
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People with spinal cord injury (SCI) experience respiratory dysfunctions which include hypersecretions, bronchospasm, and respiratory muscles weakness. Singing therapy has been implemented as part of respiratory muscle training (RMT) to improve their muscle strength. Singing different types and genres of songs may elicit specific recruitment of respiratory muscles, attributed to the variation of the songs\' characteristics including tempo, pitch, and rhythmic complexity. This study aims to determine the effect of singing songs with different characteristics on the accessory respiratory muscle performance among people with SCI. Thirteen male SCI participants of ASIA A and B (C4 -T11) were recruited. Respiratory muscle signals were retrieved by placing two mechanomyography (MMG) sensors on the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and rectus abdominis (RA) muscles. Eight music experts categorized several songs into four categories based on their pitch, tempo, and rhythmic complexity. Each participant sang one song from each category. Findings showed statistically significant difference in RA and SCM responses among all categories (P < 0.01). The SCM muscle is most active while singing high pitch songs. While the RA is most active during slow tempo and easy rhythmic complexity. This shows that different accessory respiratory muscle is activated by people with SCI while singing songs with different characteristics. Clinicians could benefit from this knowledge while prescribing singing therapy or exercise among people with SCI in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the past century, the history of popular music has been analyzed from many different perspectives, with sociologists, musicologists and philosophers all offering distinct narratives characterizing the evolution of popular music. However, quantitative studies on this subject began only in the last decade and focused on features extracted from raw audio, which limits the scope to low-level components of music. The present study investigates the evolution of a more abstract dimension of popular music, specifically melody, using a new dataset of popular melodies spanning from 1950 to 2023. To identify \"melodic revolutions\", changepoint detection was applied to a multivariate time series comprising features related to the pitch and rhythmic structure of the melodies. Two major revolutions in 1975 and 2000 and one smaller revolution in 1996, characterized by significant decreases in complexity, were located. The revolutions divided the time series into three eras, which were modeled separately with autoregression, linear regression and vector autoregression. Linear regression of autoregression residuals underscored inter-feature relationships, which become stronger in post-2000 melodies. The overriding pattern emerging from these analyses shows decreasing complexity and increasing note density in popular melodies over time, especially since 2000.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Decoding an individual\'s hidden brain states in responses to musical stimuli under various cognitive loads can unleash the potential of developing a non-invasive closed-loop brain-machine interface (CLBMI). To perform a pilot study and investigate the brain response in the context of CLBMI, we collect multimodal physiological signals and behavioral data within the working memory experiment in the presence of personalized musical stimuli.
    UNASSIGNED: Participants perform a working memory experiment called the n-back task in the presence of calming music and exciting music. Utilizing the skin conductance signal and behavioral data, we decode the brain\'s cognitive arousal and performance states, respectively. We determine the association of oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO) data with performance state. Furthermore, we evaluate the total hemoglobin (HbT) signal energy over each music session.
    UNASSIGNED: A relatively low arousal variation was observed with respect to task difficulty, while the arousal baseline changes considerably with respect to the type of music. Overall, the performance index is enhanced within the exciting session. The highest positive correlation between the HbO concentration and performance was observed within the higher cognitive loads (3-back task) for all of the participants. Also, the HbT signal energy peak occurs within the exciting session.
    UNASSIGNED: Findings may underline the potential of using music as an intervention to regulate the brain cognitive states. Additionally, the experiment provides a diverse array of data encompassing multiple physiological signals that can be used in the brain state decoder paradigm to shed light on the human-in-the-loop experiments and understand the network-level mechanisms of auditory stimulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Piano tone localization at the performer\'s listening point is a multisensory process involving audition, vision, and upper limb proprioception. The consequent representation of the auditory scene, especially in experienced pianists, is likely also influenced by their memory about the instrument keyboard. Disambiguating such components is not obvious, and first requires an analysis of the acoustic tone localization process to assess the role of auditory feedback in forming this scene. This analysis is complicated by the acoustic behavior of the piano, which does not guarantee the activation of the auditory precedence effect during a tone attack, nor can it provide robust interaural differences during the subsequent free evolution of the sound. In a tone localization task using a Disklavier upright piano (which can be operated remotely and configured to have its hammers hit a damper instead of producing a tone), twenty-three expert musicians, including pianists, successfully recognized the angular position of seven evenly distributed notes across the keyboard. The experiment involved listening to either full piano tones or just the key mechanical noise, with no additional feedback from other senses. This result suggests that the key mechanical noise alone activated the localization process without support from vision and/or limb proprioception. Since the same noise is present in the onset of the full tones, the key mechanics of our piano created a touch precursor in such tones that may be responsible of their correct angular localization by means of the auditory precedence effect. However, the significance of pitch cues arriving at a listener after the touch precursor was not measured when full tones were presented. As these cues characterize a note and, hence, the corresponding key position comprehensively, an open question remains regarding the contribution of pianists\' spatial memory of the instrument keyboard to tone localization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are increasing demands for Participatory Arts-Based (PAB) programs involved in health research to better evidence outcomes using robust quantitative evaluation methodologies taken from science, such as standardized questionnaires, to inform commissioning and scale-up decisions. However, for PAB researchers trying to do this, barriers arise from fundamental interdisciplinary differences in values and contexts. Researchers are required to navigate the tensions between the practice-based evidence produced by the arts and the evidence-based practice sought by psychologists. Consequently, there is a need for interdisciplinary arts-science collaborations to produce alternative methods of evaluation that are better aligned to PAB approaches, and which combine systematic rigor with a sensitivity to the values, contexts and strengths of this approach. The current article centers on the development of an alternative transdisciplinary analytic tool, the Participatory arts Play Framework (PP-Framework), undertaken as part of an arts-psychology collaboration for a UK AHRC-funded PAB research project: Playing A/Part: Investigating the identities and experiences of autistic girls. We present details of three stages in the development of the PP-Framework: 1. preliminary emergence of the framework from initial video analysis of observational data from participatory music and sound workshops run for 6 adolescent autistic girls (aged 11-16); 2. identification and application of modes of engagement; and 3. further testing of the framework as an evaluation tool for use in a real-world setting, involving professional musicians engaged in delivery of a creative music project at a center for homeless people. The PP-Framework maps types of participation in terms of performative behaviors and qualities of experience, understood as modes of play. It functions as a vehicle for analyzing participant engagement, providing a tool predicated on the processes of working in creative participatory contexts while also being sensitive to the esthetic qualities of what is produced and capable of capturing beneficial changes in engagement. It offers a conceptual approach for researchers to undertake observation of participatory arts practices, taking account of embodied engagement and interaction processes. It is informed by understandings of autistic performativity and masking in conjunction with an ecological understanding of sense making as being shaped by environments, social relations and sensing subjectivity. The framework has the potential to be a bi-directional tool, with application for both practitioners and participants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Music is a powerful medium that influences our emotions and memories. Neuroscience research has demonstrated music\'s ability to engage brain regions associated with emotion, reward, motivation, and autobiographical memory. While music\'s role in modulating emotions has been explored extensively, our study investigates whether music can alter the emotional content of memories. Building on the theory that memories can be updated upon retrieval, we tested whether introducing emotional music during memory recollection might introduce false emotional elements into the original memory trace. We developed a 3-day episodic memory task with separate encoding, recollection, and retrieval phases. Our primary hypothesis was that emotional music played during memory recollection would increase the likelihood of introducing novel emotional components into the original memory. Behavioral findings revealed two key outcomes: 1) participants exposed to music during memory recollection were more likely to incorporate novel emotional components congruent with the paired music valence, and 2) memories retrieved 1 day later exhibited a stronger emotional tone than the original memory, congruent with the valence of the music paired during the previous day\'s recollection. Furthermore, fMRI results revealed altered neural engagement during story recollection with music, including the amygdala, anterior hippocampus, and inferior parietal lobule. Enhanced connectivity between the amygdala and other brain regions, including the frontal and visual cortex, was observed during recollection with music, potentially contributing to more emotionally charged story reconstructions. These findings illuminate the interplay between music, emotion, and memory, offering insights into the consequences of infusing emotional music into memory recollection processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Musician\'s focal task-specific dystonia is a complex disorder of fine motor control, with incomplete understanding of its etiology. There have been relatively few trials of botulinum toxin in upper limb task-specific dystonia, and prior studies have yielded variable results, leading to skepticism regarding the utility of this approach in elite performers.
    UNASSIGNED: We conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, cross-over study of incobotulinum toxin-A in 21 professional musicians with focal upper extremity task-specific dystonia affecting performance on their instrument, using a novel paradigm of initial injections followed by booster injections at two- and four-week intervals. The primary outcome measure was the change in blinded dystonia rating of the active arm by two expert raters using a Clinical Global Impression numeric scale at week 8 compared to enrollment.
    UNASSIGNED: 19 men and 2 women with musicians\' dystonia were enrolled over a six-year period. Nineteen patients completed the study. Analysis of the primary outcome measure in comparison to baseline revealed a change in dystonia severity of P = 0.04 and an improvement in overall musical performance of P = 0.027. No clinically significant weakness was observed, and neutralizing antibodies to toxin were not found.
    UNASSIGNED: Despite its small sample size, our study demonstrated a statistically significant benefit of incobotulinum toxin-A injections as a treatment for musicians\' task-specific dystonia. Tailoring the use of toxin with booster injections allowed refinement of dosing strategy and outcomes, with benefits that were meaningful to patients clearly visible on videotaped evaluations. In addition to its application to musicians\' dystonia, this approach may have relevance to optimize application of botulinum toxin in other forms of focal dystonia such as blepharospasm, cervical dystonia, writer\'s cramp, and spasmodic dysphonia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Considerable work has investigated similarities between the processing of music and language, but it remains unclear whether typical, genuine music can influence speech processing via cross-domain priming. To investigate this, we measured ERPs to musical phrases and to syntactically ambiguous Chinese phrases that could be disambiguated by early or late prosodic boundaries. Musical primes also had either early or late prosodic boundaries and we asked participants to judge whether the prime and target have the same structure. Within musical phrases, prosodic boundaries elicited reduced N1 and enhanced P2 components (relative to the no-boundary condition) and musical phrases with late boundaries exhibited a closure positive shift (CPS) component. More importantly, primed target phrases elicited a smaller CPS compared to non-primed phrases, regardless of the type of ambiguous phrase. These results suggest that prosodic priming can occur across domains, supporting the existence of common neural processes in music and language processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review evaluates randomized controlled trials (RCTs) intervening on adult state anxiety (fear and emotional distress during dental treatment), chronic dental (trait) anxiety or dental phobia (disproportionately high trait anxiety; meeting diagnostic criteria for specific phobia). Seven online databases were systematically searched. 173 RCTs met inclusion criteria, of which 67 qualified for 14 pooled analyses. To alleviate state anxiety during oral surgery, moderate-certainty evidence supports employing hypnosis (SMD=-0.31, 95 %CI[-0.56,-0.05]), and low-certainty evidence supports prescribing benzodiazepines (SMD=-0.43, [-0.74,-0.12]). Evidence for reducing state anxiety is inconclusive regarding psychotherapy, and does not support virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET), virtual reality distraction, music, aromatherapy, video information and acupuncture. To reduce trait anxiety, moderate-certainty evidence supports using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT; SMD=-0.65, [-1.06, -0.24]). Regarding dental phobia, evidence with low-to-moderate certainty supports employing psychotherapy (SMD=-0.48, [-0.72,-0.24]), and CBT specifically (SMD=-0.43, [-0.68,-0.17]), but not VRET. These results show that dental anxieties are manageable and treatable. Clinicians should ensure that interventions match their purpose-managing acute emotions during treatment, or alleviating chronic anxiety and avoidance tendencies. Existing research gaps underscore the necessity for future trials to minimize bias and follow CONSORT reporting guidelines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of music applied during the ROP examination on pain, comfort, and physiological parameters in preterm infants.
    METHODS: The sample of this prospective randomized controlled double-blind experimental study consisted of 28 preterm infants who were examined for ROP of a tertiary hospital in the Neonatal Unit. Data were collected with a Questionnaire, Physiological Parameters Observation Form (PPOF), Revised-Premature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP-R), and Premature Infant Comfort Scale (PICS).
    RESULTS: The results revealed that the crying times of the infants in the experimental group were shorter than the infants in the control group. The preterm infants in the experimental group had statistically lower PIPP-R scores during and after the procedure than the PIPP-R scores of the infants in the control group (p < 0.001) and the music applied to the preterm infants resulted in a mean decrease of 3.857 in the post-procedure and pre-procedure PIPP-R scores (p < 0.05). While there was no statistical difference between the pre-procedure and pre-procedural PICS scores of the preterm infants in the experimental and control groups (p = 0.599; p = 117), the post-procedure PICS values of the preterm infants in the experimental group were found to be lower than those of the control group (p < 0.001). It was found that the music applied to preterm infants during the ROP examination resulted in a mean decrease of 1.286 in PICS scores after the procedure and before the procedure (p < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: It was determined that the music listened to during the ROP examination decreased the PIPP-R pain scores of preterm infants, had a positive effect on the PICS scores after the procedure, but did not affect the physiological parameters positively.
    BACKGROUND: Identifier: NCT05263973.





