at normal and warm growth temperatures by examining their loss-of-function mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana. All six NUP subunits, NUP85, NUP96, NUP 133, NUP 160, SEH1 and HOS1, have a non-redundant temperature-influenced function in one or more of the processes, including rosette growth, leaf architecture and intracellular immune receptor-mediated disease resistance. At the molecular level, NUP85 and NUP133 are required for mRNA export only at warm temperature and play a larger role in the localization of transcription factor at warm temperature. In addition, NUP96 and HOS1 are essential for the expression of high temperature-responsive genes, which is correlated with their larger activity in facilitating nuclear accumulation of the transcription factor PIF4 at warm temperature. Our results show that subunits of NPC have differential roles at different temperatures, suggesting the existence of temperature-influenced NPC complexes and activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs) are cytoplasmic sensors for viral RNA that elicit antiviral innate immune responses. RLR signaling culminates in the activation of the protein kinase TBK1, which mediates phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of IRF3 that regulates expression of type I interferon genes. Here, we found that Nucleoporin 93 (Nup93), components of nuclear pore complex (NPC), plays an important role in RLR-mediated antiviral responses. Nup93-deficient RAW264.7 macrophage cells exhibited decreased expression of Ifnb1 and Cxcl10 genes after treatment with a synthetic RLR agonist stimulation as well as Newcastle Disease Virus infection. Silencing Nup93 in murine primary macrophages and embryonic fibroblasts also resulted in reduced expression of these genes. IRF3 nuclear translocation during RLR signaling was impaired in Nup93-deficient RAW264.7 cells. Notably, the activation of TBK1 during RLR signaling was also decreased in Nup93-deficient cells. We found that Nup93 formed a complex with TBK1, and Nup93 overexpression enhanced TBK1-mediated IFNβ promoter activation. Taken together, our findings suggest that Nup93 regulates antiviral innate immunity by enhancing TBK1 activity and IRF3 nuclear translocation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During my postdoc interview in June of 1998, I asked Günter why he was moving more towards the nucleus in his latest studies. He said, \"Well Joe, that\'s where everything starts.\" By the end of the interview, I accepted the postdoc. He had a way of making everything sound so cool. Günter\'s progression was natural, since the endoplasmic reticulum and the nucleus are the only organelles that share the same membrane. The nuclear envelope extends into a double membrane system with nuclear pore complexes embedded in the pore membrane openings. Even while writing this review, I remember Günter stressing; it is the nuclear pore complex. Just saying nuclear pore doesn\'t encompass the full magnitude of its significance. The nuclear pore complex is one of the largest collection of proteins that fit together for an overall function: transport. This review will cover the Blobel lab contributions in the quest for the blueprint of the nuclear pore complex from isolation of the nuclear envelope and nuclear lamin to the ring structures.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CRM1 is a highly conserved, RanGTPase-driven exportin that carries proteins and RNPs from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. We now explored the cargo-spectrum of CRM1 in depth and identified surprisingly large numbers, namely >700 export substrates from the yeast S. cerevisiae, ≈1000 from Xenopus oocytes and >1050 from human cells. In addition, we quantified the partitioning of ≈5000 unique proteins between nucleus and cytoplasm of Xenopus oocytes. The data suggest new CRM1 functions in spatial control of vesicle coat-assembly, centrosomes, autophagy, peroxisome biogenesis, cytoskeleton, ribosome maturation, translation, mRNA degradation, and more generally in precluding a potentially detrimental action of cytoplasmic pathways within the nuclear interior. There are also numerous new instances where CRM1 appears to act in regulatory circuits. Altogether, our dataset allows unprecedented insights into the nucleocytoplasmic organisation of eukaryotic cells, into the contributions of an exceedingly promiscuous exportin and it provides a new basis for NES prediction.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many viruses deliver their genomes into the host cell\'s nucleus before they replicate. While onco-retroviruses and papillomaviruses tether their genomes to host chromatin upon mitotic breakdown of the nuclear envelope, lentiviruses, such as human immunodeficiency virus, adenoviruses, herpesviruses, parvoviruses, influenza viruses, hepatitis B virus, polyomaviruses, and baculoviruses deliver their genomes into the nucleus of post-mitotic cells. This poses the significant challenge of slipping a DNA or RNA genome past the nuclear pore complex (NPC) embedded in the nuclear envelope. Quantitative fluorescence imaging is shedding new light on this process, with recent data implicating misdelivery of viral genomes at nuclear pores as a bottleneck to virus replication. Here, we infer NPC functions for nuclear import of viral genomes from cell biology experiments and explore potential causes of misdelivery, including improper virus docking at NPCs, incomplete translocation, virus-induced stress and innate immunity reactions. We conclude by discussing consequences of viral genome misdelivery for viruses and host cells, and lay out future questions to enhance our understanding of this phenomenon. Further studies into viral genome misdelivery may reveal unexpected aspects about NPC structure and function, as well as aid in developing strategies for controlling viral infections to improve human health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleoporins (Nups) are building blocks of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) that mediate cargo trafficking between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Although the physical structure of the NPC is well studied in yeast and vertebrates, little is known about the structure of NPCs or the function of most Nups in plants. Recently we demonstrated two Nups in Arabidopsis: LONO1 (LNO1), homolog of human NUP214 and yeast Nup159, and AtGLE1, homolog of yeast Gle1, are required for early embryogenesis and seed development. To identify LNO1 and AtGLE1 homologs in other plant species, we searched the protein databases and identified 30 LNO1-like and 35 AtGLE1-like proteins from lower plant species to higher plants. Furthermore, phylogenetic analyses indicate that the evolutionary trees of these proteins follow expected plant phylogenies. High sequence homology and conserved domain structure of these nucleoporins suggest important functions of these proteins in nucleocytoplasmic transport, growth and development in plants.





