Land cover

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: There has been a limited amount of research which comparatively examines the local and landscape scale ecological determinants of the community structure of both riparian and aquatic bird communities in floodplain ecosystems.
    UNASSIGNED: Here, we quantified the contribution of local habitat structure, land cover and spatial configuration of the sampling sites to the taxonomical and functional structuring of aquatic and terrestrial bird communities in a relatively intact floodplain of the river Danube, Hungary.
    UNASSIGNED: We used the relative abundance of species and foraging guilds as response variables in partial redundancy analyses to determine the relative importance of each variable group.
    UNASSIGNED: Local-scale characteristics of the water bodies proved to be less influential than land cover and spatial variables both for aquatic and terrestrial birds and both for taxonomic and foraging guild structures. Purely spatial variables were important determinants, besides purely environmental and the shared proportion of variation explained by environmental and spatial variables. The predictability of community structuring generally increased towards the lowest land cover measurement scales (i.e., 500, 250 or 125 m radius buffers). Different land cover types contributed at each scale, and their importance depended on aquatic vs terrestrial communities.
    UNASSIGNED: These results indicate the relatively strong response of floodplain bird communities to land cover and spatial configuration. They also suggest that dispersal dynamics and mass-effect mechanisms are critically important for understanding the structuring of floodplain bird communities, and should therefore be considered by conservation management strategies.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10980-024-01948-3.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Contact with environmental microbial communities primes the human immune system. Factors determining the distribution of microorganisms, such as dispersal, are thus important for human health. Here, we used the relative number of bacteria shared between environmental and human samples as a measure of bacterial dispersal and studied these associations with living environment and lifestyles. We analyzed amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) of the V4 region of 16S rDNA gene from 347 samples of doormat dust as well as samples of saliva, skin swabs, and feces from 53 elderly people in urban and rural areas in Finland at three timepoints. We first enumerated the ASVs shared between doormat and one of the human sample types (i.e., saliva, skin swab, or feces) of each individual subject and calculated the shared ASVs as a proportion of all ASVs in the given sample type of that individual. We observed that the patterns for the proportions of shared ASVs differed among seasons and human sample type. In skin samples, there was a negative association between the proportion of shared ASVs and the coverage of built environment (a proxy for degree of urbanization), whereas in saliva data, this association was positive. We discuss these findings in the context of differing species pools in urban and rural environments.
    OBJECTIVE: Understanding how environmental microorganisms reach and interact with humans is a key question when aiming to increase human contacts with natural microbiota. Few methods are suitable for studying microbial dispersal at relatively large spatial scales. Thus, we tested an indirect method and studied patterns of bacterial taxa that are shared between humans and their living environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study presents an analysis of changes in the landscape of the Ostrava-Karviná Mining District (in the Czech Republic) covering the period of more than 170 years. In the area of interest affected by underground coal mining, both areas affected by changes and land cover preserving areas were identified in the study. A detailed assessment of the landscape changes was enabled by using landscape metrics and indices, namely the development index and total landscape change index. The underlying data were obtained from maps of stable cadastre (from the year 1836) and aerial images of the years 1947, 1971, and 2009. Visual photointerpretation of aerial images and interpretation of the maps of stable cadastre made it possible to create land cover maps according to CORINE Land Cover categories. Obtained information on the representation of individual land cover categories were used to identify and to analyze changes in the landscape affected by hard coal mining.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding causes of insect population declines is essential for the development of successful conservation plans, but data limitations restrict assessment across spatial and temporal scales. Museum records represent a source of historical data that can be leveraged to investigate temporal trends in insect communities. Native lady beetle decline has been attributed to competition with established alien species and landscape change, but the relative importance of these drivers is difficult to measure with short-term field-based studies. We assessed distribution patterns for native lady beetles over 12 decades using museum records, and evaluated the relative importance of alien species and landscape change as factors contributing to changes in communities. We compiled occurrence records for 28 lady beetle species collected in Ohio, USA, from 1900 to 2018. Taxonomic beta-diversity was used to evaluate changes in lady beetle community composition over time. To evaluate the relative influence of temporal, spatial, landscape, and community factors on the captures of native species, we constructed negative binomial generalized additive models. We report evidence of declines in captures for several native species. Importantly, the timing, severity, and drivers of these documented declines were species-specific. Land cover change was associated with declines in captures, particularly for Coccinella novemnotata which declined prior to the arrival of alien species. Following the establishment and spread of alien lady beetles, processes of species loss/gain and turnover shifted communities toward the dominance of a few alien species beginning in the 1980s. Because factors associated with declines in captures were highly species-specific, this emphasizes that mechanisms driving population losses cannot be generalized even among closely related native species. These findings also indicate the importance of museum holdings and the analysis of species-level data when studying temporal trends in insect populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Landsat land use/land cover (LULC) data analysis to establish freshwater lakes\' temporal and spatial distribution can provide a solid foundation for future ecological and environmental policy development to manage ecosystems better. Analysis of changes in LULC is a method that can be used to learn more about direct and indirect human interactions with the environment for sustainability. Neural network technology significantly facilitates mapping between asymmetric and high-dimensional data. This paper presents a methodological advancement that integrates the CA-ANN (cellular automata-artificial neural network) technique with the dynamic characteristics of the water body to forecast forthcoming water levels and their spatial distribution in \"Wular Lake.\" We used remote sensing data from 2001 to 2021 with a 10-year interval to predict spatio-temporal change and LULC simulation. The validation of the calibration of predicted and accurate LULC maps for 2021 yielded a maximum kappa value of 0.86. Over the past three decades, the study region has seen an increase in a net change % in the impervious surface of 22.41% and in agricultural land by 52.02%, while water decreased by 14.12%, trees/forests decreased by 40.77%, shrubs decreased by 11.53%, and aquatic vegetation decreased by 4.14%. Multiple environmental challenges have arisen in the environmentally sustainable Wular Lake in the Kashmir Valley due to the vast land transformation, primarily due to human activities, and have been predominantly negative. The research acknowledges the importance of (LULC) analysis, recognizing it as a fundamental cornerstone for developing future ecological and environmental policy frameworks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ethiopian Orthodox churches are significant habitats for endemic and threatened plant species, yet their vegetation status and the land use systems impacting them, are little known. Therefore, this study assessed the land use and land cover changes (LULCC) within a 3 km buffer area and the woody vegetation status of the Tsimur Gebriel Monastery in the Tigray region, Northern Ethiopia. The United States Geological Survey\'s multi-dated (1986, 1999, and 2018) Landsat imagery was used for LULCC analysis. A supervised classification technique was employed for image classification using a maximum likelihood algorithm. Systematic sampling techniques were used to collect vegetation data (tree species, height, and DBH), using 20 sample plots (20 × 20 m) distanced 100 m apart. The results highlighted that among the five identified LULCC types in the buffer zone of the monastery, the farmland area has expanded from 56 to 78 % at the expense of shrublands between 1986 and 2018. At the monastery, 19 woody tree species from 13 families were identified, with an evenness of 0.5 and a Shannon diversity index of 2.4. The stem density was 336 stems per hectare, and the forest cover was approximately 65 %. Olea europaea was the dominant tree species, while Juniperus procera showed a lack of regeneration at the monastery. Despite the fair natural regeneration, the monastery exhibited lower species diversity, richness, and evenness. However, the monastery remains an important habitat for rare and threatened tree species and may supply seeds for the restoration of degraded lands. Therefore, establishing exclosures in the buffer zone, strengthening stone walls and enrichment planting of degraded tree species should be implemented to ensure the sustainable conservation of valuable tree species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The global climate is under threat from increasing extreme heat, evidenced by rising temperatures and a surge in hot days. Heat waves are intensifying worldwide, impacting cities and residents, as demonstrated by the record-breaking heat experienced in the UK in 2022, which resulted in over 4500 deaths. Urban heat islands (UHIs) exacerbate these heat waves, making city residents more vulnerable to heat-related deaths. UHIs occur when temperatures in urban areas exceed those in surrounding rural areas due to the heat-absorbing properties of urban structures. Implementing mitigation strategies, such as green infrastructure, is crucial for enhancing urban resilience and reducing vulnerability to UHIs. Effectively addressing UHIs requires a systematic approach, including developing risk maps to prioritise areas for UHI mitigation strategies. Using remote sensing, GIS, and SPSS correlational analysis, the research aims to develop and assess a Heat Risk Index (HRI). This index integrates UHI spatial intensity, current green cover, and population density at the district level to develop the risk index. This study stands out for its novel approach to developing the HRI, focusing on the localised impact of the UHI in Manchester City, identifying high-risk heat-vulnerable districts, and prioritising implementing effective UHI mitigation strategies. The findings highlight the importance of this approach, revealing that approximately 30 % of Manchester City is affected by UHI effects, with areas near the city centre, characterised by higher population density and reduced green cover, being particularly vulnerable. Furthermore, the study suggests that applying HRIs at a more localised level, such as the neighbourhood level rather than the district level, would provide more relevant and targeted insights for mitigating UHI. A more localised index would offer tailored insights into the unique conditions of each neighbourhood within the districts, enabling more effective mitigation strategies. The HRI developed in this paper serves as a test for a more nuanced and comprehensive index, considering additional variables related to population vulnerability and city urban structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The preservation and augmentation of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks is critical to designing climate change mitigation strategies and alleviating global warming. However, due to the susceptibility of SOC stocks to environmental and topo-climatic variability and changes, it is essential to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the state of current SOC stocks both spatially and vertically. Consequently, to effectively assess SOC storage and sequestration capacity, precise evaluations at multiple soil depths are required. Hence, this study implemented an advanced Deep Neural Network (DNN) model incorporating Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data, topo-climatic features, and soil physical properties to predict SOC stocks at multiple depths (0-30cm, 30-60cm, 60-100cm, and 100-200cm) across diverse land-use categories in the KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. There was a general decline in the accuracy of the DNN model\'s prediction with increasing soil depth, with the root mean square error (RMSE) ranging from 8.34 t/h to 11.97 t/h for the four depths. These findings imply that the link between environmental covariates and SOC stocks weakens with soil depth. Additionally, distinct factors driving SOC stocks were discovered in both topsoil and deep-soil, with vegetation having the strongest effect in topsoil, and topo-climate factors and soil physical properties becoming more important as depth increases. This underscores the importance of incorporating depth-related soil properties in SOC modelling. Grasslands had the largest SOC stocks, while commercial forests have the highest SOC sequestration rates per unit area. This study offers valuable insights to policymakers and provides a basis for devising regional management strategies that can be used to effectively mitigate climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As more aerial imagery becomes readily available, massive volumes of data are being gathered constantly. Several groups can benefit from the data provided by this geographical imagery. However, it is time-consuming to manually analyze each image to gain information on land cover. This research suggests using deep learning methods for precise and rapid pixel-by-pixel classification of aerial imagery for land cover analysis, which would be a significant step forward in resolving this issue. The suggested method has several steps, such as the augmentation and transformation of data, the selection of deep learning models, and the final prediction. The study uses the three most popular deep learning models (Vanilla-UNet, ResNet50 UNet, and DeepLabV3 ResNet50) for the experiments. According to the experimental results, the ResNet50 UNet model achieved an accuracy of 94.37%, the DeepLabV3 ResNet50 model achieved an accuracy of 94.77%, and the Vanilla-UNet model achieved an accuracy of 91.31%. The accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score of DeepLabV3 and ResNet50 are higher than those of the other two models. The proposed approach is also compared to the existing UNet approach, and the proposed approaches have produced greater probability prediction scores than the conventional UNet model for all classes. Our approach outperforms model DeepLabV3 ResNet50 on aerial image datasets based on the performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability of the land surface temperature (LST) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to examine land surface change is regarded as an important climate variable. However, no significant systematic examination of urbanization concerning environmental variables has been undertaken in the narrow valley of Thimphu, Bhutan. Therefore, this study investigated the impact of land use/land cover (LULC) dynamics on LST, NDVI, and elevation, using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data collected in Thimphu, Bhutan, from 2000 to 2020. The results showed that LSTs varied substantially among different land use types, with the highest occurring in built-up areas and the lowest occurring in forests. There was a strong negative linear correlation between the LST and NDVI in built-up areas, indicating the impact of anthropogenic activities. Moreover, elevation had a noticeable effect on the LST and NDVI, which exhibited very strong opposite patterns at lower elevations. In summary, LULC dynamics significantly influence LST and NDVI, highlighting the importance of understanding spatiotemporal patterns and their effects on ecological processes for effective land management and environmental conservation. Moreover, this study also demonstrated the applicability of relatively low-cost, moderate spatial resolution satellite imagery for examining the impact of urban development on the urban environment in Thimphu city.





