
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herbicide exposure poses a higher risk to reptiles due to their frequent contact with soil. Besides, food restriction is also a common environmental pressure that can seriously affect the survival of reptiles. The adaptive strategies of reptiles in the face of emerging herbicide pollution and food shortage challenges are not yet known. Therefore, Eremias Argus (a kind of small reptile) was selected as the model to simulate the real scenario of food shortage in lizards, aiming to explore the comprehensive impact of glufosinate-ammonium (GLA: an emerging herbicide) and food restriction on lizards. The results revealed that lizards often regulate their physiological and biochemical activities through body thermal selection and tend to choose lower body temperature, reduce digestibility, and actively participate in fat energy mobilization to avoid oxidative damage in the state of hunger, finally in order to achieve homeostasis. However, herbicide GLA disrupted the lizards\' efforts to resist the stress of food shortage and interfered with the normal thermoregulation and energy mobilization strategies of lizards facing starvation. The results of this study would improve our understanding of the impacts of Lizards under extreme stresses, help supplement reptile toxicology data and provide scientific basis for the risk assessment of herbicide GLA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change may affect the survival and reproduction of ectotherms. The toad-headed lizard Phrynocephalus theobaldi, which holds the distinction of occupying the highest elevation among all reptile species on Earth, with an elevational range from 3600 to 5000 m, represents an ideal model for studying the adaptations to climatic changes across elevational gradients. Here, we used mechanistic and hybrid species distribution models (HSDM) together with characteristic measurements of thermal biology (CTmax, CTmin, and Tsel) to simulate and compare the distribution and activity periods of the lizard across elevations in response to climate change. NicheMapR simulations using only climate factors predicted that all populations will be negatively impacted by climate change (+3°C) by suffering a reduced distribution. However, the impact was clearly reduced in simulations that accounted for thermal physiological traits. Longer activity periods were predicted for all populations during climate change. The suitable distribution is predicted to change slightly, with an increase anticipated for both high and low elevation populations. However, the forecast indicates a more pronounced increase in suitable habitats for populations at higher elevations (>4200 m) compared to those at lower elevations (<4200 m). This study underscores the key influence of climate change on population establishment and stresses the importance of physiological traits in distribution simulation for future studies to understand the potential constraints in animal adaptation to extreme high environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study aims to investigate the urban colonization of the Asian water monitor (Varanus salvator) across its entire range of distribution, addressing the paucity of research on this species in urban ecosystems. The research spans the geographic range of the Asian water monitor, focusing on urbanized areas where the species accumulates more observations (Bangkok, Colombo, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore).
    UNASSIGNED: We conducted a systematic review to comprehensively assess the current knowledge of the species\' presence in cities. Additionally, citizen science data from repositories like GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information facility ) were utilized to analyze the distribution patterns of V. salvator in urban environments. To elucidate urban distribution and correct collection biases, observations were weighted by sampling effort, using as a proxy all squamate occurrences available from 2010-2023, including V. salvator.
    UNASSIGNED: Despite the widespread presence of the Asian water monitor in numerous cities within its distribution range, the available studies on the topic appear to be scarce. Existing research primarily consists of descriptive reports on diet and behavior. Our findings indicate that V. salvator predominantly colonizes green patches in urban areas, such as parks and small gardens. Larger cities exhibit higher records, potentially due to both permanent populations and increased citizen science reporting.
    UNASSIGNED: The Asian water monitor, as the largest lizard with established populations in cities, remains scarcely studied on a broader scale. However, the urban design of each city seems relevant to understand the distribution patterns within each context. Our study highlights the need for further research to explore the ecological and human dimensions associated with the species\' presence in urban environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The atractid nematode Cyrtosomum penneri is an autoinfective parasite of several lizard species. Intraspecific transmission between hosts appears to occur exclusively through sexual copulation, yet it is unclear how worms are transferred between different host species. Our research aims to test the possibility of oral transmission of C. penneri using experimental infections. The lizards Anolis sagrei, Leiocephalus carinatus, Hemidactylus mabouia, and Agama picticauda were experimentally exposed to C. penneri in 1 of these groups: (1) oral infection using a feces and saline slurry to approximate host coprophagy, (2) oral infection with a large meal to approximate host predation, and (3) venereal infection using a pipette to confirm sexual transmission. Experimental infections to test venereal transmission were successful in A. sagrei, A. picticauda, and H. mabouia, but were unable to establish infections in L. carinatus. In the predation exposures, A. picticauda, A. sagrei, and H. mabouia hosted infections, whereas L. carinatus were uninfected. Finally, coprophagy experimental infections did not result in infections for any species of host. Our study corroborates venereal transmission of C. penneri in multiple species of lizards and establishes predation as an alternative route of infection. Predation as an oral route of transmission may provide C. penneri an opportunity for interspecific transmission that would otherwise be unlikely during host copulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The endocrine system and particularly thyroid hormones regulate almost all physiological processes in a timely manner in all vertebrates, from fish to reptiles to mammals, so risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) is extremely important given their persistent presence in all environmental matrices. Resorcinol, as well as nonylphenol, octylphenol, and bisphenol A, F, S, are non-Halogenated Phenolic (non-HPCs) Chemicals known as EDCs. Resorcinol is a particular example in that most studies are based exclusively on humans while animal studies are few and often inadequate. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of exposure to different doses of resorcinol on the thyroid gland of the lizard Podarcis siculus during different periods of the thyroid gland activity cycle. Our results showed histopathologic changes in thyroid (follicular cell height increase and colloid area decrease), a thyroid weight increase in combination with serum T4 and T3 decrease, serum TSH, TRH increase in male lizards treated with 0.8,3.9,13.1, and 36.9 mg/kg/d of resorcinol. Besides, we also investigated the impacts of resorcinol treatments on hepatic 5\'ORD (type II) deiodinase and hepatic content of T3 and T4. Our findings showed that they are in agreement with in vivo in humans and in rodents data and therefore, resorcinol in reptiles may meet the WHO definition of ECDs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Behavioural thermoregulation has critical ecological and physiological consequences that profoundly influence individual fitness and species distributions, particularly in the context of climate change. However, field monitoring of this behaviour remains labour-intensive and time-consuming. With the rise of camera-based surveys and artificial intelligence (AI) approaches in computer vision, we should try to build better tools for characterizing animals\' behavioural thermoregulation. In this study, we developed a deep learning framework to automate the detection and classification of thermoregulation behaviour. We used lizards, the Rough-tail rock agama (Laudakia vulgaris), as a model animal for thermoregulation. We colour-marked the lizards and curated a diverse dataset of images captured by trail cameras under semi-natural conditions. Subsequently, we trained an object-detection model to identify lizards and image classification models to determine their microclimate usage (activity in sun or shade), which may indicate thermoregulation preferences. We then evaluated the performance of each model and analysed how the classification of thermoregulating lizards performed under different solar conditions (sun or shade), times of day and marking colours. Our framework\'s models achieved high scores in several performance metrics. The behavioural thermoregulation classification model performed significantly better on sun-basking lizards, achieving the highest classification accuracy with white-marked lizards. Moreover, the hours of activity and the microclimate choices (sun vs shade-seeking behaviour) of lizards, generated by our framework, are closely aligned with manually annotated data. Our study underscores the potential of AI in effectively tracking behavioural thermoregulation, offering a promising new direction for camera trap studies. This approach can potentially reduce the labour and time associated with ecological data collection and analysis and help gain a deeper understanding of species\' thermal preferences and risks of climate change on species behaviour.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heloderma horridum horridum, a venomous reptile native to America, has a venom with potential applications in treating type II diabetes. In this work, H. h. horridum venom was extracted, lyophilized, and characterized using enzymatic assays for hyaluronidase, phospholipase, and protease. Proteomic analysis of the venom was conducted employing bottom-up/shotgun approaches, SDS-PAGE, high-pH reversed-phase chromatography, and fractionation of tryptic peptides using nano-LC-MS/MS. The proteins found in H. h. horridum venom were reviewed according to the classification of the transcriptome previously reported. The proteomic approach identified 101 enzymes, 36 other proteins, 15 protein inhibitors, 11 host defense proteins, and 1 toxin, including novel venom components such as calcium-binding proteins, phospholipase A2 inhibitors, serpins, cathepsin, subtilases, carboxypeptidase-like, aminopeptidases, glycoside hydrolases, thioredoxin transferases, acid ceramidase-like, enolase, multicopper oxidases, phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI), fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase class 1, pentraxin-related, peptidylglycine α-hydroxylating monooxygenase/peptidyl-hydroxyglycine α-amidating lyase, carbonic anhydrase, acetylcholinesterase, dipeptidylpeptidase, and lysozymes. These findings contribute to understanding the venomous nature of H. h. horridum and highlight its potential as a source of bioactive compounds. Data are available via PRoteomeXchange with the identifier PXD052417.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Being aggressive and by extension, dominant, is an important mechanism for determining access to resources such as mates or territories. While predictors of contest outcome and dominance are increasingly studied, we have a poor understanding of how they vary across populations. Here, I use the widely distributed Australian agamid lizard, the Jacky dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus), to quantify variation in features predicting contest outcome among males of different populations. I measured physical attributes, maximal physiological performance capacity (sprint speed, endurance, bite force) and visual displays during staged encounters. I found that morphology, performance capacity and the type and frequency of visual displays used during agonistic interactions varied significantly across populations. Contest winners from the Cann River State Forest population favored tail-flicks and push-up/body-rocks, while those from Royal National Park were more likely to chase and individuals from Yarratt State Forest performed more bite-lunges than other populations. The losers of contests also differed in their displays. Individuals from the Cann River population were dominant over the others based on behavioral attributes (i.e., aggressive visual displays, chases and bite-lunges). I suggest that population differences in signal form and function could have implications for range dynamics as populations come into contact in an era of rapid environmental change.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    An adult, 362 g, male, intact inland bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) was admitted to a veterinary clinic due to a temporary cloacal prolapse and a two-week history of reduced overall condition and forage intake. Physical examination revealed an approximately 2 × 1 cm round-shaped, rigid intracoelomic tissue mass. Multiple sand deposits were present on the cloacal mucous membranes, though no signs of cloacal prolapse were present. The lizard was otherwise responsive but showed reduced body tension and movement behavior. Initial fecal examination revealed a high-grade oxyuriasis. A 2 × 1.5 cm sized intracoelomic, well-vascularized, round-shaped mass was subsequently visualized by ultrasonography. After a two-day stabilization therapy, the intracoelomic mass was removed by performing a standard ventral coeliotomy under general anesthesia. Histopathological examination of the excised mass revealed an acinar pancreatic adenocarcinoma with infiltration of the peritumorous connective soft tissue. The lizard remained at the clinic for a further seven days. Its postsurgical condition improved slowly. However, the lizard started regular forage intake 10 days after surgery, and general behavior enhanced constantly within the following three weeks. The animal was presented for a follow-up six weeks after surgery, showing bright and alert behavior with no signs of disease or illness. The lizard was re-examined 20 months after the initial presentation due to a reduced overall condition and reduced food intake. Blood chemistry evaluation revealed markedly decreased protein parameters, and moderate ascites was identified ultrasonographically. A distinct association with the preceding neoplastic disease could not be made, and the lizard returned to its regular condition under supportive therapy within three weeks. To the authors\' knowledge, this is the first report of successful treatment of a pancreatic carcinoma in a bearded dragon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reptile white blood cell (WBC) morphological features are strikingly variable across species. In the Argentine black and white tegu (Salvator merianae), red tegu (Salvator rufescens), and Savannah monitor (Varanus exanthematicus), previous reports described a WBC type with a single distinct, clear, linear- to ovoid- to crescent-shaped inclusion of presumptive monocytic origin. The objective of this study was to further investigate the origin of this unique WBC type with crescent-shaped inclusions. Blood samples from two Argentine black and white tegus, tegu 1, a 4-year-old female, and tegu 2, a 2-year-old presumed male, were submitted for routine hematological evaluation. Additional blood films were prepared and stained with these cytochemical stains: alkaline phosphatase (ALP; naphthol AS-MX phosphate substrate), alpha-naphthyl butyrate esterase, alpha-chloroacetate esterase, myeloperoxidase, Periodic acid-Schiff, and Sudan black B. Blood films from tegu 1 were also stained with a second ALP stain (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl-phosphate and nitroblue tetrazolium substrate), Luna, luxol fast blue, and toluidine blue. The blood from tegu 1 was cytocentrifuged to isolate and fix the buffy coat in glutaraldehyde 2.5% aqueous solution for transmission electron microscopy. Six morphologically distinct WBC types were identified from tegu 1, including heterophils, basophils, monocytes, azurophils, lymphocytes, and the unique WBC type, which were identified as eosinophils with inclusions. WBC types in tegu 2 were similar; however, eosinophils lacked a discernable inclusion. Proper WBC identification will be useful in obtaining accurate hemogram data for this species.





