
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trypanosomatids have achieved significant evolutionary success in parasitizing various groups, yet reptiles remain relatively unexplored. The utilization of advanced molecular tools has revealed an increased richness of trypanosomatids in vertebrate hosts. The aim of this study was to identify the trypanosomatid species infecting Bothrops moojeni and Crotalus durissus kept in captivity from 2000 to 2022. Blood samples were obtained from 106 snakes: 73C. durissus and 33 B. moojeni. Whole blood was collected for hemoculture, blood smears and centrifugated to obtain the blood clot that had its DNA extracted and submitted to Nested PCR (18S rDNA gene) to detect Trypanosomatidae. Positive samples were quantified and submitted to both conventional (Sanger) and next generation sequencing (NGS). Cloning of the amplified PCR product was performed for only one individual of C. durissus. To exclude the possibility of local vector transmission, attempts to capture sandflies were conducted using six CDC-LT type light traps. Molecular diagnosis revealed that 34% of the snakes presented trypanosomatid DNA, 47.94% in C. durissus and 3.9% in B. moojeni. The cloning process generated four colonies identified as a new MOTU named Trypanosomatidae sp. CROT. The presence of DNA of five trypanosomatids (Trypanosoma cruzi TcII/VI, Trypanosoma sp. DID, Trypanosoma cascavelli, Trypanosomatidae sp. CROT, Leishmania infantum and Leishmania sp.) and one free-living kinetoplastid (Neobodo sp.) was revealed through NGS and confirmed by phylogenetic analysis. The haplotypic network divided the T. cascavelli sequences into two groups, 1) marsupials and snakes and 2) exclusive to marsupials. Therefore, the diversity of Kinetoplastea is still underestimated. Snakes have the ability to maintain infection with T. cruzi and L. infantum for up to 20 years and the DNA finding of Neobodo sp. in the blood of a C. durissus suggests that this genus can infect vertebrates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kinetoplastids, a group of flagellated protists that are often insect intestinal parasites, encounter various sources of oxidative stress. Such stressors include reactive oxygen species, both internally produced within the protist, and induced externally by host immune responses. This investigation focuses on the role of a highly conserved aspartate-based protein phosphatase, PTP-Interacting protein (PIP39) in managing oxidative stress. In addition to its well accepted role in a Trypanosoma brucei life stage transition, there is evidence of PIP39 participation in the T. brucei oxidative stress response. To examine whether this latter PIP39 role may exist more broadly, we aimed to elucidate PIP39\'s contribution to redox homeostasis in the monoxenous parasite Leptomonas seymouri. Utilizing CRISPR-Cas9-mediated elimination of PIP39 in conjunction with oxidative stress assays, we demonstrate that PIP39 is required for cellular tolerance to oxidative stress in L. seymouri, positing it as a putative regulatory node for adaptive stress responses. We propose that future analysis of L. seymouri PIP39 enzymatic activity, regulation, and potential localization to a specialized organelle termed a glycosome will contribute to a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which protozoan parasites adapt to oxidative environments. Our study also demonstrates success at using gene editing tools developed for Leishmania for the related L. seymouri.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Trypanosoma (T.) evansi infection is endemic in dromedary camels (Camelus dromedaries) of southern Algeria. Materials and Methods: In order to assess the presence of T. evansi in other domestic animals living together with dromedary camels, a study was conducted in the wilayate of Béchar, El Bayadh, Ouargla and Tamanrasset, between 2015 and 2017. Authorisation to conduct the survey was obtained from the Direction des Services Vétérinaires (DSV, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries). A total of 190 animals were sampled, including 42 cattle (Bos taurus), 11 dogs (Canis familiaris), 44 horses (Equus caballus), 3 donkeys (Equus asinus) and 1 mule, 49 goats (Capra hircus) and 40 sheep (Ovis aries). These animals were examined by parasitological (Giemsa stained thin smear, GST), serological (card agglutination test for trypanosomosis (CATT/T. evansi), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay/Variant Surface Glycoprotein/Rode Trypanozoon antigen type 1.2 [ELISA/VSG RoTat 1.2], immune trypanolysis [TL]) and molecular tests (T. evansi type A specific RoTat 1.2 PCR). Results and Conclusions: The CATT/T. evansi was positive in 10/42 cattle, 0/11 dogs, 2/48 equids, 27/49 goats and 15/40 sheep. On the other hand, 20/38 cattle, 1/9 dogs, 21/42 equids, 17/44 goats and 31/39 sheep were positive in ELISA/VSG RoTat 1.2. However, no single animal was positive in TL. In addition, the T. evansi parasite could not be demonstrated by either GST or RoTat 1.2 PCR in any of the examined animals. This may suggest cross-reactions of CATT/T. evansi and ELISA/VSG RoTat 1.2 with other pathogenic or commensal trypanosome species such as T. vivax or other parasites. Based on these data, in particular taking into account the high specificity of the TL for T. evansi type A, this study does not support the hypothesis that T. evansi circulates in the studied domestic animal species and that they would act as reservoirs for the parasite that causes trypanosomosis in dromedary camels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SUMMARYProtozoan parasite infection dramatically alters host metabolism, driven by immunological demand and parasite manipulation strategies. Immunometabolic checkpoints are often exploited by kinetoplastid and protozoan parasites to establish chronic infection, which can significantly impair host metabolic homeostasis. The recent growth of tools to analyze metabolism is expanding our understanding of these questions. Here, we review and contrast host metabolic alterations that occur in vivo during infection with Leishmania, trypanosomes, Toxoplasma, Plasmodium, and Cryptosporidium. Although genetically divergent, there are commonalities among these pathogens in terms of metabolic needs, induction of the type I immune responses required for clearance, and the potential for sustained host metabolic dysbiosis. Comparing these pathogens provides an opportunity to explore how transmission strategy, nutritional demand, and host cell and tissue tropism drive similarities and unique aspects in host response and infection outcome and to design new strategies to treat disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diplonemid flagellates are among the most abundant and species-rich of known marine microeukaryotes, colonizing all habitats, depths, and geographic regions of the world ocean. However, little is known about their genomes, biology, and ecological role.
    We present the first nuclear genome sequence from a diplonemid, the type species Diplonema papillatum. The ~ 280-Mb genome assembly contains about 32,000 protein-coding genes, likely co-transcribed in groups of up to 100. Gene clusters are separated by long repetitive regions that include numerous transposable elements, which also reside within introns. Analysis of gene-family evolution reveals that the last common diplonemid ancestor underwent considerable metabolic expansion. D. papillatum-specific gains of carbohydrate-degradation capability were apparently acquired via horizontal gene transfer. The predicted breakdown of polysaccharides including pectin and xylan is at odds with reports of peptides being the predominant carbon source of this organism. Secretome analysis together with feeding experiments suggest that D. papillatum is predatory, able to degrade cell walls of live microeukaryotes, macroalgae, and water plants, not only for protoplast feeding but also for metabolizing cell-wall carbohydrates as an energy source. The analysis of environmental barcode samples shows that D. papillatum is confined to temperate coastal waters, presumably acting in bioremediation of eutrophication.
    Nuclear genome information will allow systematic functional and cell-biology studies in D. papillatum. It will also serve as a reference for the highly diverse diplonemids and provide a point of comparison for studying gene complement evolution in the sister group of Kinetoplastida, including human-pathogenic taxa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic and phylogenetic analysis was performed on 2 isolates of Leishmania using DNA sequence data from the RNA polymerase II large subunit gene and the ribosomal protein L23a intergenic sequence. This showed the isolates to represent 2 new species within the subgenus Leishmania (Mundinia). The addition of Leishmania (Mundinia) chancei and Leishmania (Mundinia) procaviensis creates a total of 6 named species to date within this recently described subgenus of parasitic protozoa, containing both human pathogens and nonpathogens. Their widespread geographical distribution, basal phylogenetic position within the genus Leishmania, and probable non-sand fly vectors make these L. (Mundinia) species of significant medical and biological interest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Throughout its complex life cycle, the uniflagellate parasitic protist, Trypanosoma cruzi, adapts to different host environments by transitioning between elongated motile extracellular stages and a nonmotile intracellular amastigote stage that replicates in the cytoplasm of mammalian host cells. Intracellular T. cruzi amastigotes retain a short flagellum that extends beyond the opening of the flagellar pocket with access to the extracellular milieu. Contrary to the long-held view that the T. cruzi amastigote flagellum is inert, we report that this organelle is motile and displays quasiperiodic beating inside mammalian host cells. Kymograph analysis determined an average flagellar beat frequency of ~0.7 Hz for intracellular amastigotes and similar beat frequencies for extracellular amastigotes following their isolation from host cells. Inhibitor studies reveal that flagellar motility in T. cruzi amastigotes is critically dependent on parasite mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. These novel observations reveal that flagellar motility is an intrinsic property of T. cruzi amastigotes and suggest that this organelle may play an active role in the parasite infection process. IMPORTANCE Understanding the interplay between intracellular pathogens and their hosts is vital to the development of new treatments and preventive strategies. The intracellular \"amastigote\" stage of the Chagas disease parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, is a critical but understudied parasitic life stage. Previous work established that cytosolically localized T. cruzi amastigotes engage physically and selectively with host mitochondria using their short, single flagellum. The current study was initiated to examine the dynamics of the parasite flagellum-host mitochondrial interaction through live confocal imaging and led to the unexpected discovery that the T. cruzi amastigote flagellum is motile.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parasitic diseases caused by kinetoplastid parasites are a burden to public health throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world. TriTrypDB ( is a free online resource for data mining of genomic and functional data from these kinetoplastid parasites and is part of the VEuPathDB Bioinformatics Resource Center ( As of release 59, TriTrypDB hosts 83 kinetoplastid genomes, nine of which, including Trypanosoma brucei brucei TREU927, Trypanosoma cruzi CL Brener and Leishmania major Friedlin, undergo manual curation by integrating information from scientific publications, high-throughput assays and user submitted comments. TriTrypDB also integrates transcriptomic, proteomic, epigenomic, population-level and isolate data, functional information from genome-wide RNAi knock-down and fluorescent tagging, and results from automated bioinformatics analysis pipelines. TriTrypDB offers a user-friendly web interface embedded with a genome browser, search strategy system and bioinformatics tools to support custom in silico experiments that leverage integrated data. A Galaxy workspace enables users to analyze their private data (e.g., RNA-sequencing, variant calling, etc.) and explore their results privately in the context of publicly available information in the database. The recent addition of an annotation platform based on Apollo enables users to provide both functional and structural changes that will appear as \'community annotations\' immediately and, pending curatorial review, will be integrated into the official genome annotation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Trypanosomatids are among the most critical parasites for public health due to their impact on human, animal, and plant health. Diseases associated with these pathogens manifest mainly in poor and vulnerable populations, where social, environmental, and biological factors modulate the case incidence and geographical distribution.
    METHODS: We used Sanger and amplicon-based next-generation sequencing (NGS) in samples from different mammals to identify trypanosomatid infections in several departments in Colombia. A total of 174 DNA samples (18 humans, 83 dogs, and 73 wild mammals) were analyzed by conventional PCR using a fragment of the heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) gene and Sanger sequenced the positive samples. Twenty-seven samples were sent for amplicon-based NGS using the same gene fragment. Data obtained were used to perform diversity analyses.
    RESULTS: One hundred and thirteen samples were positive for PCR by Hsp70 fragment; these corresponded to 22.1% Leishmania spp., 18.6% L. amazonensis, 9.7% L. braziliensis, 14.2% L. infantum, 8% L. panamensis, and 27.4% Trypanosoma cruzi. Comparison of the identified species by the two sequencing technologies used resulted in 97% concordance. Alpha and beta diversity indices were significant, mainly for dogs; there was an interesting index of coinfection events in the analyzed samples: different Leishmania species and the simultaneous presence of T. cruzi and even T. rangeli in one of the samples analyzed. Moreover, a low presence of L. braziliensis was observed in samples from wild mammals. Interestingly, to our knowledge, this is the first report of Leishmania detection in Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris (capybara) in Colombia.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Hsp70 fragment used in this study is an optimal molecular marker for trypanosomatid identification in many hosts and allows the identification of different species in the same sample when amplicon-based sequencing is used. However, the use of this fragment for molecular diagnosis through conventional PCR should be carefully interpreted because of this same capacity to identify several parasites. This point is of pivotal importance in highly endemic countries across South America because of the co-circulation of different genera from the Trypanosomatidae family. The findings show an interesting starting point for One Health approaches in which coevolution and vector-host interactions can be studied.





