Neuronal identity

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drosophila nervous system development progresses through a series of well-characterized steps in which homeodomain transcription factors (HDTFs) play key roles during most, if not all, phases. Strikingly, although some HDTFs have only one role, many others are involved in multiple steps of the developmental process. Most Drosophila HDTFs engaged in nervous system development are conserved in vertebrates and often play similar roles during vertebrate development. In this Spotlight, we focus on the role of HDTFs during embryogenesis, where they were first characterized.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Appropriate histone modifications emerge as essential cell fate regulators of neuronal identities across neocortical areas and layers. Here we showed that NSD1, the methyltransferase for di-methylated lysine 36 of histone H3 (H3K36me2), controls both area and layer identities of the neocortex. Nsd1-ablated neocortex showed an area shift of all four primary functional regions and aberrant wiring of cortico-thalamic-cortical projections. Nsd1 conditional knockout mice displayed defects in spatial memory, motor learning, and coordination, resembling patients with the Sotos syndrome carrying NSD1 mutations. On Nsd1 loss, superficial-layer pyramidal neurons (PNs) progressively mis-expressed markers for deep-layer PNs, and PNs remained immature both morphologically and electrophysiologically. Loss of Nsd1 in postmitotic PNs causes genome-wide loss of H3K36me2 and re-distribution of DNA methylation, which accounts for diminished expression of neocortical layer specifiers but ectopic expression of non-neural genes. Together, H3K36me2 mediated by NSD1 is required for the establishment and maintenance of region- and layer-specific neocortical identities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurons are remarkably long-lived, non-dividing cells that must maintain their functional features (e.g., electrical properties, chemical signaling) for extended periods of time - decades in humans. How neurons accomplish this incredible feat is poorly understood. Here, we review recent advances, primarily in the nematode C. elegans, that have enhanced our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that enable post-mitotic neurons to maintain their functionality across different life stages. We begin with \"terminal selectors\" - transcription factors necessary for the establishment and maintenance of neuronal identity. We highlight new findings on five terminal selectors (CHE-1 [Glass], UNC-3 [Collier/Ebf1-4], LIN-39 [Scr/Dfd/Hox4-5], UNC-86 [Acj6/Brn3a-c], AST-1 [Etv1/ER81]) from different transcription factor families (ZNF, COE, HOX, POU, ETS). We compare the functions of these factors in specific neuron types of C. elegans with the actions of their orthologs in other invertebrate (D. melanogaster) and vertebrate (M. musculus) systems, highlighting remarkable functional conservation. Finally, we reflect on recent findings implicating chromatin-modifying proteins, such as histone methyltransferases and Polycomb proteins, in the control of neuronal terminal identity. Altogether, these new studies on transcription factors and chromatin modifiers not only shed light on the fundamental problem of neuronal identity maintenance, but also outline mechanistic principles of gene regulation that may operate in other long-lived, post-mitotic cell types.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cajal-Retzius cells (CRs) are key players in cerebral cortex development, and they display a unique transcriptomic identity. Here, we use scRNA-seq to reconstruct the differentiation trajectory of mouse hem-derived CRs, and we unravel the transient expression of a complete gene module previously known to control multiciliogenesis. However, CRs do not undergo centriole amplification or multiciliation. Upon deletion of Gmnc, the master regulator of multiciliogenesis, CRs are initially produced but fail to reach their normal identity resulting in their massive apoptosis. We further dissect the contribution of multiciliation effector genes and identify Trp73 as a key determinant. Finally, we use in utero electroporation to demonstrate that the intrinsic competence of hem progenitors as well as the heterochronic expression of Gmnc prevent centriole amplification in the CR lineage. Our work exemplifies how the co-option of a complete gene module, repurposed to control a distinct process, may contribute to the emergence of novel cell identities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sound stimulus is encoded in mice by three molecularly and physiologically diverse subtypes of sensory neurons, called Ia, Ib, and Ic spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs). Here, we show that the transcription factor Runx1 controls SGN subtype composition in the murine cochlea. Runx1 is enriched in Ib/Ic precursors by late embryogenesis. Upon the loss of Runx1 from embryonic SGNs, more SGNs take on Ia rather than Ib or Ic identities. This conversion was more complete for genes linked to neuronal function than to connectivity. Accordingly, synapses in the Ib/Ic location acquired Ia properties. Suprathreshold SGN responses to sound were enhanced in Runx1CKO mice, confirming the expansion of neurons with Ia-like functional properties. Runx1 deletion after birth also redirected Ib/Ic SGNs toward Ia identity, indicating that SGN identities are plastic postnatally. Altogether, these findings show that diverse neuronal identities essential for normal auditory stimulus coding arise hierarchically and remain malleable during postnatal development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cajal-Retzius cells (CRs) are a transient neuronal type of the developing cerebral cortex. Over the years, they have been shown or proposed to play important functions in neocortical and hippocampal morphogenesis, circuit formation, brain evolution and human pathology. Because of their short lifespan, CRs have been pictured as a purely developmental cell type, whose production and active elimination are both required for correct brain development. In this review, we present some of the findings that allow us to better appreciate the identity and diversity of this very special cell type, and propose a unified definition of what should be considered a Cajal-Retzius cell, especially when working with non-mammalian species or organoids. In addition, we highlight a flurry of recent studies pointing to the importance of CRs in the assembly of functional and dysfunctional cortical networks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA7) is a neurodegenerative disorder that primarily affects the cerebellum and retina. SCA7 is caused by a polyglutamine expansion in the ATXN7 protein, a subunit of the transcriptional coactivator SAGA that acetylates histone H3 to deposit narrow H3K9ac mark at DNA regulatory elements of active genes. Defective histone acetylation has been presented as a possible cause for gene deregulation in SCA7 mouse models. However, the topography of acetylation defects at the whole genome level and its relationship to changes in gene expression remain to be determined.
    METHODS: We performed deep RNA-sequencing and chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled to high-throughput sequencing to examine the genome-wide correlation between gene deregulation and alteration of the active transcription marks, e.g. SAGA-related H3K9ac, CBP-related H3K27ac and RNA polymerase II (RNAPII), in a SCA7 mouse retinopathy model.
    RESULTS: Our analyses revealed that active transcription marks are reduced at most gene promoters in SCA7 retina, while a limited number of genes show changes in expression. We found that SCA7 retinopathy is caused by preferential downregulation of hundreds of highly expressed genes that define morphological and physiological identities of mature photoreceptors. We further uncovered that these photoreceptor genes harbor unusually broad H3K9ac profiles spanning the entire gene bodies and have a low RNAPII pausing. This broad H3K9ac signature co-occurs with other features that delineate superenhancers, including broad H3K27ac, binding sites for photoreceptor specific transcription factors and expression of enhancer-related non-coding RNAs (eRNAs). In SCA7 retina, downregulated photoreceptor genes show decreased H3K9 and H3K27 acetylation and eRNA expression as well as increased RNAPII pausing, suggesting that superenhancer-related features are altered.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study thus provides evidence that distinctive epigenetic configurations underlying high expression of cell-type specific genes are preferentially impaired in SCA7, resulting in a defect in the maintenance of identity features of mature photoreceptors. Our results also suggest that continuous SAGA-driven acetylation plays a role in preserving post-mitotic neuronal identity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: An essential determinant of a neuron\'s functionality is its neurotransmitter phenotype. We previously identified a defined subpopulation of cholinergic neurons required for social orienting behavior in zebrafish.
    RESULTS: We transcriptionally profiled these neurons and discovered that they are capable of synthesizing both acetylcholine and GABA. We also established a constellation of transcription factors and neurotransmitter markers that can be used as a \"transcriptomic fingerprint\" to recognize a homologous neuronal population in another vertebrate.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that this transcriptomic fingerprint and the cholinergic-GABAergic neuronal subtype that it defines are evolutionarily conserved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The classification of neurons into distinct types reveals hierarchical taxonomic relationships that reflect the extent of similarity between neuronal cell types. At the base of such taxonomies are neuronal cells that are very similar to one another but differ in a small number of reproducible and select features. How are very similar members of a neuron class that share many features instructed to diversify into distinct subclasses? We show here that the six very similar members of the Caenorhabditis elegans IL2 sensory neuron class, which are all specified by a homeobox terminal selector, unc-86/BRN3, differentiate into two subtly distinct subclasses, a dorsoventral subclass and a lateral subclass, by the toggle switch-like action of the sine oculis/SIX homeobox gene unc-39. unc-39 is expressed only in the lateral IL2 neurons, and loss of unc-39 leads to a homeotic transformation of the lateral into the dorsoventral class; conversely, ectopic unc-39 expression converts the dorsoventral subclass into the lateral subclass. Hence, a terminal selector homeobox gene controls both class- as well as subclass-specific features, while a subordinate homeobox gene determines the ability of the class-specific homeobox gene to activate subtype-specific target genes. We find a similar regulatory mechanism operating in a distinct class of six motor neurons. Our findings underscore the importance of homeobox genes in neuronal identity control and invite speculations about homeotic identity transformations as potential drivers of evolutionary novelty during cell-type evolution in the brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Histone variants, which can be expressed outside of S-phase and deposited DNA synthesis-independently, provide long-term histone replacement in postmitotic cells, including neurons. Beyond replenishment, histone variants also play active roles in gene regulation by modulating chromatin states or enabling nucleosome turnover. Here, we uncover crucial roles for the histone H3 variant H3.3 in neuronal development. We find that newborn cortical excitatory neurons, which have only just completed replication-coupled deposition of canonical H3.1 and H3.2, substantially accumulate H3.3 immediately postmitosis. Codeletion of H3.3-encoding genes H3f3a and H3f3b from newly postmitotic neurons abrogates H3.3 accumulation, markedly alters the histone posttranslational modification landscape, and causes widespread disruptions to the establishment of the neuronal transcriptome. These changes coincide with developmental phenotypes in neuronal identities and axon projections. Thus, preexisting, replication-dependent histones are insufficient for establishing neuronal chromatin and transcriptome; de novo H3.3 is required. Stage-dependent deletion of H3f3a and H3f3b from 1) cycling neural progenitor cells, 2) neurons immediately postmitosis, or 3) several days later, reveals the first postmitotic days to be a critical window for de novo H3.3. After H3.3 accumulation within this developmental window, codeletion of H3f3a and H3f3b does not lead to immediate H3.3 loss, but causes progressive H3.3 depletion over several months without widespread transcriptional disruptions or cellular phenotypes. Our study thus uncovers key developmental roles for de novo H3.3 in establishing neuronal chromatin, transcriptome, identity, and connectivity immediately postmitosis that are distinct from its role in maintaining total histone H3 levels over the neuronal lifespan.





