Limited resection

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In the management of solid tumours, routine concepts are increasingly being transformed into individualized patient treatment. Endocrine surgery is traditionally characterized by resection strategies that are adapted to phenotype and genotype of the underlying disease. As complication rates in surgery correlate with the extent of resection, continuous efforts are made to identify selection criteria in order to limit the extent of surgery without compromising the oncological outcome. The aim is to design risk-stratified precision endocrine surgery.
    METHODS: A search was carried out in PubMed for new and modern strategies and approaches for oncological endocrine surgery.
    RESULTS: Several developments in surgical technique and technology, molecular pathology, medical therapy, and study data identify the potential to adapt the surgical strategy in all areas of endocrine surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: According to prevalent data, limited extent of resection in thyroid cancer surgery shows a reduction in complication rates while preserving oncological outcome when adequate selection criteria are implemented. New insights and innovative technologies also influence additional areas in oncological endocrine surgery for parathyroid, adrenal, and neuroendocrine neoplasia. However, the broad practice of these new concepts needs to be evaluated with regard to long-term oncological outcome.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: In der Onkologie werden Therapiekonzepte von der erkrankungstypischen Routinetherapie zunehmend in patientenindividuelle Behandlungen überführt. Insbesondere in der endokrinen Chirurgie sind phänotypisch und genotypisch abgestimmte Resektionsstrategien etabliert. Da die Komplikationsrate mit dem Resektionsausmaß korreliert, wird geprüft, wo eine Limitierung des Resektionsausmaßes ohne Nachteile hinsichtlich des onkologischen Ergebnisses, das heißt hinsichtlich der Rezidivrate und/oder des Gesamtüberlebens, möglich ist und welche Selektionskriterien dabei zugrunde gelegt werden können. Das Ziel ist eine risikostratifizierte endokrine Präzisionschirurgie.
    UNASSIGNED: In einer PubMed-Literatursuche wurden neue und moderne Strategien und Zugänge in der onkologischen endokrinen Chirurgie identifiziert.
    UNASSIGNED: Verschiedene Entwicklungen der Operationstechnik, Molekularpathologie und medikamentösen Therapie sowie Studiendaten weisen in allen Bereichen der endokrinen Chirurgie Möglichkeiten der Anpassung chirurgischer Strategien aus, die zunehmend in die Praxis übernommen werden.
    UNASSIGNED: Limitierte Resektionsformen in der Chirurgie der Schilddrüsenkarzinome haben den Vorteil geringerer Komplikationen und zeigen nach vorläufigen Studiendaten bei adäquaten Selektionskriterien keinen onkologischen Nachteil. Auch bei endokrinen Neoplasien der Nebenschilddrüse oder Nebenniere und bei neuroendokrinen Tumoren wird das chirurgische Vorgehen durch neue Erkenntnisse und Technologien beeinflusst. Die breite Umsetzung dieser Konzepte und Langzeitergebnisse steht derzeit noch aus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma (IMA) has a rare incidence with better prognosis than nonmucinous adenocarcinoma. We aimed to investigate the prognosis between limited resection and lobectomy for patients with clinical stage IA IMA ≤ 2 cm.
    METHODS: Data were taken from two cohorts: In Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital (SPH) corhort, we identified 403 patients with clinical stage IA IMA who underwent surgery. In the SEER corhort, 480 patients with stage T1 IMA who after surgery were included. Recurrence-free survival (RFS) for SPH corhort, lung cancer-specific survival (LCSS) for the SEER corhort and overall survival (OS) for both corhort were compared between patients undergoing lobectomy and limited resection by Log-rank and Cox proportional hazard regression model.
    RESULTS: In SPH corhort, patients who underwent limited resection had equivalent prognosis than those underwent lobectomy (5-year RFS: 79.3% versus. 82.6%, p = 0.116; 5-year OS: 86.2% versus. 88.3%, p = 0.235). However, patients with IMA > 2 to 3 cm had worse prognosis than those with IMA ≤ 2 cm (5-year RFS: 73.7% versus. 86.1%, p = 0.007). In the analysis of IMA > 2 to 3 cm subgroup, multivariate analysis showed that limited resection was an independent risk factor of RFS (hazard ratio, 2.417; 95% confidence interval, 1.157-5.049; p = 0.019), while OS (p = 0.122) was not significantly different between two groups. For IMA ≤ 2 cm, limited resection was not a risk factor of RFS (p = 0. 953) and OS (p = 0.552). In the SEER corhort, IMA ≤ 2 cm subgroup, limited resection was equivalent prognosis in LCSS (p = 0.703) and OS (p = 0.830).
    CONCLUSIONS: Limited resection could be a potential surgical option which comparable to lobectomy in patients with clinical stage IA IMA ≤ 2 cm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The standard resection for early-stage thymoma is total thymectomy and complete tumour excision with or without myasthenia gravis but the optimal surgery mode for patients with early-stage non-myasthenic thymoma is debatable. This study analysed the oncological outcomes for non-myasthenic patients with early-stage thymoma treated by thymectomy or limited resection in the long term.
    METHODS: Patients who had resections of thymic neoplasms at Taipei Veteran General Hospital, Taiwan between December 1997 and March 2013 were recruited, exclusive of those combined clinical evidence of myasthenia gravis were reviewed. A total of 113 patients were retrospectively reviewed with pathologic early stage (Masaoka stage I and II) thymoma who underwent limited resection or extended thymectomy to compare their long-term oncologic and surgical outcomes.
    RESULTS: The median observation time was 134.1 months [interquartile range (IQR) 90.7-176.1 months]. In our cohort, 52 patients underwent extended thymectomy and 61 patients underwent limited resection. Shorter duration of surgery (p < 0.001) and length of stay (p = 0.006) were demonstrated in limited resection group. Six patients experienced thymoma recurrence, two of which had combined myasthenia gravis development after recurrence. There was no significant difference (p = 0.851) in freedom-from-recurrence, with similar 10-year freedom-from-recurrence rates between the limited resection group (96.2 %) and the thymectomy group (93.2 %). Tumour-related survival was also not significantly different between groups (p = 0.726).result CONCLUSION: Patients with early-stage non-myasthenic thymoma who underwent limited resection without complete excision of the thymus achieved similar oncologic outcomes during the long-term follow-up and better peri-operative results compared to those who underwent thymectomy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Many patients with early-stage lung cancer are not candidates for lobectomy because of various factors, with treatment options including sublobar resection or stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT). Limited information exists regarding patient-centered outcomes after these treatments.
    METHODS: Subjects with stage I-IIA non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) at high risk for lobectomy who underwent treatment with sublobar resection or SBRT were recruited from five medical centers. Quality of life (QOL) was compared with the Short Form 8 (SF-8) for physical and mental health and Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Lung (FACT-L) surveys at baseline (pretreatment) and 7 days, 30 days, 6 months, and 12 months after treatment. Propensity score methods were used to control for confounders.
    RESULTS: Of 337 subjects enrolled before treatment, 63% received SBRT. Among patients undergoing resection, 89% underwent minimally invasive video-assisted thoracic surgery or robot-assisted resection. Adjusted analyses showed that SBRT-treated patients had both higher physical health SF-8 scores (difference in differences [DID], 6.42; p = .0008) and FACT-L scores (DID, 2.47; p = .004) at 7 days posttreatment. Mental health SF-8 scores were not different at 7 days (p = .06). There were no significant differences in QOL at other time points, and all QOL scores returned to baseline by 12 months for both groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: SBRT is associated with better QOL immediately posttreatment compared with sublobar resection. However, both treatment groups reported similar QOL at later time points, with a return to baseline QOL. These findings suggest that sublobar resection and SBRT have a similar impact on the QOL of patients with early-stage lung cancer deemed ineligible for lobectomy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: For patients with stage II and III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), various multi-modality treatments are required. However, depending on the individual conditions of patients, there will be a significant difference in prognosis. Therefore, this study investigated the clinical impact of inadequate treatment (limited surgery and inadequate adjuvant therapy) in patients with NSCLC stage II or III using data from the Korean Association of Lung Cancer Registry (KALC-R) between 2014 and 2016.
    METHODS: Of the 8,110 new lung cancer cases registered at the Korea Central Cancer Registry in 2014-2016, 721 patients with stage II or III NSCLC were selected and divided into three groups according to differences in cancer treatment methods. In group A, patients underwent standard surgery and completed adjuvant therapy. In group B, patients underwent standard surgery without completing adjuvant therapy. In group C, patients received adjuvant therapy after limited surgery. After performing propensity score matching (PSM) for selected patients, overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) rates of the three groups of patients with stage II and III NSCLC patients were then compared.
    RESULTS: Of the 721 patients with NSCLC, 239, 437, and 45 belonged to groups A, B, and C, respectively. After 1:3 PS matching for groups B and C, the 5-year survival rate of patients with stage II or III NSCLC were 68.0% and 26.7% for groups B and C, respectively and the DFS rate was 59.1% and 16.2% for groups B and C, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The therapeutic effect of the standard surgery was the best. Although patients received adjuvant therapy, limited resection resulted in a poorer prognosis in compromised patients compared with omitting adjuvant therapy followed by standard surgery. Thus, surgical treatment should be considered in patients who are unable to complete surgical and adjuvant therapy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Although gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs) are encountered all along the gastrointestinal tract, duodenal GISTs are uncommon and account for <5% of the cases. A 45-year-old woman presented chiefly with anaemia and associated symptoms, whom on further evaluation was found to have a non-metastatic GIST in the distal duodenum sparing the pancreas and major vasculature. Patient was undertaken for segmental duodenectomy with the help of advanced bipolar energy device (tumour occupying D3-D4 with 1 cm proximal margin and 15 cm jejunum) preserving the pancreas and ampulla with end-to-end duodenojejunostomy with an uneventful postoperative course and clear margins on histopathology. Thus, the patient underwent a less morbid procedure with satisfactory oncological outcome and early resumption of activity. This highlights the need to conduct more trials to gather high level evidence in favour of conservative resection and its oncological adequacy and impact on overall survival and recurrence.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Routine preoperative assessment of the tumor marker calcitonin for medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) and the generally improved diagnostics with high-resolution ultrasound, elastography and Doppler function as well as functional imaging, enable the earlier detection of organ-limited, non-metastasized MTC. Thereby, a new treatment option arises for surgical de-escalation in sporadic MTC, moving from routine thyroidectomy with bilateral central lymph node dissection towards unilateral thyroidectomy with ipsilateral central lymph node dissection.
    METHODS: A search was carried out in PubMed for surgical approaches and selection of publications with results from limited resection in sporadic MTC.
    RESULTS: In selected patient cohorts limited resection surgery can achieve adequate oncological results but requires long-term follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: When sporadic unifocal primary tumors are identified and intraoperative frozen section pathological investigation is consistently employed for assessing the grade of desmoplasia and breach of the tumor capsule, the extent of resection can be intraoperatively adapted. Pivotal prerequisites for this personalized concept include consideration of preoperative clinical criteria and intraoperative surgical assessment in conjunction with the intraoperative frozen section examination in order to achieve an adequate oncological tumor resection and a biochemical cure.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Die präoperative Routinebestimmung des Tumormarkers Kalzitonin für das medulläre Schilddrüsenkarzinom (MTC) und die allgemein verbesserte Diagnostik mit hochauflösendem Ultraschall, Elastographie und Dopplerfunktion sowie funktioneller Bildgebung ermöglicht es, MTC in früherem, also im organbegrenzten und nichtmetastasierten Stadium zu diagnostizieren. Damit eröffnet sich beim sporadischen MTC die Möglichkeit zur Deeskalation des primären Operationsausmaßes weg von der Thyreoidektomie mit bilateraler zentraler Lymphknotendissektion hin zur limitierten Resektion als Hemithyreoidektomie mit ipsilateraler zentraler Lymphknotendissektion.
    METHODS: PubMed-Recherche zum operativen Vorgehen und Auswahl von Publikationen mit Ergebnissen limitierter Operationsverfahren beim sporadischen MTC.
    UNASSIGNED: Im selektionierten Patientengut können limitierte Resektionen adäquate onkologische Ergebnisse erzielen, die aber eine Langzeittumornachsorge erfordern.
    CONCLUSIONS: Bei Identifikation sporadischer unifokaler Primärtumoren und konsequenter intraoperativer gefrierschnitthistologischer Erfassung des Desmoplasiegrades und des Kapseldurchbruchs kann das Resektionsausmaß intraoperativ der patientenindividuellen Situation angepasst werden. Entscheidende Voraussetzungen hierfür sind die Berücksichtigung der klinischen präoperativen und intraoperativen chirurgischen sowie der gefrierschnitthistologischen Kriterien, die das onkologische adäquate Ergebnis mit R0-Resektion und biochemischer Heilung erreichen.






  • 文章类型: Multicenter Study
    BACKGROUND: The JCOG0804/WJOG4507L single-arm confirmatory trial indicated a satisfactory 10-year prognosis for patients who underwent limited resection for radiologically less-invasive lung cancer. However, only one prospective trial has reported a 10-year prognosis.
    METHODS: We conducted a multicenter prospective study coordinated by the National Cancer Center Hospital East and Kanagawa Cancer Center. We analyzed the long-term prognosis of 100 patients who underwent limited resection of a radiologically less-invasive lung cancer in the peripheral lung field. We defined radiologically less-invasive lung cancer as lung adenocarcinoma with a maximum tumor diameter of ≤2 cm, tumor disappearance ratio of ≥0.5 and cN0. The primary endpoint was the 10-year local recurrence-free survival.
    RESULTS: Our patients, with a median age of 62 years, included 39 males. A total of 58 patients were non-smokers; 87 had undergone wide wedge resection and 9 underwent segmentectomy. A total of four cases were converted to lobectomy because of the presence of poorly differentiated components in the frozen specimen or insufficient margin with segmentectomy. The median follow-up duration was 120.9 months. The 10-year recurrence-free survival and overall survival rates of patients with lung cancer were both 96.0%. Following the 10-year long-term follow-up, two patients experienced recurrences at resection ends after wedge resection.
    CONCLUSIONS: Limited resection imparted a satisfactory prognosis for patients with radiologically less-invasive lung cancer, except two cases of local recurrence >5 years after surgery. These findings suggest that patients with this condition who underwent limited resection may require continued follow-up >5 years after surgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Tumor spread through air spaces (STAS) is now recognized as tumor invasion. However, the association between STAS and procedure-specific outcomes (limited resection and lobectomy) in patients with pathologic stage I lung adenocarcinoma (ADC) is still under investigation.
    UNASSIGNED: To investigate whether limited resection predicts poorer survival in such patients, we retrospectively analyzed the clinicopathologic features of a large cohort of 1,566 patients with stage I ADC from 2017 to 2020 and classified them according to STAS status and surgical method. Kaplan-Meier, Cox hazard proportional regression, and propensity score matching (PSM) were adopted for prognostic evaluation.
    UNASSIGNED: STAS-positive patients had worse recurrence-free survival (RFS) (P<0.001). There was no significant difference in RFS and overall survival (OS) between limited resection and lobectomy, neither for the STAS-negative nor STAS-positive group before matching. After matching, limited resection was found to achieve comparable RFS to lobectomy in STAS-positive patients with pathologic I, IA, or IB stage tumor, (P=0.816, P=0.576, P=0.281, respectively), but worse OS in stage I and stage IB patients (P=0.029, P=0.010, respectively). Furthermore, in multivariable analysis, limited resection was not an independent prognostic factor of RFS or OS. Instead, the high-grade histological subtype was the only independent prognostic factor for RFS (P=0.001). In the subgroup analysis, adjuvant chemotherapy (ACT) did not improve the outcomes of stage IB STAS-positive patients.
    UNASSIGNED: Limited resection was associated with worse survival than lobectomy in stage I STAS-positive patients, but not in stage IA STAS-positive patients.






  • 文章类型: Editorial





