
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acaricides used against Tetranychus urticae Koch, 1836 (Acari: Tetranychidae) in cotton fields cause control failure over time. To determine the resistance status of T. urticae populations to tebufenpyrad and bifenazate, different populations collected from Aydın (AYD), Adana (ADA), Şanlıurfa (SAN), and Diyarbakır (DIY) provinces of Türkiye, between 2019 and 2020, were subjected to diagnostic dose bioassays. Firstly, the spider mites were eliminated with a discriminating dose. Afterwards, LC50 and LC90 of the remaining populations were determined and the ten highest resistant populations were selected. The highest phenotypic resistance to bifenazate was observed in AYD4 and DIY2 (LC50 57.14 mg L- 1 with 85.01-fold and LC50 30.15 mg L- 1with 44.86-fold, respectively), while the lowest phenotypic resistance was found in SAN6 (LC50 1.5 mg L- 1; 2.28-fold). Considering the phenotypic resistance to tebufenpyrad, the highest resistance was found in AYD4 population (LC50 96.81 mg L- 1; 12.92-fold), while the lowest - in DIY28 population (LC50 21.23 mg L- 1; 2.83-fold). In pharmacokinetic studies, the ADA16 population was compared with the sensitive German Susceptible Strain population and it was determined that carboxylesterase activity was statistically higher (1.46 ± 0.04 nmol/min/mg protein enzyme activation 2.70-fold). The highest activation of glutathione S-transferase was detected in ADA16 (1.49 ± 0.01 nmol/min/mg protein; 2.32-fold). No mutations were found in PSST (METI 1), the point mutation site for tebufenpyrad, and Cytb (METI 3), the point mutation site for bifenazate. In terms of phenotypic resistance, bifenazate was found to be moderately resistant in two populations (85.01 and 44.86-fold), while tebufenpyrad was moderately resistant in one population (12.92-fold). This study showed that both acaricides are still effective against T. urticae populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deformed wing virus (DWV) is a pathogenic virus of honey bees transmitted by the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor. Annual overwintering colony losses, accounting for ~25% of all colonies, are associated with high levels of Varroa-DWV infestation. Effective miticide treatments are available to control Varroa. However, the absence of coordinated treatment means environmental transmission of mites continues unchecked. We aimed to determine whether rational, coordinated treatment is beneficial, and characterized the DWV population as an indicator of colony health.This study uses coordinated treatment of Varroa in a geographically isolated environment (Isle of Arran, Scotland) over 3 years. The study area contained 50-84 colonies managed by ~20 amateur beekeepers. Sampling and virus analysis to assess strain diversity and viral loads were conducted before and after treatments, and changes in population diversity were quantified by sequence analysis.Over the 3 years analysis of the virus population revealed that the dominant DWV variant shifted from Type A to Type B in all apiaries, regardless of mite levels or proximity to other colonies. During this period the number of managed colonies increased by 47% (57-84 colonies), but despite this, we estimate total mite numbers decreased by 58%. Synthesis and applications. In this study, the beekeepers in Arran significantly improved the number of colonies they managed, without importing any bees onto the island, indicating that an improved focus on management techniques, through the combination of a coordinated miticide programme and an improved understanding of bee diseases, could yield positive results for bee health and sustainability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Blood sucking parasites not only cause economic loss but also transmit numerous diseases. Dermanyssus gallinae, an obligatory blood feeding ectoparasite causes huge production loss to the poultry industry. Mosquitoes act as vector for transmitting several viral and parasitic diseases in humans. Acaricide resistance limits the control of these parasites. The present study was aimed to control the parasites using chitinase that have selective degradation of chitin, an important component in exoskeleton development. Chitinase was induced in Streptomyces mutabilis IMA8 with chitin extracted from Charybdis smithii. The enzyme showed more than 50% activity at 30-50 °C and the optimum activity at 45 °C. The enzyme activity of chitinase was highest at pH 7.0. The kinetic parameters Km and Vmax values of chitinase were determined by non-linear regression using Michaelis-Menten equation and its derivative Hanes-Wolf plot. The larvicidal effect of different concentrations of chitinase was evaluated against all instar larvae (I-IV) and pupae of An. stephensi and Ae. aegypti after 24 h of exposure. The percentage of mortality was directly proportional to the chitinase concentration. Bioassay for miticidal activity showed that chitinase had excellent miticidal activity (LC50 = 24.2 ppm) against D. gallinae. The present study suggested the usage of Streptomyces mutabilis for preparation of chitinase in mosquito and mite control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Varroa destructor is an ectoparasitic mite associated with significant losses of honeybee colonies globally. The mite vectors a range of pathogenic viruses, the most important of which is the Deformed wing virus (DWV). In the absence of Varroa, DWV exists as a low-level, highly diverse virus population. However, when transmitted by Varroa, certain variants become highly elevated, and may become near-clonal and cause symptomatic infections. Mite transmission between colonies can occur when parasitised workers drift from or rob adjacent hives. These activities can result in elevated mite levels, but the resulting change in the DWV population, the primary determinant of winter colony losses, has not been determined. In reciprocal studies, we investigated the influence of the removal of mites, or their acquisition, on the DWV population. When mites were removed from heavily infested colonies, there was a striking and rapid reduction in virus load. Conversely, siting Varroa-naïve colonies in a mite-infested apiary resulted in the acquisition of mites and concomitant changes in the virus population. We observed both near-clonal and highly divergent virus populations regardless of titre, suggesting changes were stochastic and colony-specific. Our findings have implications for the outcome of strategies in areas with total or patchy implementation of Varroa control plans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Currently several pyrethroids (e.g., flumethrin and tau-fluvalinate) are used in apiculture worldwide as acaricides/miticides. The long half-lives of pyrethroids in synthetic acaricides applied to hive matrices, may adversely affect the health of bee colony. The potentially adverse effects of synthetic acaricide/miticide tau-fluvalinate (tech.) on winter honeybees were assessed in this study (OECD 245 2017). No dose-dependent mortality in in vitro reared winter honeybees was observed after chronic oral 10-day exposure to syrup (50% w/v) spiked with a maximum concentration of 750 μg a.i./kg diet and its 1/10 concentration. The No Observed Effect Concentration is ≥ 750 μg a.i./kg diet. Tau-fluvalinate testing for the sublethal effects on bee immune system showed up-regulated gene expression encoding abaecin, lysozyme, and defensin in both tested groups, however the expression of hymenoptaecin gene was reduced. Moreover, tau-fluvalinate significantly induced levels of DNA damage in exposed bees, which can result in adverse genotoxic effect.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The risk of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) exposure to pesticide residues while foraging for nectar and pollen is commonly explored in the context of agroecosystems. However, pesticides are also used in urban and suburban areas for vegetation management, vector control, and the management of ornamental plants in public and private landscapes. The extent to which pesticides pose a health risk to honey bees in these settings remains unclear. We addressed this at a landscape scale by conducting pesticide residue screening analyses on 768 nectar and 862 pollen samples collected monthly over 2 years from honey bee colonies located in urban and suburban areas in eight medium to large cities in California, Florida, Michigan, and Texas (USA). A risk assessment was performed using the US Environmental Protection Agency\'s BeeREX model whenever an oral toxicity value was available for a compound. Chemical analyses detected 17 pesticides in nectar and 60 in pollen samples during the survey. Approximately 73% of all samples contained no detectable pesticide residues. Although the number of detections varied among the sampled regions, fewer pesticides were detected in nectar than in pollen. Per BeeREX, four insecticides showed a potential acute risk to honey bees: imidacloprid, chlorpyrifos, and esfenvalerate in nectar, and deltamethrin in nectar and pollen. In general, exposure of honey bees to pesticides via nectar and pollen collection was low in urban and suburban areas across the United States, and no seasonal or spatial trends were evident. Our data suggest that honey bees are exposed to fewer pesticides in developed areas than in agricultural ones. Environ Toxicol Chem 2022;41:991-1003. © 2022 SETAC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This second edition guideline was prepared to assist in the planning, conduct and interpretation of studies to assess the efficacy of parasiticides against ectoparasites of ruminants. It provides updated information on the selection of animals, dosage determination, dosage confirmation and field studies, record keeping and result interpretation. This guideline is intended to assist investigators on how to conduct specific studies, to provide specific information for registration authorities involved in the decision-making process, to assist in the approval and registration of new ectoparasiticides, and to facilitate the worldwide adoption of standard procedures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the cumulative risk of chemical mixtures at environmentally realistic concentrations is a key challenge in honey bee ecotoxicology. Ecotoxicogenomics, including transcriptomics, measures responses in individual organisms at the molecular level which can provide insights into the mechanisms underlying phenotypic responses induced by one or more stressors and link impacts on individuals to populations. Here, fifth instar honey bee larvae were sampled from a previously reported field experiment exploring the phenotypic impacts of environmentally realistic chronic exposures of the pesticide imidacloprid (5 μ for six weeks) and the acaricide thymol (250 applied via Apiguard gel in-hive for four weeks), both separately and in combination. RNA-seq was used to discover individual and interactive chemical effects on larval gene expression and to uncover molecular mechanisms linked to reported adult and colony phenotypes. The separate and combined treatments had distinct gene expression profiles which represented differentially affected signaling and metabolic pathways. The molecular signature of the mixture was characterised by additive interactions in canonical stress responses associated with oxidative stress and detoxification, and non-additive interactions in secondary responses including developmental, neurological, and immune pathways. Novel emergent impacts on eye development genes correlated with long-term defects in visual learning performance as adults. This is consistent with these chemicals working through independent modes of action that combine to impact common downstream pathways, and highlights the importance of establishing mechanistic links between molecular and phenotypic responses when predicting effects of chemical mixtures on ecologically relevant population outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae), twospotted spider mite, is a major secondary pest of strawberry and can cause significant yield loss. Tetranychus urticae is typically controlled using miticides, which has led to rapid resistance development. In South Carolina (USA), extension agents and growers have reported field failures of miticides (inadequate pest suppression), but resistance has not been quantitatively determined. In 2018, we determined the level of miticide resistance of six T. urticae populations found on strawberry across South Carolina. We examined efficacy of all miticides registered for use on US strawberry by conducting an initial diagnostic bioassay at 20% of the maximum labeled field rate. Any population × active ingredient combination resulting in < 55% mortality was identified as \'potentially resistant\' and concentration-response bioassays were then conducted to calculate LC50 values for an individual population. These values were compared with those of a known-susceptible laboratory population to calculate resistance ratios (RR). Our results indicate that examined South Carolina populations of T. urticae from strawberry were highly resistant to bifenthrin (RR = 100-60,000) and there was reduced susceptibility to fenbutatin-oxide (RR = 25-123). The \'Sardinia\' population had decreased abamectin susceptibility (RR = 25). No resistance to hexythiazox, etoxazole, acequinocyl, bifenazate, fenpyroximate, spiromesifen, or cyflumetofen was found. Based on available data, it appears that miticide resistance is not a likely cause of field failures and issues related to application error and coverage should be investigated. Overall, this work supports the need to reduce the use of broad-spectrum pesticides and older products, in favor of newer miticide chemistries due to resistance issues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The efficacy of the fixed combination of fluralaner plus moxidectin for the treatment of Otodectes cynotis infestations was evaluated in cats after topical application.
    METHODS: Sixteen cats experimentally infested with O. cynotis were allocated randomly to two groups of 8 cats each. One group was treated topically with the fixed combination of fluralaner plus moxidectin at the minimum dose rate of 40 mg fluralaner and 2 mg moxidectin/kg body weight. The other group was treated with physiological saline solution. Before and 14 and 28 days after treatment the ears of all cats were examined otoscopically for live mites and for the amount of debris and cerumen. Twenty-eight days after treatment, the cats were sedated and had both ears flushed to obtain the total number of live mites per animal. Efficacy was calculated, based on the results of the ear flushing, by comparing mean live mite counts in the fluralaner plus moxidectin treated group versus the saline group.
    RESULTS: A single topical application of the fixed combination of fluralaner plus moxidectin to cats reduced the mean mite counts by 100% (P < 0.001) by 28 days after treatment. No mites were visible during otoscopic examination at either 14 or 28 days after treatment. All fluralaner plus moxidectin treated cats had less ceruminous exudate 28 days after treatment compared to pre-treatment and 14 days after treatment. No treatment related adverse events were observed in any cats enrolled in the study.
    CONCLUSIONS: Single topical application of the fixed combination of fluralaner plus moxidectin was highly effective against O. cynotis infestations in cats.






