Models, Neurological

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Object classification has been proposed as a principal objective of the primate ventral visual stream and has been used as an optimization target for deep neural network models (DNNs) of the visual system. However, visual brain areas represent many different types of information, and optimizing for classification of object identity alone does not constrain how other information may be encoded in visual representations. Information about different scene parameters may be discarded altogether (\'invariance\'), represented in non-interfering subspaces of population activity (\'factorization\') or encoded in an entangled fashion. In this work, we provide evidence that factorization is a normative principle of biological visual representations. In the monkey ventral visual hierarchy, we found that factorization of object pose and background information from object identity increased in higher-level regions and strongly contributed to improving object identity decoding performance. We then conducted a large-scale analysis of factorization of individual scene parameters - lighting, background, camera viewpoint, and object pose - in a diverse library of DNN models of the visual system. Models which best matched neural, fMRI, and behavioral data from both monkeys and humans across 12 datasets tended to be those which factorized scene parameters most strongly. Notably, invariance to these parameters was not as consistently associated with matches to neural and behavioral data, suggesting that maintaining non-class information in factorized activity subspaces is often preferred to dropping it altogether. Thus, we propose that factorization of visual scene information is a widely used strategy in brains and DNN models thereof.
    When looking at a picture, we can quickly identify a recognizable object, such as an apple, applying a single word label to it. Although extensive neuroscience research has focused on how human and monkey brains achieve this recognition, our understanding of how the brain and brain-like computer models interpret other complex aspects of a visual scene – such as object position and environmental context – remains incomplete. In particular, it was not clear to what extent object recognition comes at the expense of other important scene details. For example, various aspects of the scene might be processed simultaneously. On the other hand, general object recognition may interfere with processing of such details. To investigate this, Lindsey and Issa analyzed 12 monkey and human brain datasets, as well as numerous computer models, to explore how different aspects of a scene are encoded in neurons and how these aspects are represented by computational models. The analysis revealed that preventing effective separation and retention of information about object pose and environmental context worsened object identification in monkey cortex neurons. In addition, the computer models that were the most brain-like could independently preserve the other scene details without interfering with object identification. The findings suggest that human and monkey high level ventral visual processing systems are capable of representing the environment in a more complex way than previously appreciated. In the future, studying more brain activity data could help to identify how rich the encoded information is and how it might support other functions like spatial navigation. This knowledge could help to build computational models that process the information in the same way, potentially improving their understanding of real-world scenes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Delays in nerve transmission are an important topic in the field of neuroscience. Spike signals fired or received by the dendrites of a neuron travel from the axon to a presynaptic cell. The spike signal then triggers a chemical reaction at the synapse, wherein a presynaptic cell transfers neurotransmitters to the postsynaptic cell, regenerates electrical signals via a chemical reaction through ion channels, and transmits them to neighboring neurons. In the context of describing the complex physiological reaction process as a stochastic process, this study aimed to show that the distribution of the maximum time interval of spike signals follows extreme-order statistics. By considering the statistical variance in the time constant of the leaky Integrate-and-Fire model, a deterministic time evolution model for spike signals, we enabled randomness in the time interval of the spike signals. When the time constant follows an exponential distribution function, the time interval of the spike signal also follows an exponential distribution. In this case, our theory and simulations confirmed that the histogram of the maximum time interval follows the Gumbel distribution, one of the three forms of extreme-value statistics. We further confirmed that the histogram of the maximum time interval followed a Fréchet distribution when the time interval of the spike signal followed a Pareto distribution. These findings confirm that nerve transmission delay can be described using extreme value statistics and can therefore be used as a new indicator of transmission delay.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synchronization is a phenomenon observed in neuronal networks involved in diverse brain activities. Neural mass models such as Wilson-Cowan (WC) and Jansen-Rit (JR) manifest synchronized states. Despite extensive research on these models over the past several decades, their potential of manifesting second-order phase transitions (SOPT) and criticality has not been sufficiently acknowledged. In this study, two networks of coupled WC and JR nodes with small-world topologies were constructed and Kuramoto order parameter (KOP) was used to quantify the amount of synchronization. In addition, we investigated the presence of SOPT using the synchronization coefficient of variation. Both networks reached high synchrony by changing the coupling weight between their nodes. Moreover, they exhibited abrupt changes in the synchronization at certain values of the control parameter not necessarily related to a phase transition. While SOPT was observed only in JR model, neither WC nor JR model showed power-law behavior. Our study further investigated the global synchronization phenomenon that is known to exist in pathological brain states, such as seizure. JR model showed global synchronization, while WC model seemed to be more suitable in producing partially synchronized patterns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the genesis of shared trial-to-trial variability in neuronal population activity within the sensory cortex is critical to uncovering the biological basis of information processing in the brain. Shared variability is often a reflection of the structure of cortical connectivity since it likely arises, in part, from local circuit inputs. A series of experiments from segregated networks of (excitatory) pyramidal neurons in the mouse primary visual cortex challenge this view. Specifically, the across-network correlations were found to be larger than predicted given the known weak cross-network connectivity. We aim to uncover the circuit mechanisms responsible for these enhanced correlations through biologically motivated cortical circuit models. Our central finding is that coupling each excitatory subpopulation with a specific inhibitory subpopulation provides the most robust network-intrinsic solution in shaping these enhanced correlations. This result argues for the existence of excitatory-inhibitory functional assemblies in early sensory areas which mirror not just response properties but also connectivity between pyramidal cells. Furthermore, our findings provide theoretical support for recent experimental observations showing that cortical inhibition forms structural and functional subnetworks with excitatory cells, in contrast to the classical view that inhibition is a nonspecific blanket suppression of local excitation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attention supports decision making by selecting the features that are relevant for decisions. Selective enhancement of the relevant features and inhibition of distractors has been proposed as potential neural mechanisms driving this selection process. Yet, how attention operates when relevance cannot be directly determined, and the attention signal needs to be internally constructed is less understood. Here we recorded from populations of neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) of mice in an attention-shifting task where relevance of stimulus modalities changed across blocks of trials. In contrast with V1 recordings, decoding of the irrelevant modality gradually declined in ACC after an initial transient. Our analytical proof and a recurrent neural network model of the task revealed mutually inhibiting connections that produced context-gated suppression as observed in mice. Using this RNN model we predicted a correlation between contextual modulation of individual neurons and their stimulus drive, which we confirmed in ACC but not in V1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When processing language, the brain is thought to deploy specialized computations to construct meaning from complex linguistic structures. Recently, artificial neural networks based on the Transformer architecture have revolutionized the field of natural language processing. Transformers integrate contextual information across words via structured circuit computations. Prior work has focused on the internal representations (\"embeddings\") generated by these circuits. In this paper, we instead analyze the circuit computations directly: we deconstruct these computations into the functionally-specialized \"transformations\" that integrate contextual information across words. Using functional MRI data acquired while participants listened to naturalistic stories, we first verify that the transformations account for considerable variance in brain activity across the cortical language network. We then demonstrate that the emergent computations performed by individual, functionally-specialized \"attention heads\" differentially predict brain activity in specific cortical regions. These heads fall along gradients corresponding to different layers and context lengths in a low-dimensional cortical space.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gamma oscillations nested in a theta rhythm are observed in the hippocampus, where are assumed to play a role in sequential episodic memory, i.e., memorization and retrieval of events that unfold in time. In this work, we present an original neurocomputational model based on neural masses, which simulates the encoding of sequences of events in the hippocampus and subsequent retrieval by exploiting the theta-gamma code. The model is based on a three-layer structure in which individual Units oscillate with a gamma rhythm and code for individual features of an episode. The first layer (working memory in the prefrontal cortex) maintains a cue in memory until a new signal is presented. The second layer (CA3 cells) implements an auto-associative memory, exploiting excitatory and inhibitory plastic synapses to recover an entire episode from a single feature. Units in this layer are disinhibited by a theta rhythm from an external source (septum or Papez circuit). The third layer (CA1 cells) implements a hetero-associative net with the previous layer, able to recover a sequence of episodes from the first one. During an encoding phase, simulating high-acetylcholine levels, the network is trained with Hebbian (synchronizing) and anti-Hebbian (desynchronizing) rules. During retrieval (low-acetylcholine), the network can correctly recover sequences from an initial cue using gamma oscillations nested inside the theta rhythm. Moreover, in high noise, the network isolated from the environment simulates a mind-wandering condition, randomly replicating previous sequences. Interestingly, in a state simulating sleep, with increased noise and reduced synapses, the network can \"dream\" by creatively combining sequences, exploiting features shared by different episodes. Finally, an irrational behavior (erroneous superimposition of features in various episodes, like \"delusion\") occurs after pathological-like reduction in fast inhibitory synapses. The model can represent a straightforward and innovative tool to help mechanistically understand the theta-gamma code in different mental states.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this article, we develop an analytical approach for estimating brain connectivity networks that accounts for subject heterogeneity. More specifically, we consider a novel extension of a multi-subject Bayesian vector autoregressive model that estimates group-specific directed brain connectivity networks and accounts for the effects of covariates on the network edges. We adopt a flexible approach, allowing for (possibly) nonlinear effects of the covariates on edge strength via a novel Bayesian nonparametric prior that employs a weighted mixture of Gaussian processes. For posterior inference, we achieve computational scalability by implementing a variational Bayes scheme. Our approach enables simultaneous estimation of group-specific networks and selection of relevant covariate effects. We show improved performance over competing two-stage approaches on simulated data. We apply our method on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data from children with a history of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and healthy controls to estimate the effects of age and sex on the group-level connectivities. Our results highlight differences in the distribution of parent nodes. They also suggest alteration in the relation of age, with peak edge strength in children with TBI, and differences in effective connectivity strength between males and females.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coordination of goal-directed behavior depends on the brain\'s ability to recover the locations of relevant objects in the world. In humans, the visual system encodes the spatial organization of sensory inputs, but neurons in early visual areas map objects according to their retinal positions, rather than where they are in the world. How the brain computes world-referenced spatial information across eye movements has been widely researched and debated. Here, we tested whether shifts of covert attention are sufficiently precise in space and time to track an object\'s real-world location across eye movements. We found that observers\' attentional selectivity is remarkably precise and is barely perturbed by the execution of saccades. Inspired by recent neurophysiological discoveries, we developed an observer model that rapidly estimates the real-world locations of objects and allocates attention within this reference frame. The model recapitulates the human data and provides a parsimonious explanation for previously reported phenomena in which observers allocate attention to task-irrelevant locations across eye movements. Our findings reveal that visual attention operates in real-world coordinates, which can be computed rapidly at the earliest stages of cortical processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This retrospective begins with Galvani\'s experiments on frogs at the end of the 18th century and his discovery of \'animal electricity\'. It goes on to illustrate the numerous contributions to the field of physical chemistry in the second half of the 19th century (Nernst\'s equilibrium potential, based on the work of Wilhelm Ostwald, Max Planck\'s ion electrodiffusion, Einstein\'s studies of Brownian motion) which led Bernstein to propose his membrane theory in the early 1900s as an explanation of Galvani\'s findings and cell excitability. These processes were fully elucidated by Hodgkin and Huxley in 1952 who detailed the ionic basis of resting and action potentials, but without addressing the question of where these ions passed. The emerging question of the existence of ion channels, widely debated over the next two decades, was finally accepted and, a decade later, many of them began to be cloned. This led to the possibility of modelling the activity of individual neurons in the brain and then that of simple circuits. Taking advantage of the remarkable advances in computer science in the new millennium, together with a much deeper understanding of brain architecture, more ambitious scientific goals were dreamed of to understand the brain and how it works. The retrospective concludes by reviewing the main efforts in this direction, namely the construction of a digital brain, an in silico copy of the brain that would run on supercomputers and behave just like a real brain.





