Model plants

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant cell, tissue, and organ cultures (PCTOC) have been used as experimental systems in basic research, allowing gene function demonstration through gene overexpression or repression and investigating the processes involved in embryogenesis and organogenesis or those related to the potential production of secondary metabolites, among others. On the other hand, PCTOC has also been applied at the commercial level for the vegetative multiplication (micropropagation) of diverse plant species, mainly ornamentals but also horticultural crops such as potato or fruit and tree species, and to produce high-quality disease-free plants. Moreover, PCTOC protocols are important auxiliary systems in crop breeding crops to generate pure lines (homozygous) to produce hybrids for the obtention of polyploid plants with higher yields or better performance. PCTOC has been utilized to preserve and conserve the germplasm of different crops or threatened species. Plant genetic improvement through genetic engineering and genome editing has been only possible thanks to the establishment of efficient in vitro plant regeneration protocols. Different companies currently focus on commercializing plant secondary metabolites with interesting biological activities using in vitro PCTOC. The impact of omics on PCTOC is discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Knowing how chromosome recombination works is essential for plant breeding. It enables the design of crosses between different varieties to combine desirable traits and create new ones. This is because the meiotic crossovers between homologous chromatids are not purely random, and various strategies have been developed to describe and predict such exchange events. Recent studies have used methylation data to predict chromosomal recombination in rice using machine learning models. This approach proved successful due to the presence of a positive correlation between the CHH context cytosine methylation and recombination rates in rice chromosomes. This paper assesses the question if methylation can be used to predict recombination in four plant species: Arabidopsis, maize, sorghum, and tomato. The results indicate a positive association between CHH context methylation and recombination rates in certain plant species, with varying degrees of strength in their relationships. The CG and CHG methylation contexts show negative correlation with recombination. Methylation data was key effectively in predicting recombination in sorghum and tomato, with a mean determination coefficient of 0.65 ± 0.11 and 0.76 ± 0.05, respectively. In addition, the mean correlation values between predicted and experimental recombination rates were 0.83 ± 0.06 for sorghum and 0.90 ± 0.05 for tomato, confirming the significance of methylomes in both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous species. The predictions for Arabidopsis and maize were not as accurate, likely due to the comparatively weaker relationships between methylation contexts and recombination, in contrast to sorghum and tomato, where stronger associations were observed. To enhance the accuracy of predictions, further evaluations using data sets closely related to each other might prove beneficial. In general, this methylome-based method holds great potential as a reliable strategy for predicting recombination rates in various plant species, offering valuable insights to breeders in their quest to develop novel and improved varieties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global climate change is predicted to result in increased yield losses of agricultural crops caused by environmental conditions. In particular, heat and drought stress are major factors that negatively affect plant development and reproduction, and previous studies have revealed how these stresses induce plant responses at physiological and molecular levels. Here, we provide a comprehensive overview of current knowledge concerning how drought, heat, and combinations of these stress conditions affect the status of plants, including crops, by affecting factors such as stomatal conductance, photosynthetic activity, cellular oxidative conditions, metabolomic profiles, and molecular signaling mechanisms. We further discuss stress-responsive regulatory factors such as transcription factors and signaling factors, which play critical roles in adaptation to both drought and heat stress conditions and potentially function as \'hubs\' in drought and/or heat stress responses. Additionally, we present recent findings based on forward genetic approaches that reveal natural variations in agricultural crops that play critical roles in agricultural traits under drought and/or heat conditions. Finally, we provide an overview of the application of decades of study results to actual agricultural fields as a strategy to increase drought and/or heat stress tolerance. This review summarizes our current understanding of plant responses to drought, heat, and combinations of these stress conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chara has been used as a model for decades in the field of plant physiology, enabling the investigation of fundamental physiological processes. In electrophysiological studies, Chara has been utilized thanks to its large internodal cells that can be easily manipulated. Additionally, Chara played a pioneering role in elucidating the presence and function of the cytoskeleton in cytoplasmic streaming, predating similar findings in terrestrial plants. Its representation considerably declined following the establishment and routine application of genetic transformation techniques in Arabidopsis. Nevertheless, the recent surge in evo-devo studies can be attributed to the whole genome sequencing of the Chara braunii, which has shed light on ancestral traits prevalent in land plants. Surprisingly, the Chara braunii genome encompasses numerous genes that were previously regarded as exclusive to land plants, suggesting their acquisition prior to the colonization of terrestrial habitats. This review summarizes the established methods used to study Chara, while incorporating recent molecular data, to showcase its renewed importance as a model organism in advancing plant evolutionary developmental biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pangenome of a species is the sum of the genomes of its individuals. As coding sequences often represent only a small fraction of each genome, analyzing the pangene set can be a cost-effective strategy for plants with large genomes or highly heterozygous species. Here, we describe a step-by-step protocol to analyze plant pangene sets with the software GET_HOMOLOGUES-EST . After a short introduction, where the main concepts are illustrated, the remaining sections cover the installation and typical operations required to analyze and annotate pantranscriptomes and gene sets of plants. The recipes include instructions on how to call core and accessory genes, how to compute a presence-absence pangenome matrix, and how to identify and analyze private genes, present only in some genotypes. Downstream phylogenetic analyses are also discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants have proficient tools that allow them to survive interactions with pathogens. Upon attack, they respond with specific countermeasures, which are controlled by the immune system. However, defences can fail and this failure exposes plants to fast-spreading devastation. Trees face similar challenges to other plants and their immune system allows them to mount defences against pathogens. However, their slow growth, longevity, woodiness, and size can make trees a challenging system to study. Here, we review scientific successes in plant systems, highlight the key challenges and describe the enormous opportunities for pathology research in trees. We discuss the benefits that scaling-up our understanding on tree-pathogen interactions can provide in the fight against plant pathogenic threats.






  • 文章类型: Dataset
    Ensembl Plants ( ) offers genome-scale information for plants, with four releases per year. As of release 47 (April 2020) it features 79 species and includes genome sequence, gene models, and functional annotation. Comparative analyses help reconstruct the evolutionary history of gene families, genomes, and components of polyploid genomes. Some species have gene expression baseline reports or variation across genotypes. While the data can be accessed through the Ensembl genome browser, here we review specifically how our plant genomes can be interrogated programmatically and the data downloaded in bulk. These access routes are generally consistent across Ensembl for other non-plant species, including plant pathogens, pests, and pollinators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abiotic stresses are among the most damaging and ever-increasing threats to crop production worldwide. Utilizing extreme-habitat-adapted symbiotic microorganisms is a well-known strategy to mitigate the destructive effects of abiotic stresses on agricultural products. Here, we show the effects of the inoculation of halotolerant endophytic fungi recovered from desert plants on drought and salinity stress tolerance in two model agricultural plants A Periconia and two Neocamarosporium species were selected for this study after an in vitro halotolerant assay. Then, a random block design with three factors including fungi, salinity, and drought treatments was used to investigate the ability of these endophytes to induce stress resistance in tomato and cucumber plants. Physiological markers including proline content and activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase enzymes; as well as growth parameters and chlorophyll contents were assessed in all model plants. Fungal symbiosis increased chlorophyll concentration and plant growth, under all levels of salinity and drought stress. In model plants associated with P. macrospinosa significant increase in proline content and antioxidant enzymatic activities was observed under all levels of the salinity and drought stresses compared to the endophyte-free plants, while plants associated with the two Neocamarosporium species, indicated significant increasing proline content and antioxidant enzymatic activities only in high levels of the salinity and drought stresses. Our findings provide novel insights into the eco-physiological mechanisms of halotolerant fungal endophyte-mediated drought and salinity stress tolerance in cucumber and tomato plants, which signify the prospective applications of arid and saline habitat adapted endophytes in agricultural systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to the increasing release of metal-containing nanoparticles into the environment, the investigation of their interactions with plants has become a hot topic for many research fields. However, the obtention of reliable data requires a careful design of experimental model studies. The behavior of nanoparticles has to be comprehensively investigated; their stability in growth media, bioaccumulation and characterization of their physicochemical forms taken-up by plants, identification of the species created following their dissolution/oxidation, and finally, their localization within plant tissues. On the basis of their strong expertise, the authors present guidelines for studies of interactions between metal-containing nanoparticles and plants.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In plants, the plasma membrane is enclosed by the cell wall and anchors RLK and RLP proteins, which play a fundamental role in perception of developmental and environmental cues and are crucial in plant development and immunity. These plasma membrane receptors belong to large gene/protein families that are not easily classified computationally. This detailed analysis of these plasma membrane proteins brings a new source of information to the legume genetic, physiology and breeding research communities.
    RESULTS: A computational approach to identify and classify RLK and RLP proteins is presented. The strategy was evaluated using experimentally-validated RLK and RLP proteins and was determined to have a sensitivity of over 0.85, a specificity of 1.00, and a Matthews correlation coefficient of 0.91. The computational approach can be used to develop a detailed catalog of plasma membrane receptors (by type and domains) in several legume/crop species. The exclusive domains identified in legumes for RLKs are WaaY, APH Pkinase_C, LRR_2, and EGF, and for RLP are L-lectin LPRY and PAN_4. The RLK-nonRD and RLCK subclasses are also discovered by the methodology. In both classes, less than 20% of the total RLK predicted for each species belong to this class. Among the 10-species evaluated ~ 40% of the proteins in the kinome are RLKs. The exclusive legume domain combinations identified are B-Lectin/PR5K domains in G. max, M. truncatula, V. angularis, and V. unguiculata and a three-domain combination B-lectin/S-locus/WAK in C. cajan, M. truncatula, P. vulgaris, V. angularis. and V. unguiculata.
    CONCLUSIONS: The analysis suggests that about 2% of the proteins of each genome belong to the RLK family and less than 1% belong to RLP family. Domain diversity combinations are greater for RLKs compared with the RLP proteins and LRR domains, and the dual domain combination LRR/Malectin were the most frequent domain for both groups of plasma membrane receptors among legume and non-legume species. Legumes exclusively show Pkinase extracellular domains, and atypical domain combinations in RLK and RLP compared with the non-legumes evaluated. The computational logic approach is statistically well supported and can be used with the proteomes of other plant species.






