Jazan region

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Acne vulgaris is one of the most prevalent inflammatory conditions in the world that primarily affects teenagers. Its prevalence and the contributing factors vary across different regions and populations. Genetic predisposition, hormonal influences, dietary habits, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors are believed to be significant contributors.
    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study involving 419 participants from the Jazan region, Saudi Arabia. The study employed non-probability convenience sampling techniques. Data were collected through online questionnaires and analyzed using Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS, version 27; IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Armonk, NY).
    RESULTS: The study found that acne prevalence was high, affecting more than half (66.8%) of the participants, with mild severity reported by 51.8%. Pimples were most commonly found on the face (65.2%), followed by the back (45.3%) and chest (29.6%). Participants with oily skin had twice the likelihood of acne compared to those with dry skin (OR=2.14). Increasing age was associated with a 5% decrease in acne risk per year. Significant associations were found for age (p=0.010), female gender (p=0.017), and oily skin (p<0.001) with acne development.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study found a high prevalence rate of acne vulgaris among the young population in the Jazan region, Saudi Arabia. Age, female gender, and having oily skin were predictors for developing acne vulgaris. Complications such as acne scarring and psychological impacts such as shyness underscore the significant burden of acne on social and psychological well-being. Enhanced treatment and improved quality of life necessitate heightened awareness campaigns concerning acne vulgaris, its treatments, and associated complications, as revealed by the study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Cardiovascular diseases are common causes of mortality in Saudi Arabia and the world. This study aims to assess medication compliance and regularity of follow-up for cardiovascular patients in the Jazan region.
    METHODS: An analytical cross-sectional approach was used to target all registered cardiovascular patients attending the cardio clinic in a Jazan region hospital. Data were collected using an interview questionnaire developed by the researchers with the help of experts. The questionnaire included the patients\' sociodemographic data, clinical characteristics, disease-related data, drugs, and appointments.
    RESULTS: The study included 259 patients diagnosed with cardiac disease. About 53.7% of the patients were males. All the cases had the disease for one year or more. About 56% of the patients had no difficulty remembering their medications, while 44% had problems remembering to take them. More than half of the patients had good medication adherence, and 79.6% had good appointment adherence. Only 20.4% of patients had a poor adherence rate.
    CONCLUSIONS: The adherence rate for the patients\' medication and appointments was satisfactory due to high patient awareness. On the other hand, poor adherence was related more to non-Saudi patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Helicobacter pylori infection is a common gastrointestinal infection that affects around 50% of the global population. This infection can lead to various health conditions such as peptic ulcer disease, dyspepsia, gastric carcinoma, and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. The triple therapy which consists of proton-pump inhibitors, clarithromycin, and amoxicillin or metronidazole for 14 days is considered the first-line treatment for H. pylori and its eradication, especially in areas where clarithromycin sensitivity is still high. However, recent research shows that the efficacy of this treatment is decreasing due to antibiotic resistance.
    UNASSIGNED: This was a retrospective study that took place at Al-Hayat Jazan Hospital in Jazan, Saudi Arabia. The study analyzed the medical records of 186 patients with H. pylori who had undergone the standard triple therapy. The objectives of this study were to determine the eradication rate of H. pylori by using the standard triple therapy, and to highlight the influence of some demographic characteristics such as age, gender, diabetes mellitus, and smoking on the eradication rate, in Jazan region, Saudi Arabia.
    UNASSIGNED: The medical records of 186 patients were included in the study. The overall rate of successful eradication was found to be 77.4%. The results of the study showed that the decline in the eradication rate was significantly associated with the presence of diabetes and smoking status (with p-values of <0.001 and <0.004, respectively).
    UNASSIGNED: This study finds that the standard triple therapy for H. pylori eradication is less effective than optimal standards, as per literature and guidelines. Given its declining efficacy globally, alternative first-line treatments may be necessary. Further research is needed to assess its effectiveness in various regional contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The prevalence of asthma among children has been on the rise worldwide, leading to significant morbidity and mortality. Our study was conducted to determine the prevalence of asthma and its related risk factors among school-age children in the Jazan Region, Saudi Arabia.
    UNASSIGNED: The study was a cross-sectional prospective study that used Phase I ISAAC protocol and was conducted from March to June 2023. The sample size was calculated to be 1600 among school-age children in the Jazan Region Saudi Arabia. This study complies with the Declaration of Helsinki. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 23.0, Descriptive statistics were calculated for study variables, and appropriate tests of significance were performed to determine statistical significance.
    UNASSIGNED: The total study population was 1368 the majority of them, 96.6% (n=1321), were Saudi nationals, and most of them lived in rural areas (70.6%, n=966). The prevalence of life-long wheezing, wheezing in the last 12 months, and exercise-induced wheezing was 28.0%, 29.2%, and 30.9%, respectively. Risk factors such as having indoor plants, having a pet, and a smoker in the household were reported by 48.0%, 24.6%, and 36.4% of participants, respectively. Living near an industrial area was determined as a risk factor in 98 (7.2%) of the children. Asthma-related symptoms were strongly correlated with all risk factors based on the chi-square test, and some risk factors based on multivariate linear regression.
    UNASSIGNED: The prevalence of asthma among children in the Jazan Region is higher than previously reported, and the reported risk factors are significantly correlated with symptoms of asthma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction Glaucoma can be considered a heterogeneous group of diseases with characteristic progressive optic neuropathy, which causes the development of visual field dysfunctions and irreversible blindness. Glaucoma is the most prevalent cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Aim This study aimed to assess the awareness and knowledge of glaucoma and its associated risk factors among the adult population in Jazan, Saudi Arabia, in 2022. Methods A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted with 384 participants aged 40 years and above in the Jazan region. A convenience sampling technique was adopted to obtain the target sample size. Data were collected using a self-administered electronic questionnaire on Google Forms. Results A majority (73.1%) of the 387 respondents to the questionnaire were in the age group of 40-50 years, with the average age being 47.43 years. No statistically significant difference was found between different age groups\' level of knowledge (p=0.769). In addition, the difference between levels of knowledge based on participants\' residence was also statistically insignificant (p=0.387). Of the participants who were not diagnosed with glaucoma, 55% had poor knowledge of glaucoma; however, only 3.10% of the participants diagnosed with glaucoma had poor knowledge of the condition. Consequently, there was a statistically significant difference between participants\' levels of knowledge based on their diagnosis of glaucoma (p=0.04). Conclusion The study revealed low knowledge and awareness levels regarding glaucoma among adults aged 40 years and above in the Jazan region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hemoglobinopathies are highly prevalent in Saudi Arabia, with varying incidence rates across different regions. The Eastern and Jazan regions have the highest incidence rates. To prevent hemoglobinopathies, the premarital screening program (PMS) has been established in Saudi Arabia to identify at-risk couples before marriage. This cross-sectional descriptive study aimed to evaluate the awareness and attitude of young adults towards PMS in Jazan, Saudi Arabia, which involved 875 individuals (560 men and 315 women). The current study report significant association between sex, personal and family history of disease, and attitude towards PMS among young adults (P< 0.05). The study concludes that while there is a substantial level of awareness and positive attitude towards PMS among the population, there is a need for more detailed health campaigns led by healthcare providers, rulers, and Islamic leaders to highlight the importance of PMS as a preventative measure to reduce the incidence of hemoglobinopathies in Jazan, Saudi Arabia.
    Les hémoglobinopathies sont très répandues en Arabie saoudite, avec des taux d\'incidence variables selon les régions. Les régions de l\'Est et de Jazan ont les taux d\'incidence les plus élevés. Pour prévenir les hémoglobinopathies, le programme de dépistage prénuptial (PMS) a été mis en place en Arabie saoudite pour identifier les couples à risque avant le mariage. Cette étude descriptive transversale visait à évaluer la sensibilisation et l\'attitude des jeunes adultes envers le SPM à Jazan, en Arabie Saoudite, qui a impliqué 875 individus (560 hommes et 315 femmes). La présente étude rapporte une association significative entre le sexe, les antécédents personnels et familiaux de maladie et l\'attitude envers le SPM chez les jeunes adultes (P < 0,05). L\'étude conclut que bien qu\'il existe un niveau substantiel de sensibilisation et d\'attitude positive envers le SPM parmi la population, il est nécessaire de mener des campagnes de santé plus détaillées menées par les prestataires de soins de santé, les dirigeants et les dirigeants islamiques pour souligner l\'importance du SPM en tant que mesure préventive. réduire l\'incidence des hémoglobinopathies en Jazan, Arabie saoudite.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background and objective The waxy substance secreted in the ear canal of mammals, including humans, is known as ear wax; it is also known by the medical term cerumen. It protects against germs, fungi, and water, helps with cleansing and lubrication, hydrates, and protects the skin of the human ear canal. The purpose of using cotton earbuds (Q-tips) is to clean the ear auricle (external part), relieve itching, and remove any excess water among other things; however, many people have been mistakenly using them for cleaning deeper spots in the ear, leading to some serious complications. Cotton earbud misuse has been documented to be the most common cause of accidental penetrating trauma of the eardrum among children. In this study, we aimed to determine the level of awareness of parents about the use of Q-tips among children and its consequences in the Jazan region, Saudi Arabia. Methods  This was a cross-sectional study involving 391 participants conducted from February 2023 to April 2023 in the Jazan region. While all parents in the Jazan region were eligible to be included in the study, only those who responded to our survey questionnaire were recruited. Since our research focused on parents, participants who were aged less than 18 years and those who had never married were excluded. A validated questionnaire tested for reliability was used in the study. The association between the level of awareness about Q-tips use and the sociodemographic characteristics of the parents was evaluated using the chi-squared test. A p-value ≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results Out of the 391 individuals included in the survey, two-thirds (67.5%) were male and 32.5% were female, and most of them were married (89.8%). Regarding the knowledge of cotton bud use among the participants, we found that 12.3% agreed and 34% strongly agreed that cotton buds should be used to clean the ears. Furthermore, 74.9% of the participants knew that cotton buds could cause ear infections, 80.8% knew that cotton buds could cause eardrum perforation, and 79.3% knew that cotton buds could push ear wax deeper into the ear. We found that 152 (57.6%) of the male and 91 (71.7%) of the female participants used cotton buds on their own (p=0.011). Moreover, 176 (66.7%) of the male participants thought that cotton buds can damage their child\'s ear while 69 (54.3%) of the female participants thought the same (p=0.048). When the participants were asked if they thought that the use of cotton buds caused complications, 155 (58.7%) of the males and 55 (43.3%) of the females said yes (p=0.015). Conclusions The parents in the Jazan region had a relatively good level of knowledge about ear cleaning using cotton buds among children. Nevertheless, we found a poor level of awareness about using cotton buds as the primary tool for cleaning the ears. Of note, 62.7% of the respondents knew that cotton buds could damage the ear, and 55% of the respondents thought that the use of cotton buds causes complications. However, 62.1% of the respondents still reported using it, and 50.1% of the respondents erroneously believed that it is beneficial to clean the ears with cotton buds. Otolaryngologists have always warned the public regarding the use of Q-tips and the complications they can cause. However, people are still ignorant as well as careless about these facts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Patient satisfaction has become an influential corner in the health services process. Web-based appointment scheduling has been expanded for its benefits and has become a popular research topic. This study\'s objectives were to assess patients\' satisfaction and perception with the new Web-Based Medical Appointment System \"Mawid\" program and determine the associated factors at the Primary Health Care Centers level in Jazan Southwest Saudi Arabia. Methods An observational cross-sectional survey was implemented among 424 adults aged 18 years and above, attending a randomly selected 12 primary health care centers in the Jizan region, Southwest Saudi Arabia. The study instrument included socio-demographic background information, perception, and level of satisfaction with the new appointment system. Responses were analyzed using the SPSS program by applying descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. Results The overall level of satisfaction was very high at 94.3% with 95% C.I. (91.7-96.1). A large proportion of study participants were highly satisfied with the new Web-Based Medical appointment System \"Mawid\" as nine satisfaction items scored a level of satisfaction of 90% and above. Regarding the perception, 89.1% of the participants agreed that the appointment booking system regulates the number of patients, while 87.7% of participants considered that the appointment system reduces clinic crowding. More than half of respondents (61.8%) agreed that the community culture might limit the scheduling system\'s use. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis suggested that male patients were more likely to have a higher level of satisfaction as compared with female (COR= 2.95, 95% C.I.:1.15-7.60, p = 0.025) and (AOR= 3.12, 95% C.I:1.14-8.52, p = 0.026), respectively. Conclusions In conclusion, this study revealed a high level of satisfaction among study the participants with the new Web-Based Medical Appointment System \"Mawid.\" The system effectively improved patients\' satisfaction with registration and reduced waiting times. Patients\' satisfaction can be assessed regularly and used systematically as a quality and benchmarking instrument in primary health care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Plantar fasciitis develops as a consequence of irritation of the plantar fascia, which is responsible for supporting the arches and absorbing shock. Multiple factors can contribute to plantar fasciitis, but the most common factor is overuse stress. The classical presentation is a sharp pain that is felt at the plantar aponeurosis (near the area of its insertion on the medial process of the calcaneal tuberosity), and it is possible to find a heel spur (osteophyte) in some cases. Most treatments for plantar fasciitis are ineffective and unsatisfactory for patients. Objective To estimate the prevalence and assess risk factors for plantar fasciitis among the population of the Jazan region. Methods A cross-sectional online survey was conducted on the population of the Jazan region. An online Google form questionnaire was prepared and distributed to the study population. Data was then entered and analyzed using IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) Statistics, version 21.0. Results A total of 695 participants were enrolled in the study. Out of that, 350 (50.4%) of the participants were males, while 345 (49.6%) were females. About the age of the participants, 507 (72.9%) were younger than 40 years of age. Participants with hypertension were 43 (6.2%), and 37 (5.3%) participants had diabetes. In terms of occupation, 120 (17.3%) worked in healthcare, 187 (26.9%) taught, and 43 (6.2%) served in the military. A great quantity of standing or walking was necessary for the jobs for 127 people (18.3%), while moderate amounts were recorded for 273 people (39.3%). The most commonly reported lower limb conditions were: pes planus (low arches) in 26 (3.7%) participants; and weakness of the gastrocnemius, soleus, and intrinsic foot muscles. The most commonly reported exercises were walking for 499 (71.8%) participants and jogging for 97 (14%) participants. The prevalence of plantar fasciitis was found to be 37% of the participants. Regarding the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS) survey, the mean symptoms subscale score was 57.81 + 11.28, the mean pain subscale score was 72.87±20.84, the mean daily living subscale score was 72.73 ± 22.25, the mean sports and recreation subscale score was 76.83 ± 23.06, and the mean quality of life subscale score was 70.23 ± 25.17. Multivariate logistic regression was done and the following factors predicted a higher rate of plantar fasciitis: being 40 to 55 years old (p < 0.001, odds ratio = 2.15), being 56 to 65 years old (p = 0.037, odds ratio = 3.58), being obese (p = 0.031, odds ratio = 2.16), having weakness of the gastrocnemius, soleus, and the intrinsic foot muscles (p = 0.003, odds ratio = 7.39), jobs requiring a great amount of time standing or walking (p < 0.001, odds ratio = 3.17), and jobs requiring a moderate amount of time standing or walking (p = 0.012, odds ratio = 1.83). Being male predicted a lower rate of plantar fasciitis (p < 0.001, odds ratio = 0.52). Conclusion Plantar fasciitis is a prevalent and disabling condition with considerable effects on quality of life. Jobs that require long hours of walking or standing were associated with an increased risk of developing plantar fasciitis. Middle age, prolonged exercise, and gastrocnemius muscle tightness were also associated with plantar fasciitis. Efforts should be directed towards health education of the population regarding the risk factors and management of plantar fasciitis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction Weaknesses of the pelvic floor muscles in females can lead to pelvic floor dysfunction thus increasing the risk of urinary and fecal incontinence. Furthermore, its weakness can lead to reproductive organ prolapse and sexual dysfunction, and influence sexual arousal and orgasm. There is limited evidence concerning the awareness of Saudi women regarding the importance of physical activity in the prevention and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction. The current investigation aims to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of pelvic floor muscle exercises in the women of Jazan, Saudi Arabia.  Materials and methods This investigation was a cross-sectional study targeting pregnant women in the Jazan region. Data was collected via an Arabic self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire was composed of four main components measuring demographic data, presence of pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms, knowledge, attitude, and practice of the participants concerning pelvic floor muscle training. Chi-squared test was used to test the association between measured demographic factors and level of knowledge. Results A total of 183 pregnant women were recruited. The mean age of the participants was 27.4 years (standard deviation (SD): 5.3). The median number of pregnancies was 2 (interquartile range (IQR): 1-3), and the mean duration of current pregnancy was 20.9 (SD:11.1). The majority of pregnant women complained of lower abdomen pain with variable degrees. Nearly half of the sample complained of having either urinary or fecal incontinence with variable degrees of severity. The mean score of knowledge was 5 out of 12 and the scores varied between 1 and 11. Only 71 women (38.8%) were confident that pregnant women can exercise pelvic floor muscles. Furthermore, knowledge of the recruited mothers concerning the nature of the pelvic floor muscle exercise was relatively low in comparison to other items. Nearly one-third of the sample either believed that the exercise had no effect or had a worsening effect. Half the sample reported not performing any pelvic floor exercises. Only the practice of the exercise was statistically associated with the level of knowledge, indicating a higher proportion of women with a higher level of knowledge among those who regularly or occasionally perform the exercise. This may suggest that women with a higher level of knowledge are more motivated to exercise (<0.001). Conclusion Several deficiencies in knowledge about pelvic floor muscle exercise were detected among the recruited sample. Though the majority of the sample had an attitude favoring pelvic floor muscle exercise, nearly one-third did not believe pelvic floor muscle exercise can be beneficial. Finally, less than 10% of the sample indicated regular practice of pelvic floor muscle exercise. These findings indicate a need to increase the awareness and adherence of women in Jazan.





