• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Short amphipathic peptides are capable of binding to transcriptional coactivators, often targeting the same binding surfaces as native transcriptional activation domains. However, they do so with modest affinity and generally poor selectivity, limiting their utility as synthetic modulators. Here we show that incorporation of a medium-chain, branched fatty acid to the N-terminus of one such heptameric lipopeptidomimetic (LPPM-8) increases the affinity for the coactivator Med25 >20-fold (Ki >100 μM to 4 μM), rendering it an effective inhibitor of Med25 protein-protein interactions (PPIs). The lipid structure, the peptide sequence, and the C-terminal functionalization of the lipopeptidomimetic each influence the structural propensity of LPPM-8 and its effectiveness as an inhibitor. LPPM-8 engages Med25 through interaction with the H2 face of its activator interaction domain and in doing so stabilizes full-length protein in the cellular proteome. Further, genes regulated by Med25-activator PPIs are inhibited in a cell model of triple-negative breast cancer. Thus, LPPM-8 is a useful tool for studying Med25 and mediator complex biology and the results indicate that lipopeptidomimetics may be a robust source of inhibitors for activator-coactivator complexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Light signals are perceived by photoreceptors, triggering the contrasting developmental transition in dark-germinated seedlings. Phytochrome-interacting factors (PIFs) are key regulators of this transition. Despite their prominent functions in transcriptional activation, little is known about PIFs\' roles in transcriptional repression. Here, we provide evidence that histone acetylation is involved in regulating phytochrome-PIFs signaling in Arabidopsis. The histone deacetylase HDA19 interacts and forms a complex with PIF1 and PIF3 and the Mediator subunit MED25. The med25/hda19 double mutant mimics and enhances the phenotype of pif1/pif3 in both light and darkness. HDA19 and MED25 are recruited by PIF1/PIF3 to the target loci to reduce histone acetylation and chromatin accessibility, providing a mechanism for PIF1/PIF3-mediated transcriptional repression. Furthermore, MED25 forms liquid-like condensates, which can compartmentalize PIF1/PIF3 and HDA19 in vitro and in vivo, and the number of MED25 puncta increases in darkness. Collectively, our study establishes a mechanism wherein PIF1/PIF3 interact with HDA19 and MED25 to mediate transcriptional repression in the phytochrome signaling pathway and suggests that condensate formation with Mediator may explain the distinct and specific transcriptional activity of PIF proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thermomorphogenesis is, among other traits, characterized by enhanced hypocotyl elongation due to the induction of auxin biosynthesis genes like YUCCA8 by transcription factors, most notably PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 4 (PIF4). Efficient binding of PIF4 to the YUCCA8 locus under warmth depends on HISTONE DEACETYLASE 9 (HDA9) activity, which mediates histone H2A.Z depletion at the YUCCA8 locus. However, HDA9 lacks intrinsic DNA-binding capacity, and how HDA9 is recruited to YUCCA8, and possibly other PIF4-target sites, is currently not well understood. The Mediator complex functions as a bridge between transcription factors bound to specific promoter sequences and the basal transcription machinery containing RNA polymerase II. Mutants of Mediator component Mediator25 (MED25) exhibit reduced hypocotyl elongation and reduced expression of YUCCA8 at 27°C. In line with a proposed role for MED25 in thermomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), we demonstrated an enhanced association of MED25 to the YUCCA8 locus under warmth and interaction of MED25 with both PIF4 and HDA9. Genetic analysis confirmed that MED25 and HDA9 operate in the same pathway. Intriguingly, we also showed that MED25 destabilizes HDA9 protein. Based on our findings, we propose that MED25 recruits HDA9 to the YUCCA8 locus by binding to both PIF4 and HDA9.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the leading cause of severe acute lower respiratory tract infections in infants worldwide. Nonstructural protein NS1 of RSV modulates the host innate immune response by acting as an antagonist of type I and type III interferon (IFN) production and signaling in multiple ways. Likely, NS1 performs this function by interacting with different host proteins. In order to obtain a comprehensive overview of the NS1 interaction partners, we performed three complementary protein-protein interaction screens, i.e., BioID, MAPPIT, and KISS. To closely mimic a natural infection, the BioID proximity screen was performed using a recombinant RSV in which the NS1 protein is fused to a biotin ligase. Remarkably, MED25, a subunit of the Mediator complex, was identified in all three performed screening methods as a potential NS1-interacting protein. We confirmed the interaction between MED25 and RSV NS1 by coimmunoprecipitation, not only upon overexpression of NS1 but also with endogenous NS1 during RSV infection. We also demonstrate that the replication of RSV can be enhanced in MED25 knockout A549 cells, suggesting a potential antiviral role of MED25 during RSV infection. Mediator subunits function as transcriptional coactivators and are involved in transcriptional regulation of their target genes. Therefore, the interaction between RSV NS1 and cellular MED25 might be beneficial for RSV during infection by affecting host transcription and the host immune response to infection. IMPORTANCE Innate immune responses, including the production of type I and III interferons, play a crucial role in the first line of defense against RSV infection. However, only a poor induction of type I IFNs is observed during RSV infection, suggesting that RSV has evolved mechanisms to prevent type I IFN expression by the infected host cell. A unique RSV protein, NS1, is largely responsible for this effect, probably through interaction with multiple host proteins. A better understanding of the interactions that occur between RSV NS1 and host proteins may help to identify targets for an effective antiviral therapy. We addressed this question by performing three complementary protein-protein interaction screens and identified MED25 as an RSV NS1-interacting protein. We propose a role in innate anti-RSV defense for this Mediator complex subunit.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Grain number is a flexible trait and contributes significantly to grain yield. In rice, the zinc finger transcription factor DROUGHT AND SALT TOLERANCE (DST) controls grain number by directly regulating cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase 2 (OsCKX2) expression. Although specific upstream regulators of the DST-OsCKX2 module have been identified, the mechanism employed by DST to regulate the expression of OsCKX2 remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that DST-interacting protein 1 (DIP1), known as Mediator subunit OsMED25, acts as an interacting coactivator of DST. Phenotypic analyses revealed that OsMED25-RNAi and the osmed25 mutant plants exhibited enlarged panicles, with enhanced branching and spikelet number, similar to the dst mutant. Genetic analysis indicated that OsMED25 acts in the same pathway as the DST-OsCKX2 module to regulate spikelet number per panicle. Further biochemical analysis showed that OsMED25 physically interacts with DST at the promoter region of OsCKX2, and then recruits RNA polymerase II (Pol II) to activate OsCKX2 transcription. Thus, OsMED25 was involved in the communication between DST and Pol II general transcriptional machinery to regulate spikelet number. In general, our findings reveal a novel function of OsMED25 in DST-OsCKX2 modulated transcriptional regulation, thus enhancing our understanding of the regulatory mechanism underlying DST-OsCKX2-mediated spikelet number.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants tailor immune responses to defend against pathogens with different lifestyles. In this process, antagonism between the immune hormones salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA) optimizes transcriptional signatures specifically to the attacker encountered. Antagonism is controlled by the transcription cofactor NPR1. The indispensable role of NPR1 in activating SA-responsive genes is well understood, but how it functions as a repressor of JA-responsive genes remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that SA-induced NPR1 is recruited to JA-responsive promoter regions that are co-occupied by a JA-induced transcription complex consisting of the MYC2 activator and MED25 Mediator subunit. In the presence of SA, NPR1 physically associates with JA-induced MYC2 and inhibits transcriptional activation by disrupting its interaction with MED25. Importantly, NPR1-mediated inhibition of MYC2 is a major immune mechanism for suppressing pathogen virulence. Thus, NPR1 orchestrates the immune transcriptome not only by activating SA-responsive genes but also by acting as a corepressor of JA-responsive MYC2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MED25 has been implicated as a negative regulator of the abscisic acid (ABA) signaling pathway. However, it is unclear whether other Mediator subunits could associate with MED25 to participate in the ABA response. Here, we used affinity purification followed by mass spectrometry to uncover Mediator subunits that associate with MED25 in transgenic plants. We found that at least 26 Mediator subunits, belonging to the head, middle, tail, and CDK8 kinase modules, were co-purified with MED25 in vivo. Interestingly, the tail module subunit MED16 was identified to associate with MED25 under both mock and ABA treatments. We further showed that the disruption of MED16 led to reduced ABA sensitivity compared to the wild type. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that the expression of several ABA-responsive genes was significantly lower in med16 than those in wild type. Furthermore, we discovered that MED16 may possibly compete with MED25 to interact with the key transcription factor ABA INSENSITIVE 5 (ABI5) to positively regulate ABA signaling. Consistently, med16 and med25 mutants displayed opposite phenotypes in ABA response, cuticle permeability, and differential ABI5-mediated EM1 and EM6 expression. Together, our data indicate that MED16 and MED25 differentially regulate ABA signaling by antagonistically affecting ABI5-mediated transcription in Arabidopsis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A key functional event in eukaryotic gene activation is the formation of dynamic protein-protein interaction networks between transcriptional activators and transcriptional coactivators. Seemingly incongruent with the tight regulation of transcription, many biochemical and biophysical studies suggest that activators use nonspecific hydrophobic and/or electrostatic interactions to bind to coactivators, with few if any specific contacts. Here a mechanistic dissection of a set of representative dynamic activator•coactivator complexes, comprised of the ETV/PEA3 family of activators and the coactivator Med25, reveals a different molecular recognition model. The data demonstrate that small sequence variations within an activator family significantly redistribute the conformational ensemble of the complex while not affecting overall affinity, and distal residues within the activator-not often considered as contributing to binding-play a key role in mediating conformational redistribution. The ETV/PEA3•Med25 ensembles are directed by specific contacts between the disordered activator and the Med25 interface, which is facilitated by structural shifts of the coactivator binding surface. Taken together, these data highlight the critical role coactivator plasticity plays in recognition of disordered activators and indicate that molecular recognition models of disordered proteins must consider the ability of the binding partners to mediate specificity.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human mediator subunit MED25 acts as a coactivator that binds the transcriptional activation domains (TADs) present in various cellular and viral gene-specific transcription factors. Previous studies, including on NMR measurements and site-directed mutagenesis, have only yielded low-resolution models that are difficult to refine further by experimental means. Here, we apply computational molecular dynamics simulations to study the interactions of two different TADs from the human transcription factor ETV5 (ERM) and herpes virus VP16-H1 with MED25. Like other well-studied coactivator-TAD complexes, the interactions of these intrinsically disordered domains with the coactivator surface are temporary and highly dynamic (\'fuzzy\'). Due to the fact that the MED25 TAD-binding region is organized as an elongated cleft, we specifically asked whether these TADs are capable of binding in either orientation and how this could be achieved structurally and energetically. The binding of both the ETV5 and VP16-TADs in either orientation appears to be possible but occurs in a conformationally distinct manner and utilizes different sets of hydrophobic residues present in the TADs to drive the interactions. We propose that MED25 and at least a subset of human TADs specifically evolved a redundant set of molecular interaction patterns to allow binding to particular coactivators without major prior spatial constraints.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Basel-Vanagaite-Smirin-Yosef syndrome (BVSYS) is an extremely rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder caused by variants in the MED25 gene. It is characterized by severe developmental delay and variable craniofacial, neurological, ocular, and cardiac anomalies. Since 2015, through whole exome sequencing, 20 patients have been described with common clinical features and biallelic variants in MED25, leading to a better definition of the phenotype associated with BVSYS. We report two young sisters, born to consanguineous parents, presenting with intellectual disability, neurological findings, and dysmorphic features typical of BVSYS, and also with bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria. The younger sister died at the age of 1 year without autoptic examination. Whole exome sequencing detected a homozygous frameshift variant in the MED25 gene: NM_030973.3:c.1778_1779delAG, p.(Gln593Argfs). This report further delineates the most common clinical features of BVSYS and points to polymicrogyria as a distinctive neuroradiological feature of this syndrome.





