Magnifying endoscopy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The intrapapillary capillary loop (IPCL) characteristics, visualized using magnifying endoscopy, are commonly assessed for preoperative evaluation of the infiltration depth of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). Japan Esophageal Society (JES) classification is the most widely used classification. Microvascular structural changes are evaluated by magnifying endoscopy for the presence or absence of each morphological factor: tortuosity, dilatation, irregular caliber, and different shapes. However, the pathological characteristics of IPCLs have not been thoroughly investigated, especially the microvascular structures corresponding to the deepest parts of the lesions\' infiltration.
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate differences in pathological microvascular structures of ESCC, which correspond to the deepest parts of the lesions\' infiltration.
    METHODS: Patients with ESCC and precancerous lesions diagnosed at Peking University Third Hospital were enrolled between January 2019 and April 2023. Patients first underwent magnified endoscopic examination, followed by endoscopic submucosal dissection or surgical treatment. Pathological images were scanned using a three-dimensional slice scanner, and the pathological structural differences in different types, according to the JES classification, were analyzed using nonparametric tests and t-tests.
    RESULTS: The 35 lesions were divided into four groups according to the JES classification: A, B1, B2, and B3. Statistical analyses revealed significant differences (a P < 0.05) in the short and long calibers, area, location, and density between types A and B. Notably, there were no significant differences in these parameters between types B1 and B2 and between types B2 and B3 (P > 0.05). However, significant differences in the short calibers, long calibers, and area of IPCL were observed between types B1 and B3 (a P < 0.05); no significant differences were found in the density or location (P > 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Pathological structures of IPCLs in the deepest infiltrating regions differ among various IPCL types classified by the JES classification under magnifying endoscopy, especially between the types A and B.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Minute gastric cancers (MGCs) have a favorable prognosis, but they are too small to be detected by endoscopy, with a maximum diameter ≤ 5 mm.
    OBJECTIVE: To explore endoscopic detection and diagnostic strategies for MGCs.
    METHODS: This was a real-world observational study. The endoscopic and clinicopathological parameters of 191 MGCs between January 2015 and December 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. Endoscopic discoverable opportunity and typical neoplastic features were emphatically reviewed.
    RESULTS: All MGCs in our study were of a single pathological type, 97.38% (186/191) of which were differentiated-type tumors. White light endoscopy (WLE) detected 84.29% (161/191) of MGCs, and the most common morphology of MGCs found by WLE was protruding. Narrow-band imaging (NBI) secondary observation detected 14.14% (27/191) of MGCs, and the most common morphology of MGCs found by NBI was flat. Another three MGCs were detected by indigo carmine third observation. If a well-demarcated border lesion exhibited a typical neoplastic color, such as yellowish-red or whitish under WLE and brownish under NBI, MGCs should be diagnosed. The proportion with high diagnostic confidence by magnifying endoscopy with NBI (ME-NBI) was significantly higher than the proportion with low diagnostic confidence and the only visible groups (94.19% > 56.92% > 32.50%, P < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: WLE combined with NBI and indigo carmine are helpful for detection of MGCs. A clear demarcation line combined with a typical neoplastic color using nonmagnifying observation is sufficient for diagnosis of MGCs. ME-NBI improves the endoscopic diagnostic confidence of MGCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In order to detect early gastric cancer (EGC), this research sought to assess the diagnostic utility of magnifying endoscopy (ME) as well as the significance of mucin phenotype and microvessel features.
    UNASSIGNED: 402 individuals with an EGC diagnosis underwent endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) at the Department of ME between 2012 and 2020. After adjusting for image distortion, high-magnification endoscopic pictures were taken and examined to find microvessels in the area of interest. The microvessel density was measured as counts per square millimeter (counts/mm2) after segmentation, and the vascular bed\'s size was computed as a percentage of the area of interest. To identify certain properties of the microvessels, such as end-points, crossing points, branching sites, and connection points, further processing was done using skeletonized pixels.
    UNASSIGNED: According to the research, undifferentiated tumors often lacked the MS pattern and showed an oval and tubular microsurface (MS) pattern, but differentiated EGC tumors usually lacked the MS pattern and presented a corkscrew MV pattern. Submucosal invasion was shown to be more strongly associated with the destructive MS pattern in differentiated tumors as opposed to undifferentiated tumors. While lesions with a corkscrew MV pattern and an antrum or body MS pattern revealed greater MUC5AC expression, lesions with a loop MV pattern indicated higher MUC2 expression. Furthermore, CD10 expression was higher in lesions with a papillary pattern and an antrum or body MS pattern.
    UNASSIGNED: These results imply that evaluating mucin phenotype and microvessel features in conjunction with magnifying endoscopy (ME) may be a useful diagnostic strategy for early gastric cancer (EGC) detection. Nevertheless, further investigation is required to confirm these findings and identify the best course of action for EGC diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cap-assisted endoscopy refers to a procedure in which a short tube made of a polymer (mostly transparent) is attached to the distal tip of the endoscope to enhance its diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities. It is reported to be particularly useful in: (1) minimizing blind spots during screening colonoscopy, (2) providing a constant distance from a lesion for clear visualization during magnifying endoscopy, (3) accurately assessing the size of various gastrointestinal lesions, (4) preventing mucosal injury during foreign body removal, (5) securing adequate workspace in the submucosal space during endoscopic submucosal dissection or third space endoscopy, (6) providing an optimal approach angle to a target, and (7) suctioning mucosal and submucosal tissue with negative pressure for resection or approximation. Here, we review various applications of attachable caps in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy and their future implications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Conventional magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging (NBI) observation of the gastric body mucosa shows dominant patterns in relation to the regular arrangement of collecting venules, subepithelial capillary network, and gastric pits.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of a new one-dual (near) focus, NBI mode in the assessment of the microscopic features of gastric body mucosa compared to conventional magnification.
    METHODS: During 2021 and 2022, 68 patients underwent proximal gastrointestinal endoscopy using magnification endoscopic modalities subsequently applying acetic acid (AA). The GIF-190HQ series NBI system with dual focus capability was used for the investigation of gastric mucosa. At the time of the endoscopy, the gastric body mucosa of all enrolled patients was photographed using the white light endoscopy (WLE), near focus (NF), NF-NBI, AA-NF, and AA-NF-NBI modes.
    RESULTS: The WLE, NF and NF-NBI endoscopic modes for all patients (204 images) were classified in the same order into three groups. Two images from each patient for the AA-NF and AA-NF-NBI endoscopic modes were classified in the same order. According to all three observers who completed the work independently, NF magnification was significantly superior to WLE (P < 0.01), and the NF-NBI mode was significantly superior to NF magnification (P < 0.01). After applying AA, the three observers confirmed that AA-NF-NBI was significantly superior to AA-NF (P < 0.01). Interobserver kappa values for WLE were 0.609, 0.704, and 0.598, respectively and were 0.600, 0.721, and 0.637, respectively, for NF magnification. For the NF-NBI mode, the values were 0.378, 0.471, and 0.553, respectively. For AA-NF, they were 0.453, 0.603, and 0.480, respectively, and for AA-NF-NBI, they were 0.643, 0.506, and 0.354, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: When investigating gastric mucosa in microscopic detail, NF-NBI was the most powerful endoscopic mode for assessing regular arrangement of collecting venules, subepithelial capillary network, and gastric pits among the five endoscopic modalities investigated in this study. AA-NF-NBI was the most powerful endoscopic mode for analyzing crypt opening and intervening part.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic utility of the ultra-thin endoscope (UTE) for superficial squamous cell carcinoma (SSCC) compared to magnifying endoscopy (ME) under narrow-band imaging. Participants underwent endoscopic examination, and images of pharyngeal and esophageal SCCs, as along with suspicious SSCC lesions, were collected using UTE and ME on the same day. Three image catalogs (UTE, ME-1, and ME-2) were created and reviewed by three expert endoscopists. ME-1 and ME-2 contained the same endoscopic images. The primary endpoint was the intra-observer agreement for diagnosing SCC. Eighty-six lesions (SCC = thirty-nine, non-SCC = forty-seven) in 43 participants were identified. The kappa values for the intra-observer agreement between UTE and ME-1 vs. the control (ME-1 vs. ME-2) were 0.74 vs. 0.84, 0.63 vs. 0.76, and 0.79 vs. 0.88, respectively. The accuracies for diagnosing SCC by UTE and ME-1 were 87.2% vs. 86.0%, 78.0% vs. 73,2%, and 75.6 vs. 82.6%, respectively, with no significant differences (p > 0.05). The rates of lesions that were diagnosed with confidence by UTE and ME-1 were 30.2% vs. 27.9%, 55.8% vs. 62.8%, and 58.1% vs. 55.8%, respectively. UTE demonstrates substantial diagnostic performance for SSCC in the pharynx and esophagus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Accurate evaluation of tumor invasion depth is essential to determine the appropriate treatment strategy for patients with superficial esophageal cancer. The pretreatment tumor depth diagnosis currently relies on the magnifying endoscopic classification established by the Japan Esophageal Society (JES). However, the diagnostic accuracy of tumors involving the muscularis mucosa (MM) or those invading the upper third of the submucosal layer (SM1), which correspond to Type B2 vessels in the JES classification, remains insufficient. Previous retrospective studies have reported improved accuracy by considering additional findings, such as the size and macroscopic type of the Type B2 vessel area, in evaluating tumor invasion depth. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate whether incorporating the size and/or macroscopic type of the Type B2 vessel area improves the diagnostic accuracy of preoperative tumor invasion depth prediction based on the JES classification.
    METHODS: This multicenter prospective observational study will include patients diagnosed with MM/SM1 esophageal squamous cell carcinoma based on the Type B2 vessels of the JES classification. The tumor invasion depth will be evaluated using both the standard JES classification (standard-depth evaluation) and the JES classification with additional findings (hypothetical-depth evaluation) for the same set of patients. Data from both endoscopic depth evaluations will be electronically collected and stored in a cloud-based database before endoscopic resection or esophagectomy. This study\'s primary endpoint is accuracy, defined as the proportion of cases in which the preoperative depth diagnosis matched the histological depth diagnosis after resection. Outcomes of standard- and hypothetical-depth evaluation will be compared.
    CONCLUSIONS: Collecting reliable prospective data on the JES classification, explicitly concerning the B2 vessel category, has the potential to provide valuable insights. Incorporating additional findings into the in-depth evaluation process may guide clinical decision-making and promote evidence-based medicine practices in managing superficial esophageal cancer.
    BACKGROUND: This trial was registered in the Clinical Trials Registry of the University Hospital Medical Information Network (UMIN-CTR) under the identifier UMIN000051145, registered on 23/5/2023.






  • 文章类型: Multicenter Study
    BACKGROUND: We previously developed a Japan Esophageal Society Barrett\'s Esophagus (JES-BE) magnifying endoscopic classification for superficial BE-related neoplasms (BERN) and validated it in a nationwide multicenter study that followed a diagnostic flow chart based on mucosal and vascular patterns (MP, VP) with nine diagnostic criteria. Our present post hoc analysis aims to further simplify the diagnostic criteria for superficial BERN.
    METHODS: We used data from our previous study, including 10 reviewers\' assessments for 156 images of high-magnifying narrow-band imaging (HM-NBI) (67 dysplastic and 89 non-dysplastic histology). We statistically analyzed the diagnostic performance of each diagnostic criterion of MP (form, size, arrangement, density, and white zone), VP (form, caliber change, location, and greenish thick vessels [GTV]), and all their combinations to achieve a simpler diagnostic algorithm to detect superficial BERN.
    RESULTS: Diagnostic accuracy values based on the MP of each single criterion or combined criteria showed a marked trend of being higher than those based on VP. In reviewers\' assessments of visible MPs, the combination of irregularity for form, size, or white zone had the highest diagnostic performance, with a sensitivity of 87% and a specificity of 91% for dysplastic histology; in the assessments of invisible MPs, GTV had the highest diagnostic performance among the VP of each single criterion and all combinations of two or more criteria (sensitivity, 93%; specificity, 92%).
    CONCLUSIONS: The present post hoc analysis suggests the feasibility of further simplifying the diagnostic algorithm of the JES-BE classification. Further studies in a practical setting are required to validate these results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The main therapeutic modality of early upper gastrointestinal neoplasms has shifted from surgery to endoscopic therapy. The role of endoscopy has also expanded not only for more accurate diagnosis of neoplasms but also for the determination of extent and depth of neoplasms with a combination of multiple electronically modified images acquired with image-enhanced endoscopy (IEE) for assessing the feasibility of endoscopic treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: These IEE with or without magnifying endoscopy including narrow-band imaging, blue laser imaging, and linked color imaging (LCI) using narrow-band light have greatly changed the diagnosis for upper gastrointestinal neoplasms. These modalities produce high color contrast between cancer and surrounding mucosa at distant views and clear visualization of surface and vessels at close-up observations. LCI shows purple color of intestinal metaplasia (IM) distinct from other inflammatory gastric mucosae and facilitates the recognition of early gastric cancers often surrounded by IM. Recently, ultrathin endoscopy has provided high-resolution images similar to standard-caliber endoscopy. In addition, these advanced IEEs that integrate computer-assisted artificial intelligence systems are marked and will improve our diagnostic performance for neoplasia in the future.
    CONCLUSIONS: New IEE with sufficient brightness and color contrast has increasingly been used based on accumulated evidence for early and accurate detection of neoplastic lesions. We provide recent articles relevant to endoscopic diagnosis with IEE on esophageal, gastric, and duodenal neoplasms. Endoscopic equipment that integrates artificial intelligence support system is now being introduced into routine clinical use and is expected to enhance early detection of neoplastic lesions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 67-year-old woman was referred to our hospital for further evaluation of a positive fecal occult blood test. Colonoscopy revealed an elevated rectal lesion (10 mm in size) with a central depression. A rod-like object was noted in the center of the lesion. Magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging showed obscure surface structures and dilated vessels. Magnifying endoscopy with crystal violet staining showed that the pit pattern had disappeared. These endoscopic findings suggested that the lesion was comprised of granulation tissue. A detailed medical history revealed that she had undergone a total hysterectomy with mesh placement for bladder prolapse. We reasoned that the mesh used during pelvic surgery might have penetrated the rectum. She underwent subsequent surgery to remove the mesh. Although most foreign bodies in the rectum are swallowed or self-inserted, pelvic surgery is another source of foreign bodies in the rectum.





