Langmuir films

Langmuir 电影
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amantadine, a small amphilphic organic compound that consists of an adamantane backbone and an amino group, was first recognized as an antiviral in 1963 and received approval for prophylaxis against the type A influenza virus in 1976. Since then, it has also been used to treat Parkinson\'s disease-related dyskinesia and is being considered as a treatment for corona viruses. Since amantadine usually targets membrane-bound proteins, its interactions with the membrane are also thought to be important. Biological membranes are now widely understood to be laterally heterogeneous and certain proteins are known to preferentially co-localize within specific lipid domains. Does amantadine, therefore, preferentially localize in certain lipid composition domains? To address this question, we studied amantadine\'s interactions with phase separating membranes composed of cholesterol, DSPC (1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine), POPC (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine), and DOPC (1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine), as well as single-phase DPhPC (1,2-diphytanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phos-phocholine) membranes. From Langmuir trough and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements, we determined, respectively, that amantadine preferentially binds to disordered lipids, such as POPC, and lowers the phase transition temperature of POPC/DSPC/cholesterol mixtures, implying that amantadine increases membrane disorder. Further, using droplet interface bilayers (DIBs), we observed that amantadine disrupts DPhPC membranes, consistent with its disordering properties. Finally, we carried out molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on POPC/DSPC/cholesterol membranes with varying amounts of amantadine. Consistent with experiment, MD simulations showed that amantadine prefers to associate with disordered POPC-rich domains, domain boundaries, and lipid glycerol backbones. Since different proteins co-localize with different lipid domains, our results have possible implications as to which classes of proteins may be better targets for amantadine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Understanding the rules that control the assembly of nanostructured soft materials at interfaces is central to many applications. We hypothesize that electrolytes can be used to alter the hydration shell of amphiphilic oligomers at the air-aqueous interface of Langmuir films, thereby providing a means to control the formation of emergent nanostructures.
    METHODS: Three representative salts - (NaF, NaCl, NaSCN) were studied for mediating the self-assembly of oligodimethylsiloxane methylimidazolium (ODMS-MIM+) amphiphiles in Langmuir films. The effects of the different salts on the nanostructure assembly of these films were probed using vibrational sum frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy and Langmuir trough techniques. Experimental data were supported by atomistic molecular dynamic simulations.
    RESULTS: Langmuir trough surface pressure - area isotherms suggested a surprising effect on oligomer assembly, whereby the presence of anions affects the stability of the interfacial layer irrespective of their surface propensities. In contrast, SFG results implied a strong anion effect that parallels the surface activity of anions. These seemingly contradictory trends are explained by anion driven tail dehydration resulting in increasingly heterogeneous systems with entangled ODMS tails and appreciable anion penetration into the complex interfacial layer comprised of headgroups, tails, and interfacial water molecules. These findings provide physical and chemical insight for tuning a wide range of interfacial assemblies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to assess the antiprotozoal efficacy of dicentrine, an aporphine alkaloid isolated from Ocotea puberula, against amastigote forms of Leishmania (L.) infantum. Our findings reveal that dicentrine demonstrated a notable EC50 value of 10.3 μM, comparable to the positive control miltefosine (EC50 of 10.4 μM), while maintaining moderate toxicity to macrophages (CC50 of 51.9 μM). Utilizing an in silico methodology, dicentrine exhibited commendable adherence to various parameters, encompassing lipophilicity, water solubility, molecule size, polarity, and flexibility. Subsequently, we conducted additional investigations to unravel the mechanism of action, employing Langmuir monolayers as models for protozoan cell membranes. Tensiometry analyses unveiled that dicentrine disrupts the thermodynamic and mechanical properties of the monolayer by expanding it to higher areas and increasing the fluidity of the film. The molecular disorder was further corroborated through dilatational rheology and infrared spectroscopy. These results contribute insights into the role of dicentrine as a potential antiprotozoal drug in its interactions with cellular membranes. Beyond elucidating the mechanism of action at the plasma membrane\'s external surface, our study sheds light on drug-lipid interface interactions, offering implications for drug delivery and other pharmaceutical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The indiscriminate and, very often, incorrect use of pesticides in Brazil, as well as in other countries, results in severe levels of environmental pollution and intoxication of human life. Herein, we studied plasma membrane models (monolayer and bilayer) of the phospholipid Dioleoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine (DOPC) using Langmuir films, and large (LUVs) and giant (GUVs) unilamellar vesicles, to determine the effect of the pesticides chlorantraniliprole (CLTP), isoxaflutole (ISF), and simazine (SMZ), used in sugarcane. CLTP affects the lipid organization of the bioinspired models of DOPC π-A isotherms, while ISF and SMZ pesticides significantly affect the LUVs and GUVs. Furthermore, the in vivo study of the gill tissue in fish in the presence of pesticides (2.0 × 10-10 mol/L for CLTP, 8.3 × 10-9 mol/L for ISF, and SMZ at 9.9 × 10-9 mol/L) was performed using optical and fluorescence images. This investigation was motivated by the gill lipid membranes, which are vital for regulating transporter activity through transmembrane proteins, crucial for maintaining ionic balance in fish gills. In this way, the presence of phospholipids in gills offers a model for understanding their effects on fish health. Histological results show that exposure to CLTP, ISF, and SMZ may interfere with vital gill functions, leading to respiratory disorders and osmoregulation dysfunction. The results indicate that exposure to pesticides caused severe morphological alterations in fish, which could be correlated with their impact on the bioinspired membrane models. Moreover, the effect does not depend on the exposure period (24h and 96h), showing that animals exposed to pesticides for a short period suffer irreparable damage to gill tissue. In summary, we can conclude that the harm caused by pesticides, both in membrane models and in fish gills, occurs due to contamination of the aquatic system with pesticides. Therefore, water quality is vital for the preservation of ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bent-core liquid crystals, a class of mesogenic compounds with non-linear molecular structures, are well known for their unconventional mesophases, characterized by complex molecular (and supramolecular) ordering and often featuring biaxial and polar properties. In the nematic phase, their unique behavior is manifested in the formation of nano-sized biaxial clusters of layered molecules (cybotactic groups). While this prompted their consideration in the quest for nematic biaxiality, experimental evidence indicates that the cybotactic order is only short-ranged and that the nematic phase is macroscopically uniaxial. By combining atomic force microscopy, neutron reflectivity and wide-angle grazing-incidence X-ray scattering, here, we demonstrate that multilayer films of a bent-core nematic, deposited on silicon by a combined Langmuir-Blodgett and Langmuir-Schaefer approach, exhibit macroscopic in-plane ordering, with the long molecular axis tilted with respect to the sample surface and the short molecular axis (i.e., the apex bisector) aligned along the film compression direction. We thus propose the use of Langmuir films as an effective way to study and control the complex anchoring properties of bent-core liquid crystals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The potentially toxic effects of emerging pollutant mixtures often deviate from the individual compound effects, presenting additive, synergistic, or agonistic interactions. This study delves into the complex world of emerging pollutants\' mixtures, with a particular focus on their potential impact on unsaturated lipid DOPC (1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine) structured as both monolayers and bilayers, which are valuable tools for mimicking cell membranes. Specifically, we examine the effects of two common types of pollutants: antibiotics (amoxicillin) and dyes (methylene blue). Utilizing Langmuir monolayers, our research reveals a synergistic effect within the pollutant mixture, as evidenced by pressure-area isotherms and polarization-modulated infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy. We identify the specific chemical interactions contributing to this synergistic effect. Furthermore, through contrast phase microscopy experiments on giant unilamellar vesicles (bilayer system), we find that the individual pollutants and the mixture exhibit similar molecular effects on the bilayer, revealing that the molecular size is a key factor in the bilayer-mixture of pollutant interaction. This highlights the importance of considering molecular size in the interactions with bilayer systems. In summary, our research dissects the critical factors of chemical interactions and molecular size concerning the effects of pollutants on DOPC, serving as simplified models of cell membranes. This study underscores the significance of comprehending the molecular effects of emerging pollutants on human health and the development of models for exploring their intricate interactions with cell membranes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pesticide misuse has well-documented detrimental effects on ecosystems, with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) being particularly vulnerable. The current study focuses on the impact of widely used sugarcane crop pesticides, Imazapic (IMZ) and Methyl Parathion (MP), on tilapia gill tissues and their lipid membranes. This investigation was motivated by the specific role of the lipid membrane in transport regulation. Bioinspired cell membrane models, including Langmuir monolayers and liposomes (LUVs and GUVs), were utilized to explore the interaction of IMZ and MP. The results revealed electrostatic interactions between IMZ and MP and the polar head groups of lipids, inducing morphological alterations in the lipid bilayer. Tilapia gill tissue exposed to the pesticides exhibited hypertrophic increases in primary and secondary lamellae, total lamellar fusion, vasodilation, and lifting of the secondary lamellar epithelium. These alterations can lead to compromised oxygen absorption by fish and subsequent mortality. This study not only highlights the harmful effects of the pesticides IMZ and MP, but also emphasizes the crucial role of water quality in ecosystem well-being, even at minimal pesticide concentrations. Understanding these impacts can better inform management practices to safeguard aquatic organisms and preserve ecosystem health in pesticide-affected environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Knowing how a bioactive compound interacts with cell membranes is important to understand its effect at the molecular level. In this sense, this work aimed to study the interaction of lysicamine, an alkaloid with action against lung cancer cell lines, with lipid monolayers as cell membrane models. We employed two lipid mixtures: the first composed of 35% DOPC, 30% DOPE, 20% sphingomyelin, and 15% cholesterol as healthy cell membranes models (MM1), and the second replacing DOPC with DOPS as cancer cells models (MM2). The interaction of lysicamine with the monolayers was evaluated using tensiometry, Brewster angle microscopy (BAM), and polarization-modulated infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS). Lysicamine had interfacial effects in both membrane models. For MM 1, it expanded the lipid monolayer and changed the interfacial rheological properties, increasing the in-plane elasticity of the films. PM-IRRAS spectra suggested a higher conformational disorder of the alkyl chains of the lipids. For MM 2, lysicamine also shifted the isotherms to higher areas, expanding the monolayers, but with no significant alteration in their interfacial rheological properties. PM-IRRAS spectra also suggested higher disorder in the orientation of the lipid alkyl chains upon lysicamine incorporation. For both models, BAM did not show alteration in interfacial aggregation upon drug incorporation. In conclusion, changes in some interfacial properties of membrane models caused by lysicamine depend on the monolayer composition, which can be associated with its bioactivity in cellular membranes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lysicamine, an alkaloid with tumorigenic activity, was incorporated in cell membrane models made of lipid Langmuir monolayers. Dipalmitoylphosphocholine (DPPC), dioleoylphosphocholine (DOPC), and palmitoyloleoylcholine (POPC) represented non-tumorigenic cell membranes, and dipalmitoylphosphoserine (DPPS), dioleoylphosphoserine (DOPS), and palmitoyloleoylserine (POPS), tumorigenic ones. The monolayers were characterized by tensiometry, infrared spectroscopy, and Brewster Angle Microscopy (BAM). No significant shifts of the isotherms were observed for the saturated lipids (DPPC and DPPS), while for the others (DOPC, POPS, DOPS, and POPS), more significant changes were observed not only in the compression isotherms but also in the surface pressure-time curve for pre-compressed monolayers. The molecular organization, as well as the morphology of the drug-lipid monolayers, could be inferred with infrared spectroscopy and BAM. While the first revealed that the alkyl chain ordering changed upon lysicamine incorporation, the second showed how the drug could distinctly change the state of aggregation of molecular domains at the air-water interface. In conclusion, lysicamine could interact distinctly with each lipid at the air-water interface, showing the dependence not only on the lipid polar groups but also on the level of unsaturation of the alkyl chains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Amino acid-based surfactants have been proposed as skin permeation enhancers. In this work, we investigated the potentiality of two arginine-based amphiphiles as permeation enhancers by studying their interaction with stratum corneum (SC) model lipid membranes.
    METHODS: Nα-benzoyl arginine decyl- and dodecylamide were tested in comparison with the classical enhancer, oleic acid, and the non-enhancer, stearic acid. Two complementary approaches were used: lipid monolayers, taken as models of the unit film layer of SC, and atomistic molecular dynamics simulations.
    RESULTS: The arginine-based amphiphiles studied were able to be incorporated into the SCM membrane and alter its rheological and structural properties by disordering the lipid chains, enhancing membrane elasticity, and thinning the overall membrane. They also affected the lateral structure of heterogeneous SC membranes at the nanoscale by relaxing and rounding the domain borders. Our work shows that the alteration observed of the overall rheological and structural properties of the SC membranes appears to be a shared ability for several amphiphilic permeation enhancers. Our results encourage future exploration of those amphiphiles as skin permeation enhancers.





