Mevalonate pathway

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lactiplantibacillus plantarum is a food-grade lactic acid bacterium widely used in the food and beverage industry. Recently, this probiotic organism has been applied as a biofactory for the production of pharmaceutical and food-related compounds, but existing promoters and expression vectors for the genetic engineering of L. plantarum rely on inefficient cloning strategies and are usually not well-characterized. We therefore developed a modular and standardized Golden Gate Assembly-based toolbox for the de novo assembly of shuttle vectors from Escherichia coli to L. plantarum. A collection of the most relevant genetic parts, e.g., different origins of replication and promoters, was incorporated in our toolbox and thoroughly characterized by flow cytometry and the fluorescence assay. Standardized fusion sites allow combining the genetic part freely into a plasmid in one step. This approach allows for the high-throughput assembly of numerous constructs in a standardized genetic context, thus improving the efficiency and predictability of metabolic engineering in L. plantarum. Using our toolbox, we were able to produce the aroma compounds linalool and geraniol in L. plantarum by extending its native mevalonate pathway with plant-derived monoterpenoid synthases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Metabolic engineering enables the sustainable and cost-efficient production of complex chemicals. Efficient production of terpenes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae can be achieved by recruiting an intermediate of the mevalonate pathway. The present study aimed to evaluate the engineering strategies of S. cerevisiae for the production of taxadiene, a precursor of taxol, an antineoplastic drug.
    RESULTS: SCIGS22a, a previously engineered strain with modifications in the mevalonate pathway (MVA), was used as a background strain. This strain was engineered to enable a high flux towards farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) and the availability of NADPH. The strain MVA was generated from SCIGS22a by overexpressing all mevalonate pathway genes. Combining the background strains with 16 different episomal plasmids, which included the combination of 4 genes: tHMGR (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase), ERG20 (farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase), GGPPS (geranyl diphosphate synthase) and TS (taxadiene synthase) resulted in the highest taxadiene production in S. cerevisiae of 528 mg/L.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study highlights the critical role of pathway balance in metabolic engineering, mainly when dealing with toxic molecules like taxadiene. We achieved significant improvements in taxadiene production by employing a combinatorial approach and focusing on balancing the downstream and upstream pathways. These findings emphasize the importance of minor gene expression modification levels to achieve a well-balanced pathway, ultimately leading to enhanced taxadiene accumulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Porokeratoses (PK) are a group of uncommon dermatoses characterized by abnormal epidermal differentiation due to a disorder of the mevalonate metabolic pathway. Several clinical subtypes exist that can be associated with the same patient or affect different patients within a family and could, therefore, be different expressions of one disease. All PK subtypes share a common histopathologic finding, the cornoid lamella, a vertical stack of parakeratotic corneocytes embedded in an orthokeratotic horny layer. PK often affects immunosuppressed patients, in whom the course may parallel the level of immunosuppression. The pathogenesis of PK, which had long remained mysterious, has been recently unraveled after discovering pathogenic variants of genes involved in the mevalonate metabolic pathway. The disease is due to germline pathogenic variants of genes of this pathway but requires a second-hit event to manifest; therefore, PK is considered a dominantly inherited but recessively expressed condition. The prognosis of PK is usually favorable, even though the lesions progress to keratinocyte carcinomas in 7%-16% of patients. The treatment of PK was based on physical (ablative) procedures and various (topical or systemic) treatments, whose efficacy is nevertheless inconsistent and often temporary. The discovery of the metabolic pathway involved in the pathogenesis of PK paved the way for the elaboration of new topical treatments (combination of statins and cholesterol), which are more regularly efficacious compared with older treatments, even though the management of some patients with PK may still be challenging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Porokeratosen sind eine heterogene Gruppe autoinflammatorischer Keratinisierungsstörungen, die durch kornoide Lamellen gekennzeichnet sind. Neben Genmutationen, die sich auf den Mevalonat‐Stoffwechselweg auswirken, werden auch Umweltfaktoren wie UV‐Strahlung, Immunsuppression, Traumata und Infektionen für die Entstehung von Porokeratosen verantwortlich gemacht. Bislang gibt es keine Behandlungsrichtlinien oder Evidenzgrade für die gängigen pharmakologischen und nicht‐pharmakologischen Behandlungsoptionen bei Porokeratosen. Zu den konventionellen Behandlungen zählen topische und systemische Medikamente wie Salicylsäure, topische Glucocorticoide und Retinoide, Phototherapie, Laser und chirurgische Verfahren. Bessere Erkenntnisse über die Pathogenese von Porokeratosen haben die Entwicklung neuartiger therapeutischer Ansätze ermöglicht, etwa topische Statine oder monoklonale Antikörper. In dieser narrativen Übersichtsarbeit werden sowohl die herkömmlichen als auch neuen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten einschließlich ihres Evidenzgrads sowie ihrer Vor‐ und Nachteile zusammengefasst.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The archaeal mevalonate pathway is a recently discovered modified version of the eukaryotic mevalonate pathway. This pathway is widely conserved in archaea, except for some archaeal lineages possessing the eukaryotic or other modified mevalonate pathways. Although the pathway seems almost exclusive to the domain Archaea, the whole set of homologous genes of the pathway is found in the metagenome-assembled genome sequence of an uncultivated bacterium, Candidatus Promineifilum breve, of the phylum Chloroflexota. To prove the existence of the archaea-specific pathway in the domain Bacteria, we confirmed the activities of the enzymes specific to the pathway, phosphomevalonate dehydratase and anhydromevalonate phosphate decarboxylase, because only these two enzymes are absent in closely related Chloroflexota bacteria that possess a different type of modified mevalonate pathway. The activity of anhydromevalonate phosphate decarboxylase was evaluated by carotenoid production via the archaeal mevalonate pathway reconstituted in Escherichia coli cells, whereas that of phosphomevalonate dehydratase was confirmed by an in vitro assay using the recombinant enzyme after purification and iron-sulfur cluster reconstruction. Phylogenetic analyses of some mevalonate pathway-related enzymes suggest an evolutionary route for the archaeal mevalonate pathway in Candidatus P. breve, which probably involves horizontal gene transfer events.IMPORTANCEThe recent discovery of various modified mevalonate pathways in microorganisms, such as archaea and Chloroflexota bacteria, has shed light on the complexity of the evolution of metabolic pathways, including those involved in primary metabolism. The fact that the archaeal mevalonate pathway, which is almost exclusive to the domain Archaea, exists in a Chloroflexota bacterium provides valuable insights into the molecular evolution of the mevalonate pathways and associated enzymes. Putative genes probably involved in the archaeal mevalonate pathway have also been found in the metagenome-assembled genomes of Chloroflexota bacteria. Such genes can contribute to metabolic engineering for the bioproduction of valuable isoprenoids because the archaeal mevalonate pathway is known to be an energy-saving metabolic pathway that consumes less ATP than other mevalonate pathways do.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mevalonate (MVA) pathway plays a crucial role in the occurrence and progression of various diseases, such as osteoporosis, breast cancer, and lung cancer, etc. However, determining all the MVA pathway intermediates is still challenging due to their high polarity, low concentration, chelation effect with metal compartments, and poor mass spectrometric response. In this study, we established a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method coupled with N2, N2, N4, N4-tetramethyl-6-(4-(piperazin-1-ylsulfonyl) phenyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine (Tmt-PP) labeling for the simultaneous analysis of all MVA intermediates in biospecimens. Chemical derivatization significantly improved the chromatographic retention, peak shape, and detection sensitivity of the analytes. Moreover, we employed a method named mass spectrum calculation to achieve the absolute quantification of the isomers, i.e., isopentenyl pyrophosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP). The established method was fully qualified and applied to explore the difference of these metabolites in cisplatin-resistant non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells. Additionally, several MVA intermediate analogs, including isopentenyl monophosphate or dimethylallyl monophosphate (IMP/DMAMP), geranyl monophosphate (GMP), 5-triphosphomevalonate (MTP), and isopentenyl triphosphate or dimethylallyl triphosphate (ITP/DMATP), were identified for the first time using a knowledge-driven prediction strategy. We further explored the tissue distribution of these novel metabolites. Overall, this work developed a sensitive quantification method for all MVA intermediates, which will enhance our understanding of the role of this pathway in various health and disease conditions. The novel metabolites we discovered warrant further investigations into their biosynthesis and biological functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Membrane-anchored proteins play critical roles in cell signaling, cellular architecture, and membrane biology. Hydrophilic proteins are post-translationally modified by a diverse range of lipid molecules such as phospholipids, glycosylphosphatidylinositol, and isoprenes, which allows their partition and anchorage to the cell membrane. In this review article, we discuss the biochemical basis of isoprenoid synthesis, the mechanisms of isoprene conjugation to proteins, and the functions of prenylated proteins in the neural retina. Recent discovery of novel prenyltransferases, prenylated protein chaperones, non-canonical prenylation-target motifs, and reversible prenylation is expected to increase the number of inherited systemic and blinding diseases with aberrant protein prenylation. Recent important investigations have also demonstrated the role of several unexpected regulators (such as protein charge, sequence/protein-chaperone interaction, light exposure history) in the photoreceptor trafficking of prenylated proteins. Technical advances in the investigation of the prenylated proteome and its application in vision research are discussed. Clinical updates and technical insights into known and putative prenylation-associated retinopathies are provided herein. Characterization of non-canonical prenylation mechanisms in the retina and retina-specific prenylated proteome is fundamental to the understanding of the pathogenesis of protein prenylation-associated inherited blinding disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Porokeratoses are a heterogenous group of autoinflammatory keratinization disorders all characterized by the presence of a cornoid lamella. In addition to gene mutations affecting the mevalonate pathway, environmental factors such as UV radiation, immunosuppression, trauma, and infection are also thought to contribute to porokeratoses. To date, there are no management guidelines or levels of evidence for commonly used pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment options for porokeratoses. Conventional treatment strategies encompass topical and systemic drugs (e.g., salicylic acid, topical glucocorticoids, and retinoids), phototherapy, laser, and surgical interventions. Better insights into the pathogenesis of porokeratoses have paved the way for the development of novel therapeutic approaches, such as topical statins or the use of monoclonal antibodies. This narrative review aims to summarize both conventional and novel treatment options, including their level of evidence, advantages, and disadvantages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A neurotrophic tropomyosin receptor kinase (NTRK)-tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) has shown dramatic efficacy against malignant tumors harboring an NTRK fusion gene. However, almost all tumors eventually acquire resistance to NTRK-TKIs.
    METHODS: To investigate the mechanism of resistance to NTRK-TKIs, we established cells resistant to three types of NTRK-TKIs (larotrectinib, entrectinib, and selitrectinib) using KM12 colon cancer cells with a TPM3-NTRK1 rearrangement.
    RESULTS: Overexpression of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 2 (HMGCS2) was observed in three resistant cells (KM12-LR, KM12-ER, and KM12-SR) by microarray analysis. Lower expression of sterol regulatory element-binding protein 2 (SREBP2) and peroxisome proliferator activated receptor α (PPARα) was found in two cells (KM12-ER and KM12-SR) in which HMGCS2 was overexpressed compared to the parental KM12 and KM12-LR cells. In resistant cells, knockdown of HMGCS2 using small interfering RNA improved the sensitivity to NTRK-TKI. Further treatment with mevalonolactone after HMGCS2 knockdown reintroduced the NTRK-TKI resistance. In addition, simvastatin and silibinin had a synergistic effect with NTRK-TKIs in resistant cells, and delayed tolerance was observed after sustained exposure to clinical concentrations of NTRK-TKI and simvastatin in KM12 cells. In xenograft mouse models, combination treatment with entrectinib and simvastatin reduced resistant tumor growth compared with entrectinib alone.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that HMGCS2 overexpression induces resistance to NTRK-TKIs via the mevalonate pathway in colon cancer cells. Statin inhibition of the mevalonate pathway may be useful for overcoming this mechanistic resistance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mevalonate kinase is a key regulator of the mevalonate pathway, subject to feedback inhibition by the downstream metabolite farnesyl pyrophosphate. In this study, we validated the hypothesis that monophosphonate compounds mimicking farnesyl pyrophosphate can inhibit mevalonate kinase. Exploring compounds originally synthesized as allosteric inhibitors of farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase, we discovered mevalonate kinase inhibitors with nanomolar activity. Kinetic characterization of the two most potent inhibitors demonstrated Ki values of 3.1 and 22 nm. Structural comparison suggested features of these inhibitors likely responsible for their potency. Our findings introduce the first class of nanomolar inhibitors of human mevalonate kinase, opening avenues for future research. These compounds might prove useful as molecular tools to study mevalonate pathway regulation and evaluate mevalonate kinase as a potential therapeutic target.





