
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A recent wave of academic research has highlighted the wide-ranging and negative impacts that stigma against kink has on kinksters. As scholarship continues to explore prejudice and discrimination around kink, this article argues that fresh insight can be found by drawing on adjacent work around other stigmatized sexualities. Over the previous decades, scholars in sexuality studies and queer studies have developed a powerful conceptual framework of \"phobias\" and \"normativities\" for thinking about the marginalization of sexual differences. This framework has its origins in the concepts of homophobia, heteronormativity and homonormativity, but its naming conventions and analytical insights have since been extended to address reproduction, romantic love, monogamy, gender identity, etc. This article argues that this conceptual framework should be expanded once again, this time to encompass kink. Building on the nascent use of this conceptual framework within kink scholarship, this article defines and expands on the concepts of kinkphobia and vanilla-normativity, and introduces the new concept of kink-normativity. This article demonstrates how these concepts can help us better talk about and think through the marginalization of kink.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inherent normativity of HTA can be conceptualized as a result of normative commitments, a concept that we further specify to encompass moral, epistemological and ontological commitments at play in the practice of HTA. Based on examples from literature, and an analysis of the example of assessing Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT), we will show that inevitable normative decisions in conducting an assessment commits the HTA practitioner to moral (regarding what makes a health technology desirable), ontological (regarding which effects of health technology are conceivable), and epistemological (regarding how to obtain reliable information about health technology) norms. This highlights and supports the need for integrating normative analysis and stakeholder participation, providing guidance to HTA practitioners when making normative choices. This will foster a shared understanding between those who conduct, use, or are impacted by assessments regarding what are conceivable and desirable outcomes of using health technology, and how to collect reliable information to assess whether these outcomes are (going to be) realized. It also provides more insight into the implications of different normative choices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eating together is a primordial social activity with robust normative expectations. This study examines a series of instances where appreciative elements about the food during a shared meal are treated as noticeably absent and where some of the participants are attributed to exhibit a negative stance towards the food, which furthermore is used as a resource for engaging in membership categorization. Situated within the cognate approaches of ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, this study draws on video recordings of an integrated language and cooking workshop organized for immigrants in the French speaking part of Switzerland. The participants include a French teacher, two chefs and five immigrant women with various native languages. The detailed sequential, multimodal analysis details and explains how the participants treat gustatory features of eating as publicly available and accountable, and how the absence of evaluative elements contribute to the situated achievement of a plural \"you\" as a group that does not like \"this\" food. Ascribing (dis)taste for food on behalf of others, occasions accounts for just how to eat, showing the strong normative features that make up to the recognizability of sharing a meal as a competent member - including how sensorial experiences are evaluated and expressed. In this way, this study contributes to our understanding of the (non)ordinary features of eating together as a situated, embodied achievement and social institution that is built in and through interaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to explore procedures and methods used at health technology assessment (HTA) agencies for assessing medical devices and the underlying views of HTA practitioners about appropriate methodology to identify challenges in adopting new methodologies for assessing devices. We focused on the role of normative commitments of HTA practitioners in the adoption of new methods.
    METHODS: An online survey, including questions on procedures, scoping, and assessments of medical devices, was sent to members of the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment. Interviews were conducted with survey respondents and HTA practitioners involved in assessments of transcatheter aortic valve implantation to gain an in-depth understanding of choices made and views about assessing medical devices. Survey and interview questions were inspired by the \"values in doing assessments of health technologies\" approach towards HTA, which states that HTA addresses value-laden questions and information.
    RESULTS: The current practice of assessing medical devices at HTA agencies is predominantly based on procedures, methods, and epistemological principles developed for assessments of drugs. Both practical factors (available time, demands of decision-makers, existing legal frameworks, and HTA guidelines), as well as commitments of HTA practitioners to principles of evidence-based medicine, make the adoption of a new methodology difficult.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is a broad recognition that assessments of medical devices may need changes in HTA methodology. In order to realize this, the HTA community may require both a discussion on the role, responsibility, and goals of HTA, and resulting changes in institutional context to adopt new methodologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To construct the underlying value structure of shared decision making (SDM) models.
    METHODS: We included previously identified SDM models (n = 40) and 15 additional ones. Using a thematic analysis, we coded the data using Schwartz\'s value theory to define values in SDM and to investigate value relations.
    RESULTS: We identified and defined eight values and developed three themes based on their relations: shared control, a safe and supportive environment, and decisions tailored to patients. We constructed a value structure based on the value relations and themes: the interplay of healthcare professionals\' (HCPs) and patients\' skills [Achievement], support for a patient [Benevolence], and a good relationship between HCP and patient [Security] all facilitate patients\' autonomy [Self-Direction]. These values enable a more balanced relationship between HCP and patient and tailored decision making [Universalism].
    CONCLUSIONS: SDM can be realized by an interplay of values. The values Benevolence and Security deserve more explicit attention, and may especially increase vulnerable patients\' Self-Direction.
    CONCLUSIONS: This value structure enables a comparison of values underlying SDM with those of specific populations, facilitating the incorporation of patients\' values into treatment decision making. It may also inform the development of SDM measures, interventions, education programs, and HCPs when practicing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, there has been renewed interest in diversifying the understanding and discussion about the causes of depression to move beyond biomedical determinism-a view that biomedical factors are the ultimate cause of an individual\'s depression. There is increasing emphasis on diversity in how people seek to articulate the causes of depression to incorporate non-biomedical dimensions. Furthermore, the biomedical understanding of depression has been increasingly questioned due especially to emerging limitations in pharmacotherapy. These shifts encourage social analyses that explore what narratives as to the causes of depression are constructed and presented with relative plausibility in different contexts and why and how. By analysing published memoirs of individuals diagnosed with depression in Japan, this study aims to provide fresh insights into narratives around the causes of depression. It illustrates how memoirs portray depression and its perceived causes in characteristic ways in a nation that adopts Western diagnostic systems, biomedical therapeutics and other relevant technologies. I will show that \'burnout\' is the dominant theme in the Japanese data, diverging from the predominantly biomedical narrative in Western societies. This burnout narrative depicts depression as the somewhat unfortunate but unsurprising result of overwork arising from individual active adaptations to structural features of the Japanese work culture. I argue that reasons, rather than causes, articulate the making of the burnout narrative by revealing the interplay between the structural and individual and ultimately enrich the understanding of depression. The paper concludes with a call for exploring the shifting relationship between illness and normalcy that the burnout narrative implies. I suggest that further studies could explore how the boundaries between normalcy and illness are enacted and re-enacted and to what avail through public discourse and through shifting diagnostic schemata in the context of different national norms and practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Is ChatGPT an author? Given its capacity to generate something that reads like human-written text in response to prompts, it might seem natural to ascribe authorship to ChatGPT. However, we argue that ChatGPT is not an author. ChatGPT fails to meet the criteria of authorship because it lacks the ability to perform illocutionary speech acts such as promising or asserting, lacks the fitting mental states like knowledge, belief, or intention, and cannot take responsibility for the texts it produces. Three perspectives are compared: liberalism (which ascribes authorship to ChatGPT), conservatism (which denies ChatGPT\'s authorship for normative and metaphysical reasons), and moderatism (which treats ChatGPT as if it possesses authorship without committing to the existence of mental states like knowledge, belief, or intention). We conclude that conservatism provides a more nuanced understanding of authorship in AI than liberalism and moderatism, without denying the significant potential, influence, or utility of AI technologies such as ChatGPT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Responses to public health crises are increasingly technological in nature, as the prominence of COVID-19-related statistics and simulations amply demonstrates. However, the use of technologies is preconditional and has various implications. These implications can not only affect acceptance but also challenge the acceptability of these technologies with regard to the ethical and normative dimension.
    OBJECTIVE: This study focuses on pandemic simulation models as algorithmic governance tools that played a central role in political decision-making during the COVID-19 pandemic. To assess the social implications of pandemic simulation models, the premises of data collection, sorting, and evaluation must be disclosed and reflected upon. Consequently, the social construction principles of digital health technologies must be revealed and examined for their effects with regard to social, ethical, and ultimately political issues.
    METHODS: This case study starts with a systematization of different simulation approaches to create a typology of pandemic simulation models. On the basis of this, various properties, functions, and challenges of these simulation models are revealed and discussed in detail from a socioscientific point of view.
    RESULTS: The typology of pandemic simulation methods reveals the diversity of model-driven handling of pandemic threats. However, it is reasonable to assume that the use of simulation models could increasingly shift toward agent-based or artificial intelligence models in the future, thus promoting the logic of algorithmic decision-making in response to public health crises. As algorithmic decision-making focuses more on predicting future dynamics than statistical practices of assessing pandemic events, this study discusses this development in detail, resulting in an operationalized overview of the key social and ethical issues related to pandemic crisis technologies.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study identifies 3 major recommendations for the future of pandemic crisis technologies.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The notion of recovery is frequently evoked in healthcare, but it carries with it a number of ambiguities: do we envisage a return to a state that preceded the illness, or a way of composing a new way of living based on the illness? In order to think more precisely about recovery, this paper proposes to take a philosophical look at the notion of norm and to develop its importance through an approach to time, body and world. This analysis will make it possible to clarify the existential aspects involved in health recovery, and to describe the issues at stake in the care relationship in terms of these dimensions of subjective experience.
    La notion de rétablissement est fréquemment évoquée en santé ; toutefois, elle porte avec elle des ambigüités : envisage-t-on le retour à un état qui a précédé la maladie ou une manière de composer une nouvelle façon de vivre à partir de la maladie ? Afin de penser avec plus de précision le rétablissement, cet article propose de s’intéresser philosophiquement à la notion de norme, et de développer son importance à travers l’approche du temps, du corps et du monde. Cette analyse permettra à la fois de préciser les aspects existentiels concernés par le rétablissement en santé et de décrire les enjeux de la relation de soin à l’aune de ces dimensions du vécu subjectif.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Imitation that entails faithful reproduction of demonstrated behavior by reenacting a sequence of actions accurately is a fast and efficient way to acquire new skills as well as to conform to social norms. Previous studies reported that both culture and gender might impinge on young children\'s fidelity of imitation. We analyzed the imitative behavior of 87 children whose ages ranged from 3 to 6 years. An instrumental task was administered that offered partial (opaque apparatus) or total (transparent apparatus) information about causal connection between the demonstrated actions and their effect in achieving a desired reward. Imitative fidelity (imitating the actions that were demonstrated by an adult model yet were unnecessary for achieving the instrumental goal) increased as a function of age in boys, whereas no differences were found in girls. This lack of increase in girls can be ascribed to their displaying higher degrees of imitation fidelity at an earlier age.





