Mental effort

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In some situations, for example, when we expect to gain a reward in case of good performance, goal-driven top-down attention is particularly strong. Little is known about the task specificity of such increases of top-down attention due to environmental factors. To understand to what extent performance-contingent reward prospects can result in specific and unspecific changes in cognitive processing, we here investigate reward effects under different levels of task specification. Thirty-two participants performed a visual or an auditory discrimination task cued by two consecutive visual stimuli: First, a reward cue indicated if good performance was rewarded. Second, a task cue announced either which of the two tasks would follow (precise cue) or that both tasks would follow equally likely (imprecise cue). Reward and task cue preciseness both significantly improved performance. Moreover, the response time difference between precisely and imprecisely cued trials was significantly stronger in rewarded than in unrewarded trials. These effects were reflected in event-related potential (ERP) slow wave amplitudes: Reward and preciseness both significantly enhanced the contingent negative variation (CNV) prior to the task stimulus. In an early CNV time interval, both factors also showed an interaction. A negative slow wave prior to the task cue was also significantly enhanced for rewarded trials. This effect correlated with the reward difference in response times. These results indicate that reward prospects trigger task-specific changes in preparatory top-down attention which can flexibly adapt over time and across different task requirements. This highlights that a reward-induced increase of cognitive control can occur on different specificity levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Hand postural physiological tremor increases during arithmetic computation. The present work aims at investigating whether this could be attributed to a raise in stress for having to provide a correct answer within a constrained period of time, or to voice vibration for having to speak to report the answer.
    UNASSIGNED: In 16 participants tremor was recorded by using a 3-axial accelerometer during 5 min of a hand postural task performed simultaneously while: 1) subtracting 13 from a 3-digit number within 4 s and with mistakes correction (intervention: math stress task), 2) same as for the \"intervention task\" but without time limit and mistakes correction (intervention: math nonstress task), 3) adding 1 to a 3-digit number (intervention: voice vibration task), and 4) only postural task while keeping quiet (control task). Electromyographic (EMG) activity from the extensor carpi radialis was measured during the hand postural task.
    UNASSIGNED: Compared to control, tremor increased during both math interventions (+30.9 % p = 0.002, math stress; +15.0 % p = 0.01, math nonstress), but not during the voice vibration task (+12.2 % p = 0.239). During the math stress trial tremor was greater compared to both the voice vibration trial (+21.0 % p = 0.021), and the math nonstress trial (+13.5 % p = 0.01). EMG activity was not affected.
    UNASSIGNED: The results suggest that during arithmetic computation the \"stress component\" contributes only partially to the observed increase in hand postural tremor, and that this increase cannot be attributed to voice vibrations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Mental effort plays a critical role in regulating cognition. However, the experience of mental effort may differ for individuals with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a disorder for which sustained mental effort \'avoidance\' or \'dislike\' is a criterion in the DSM. We conducted a scoping review to characterize the literature on the experiences of effort in ADHD.
    UNASSIGNED: This systematic scoping review adhered to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) Extension for Scoping Reviews and Joanna Briggs Methodology. PsycINFO (OVID), PsycINFO (ProQuest) and PubMed were searched for studies published in English before February 14, 2023. Studies must have included an ADHD population or a measure of ADHD symptomatology, in addition to a self-report measure of the experience of effort or the use of an effort preference paradigm. Two researchers reviewed all abstracts, and one researcher reviewed full-text articles.
    UNASSIGNED: Only 12 studies met the inclusion criteria. Several gaps and inconsistencies in the research were identified in terms of method, definitions of effort, measurements of ADHD, and sample characteristics. Moreover, the pattern of results on the experience of effort was mixed.
    UNASSIGNED: Despite its diagnostic and conceptual significance, the experience of mental effort in ADHD is not well studied. Critical gaps were identified in the existing literature. A three-facet conceptualization of effort is proposed-specifically, task-elicited effort, volitionally exerted effort, and the affect associated with engaging in effort - to guide future explorations of the experience of effort in ADHD.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acute mental fatigue, characterized by a transient decline in cognitive efficiency during or following prolonged cognitive tasks, can be managed through adaptive effort deployment. In response to mental fatigue, individuals can employ two main behavioral patterns: engaging a compensatory effort to limit performance decrements, or disengaging effort, leading to performance deterioration. This study investigated the behavioral pattern used by participants in mental fatigue conditions. Fifty participants underwent a sequential-task protocol with counterbalanced sessions who took place in two separate sessions: a 30-min incongruent Stroop task (fatiguing session) or a 30-min documentary viewing task (control session), followed by a time-to-exhaustion (TTE) handgrip task at 13 % of maximal voluntary contraction. Psychophysiological measures included the preejection period, heart rate variability, blood pressure, and respiration. Behavioral results showed deteriorated TTE handgrip performance after the Stroop task compared to after the documentary viewing task. During the Stroop task participants were more conservative and prioritized accuracy over speed. Self-reported fatigue was greater after the Stroop task. Psychophysiological data revealed a gradual decrease in sympathetic activity over time in both tasks, with the Stroop task showing a more pronounced decrease. Taken together, these findings suggest a disengagement of effort for a large proportion of participants (49 %) that could be partly attributed to a habituation to the demands of the Stroop task. This study illustrates the interplay of behavioral patterns of effort investment in the context of mental fatigue and underscores the role of disengagement as a dominant response to this phenomenon among healthy participants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Listening to speech in noise can require substantial mental effort, even among younger normal-hearing adults. The task-evoked pupil response (TEPR) has been shown to track the increased effort exerted to recognize words or sentences in increasing noise. However, few studies have examined the trajectory of listening effort across longer, more natural, stretches of speech, or the extent to which expectations about upcoming listening difficulty modulate the TEPR. Seventeen younger normal-hearing adults listened to 60-s-long audiobook passages, repeated three times in a row, at two different signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) while pupil size was recorded. There was a significant interaction between SNR, repetition, and baseline pupil size on sustained listening effort. At lower baseline pupil sizes, potentially reflecting lower attention mobilization, TEPRs were more sustained in the harder SNR condition, particularly when attention mobilization remained low by the third presentation. At intermediate baseline pupil sizes, differences between conditions were largely absent, suggesting these listeners had optimally mobilized their attention for both SNRs. Lastly, at higher baseline pupil sizes, potentially reflecting overmobilization of attention, the effect of SNR was initially reversed for the second and third presentations: participants initially appeared to disengage in the harder SNR condition, resulting in reduced TEPRs that recovered in the second half of the story. Together, these findings suggest that the unfolding of listening effort over time depends critically on the extent to which individuals have successfully mobilized their attention in anticipation of difficult listening conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Chronic resistance training and acute resistance exercises improve physical performance and can enhance cognitive performance. However, there is still uncertainty about the mechanism(s) responsible for cognitive improvement following resistance training and exercise. Recent findings suggest that resistance exercise has metabolic as well as cognitive demands, which potentially activate similar neural circuitry associated with higher-order cognitive function tasks. Exercising on unstable devices increases the coordinative and metabolic demands and thus may further increase cognitive activation during resistance exercise. The measurement of pupil diameter could provide indications of cognitive activation and arousal during resistance exercise. Pupil dilation is linked to the activity in multiple neuromodulatory systems (e.g., activation of the locus coeruleus and the release of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine (LC-NE system)), which are involved in supporting processes for executive control. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the cognitive activation measured by pupil diameter during an acute bout of resistance exercise on stable and unstable surfaces.
    METHODS: 18 participants (23.5 ± 1.5 years; 10 females) performed ten kettlebell squats in a preferred repetition velocity in stable and unstable (BOSU® Balance Trainer) ground conditions. Pupil diameter was recorded with eye tracking glasses (SMI ETG) during standing (baseline) and during squatting. Raw pupil data were cleaned of artifacts (missing values were linearly interpolated) and subjected to a subtractive baseline correction. A student t-test was used to compare mean pupil diameter between ground conditions.
    RESULTS: The mean pupil diameter was significantly greater during squats in the unstable condition than in the stable condition, t (17) = -2.63, p =.018, Cohen\'s dZ = -0.62; stable: 0.49 ± 0.32 mm; unstable: 0.61 ± 0.25 mm).
    CONCLUSIONS: As indicated by pupil dilation, the use of unstable devices can increase the cognitive activation and effort during acute bouts of resistance exercise. Since pupil dilation is only an indirect method, further investigations are necessary to describe causes and effects of neuromodulatory system activity during resistance exercise. Resistance training with and without surface instability can be recommended to people of all ages as a physically and cognitively challenging training program contributing to the preservation of both physical and cognitive functioning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although mental effort is a frequently used term, it is poorly defined and understood. Consequently, its usage is frequently loose and potentially misleading. In neuroscience research, the term is used to mean both the cognitive work that is done to meet task demands and the subjective experience of performing that work. We argue that conflating these two meanings hampers progress in understanding cognitive impairments in neuropsychiatric conditions because cognitive work and the subjective experience of it have distinct underlying mechanisms. We suggest that the most coherent and clinically useful perspective on mental effort is that it is a subjective experience. This makes a clear distinction between cognitive impairments that arise from changes in the cognitive apparatus, as in dementia and brain injury, and those that arise from subjective difficulties in carrying out the cognitive work, as in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, depression, and other motivational disorders. We review recent advances in neuroscience research that suggests that the experience of effort has emerged to control task switches so as to minimize costs relative to benefits. We consider how these advances can contribute to our understanding of the experience of increased effort perception in clinical populations. This more specific framing of mental effort will offer a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of cognitive impairments in differing clinical groups and will ultimately facilitate better therapeutic interventions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Population-wide surveys and large-scale investigations highlighted the presence of cognitive deficits in the acute and postacute stages of severe COVID-19; a few studies documented their occurrence in cases without prior or COVID-19-related brain damage. The evolution of cognitive deficits in the latter population and their relationship to the post-COVID-19 fatigue syndrome are poorly understood.
    METHODS: We report the outcome at 12 months after severe COVID-19 involving an intensive care unit stay and mechanical ventilation in six (five Caucasian and one Asian) patients (age range: 53-71 years, mean age 61.7 ± 6.5 years) without history of prior brain dysfunction and without stroke and/or cardiac arrest during or after COVID-19. All patients reported pervading mental and physical fatigue as well as numerous multidomain complaints, which impacted everyday life. Individual patients described mental fatigability, apathy, and/or anxiety. Standardized neuropsychological tests revealed isolated symptoms of cognitive dysfunction or performance at the lower limit of the norm in the attentional, executive, and/or working memory domains in four of the six patients. Somatic scales documented dyspnoea, muscle weakness, olfactory disorder, and/or minor sleep problems in some, but not all, patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: Fatigue, fatigability, multidomain complaints, cognitive difficulties, or dysfunction, as well as isolated neurobehavioral and/or psychiatric and/or somatic symptoms, tend to occur in the aftermath of severe COVID-19 and persist at 12 months, even in the absence of prior and/or COVID-19-related brain damage. This clinical situation, which impacts everyday life, calls for a detailed investigation of patients\' complaints, its neural underpinning, and an elaboration of specific rehabilitation programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Behavioral differences in speed and accuracy between reading familiar and unfamiliar words are well-established in the empirical literature. However, these standard measures of skill proficiency are limited in their ability to capture the moment-to-moment processing involved in visual word recognition. In the present study, the effect of word familiarity was initially investigated using an eye blink rate among adults and children. The probability of eye blinking was higher for familiar (real) words than for unfamiliar (pseudo)words. This counterintuitive pattern of results suggests that the processing of unfamiliar (pseudo)words is more demanding and perhaps less rewarding than the processing of familiar (real) words, as previously observed in both behavioral and pupillometry data. Our findings suggest that the measurement of eye blinks might shed new light on the cognitive processes involved in visual word recognition and other domains of human cognition.





