
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stable transgenesis is a transformative tool in model organism biology. Although the sea urchin is one of the oldest animal models in cell and developmental biology, studies in this animal have largely relied on transient manipulation of wild animals, without a strategy for stable transgenesis. Here, we build on recent progress to develop a more genetically tractable sea urchin species, Lytechinus pictus, and establish a robust transgene integration method. Three commonly used transposons (Minos, Tol2 and piggyBac) were tested for non-autonomous transposition, using plasmids containing a polyubiquitin promoter upstream of a H2B-mCerulean nuclear marker. Minos was the only transposable element that resulted in significant expression beyond metamorphosis. F0 animals were raised to sexual maturity, and spawned to determine germline integration and transgene inheritance frequency, and to characterize expression patterns of the transgene in F1 progeny. The results demonstrate transgene transmission through the germline, the first example of a germline transgenic sea urchin and, indeed, of any echinoderm. This milestone paves the way for the generation of diverse transgenic resources that will dramatically enhance the utility, reproducibility and efficiency of sea urchin research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of the sea urchin larval body plan is well understood from extensive studies of embryonic patterning. However, fewer studies have investigated the late larval stages during which the unique pentaradial adult body plan develops. Previous work on late larval development highlights major tissue changes leading up to metamorphosis, but the location of specific cell types during juvenile development is less understood. Here, we improve on technical limitations by applying highly sensitive hybridization chain reaction fluorescent in situ hybridization (HCR-FISH) to the fast-developing and transparent sea urchin Lytechinus pictus, with a focus on skeletogenic cells. First, we show that HCR-FISH can be used in L. pictus to precisely localize skeletogenic cells in the rudiment. In doing so, we provide a detailed staging scheme for the appearance of skeletogenic cells around the rudiment prior to and during biomineralization and show that many skeletogenic cells unassociated with larval rods localize outside of the rudiment prior to localizing inside. Second, we show that downstream biomineralization genes have similar expression patterns during larval and juvenile skeletogenesis, suggesting some conservation of skeletogenic mechanisms during development between stages. Third, we find co-expression of blastocoelar and skeletogenic cell markers around juvenile skeleton located outside of the rudiment, which is consistent with data showing that cells from the non-skeletogenic mesoderm embryonic lineage contribute to the juvenile skeletogenic cell lineage. This work sets the foundation for subsequent studies of other cell types in the late larva of L. pictus to better understand juvenile body plan development, patterning, and evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sea urchins have contributed greatly to knowledge of fertilization, embryogenesis, and cell biology. However, until now, they have not been genetic model organisms because of their long generation times and lack of tools for husbandry and gene manipulation. We recently established the sea urchin Lytechinus pictus, as a multigenerational model Echinoderm, because of its relatively short generation time of 4-6 months and ease of laboratory culture. To take full advantage of this new multigenerational species, methods are needed to biobank and share genetically modified L. pictus sperm.
    RESULTS: Here, we describe a method, based on sperm ion physiology that maintains L. pictus and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus sperm fertilizable for at least 5-10 weeks when stored at 0°C. We also describe a new method to cryopreserve sperm of both species. Sperm of both species can be frozen and thawed at least twice and still give rise to larvae that undergo metamorphosis.
    CONCLUSIONS: The simple methods we describe work well for both species, achieving >90% embryo development and producing larvae that undergo metamorphosis to juvenile adults. We hope that these methods will be useful to others working on marine invertebrate sperm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plastic leachates have chemical and biological implications for marine environments. This study experimentally evaluated acute effects of weathering plastic leachates (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 %) on fertilization and early development of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus. Fertilization, embryonic and larval development were drastically inhibited (~75 %) when gametes were exposed to intermediate and high leachate concentrations or delayed when exposed to the lowest concentration. Fertilization and first cleavage stages were highly affected by exposure to intermediate and high leachate concentrations. None of the cells incubated at concentrations from 50 % reached blastula stage, suggesting that embryonic development was the most sensitive stage. Abnormalities in embryos and larvae were observed in all leachate treatments. Chemical analysis detected high concentration of bisphenol A, which may induce these observed effects. Our results highlight the potential threats of plastic pollution to sea urchin populations, which may severely affect the structure and functioning of coastal ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A defining feature of sea urchins is their extreme fecundity. Urchins produce millions of transparent, synchronously developing embryos, ideal for spatial and temporal analysis of development. This biological feature has been effectively utilized for ensemble measurement of biochemical changes. However, it has been underutilized in imaging studies, where single embryo measurements are used. Here we present an example of how stable genetics and high content imaging, along with machine learning-based image analysis, can be used to exploit the fecundity and synchrony of sea urchins in imaging-based drug screens. Building upon our recently created sea urchin ABCB1 knockout line, we developed a high-throughput assay to probe the role of this drug transporter in embryos. We used high content imaging to compare accumulation and toxicity of canonical substrates and inhibitors of the transporter, including fluorescent molecules and antimitotic cancer drugs, in homozygous knockout and wildtype embryos. To measure responses from the resulting image data, we used a nested convolutional neural network, which rapidly classified embryos according to fluorescence or cell division. This approach identified sea urchin embryos with 99.8% accuracy and determined two-cell and aberrant embryos with 96.3% and 89.1% accuracy, respectively. The results revealed that ABCB1 knockout embryos accumulated the transporter substrate calcein 3.09 times faster than wildtypes. Similarly, knockouts were 4.71 and 3.07 times more sensitive to the mitotic poisons vinblastine and taxol. This study paves the way for large scale pharmacological screens in the sea urchin embryo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Echinoderms produce functional gametes throughout their lifespan, in some cases exceeding 200 years. The histology and ultrastructure of echinoderm ovaries has been described but how these ovaries function and maintain the production of high-quality gametes remains a mystery. Here, we present the first single cell RNA sequencing data sets of mature ovaries from two sea urchin species (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus [Sp] and Lytechinus variegatus [Lv]), and one sea star species (Patiria miniata [Pm]). We find 14 cell states in the Sp ovary, 16 cell states in the Lv ovary and 13 cell states in the ovary of the sea star. This resource is essential to understand the structure and functional biology of the ovary in echinoderms, and better informs decisions in the utilization of in situ RNA hybridization probes selective for various cell types. We link key genes with cell clusters in validation of this approach. This resource also aids in the identification of the stem cells for prolonged and continuous gamete production, is a foundation for testing changes in the annual reproductive cycle, and is essential for understanding the evolution of reproduction of this important phylum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The release of nanomaterials into the environment is the cause of an emerging concern. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (nano-TiO2) among the most produced nanomaterials, has been documented in marine coastal areas posing a threat on marine biota. Sea urchin embryos are recognized as suitable bioindicators in ecological risk assessment and recently for nanomaterials. This study investigated the impact of nano-TiO2 on fertilization, embryonic and larval development of the tropical sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus in a range of concentrations (0.005-5 μg/mL) which includes environmentally relevant ones. The behavior of nano-TiO2 in tropical natural seawater was determined by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and toxicity was evaluated through fertilization and embryotoxicity tests, and morphological/morphometric analyses of sea urchin\'s larvae. Limited toxicity was recorded for nano-TiO2 in tropical sea urchin embryos and larvae, except for effects at the gastrula stage at 0.005 μg/mL. Large agglomerates of nano-TiO2 (5 μg/mL) were observed adhering onto sea urchin larvae thus probably preventing nanoparticles uptake at the highest concentrations (>0.005 μg/mL). Environmental levels of nano-TiO2 are able to cause toxicity on tropical sea urchin L. variegatus embryos with potential consequences on populations and their ecological role in tropical coastal areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractIt is well established that metabolic processes change with temperature and size. Yet the underlying physiological mechanisms are less well understood regarding how such processes covary within a species and particularly so for developmental stages. Physiological analysis of larvae of the sea urchin Lytechinus pictus revealed that protein was the major biochemical substrate supporting metabolism. The complex dynamics of protein synthesis, turnover, and accretion changed during growth, showing a sevenfold decrease in the ratio of protein accretion to protein synthesis (protein depositional efficiency). To test hypotheses of physiological variation with rising temperature, larvae were reared over a temperature range experienced by this species in its ambient habitat. The thermal sensitivity of protein synthesis was greater than respiration (thermal sensitivity values of 3.7 and 2.4, respectively). Bioenergetic calculations revealed a disproportionate increase in energy allocation toward protein synthesis with rising temperature. These differential temperature sensitivities result in metabolic trade-offs of energy acquisition and expenditure, thereby altering physiological homeostasis. Such insights are of value for improving predictions about limits of biological resilience in a warming ocean.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Defining pattern formation mechanisms during embryonic development is important for understanding the etiology of birth defects and to inform tissue engineering approaches. In this study, we used tricaine, a voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC) inhibitor, to show that VGSC activity is required for normal skeletal patterning in Lytechinus variegatus sea urchin larvae. We demonstrate that tricaine-mediated patterning defects are rescued by an anesthetic-insensitive version of the VGSC LvScn5a. Expression of this channel is enriched in the ventrolateral ectoderm, where it spatially overlaps with posterolaterally expressed Wnt5. We show that VGSC activity is required to spatially restrict Wnt5 expression to this ectodermal region that is adjacent and instructive to clusters of primary mesenchymal cells that initiate secretion of the larval skeleton as triradiates. Tricaine-mediated Wnt5 spatial expansion correlates with the formation of ectopic PMC clusters and triradiates. These defects are rescued by Wnt5 knockdown, indicating that the spatial expansion of Wnt5 is responsible for the patterning defects induced by VGSC inhibition. These results demonstrate a previously unreported connection between bioelectrical status and the spatial control of patterning cue expression during embryonic pattern formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nanos genes encode essential RNA-binding proteins involved in germline determination and germline stem cell maintenance. When examining diverse classes of echinoderms, typically three, sometimes four, nanos genes are present. In this analysis, we identify and annotate nine nanos orthologs in the green sea urchin, Lytechinus variegatus (Lv). All nine genes are transcribed and grouped into three distinct classes. Class one includes the germline Nanos, with one member: Nanos2. Class two includes Nanos3-like genes, with significant sequence similarity to Nanos3 in the purple sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Sp), but with wildly variable expression patterns. The third class includes several previously undescribed nanos zinc-finger genes that may be the result of duplications of Nanos2. All nine nanos transcripts occupy unique genomic loci and are expressed with unique temporal profiles during development. Importantly, here we describe and characterize the unique genomic location, conservation, and phylogeny of the Lv ortholog of the well-studied Sp Nanos2. However, in addition to the conserved germline functioning Nanos2, the green sea urchin appears to be an outlier in the echinoderm phyla with eight additional nanos genes. We hypothesize that this expansion of nanos gene members may be the result of a previously uncharacterized L1-class transposon encoded on the opposite strand of a nanos2 pseudogene present on chromosome 12 in this species. The expansion of nanos genes described here represents intriguing insights into germline specification and nanos evolution in this species of sea urchin.





