Leprosy neuropathy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae), an intracellular bacillus that systematically invades the peripheral nerves. Diagnosing leprosy neuropathy is still a defying skill, and late diagnosis and treatment are still a reality. Based on the biological characteristics of M. leprae, particularly its preference for invading the Schwann cells localized at the coldest areas of human body, we hypothesized that these areas have focal demyelination that may escape detection through standard nerve conduction studies (NCSs) protocols.
    METHODS: Twenty-five patients with confirmed multibacillary leprosy and 14 controls were accessed. A multisegmented NCS protocol (MP) was performed, targeting short segments through the coldest areas, to identify focal areas of slowed conduction velocity. The effectiveness of this multisegmented protocol was compared to the standard protocol (SP) to detect abnormalities.
    RESULTS: All leprosy patients presented an abnormal study with the MP, contrasting to 19 with the SP. The most frequent NCS pattern was an asymmetric neuropathy with focal slowing of conduction velocity, found in 23 out of 25 leprosy patients. Significant differences favoring the proposed method were observed when comparing the MP with the SP. Notably, the MP increased the sensitivity to detect abnormalities by 122%, 133%, and 257% for the median, peroneal, and tibial nerves, respectively. MP also increases sensitivity to detect focal abnormalities in the ulnar nerve.
    CONCLUSIONS: The MP protocol significantly increases the sensitivity of NCSs to detect neurophysiological abnormalities in leprosy neuropathy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mycobacterium leprae, the pathogen that causes human leprosy, has a unique affinity for infecting and persisting inside Schwann cells, the principal glia of the peripheral nervous system. Several studies have focused on this intricate host-pathogen interaction as an attempt to advance the current knowledge of the mechanisms governing nerve destruction and disease progression. However, during the chronic course of leprosy neuropathy, Schwann cells can respond to and internalize both live and dead M. leprae and bacilli-derived antigens, and this may result in divergent cellular pathobiological responses. This may also distinctly contribute to tissue degeneration, failure to repair, inflammatory reactions, and nerve fibrosis, hallmarks of the disease. Therefore, the present study systematically searched for published studies on M. leprae-Schwann cell interaction in vitro to summarize the findings and provide a focused discussion of Schwann cell dynamics following challenge with leprosy bacilli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pure Neural Leprosy (PNL) is a form of this long time known disease that affects only the peripheral nervous system. Since it is a rare form of the disease, its pathophisiology is still poorly understood.
    Describe the cytokines profile in patients with PNL.
    30 Patients diagnosed with PNL in the Souza Araujo Outpatient Clinic and with cytokines evaluated were selected. They were evaluated by neurologists and diagnosed after a nerve biopsy. Serum levels of IL-1 β, IL-6, IL-10, IL-17, TNF, CCL-2/MCP-1, IFN-ϒ, CXCL-10/IP-10 and TGF-β were evaluates at the moment of the diagnosis.
    Neural thickening was a common clinical finding in this groups of patients. Small and medium sensitive fibers signs and symptoms were present in 92% of the patients and motor involvement in 53%. 43% of patients presented neuropathic pain and no one had neuritis TGF-beta, IL-17, CCl-2 and IP-10. CCL-2 levels were associated with demyelinating patters and IP-10 and IL-1o were associated with axonal patterns at NCS.
    PNL patients\' cytokine profile appears to be different of other clinical forms of leprosy, with the presence of cytokines described in both tuberculoid and lepromatous leprosy. High levels of CCl-2 may be related to the presence of silent neuritis as well as the presence of IL-10. PNL is unique a form of leprosy, therefore, understanding its immunological profiles essential to better understand the disease itself.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To explore neurofilament light chain (NfL) levels in leprotic neuropathy compared to controls, and to determine if the changes correlate with ultrasonographic nerve findings.
    METHODS: Individuals with leprosy with signs or symptoms suggestive of peripheral nerve involvement were recruited. They were evaluated by clinical examination, functional scores, laboratory assessments (including NfL), nerve conduction studies (NCS), and ultrasound. Ultrasound was conducted in bilateral median, ulnar, tibial, fibular, sural, and vagus nerves as well as cervical roots 5 and 6. Results were compared to age, sex, and body mass index matched healthy controls.
    RESULTS: A total of 320 nerves from 20 patients and 480 nerves from 30 controls were evaluated. NfL was significantly elevated in those with leprosy with a mean and standard deviation of 7.50 + 2.83 compared with 3.42 + 1.18 in controls (P < .001). Ultrasound showed focal enlargement of the nerves, particularly at entrapment sites. Additionally, there were noticeable changes in neural Doppler signal, echogenicity, and epineural thickness among the measured nerve sites. NfL levels in those with leprosy correlated closely with nerve cross-sectional area at all sites (P < .05). Functional and clinical assessment scores correlated with NfL and sonographic cross-sectional area as well (P ≤ .05).
    CONCLUSIONS: NfL is elevated in leprotic neuropathy. Ultrasound showed specific morphological changes in individuals with leprosy, and nerve enlargement correlated with NfL levels. Thus, both modalities may be useful for the diagnosis, prognosis, and disease monitoring in those with leprotic neuropathy, and further investigations are warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The A-wave is a late response related either to demyelination or early axonal regeneration. It may be helpful in the evaluation of some peripheral neuropathies. In leprosy, previous studies suggested that A-waves could be a neurophysiological marker of pain in patients during reactions. Herein we have attempted to further assess the profile and clinical correlates of A-waves by exploring a large leprosy cohort.
    METHODS: Between 2015 and 2018, 63 patients with leprosy (47 men and 16 women) had A-waves in nerve conduction studies and were included in this study. We included patients regardless of whether they were experiencing leprosy reactions or not. We then compared clinical features in nerves with and without A-waves.
    RESULTS: The mean age of study participants was 46.5 ± 12.3 years and most had borderline leprosy. From this cohort, we assessed separately 83 motor nerves that demonstrated A-waves (group A+ ) and 29 motor nerves that did not demonstrate A-waves (group A- ). Neuropathic pain (NP) was found in 66 of 83 nerves in group A+ , but only 5 of 29 in group A- (79.5 vs 17.2%, P < .001). In contrast, no significant between-group difference emerged regarding presence of reactions, sensory function (based on Semmes-Weinstein evaluations), or muscle strength. A-waves were found in nerves with neuropathic pain experiencing (39 of 66 = 59%) or not experiencing (27 of 66 = 41%) leprosy reactions.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results show that A-waves are associated with neuropathic pain in leprosy patients, regardless of the nerves affected and the immune status (in reaction or not).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae infection in Schwann cells. Axonopathy is considered a hallmark of leprosy neuropathy and is associated with the irreversible motor and sensory loss seen in infected patients. Although M. leprae is recognized to provoke Schwann cell dedifferentiation, the mechanisms involved in the contribution of this phenomenon to neural damage remain unclear. In the present work, we used live M. leprae to infect the immortalized human Schwann cell line ST8814. The neurotoxicity of infected Schwann cell-conditioned medium (SCCM) was then evaluated in a human neuroblastoma cell lineage and mouse neurons. ST8814 Schwann cells exposed to M. leprae affected neuronal viability by deviating glial 14 C-labeled lactate, important fuel of neuronal central metabolism, to de novo lipid synthesis. The phenolic glycolipid-1 (PGL-1) is a specific M. leprae cell wall antigen proposed to mediate bacterial-Schwann cell interaction. Therefore, we assessed the role of the PGL-1 on Schwann cell phenotype by using transgenic M. bovis (BCG)-expressing the M. leprae PGL-1. We observed that BCG-PGL-1 was able to induce a phenotype similar to M. leprae, unlike the wild-type BCG strain. We next demonstrated that this Schwann cell neurotoxic phenotype, induced by M. leprae PGL-1, occurs through the protein kinase B (Akt) pathway. Interestingly, the pharmacological inhibition of Akt by triciribine significantly reduced free fatty acid content in the SCCM from M. leprae- and BCG-PGL-1-infected Schwann cells and, hence, preventing neuronal death. Overall, these findings provide novel evidence that both M. leprae and PGL-1, induce a toxic Schwann cell phenotype, by modifying the host lipid metabolism, resulting in profound implications for neuronal loss. We consider this metabolic rewiring a new molecular mechanism to be the basis of leprosy neuropathy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the role of high-resolution ultrasonography with color Doppler (HRUS with CD) to diagnose inflammatory activity (IA) in nerves of leprosy patients under type 1 (RT1) and 2 (RT2) reactions compared to Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS).
    METHODS: Leprosy patients with signs or symptoms suggestive of neuritis (RT1 and RT2) without corticosteroids use were selected. They were evaluated by NCS and subsequently by HRUS with CD. Subacute segmental demyelination and the presence of blood flow, respectively, were considered signs of IA. The two methods were compared for their ability to diagnose patients with leprosy reactions.
    RESULTS: A total of 257 nerves from 35 patients were evaluated. NCS and HRUS with CD diagnosed IA in 68% and 74% of patients, respectively. When both methods were used concomitantly, the diagnosis rate was 91.4%. HRUS with CD was particular helpful when there was minimal neurophysiological compromise in NCS or when motor potentials were not detected.
    CONCLUSIONS: HRUS with CD was able to detect leprosy reactions, especially when combined with NCS. It was especially useful in two opposite situations: nerves with only minor changes and those without motor response in NCS.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our data shows the usefulness of HRUS and CD, similar to NCS, as a tool to diagnose leprosy reactions.






