Mitochondrial transporter

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bioenergy decline occurs with reperfusion following acute ischemic stroke. However, the molecular mechanisms that limit energy metabolism and their impact on post-stroke cognitive and emotional complications are still unclear. In the present study, we demonstrate that the p53 transcriptional response is responsible for neuronal adenosine triphosphate (ATP) deficiency and progressively neuropsychiatric disturbances, involving the downregulation of mitochondrial voltage-dependent anion channels (VDACs). Neuronal p53 transactivated the promoter of microRNA-183 (miR-183) cluster, thereby upregulating biogenesis of miR-183-5p (miR-183), miR-96-5p (miR-96), and miR-182-5p. Both miR-183 and miR-96 directly targeted and post-transcriptionally suppressed VDACs. Neuronal ablation of p53 protected against ATP deficiency and neurological deficits, whereas post-stroke rescue of miR-183/VDAC signaling reversed these benefits. Interestingly, cyclin-dependent kinase 9 (CDK9) was found to be enriched in cortical neurons and upregulated the p53-induced transcription of the miR-183 cluster in neurons after ischemia. Post-treatment with the CDK9 inhibitor oroxylin A promoted neuronal ATP production mainly through suppressing the miR-183 cluster/VDAC axis, further improved long-term sensorimotor abilities and spatial memory, and alleviated depressive-like behaviors in mice following stroke. Our findings reveal an intrinsic CDK9/p53/VDAC pathway that drives neuronal bioenergy decline and underlies post-stroke cognitive impairment and depression, thus highlighting the therapeutic potential of oroxylin A for better outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we advance our understanding of the spatial relationship between the purinosome, a liquid condensate consisting of six enzymes involved in de novo purine biosynthesis, and mitochondria. Previous research has shown that purinosomes move along tubulin toward mitochondria, suggesting a direct uptake of glycine from mitochondria. Here, we propose that the purinosome is located proximally to the mitochondrial transporters SLC25A13 and SLC25A38, facilitating the uptake of glycine, aspartate, and glutamate, essential factors for purine synthesis. We utilized the proximity ligation assay and APEX proximity labeling to investigate the association between purinosome proteins and mitochondrial transporters. Our results indicate that purinosome assembly occurs close to the mitochondrial membrane under purine-deficient conditions, with the transporters migrating to be adjacent to the purinosome. Furthermore, both targeted and non-targeted analyses suggest that the SLC25A13-APEX2-V5 probe accurately reflects endogenous cellular status. These findings provide insights into the spatial organization of purine biosynthesis and lay the groundwork for further investigations into additional proteins involved in this pathway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondrial transporters facilitate the translocation of metabolites between the cytoplasm and mitochondria and are critical for mitochondrial functional integrity. Although many mitochondrial transporters are associated with metabolic diseases, how they regulate mitochondrial function and their metabolic contributions at the cellular level are largely unknown. Here, we show that mitochondrial thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) transporter SLC25A19 is required for mitochondrial respiration. SLC25A19 deficiency leads to reduced cell viability, increased integrated stress response (ISR), enhanced glycolysis and elevated cell sensitivity to 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) treatment. Through a series of biochemical assays, we found that the depletion of mitochondrial NADH is the primary cause of the impaired mitochondrial respiration in SLC25A19 deficient cells. We also showed involvement of SLC25A19 in regulating the enzymatic activities of complexes I and III, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, malate-aspartate shuttle and amino acid metabolism. Consistently, addition of idebenone, an analog of coenzyme Q10, restores mitochondrial respiration and cell viability in SLC25A19 deficient cells. Together, our findings provide new insight into the functions of SLC25A19 in mitochondrial and cellular physiology, and suggest that restoring mitochondrial respiration could be a novel strategy for treating SLC25A19-associated disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organelle transporters define metabolic compartmentalization, and how this metabolite transport process can be modulated is poorly explored. Here, we discovered that human SLC25A39, a mitochondrial transporter critical for mitochondrial glutathione uptake, is a short-lived protein under dual regulation at the protein level. Co-immunoprecipitation mass spectrometry and CRISPR knockout (KO) in mammalian cells identified that mitochondrial m-AAA protease AFG3L2 is responsible for degrading SLC25A39 through the matrix loop 1. SLC25A39 senses mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster using four matrix cysteine residues and inhibits its degradation. SLC25A39 protein regulation is robust in developing and mature neurons. This dual transporter regulation, by protein quality control and metabolic sensing, allows modulating mitochondrial glutathione level in response to iron homeostasis, opening avenues for exploring regulation of metabolic compartmentalization. Neuronal SLC25A39 regulation connects mitochondrial protein quality control, glutathione, and iron homeostasis, which were previously unrelated biochemical features in neurodegeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondrial carriers (MCs) belong to a eukaryotic protein family of transporters that in higher organisms is called the solute carrier family 25 (SLC25). All MCs have characteristic triplicated sequence repeats forming a 3-fold symmetrical structure of a six-transmembrane α-helix bundle with a centrally located substrate-binding site. Biochemical characterization has shown that MCs altogether transport a wide variety of substrates but can be divided into subfamilies, each transporting a few specific substrates. We have investigated the intron positions in the human MC genes and their orthologs of highly diversified organisms. The results demonstrate that several intron positions are present in numerous MC sequences at the same specific points, of which some are 3-fold symmetry related. Many of these frequent intron positions are also conserved in subfamilies or in groups of subfamilies transporting similar substrates. The analyses of the frequent and conserved intron positions in MCs suggest phylogenetic relationships not only between close but also distant homologs as well as a possible involvement of the intron positions in the evolution of the substrate specificity diversification of the MC family members.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Calcium kidney stones are common and recurrences are often not preventable by available empiric remedies. Their etiology is multifactorial and polygenic, and an increasing number of genes are implicated. Their identification will enable improved management.
    METHODS: DNA from three stone-formers in a Southampton family (UK) and two from an Italian family were analyzed independently by whole exome sequencing and selected variants were genotyped across all available members of both pedigrees. A disease variant of SLC25A25 (OMIM 608745), encoding the mitochondrial ATP-Mg/Pi carrier 3 (APC3) was identified, and analyzed structurally and functionally with respect to its calcium-regulated transport activity.
    RESULTS: All five patients had a heterozygous dominant SLC25A25 variant (rs140777921; GRCh37.p13: chr 9 130868670 G>C; p.Gln349His; Reference Sequence NM_001006641.3). Non-stone formers also carried the variant indicating incomplete penetrance. Modeling suggests that the variant lacks a conserved polar interaction, which may cause structural instability. Calcium-regulated ATP transport was reduced to ~20% of the wild type, showing a large reduction in function.
    CONCLUSIONS: The transporter is important in regulating mitochondrial ATP production. This rare variant may increase urine lithogenicity through impaired provision of ATP for solute transport processes in the kidney, and/or for purinergic signaling. Variants found in other genes may compound this abnormality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is associated with abnormalities in cytoskeletal proteins, mitochondrial ATP transporter, microvasculature, and fibrosis. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can ameliorate distressed mitochondrial and structural proteins, as well as fibrosis, via the paracrine effect of cytokines. This study aimed to investigate whether the transplantation of adipose tissue-derived MSCs (ADSCs) reverses histological and functional abnormalities in the distressed myocardium of DCM-like hamsters by modulating the expression of adenine nucleotide translocase 1 (ANT-1).
    UNASSIGNED: Eighteen weeks after birth, ADSCs were implanted onto the cardiac surface of δ-sarcoglycan (SG)-deficient hamsters or sham surgery was performed.
    UNASSIGNED: Left ventricular ejection fraction and end-systolic diameter were maintained in ADSC-treated animals for four weeks, ATP concentration was considerably elevated in the cardiomyocytes of these animals, and ANT-1 expression was significantly upregulated as well. The expression of extracellular matrix and myocardial cytoskeletal proteins, such as collagen, SG, and α-dystroglycan, did not differ between groups. However, significant improvements in myosin and Smad4 expression, cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, and capillary density occurred in the ADSC-treated group.
    UNASSIGNED: We demonstrated that ADSCs might maintain cardiac function in the DCM hamster model by enhancing ATP concentration, as well as mitochondrial transporter and myosin expression, indicating their potential for DCM treatment.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Subcellular compartmentation is a fundamental property of eukaryotic cells. Communication and metabolic and regulatory interconnectivity between organelles require that solutes can be transported across their surrounding membranes. Indeed, in mammals, there are hundreds of genes encoding solute carriers (SLCs) which mediate the selective transport of molecules such as nucleotides, amino acids, and sugars across biological membranes. Research over many years has identified the localization and preferred substrates of a large variety of SLCs. Of particular interest has been the SLC25 family, which includes carriers embedded in the inner membrane of mitochondria to secure the supply of these organelles with major metabolic intermediates and coenzymes. The substrate specificity of many of these carriers has been established in the past. However, the route by which animal mitochondria are supplied with NAD+ had long remained obscure. Only just recently, the existence of a human mitochondrial NAD+ carrier was firmly established. With the realization that SLC25A51 (or MCART1) represents the major mitochondrial NAD+ carrier in mammals, a long-standing mystery in NAD+ biology has been resolved. Here, we summarize the functional importance and structural features of this carrier as well as the key observations leading to its discovery.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The SLC25A20 transporter, also known as carnitine acyl-carnitine carrier (CAC), catalyzes the transport of short, medium and long carbon chain acyl-carnitines across the mitochondrial inner membrane in exchange for carnitine. The 30-year story of the protein responsible for this function started with its purification from rat liver mitochondria. Even though its 3D structure is not yet available, CAC is one of the most deeply characterized transport proteins of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Other than functional, kinetic and mechanistic data, post-translational modifications regulating the transport activity of CAC have been revealed. CAC interactions with drugs or xenobiotics relevant to human health and toxicology and the response of the carrier function to dietary compounds have been discovered. Exploiting combined approaches of site-directed mutagenesis with chemical targeting and bioinformatics, a large set of data on structure/function relationships have been obtained, giving novel information on the molecular mechanism of the transport catalyzed by this protein.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) is a well-known mitochondrial exchanger of ATP against ADP. In contrast, few studies have shown that ANT also mediates proton transport across the inner mitochondrial membrane. The results of these studies are controversial and lead to different hypotheses about molecular transport mechanisms. We hypothesized that the H+-transport mediated by ANT and uncoupling proteins (UCP) has a similar regulation pattern and can be explained by the fatty acid cycling concept. The reconstitution of purified recombinant ANT1 in the planar lipid bilayers allowed us to measure the membrane current after the direct application of transmembrane potential ΔΨ, which would correspond to the mitochondrial states III and IV. Experimental results reveal that ANT1 does not contribute to a basal proton leak. Instead, it mediates H+ transport only in the presence of long-chain fatty acids (FA), as already known for UCPs. It depends on FA chain length and saturation, implying that FA\'s transport is confined to the lipid-protein interface. Purine nucleotides with the preference for ATP and ADP inhibited H+ transport. Specific inhibitors of ATP/ADP transport, carboxyatractyloside or bongkrekic acid, also decreased proton transport. The H+ turnover number was calculated based on ANT1 concentration determined by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and is equal to 14.6 ± 2.5 s-1. Molecular dynamic simulations revealed a large positively charged area at the protein/lipid interface that might facilitate FA anion\'s transport across the membrane. ANT\'s dual function-ADP/ATP and H+ transport in the presence of FA-may be important for the regulation of mitochondrial membrane potential and thus for potential-dependent processes in mitochondria. Moreover, the expansion of proton-transport modulating drug targets to ANT1 may improve the therapy of obesity, cancer, steatosis, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.






