
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata), which belongs to the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae), is widely planted throughout the world. In June 2023, many pumpkin plants (cv. Miben) displayed leaf blight and chlorosis in fields located in Suizhou (31.99°N, 113.02°E), Hubei Province, China. The disease incidence ranged from 30 to 40% in nine fields, 6.3 ha in total. The symptoms were irregularly shaped lesions that expanded along the mid-vein until the leaf turned brown and wilted. Fungal isolations were performed as described previously (Liu et al. 2023). Twenty pumpkin leaf samples with typical symptoms were collected and cut into 1 cm×1 cm pieces. The diseased tissue was surface-sterilized in 75% ethanol for 30 sec, plated on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium and incubated at 25℃ for 3 days. Then, the emerging single fungal hyphal tip was transferred onto PDA plates to obtain purified isolates. A total of eighteen isolates on PDA plates were initially white and then developed to dark gray. The 5-day-old cultures growing on mung bean medium produced conidia that were black, single-celled, smooth, spherical or oblate, and ranged in size from 14.5 to 20.8 μm×13.3 to 20.5 μm (n=50). Therefore, the isolates were morphologically identified as Nigrospora sphaerica. Moreover, the genomic DNA of the isolates (HB-P1,HB-P2, and HB-P3) was extracted for amplification and sequencing of the regions of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) (White et al. 1990), nuclear large subunit rRNA (nLSU) (O\'Donnell 1992; Rehner and Samuels 1994), and β-tubulin (TUB2) (Glass and Donaldson 1995), with primers ITS1/ITS4, LROR/LR3, and Bt2a/Bt2b, respectively. Sequences were submitted to GenBank under accession numbers PP348112, PP348113, PP348114 (ITS), PP411414, PP411415, PP411416 (nLSU), and PP357438, PP357439, PP357440 (TUB2). BLASTn showed that the sequences ITS, nLSU, and TUB2 of HB-P1, HB-P2, and HB-P3 had >99% nucleotide identities ((ITS: 100%, 508/508 bp, MF996488.1; 99.8%, 506/507, ON326588.1; 100%, 500/500 ,MK748317.1), (nLSU: 99.83%, 573/574, KT462720.1; 99.83% , 574/575 bp, KT462720.1; 99.65%, 575/577, KT462720.1), and (TUB2: 100%, 388/388, MN719407.1; 99.74%, 387/388, MN719407.1; 100%, 387/387, MN719407.1)) with Nigrospora sphaerica, respectively. A multilocus (ITS, nLSU and TUB2) phylogenetic analysis indicated that the isolates were Nigrospora sphaerica. Pathogenicity of three isolates were tested on pumpkin plants (cv. Miben). Fifteen pumpkin plants were inoculated by spraying the leaves (1×106 spores/ml), respectively, and 10 pumpkin plants were treated with sterile water as a negative control. All plants were incubated in an artificial climate box (LongYue, ShangHai) at 25℃ for 12 days. The experiment was repeated three times. Twelve days later, the inoculated pumpkin plants developed symptoms of leaf blight, while the control plants remained healthy. Then, pathogens were re-isolated from the each leaf of inoculated pumpkin plants and not from the control plants. Nigrospora sphaerica has been previously reported to cause leaf spot on watermelon in Malaysia (Ismail and Abd Razak 2021). To our knowledge, this is the first report of N. sphaerica causing leaf blight on pumpkin in China. This new disease can cause leaf blight, which may affect pumpkin productivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Termites are a major insect pest affecting agricultural production and woody materials. They cause severe devastation in the ecosystem, and lead to bare soil. This phenomenon causes the soil to become difficult to plow, which in turn leads to a reduction in the productivity of crops. It can cause 100 % yield losses based on crop types, level of the damage, and size of its populations. To manage this pest, different management options have been evaluated in Ethiopia. While insecticide usage is the dominant option, less attention has been given to Entomopathogenic Nematode (EPN) based management options. Therefore, this research was initiated to screen locally collected EPN isolates and evaluate promising isolates under field conditions on maize crop.
    UNASSIGNED: 37 EPN isolates were screened under laboratory condition, while two isolates were evaluated at field condition. The screening of EPN isolates was laid out in a completely randomized design, and the field evaluation used a completely randomized block design, and treatments were replicated thrice. Mortality of insect, damaged root, stem, cob, damage severity, foraging termites, and yield of the crop data were collected.
    UNASSIGNED: The study indicated that all screened EPN isolates caused mortality on termites under laboratory conditions. The isolates achieved complete mortality of the insect pest within 12 days of exposure. The finding indicated that AEH and S#50 were the more pathogenic and virulent isolates on termites under laboratory conditions and taken to field study. The S#50 isolate was most pathogenic and reduced the infestation and severity of the insect pest on the maize crop under field conditions.
    UNASSIGNED: This result showed that the entomopathogenic nematode isolates have the potential to manage subterranean termites in the maize field. Future studies should be based on collection of local isolates and develop a full package for the virulent isolates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The genus Mycobacterium includes well-known bacteria such as M. tuberculosis causing tuberculosis and M. leprae causing leprosy. Additionally, various species collectively termed non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) can cause infections in humans and animals, affecting individuals across all age groups and health conditions. However, information on NTM infection prevalence in Panama is limited.
    METHODS: This study conducted a retrospective analysis of clinical records from 2017 to 2021, specifically focusing on patients with NTM isolates. Data were categorized by variables like sex, age, HIV status, and sample source.
    RESULTS: Among the 4430 clinical records analyzed, 698 were linked to patients with NTM isolates. Of these patients, 397 were male, and 301 were female. Most female patients with NTM isolates (n = 190) were aged >45 to 85 years, while most male patients (n = 334) fell in the >25 to 75 years age group. A noteworthy proportion of male patients (n = 65) were aged 25-35 years. A significant age difference between male (median [min-max] = 53 years [3-90]) and female (median [61 years [6-94]) patients was observed (p < 0.001). Regarding HIV status, 77 positive individuals were male, and 19 were female (p < 0.001). Most samples (n = 566) were sputum samples, with additional pulmonary-associated samples such as broncho-alveolar lavage, tracheal secretions, and pleural fluid samples. Among extrapulmonary isolates (n = 48), sources included catheter secretions, intracellular fluids, peritoneal fluid, blood cultures, cerebrospinal fluid, bone marrow samples, and capillary transplant lesions. Specifically, the analysis identified the pathogenic microorganisms responsible for mycobacteriosis in Panama during the specific period 2017-2021, as M. fortuitum (34.4%), M. intracellulare (20.06%), and M. abscessus (13.75%), respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the growing public health concern of NTM infections in Panama. The research provides valuable insights into the prevalence and distribution of NTM species in the country, offering a foundation for the development and implementation of effective prevention and control strategies for NTM infections in Panama.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We report whole-genome sequences of eight bacteria isolated from laboratory-kept Macrocystis pyrifera gametophytes. The bacterial culture collection is maintained in cryostorage and will be utilized in future applications as inoculants. The genomes were assembled using Oxford Nanopore Technology long-read sequencing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is an economically relevant pathogen affecting cattle production and reproduction worldwide. We report the coding-complete sequences of two BVDV-1a subtype isolates, circulating in Uruguay.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here we provide the complete genome sequences of two chemoautotrophic isolates from the Thioglobaceae family of marine gamma-proteobacteria. The genomes were obtained from pure cultures that were initially isolated from Effingham Inlet in 2013 and revived from freezer stocks for whole genome sequencing in 2023.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The relationship between a variety\'s genotype, environmental conditions and phytopathogenic load are the key factors contributing to high yields that should be taken into account in selecting donors for resistance and high manifestation of valuable traits. The study of leaf rust resistance in 49 common wheat varieties was carried out in the field against the natural pathogen background and under laboratory conditions using single-pustule isolates with virulence to Lr9 and Lr24. It has been shown that the varieties carrying alien genes Lr6Agi2 (Tulaikovskaya 10) and Lr6Agi1 (Voevoda) were resistant to leaf rust infection both in the field and in the laboratory. Varieties KWS Buran, KWS Akvilon, KW 240-3-13, and Etyud producing crop yields from 417 to 514 g/m2 comparable to the best standard variety Sibirskaya 17 can be reasonably used as Lr24 resistance gene donors under West Siberian conditions. Omskaya 44 variety showing crop yield of 440g/m2 can be used as a donor for Lr19 and partially effective Lr26. Varieties Tuleevskaya and Altayskaya 110 with Lr9 in their genomes are recommended for the development of resistance gene-pyramided genotypes. The highest protein and gluten contents were observed in the CS2A/2M sample, while KWS Buran, Altayskaya 110, Volgouralskaya, and KWS Akvilon showed the lowest values. Varieties CS2A/2M, Tulaikovskaya 10, Pavon, and Tuleevskaya were ranked the highest in micro- (Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe) and macronutrient (Ca, Mg, K) contents among the common wheat samples from the collection, while the lowest values for most elements were observed in KWS Buran, Novosibirskaya 15, and Volgouralskaya. Winter varieties demonstrating leaf rust resistance against the infectious background typically carry adult plant resistance genes (Lr34, Lr12, and Lr13), particularly combined with the juvenile Lr26 gene. The presence of Lr41 in a winter type line (KS 93 U 62) allowed it to maintain resistance against a leaf rust pathogen clone kLr24, despite the presence of Lr24 in the genotype. Varieties Doka and Cheshskaya 17 may act as donors of resistance genes Lr26 + Lr34 and Lr9 + Lr12 + Lr13 + Lr34, as well as sources of dwarfing without losses in winter hardiness and yield under West Siberian conditions.
    К основным факторам, влияющим на формирование высокого урожая, относятся связь генотипа сорта с условиями произрастания и фитопатогенная нагрузка, что необходимо учитывать в селекции для поиска доноров устойчивости и высокой выраженности ценных признаков. Изучение устойчивости 49 образцов мягкой пшеницы к поражению бурой ржавчиной проведено в полевых условиях естественного инфекционного фона и в лабораторных условиях к монопустульным изолятам с вирулентностью к генам Lr9 и Lr24. Показано, что сорта, несущие чужеродные гены Lr6Agi2 (Тулайковская 10) и Lr6Agi1 (Воевода), устойчивы к поражению бурой ржавчиной как в полевых условиях, так и при заражении в лаборатории. Сорта KWS Buran, KWS Akvilon, KW 240-3-13 и Этюд, которые формировали урожайность от 417 до 514 г/м2 – на уровне лучшего стандарта Сибирской 17, целесообразно использовать в условиях Западной Сибири в качестве доноров гена устойчивости Lr24. Донором генов устойчивости Lr19 и частично эффективного Lr26 может служить сорт Омская 44, характеризующийся урожайностью 440 г/м2. Сорта Тулеевская и Алтайская 110, в геноме которых содержится ген Lr9, рекомендуется использовать при создании генотипов с пирамидой генов устойчивости. Наиболее высокие показатели содержания белка и клейковины выявлены у образца CS2A/2M, наименьшие – у сортообразцов KWS Buran, Алтайская 110, Волгоуральская и KWS Akvilon. Сравнение коллекции образцов мягкой пшеницы по микро(Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe) и макроэлементам (Ca, Mg, K) продемонстрировало наиболее высокие показатели у группы, состоящей из образцов CS2A/2M, Тулайковская 10, Pavon и Тулеевская. Наименьшие показатели большинства элементов определены у сортов KWS Buran, Новосибирская 15 и Волгоуральская. Озимые сорта, характеризующиеся устойчивостью к поражению бурой ржавчиной в условиях инфекционного фона, как правило, несут возрастные гены устойчивости (Lr34, Lr12 и Lr13), в том числе в сочетании с ювенильным геном Lr26. У линии с озимым типом развития (KS 93 U 62) выявлен ген Lr41, благодаря чему линия сохраняла устойчивость к поражению клоном патогена бурой ржавчины кLr24, несмотря на наличие в ее генотипе гена Lr24. Сорта Дока и Чешская 17 могут быть донорами генов устойчивости Lr26 + Lr34 и Lr9 + Lr12 + Lr13 + Lr34 и источниками короткостебельности без снижения зимостойкости и урожайности в условиях Западной Сибири.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nano starch exhibits many advantages for application in diverse fields. Amaranth starch consisted of starch particle aggregates, isolated amaranth starch, and few natural nano starch (NNS), while NNS (0.92 ± 0.12 μm) was successfully isolated for the first time. Compared with the isolated amaranth starch, NNS showed smaller particle size but larger molecular weight, suggesting that the molecules arranged densely. NNS had a weak A-type crystal structure because of its more content of short starch chains, but higher amylose content resulted in the increase of its gelatinization temperature. The special NNS, owning several different physicochemical properties from amaranth starch, can open new ways for the production and application of nano biomass materials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Euphorbia dentata (Euphorbiaceae), an invasive weed, is rarely eaten by herbivorous insects and could secrete a large amount of white latex, causing a serious threat to local natural vegetation, agricultural production and human health. In order to prevent this plant from causing more negative effects on humans, it is necessary to understand and utilize the chemical relationships between the latex of E. dentata and herbivorous insects. In this study, three new norsesquiterpenes (1-3), together with seven known analogues (4-10), were isolated and identified from the latex of E. dentata. All norsesquiterpenes (1-10) showed antifeedant and growth-inhibitory effects on H. armigera with varying levels, especially compounds 1 and 2. In addition, the action mechanisms of active compounds (1-3) were revealed by detoxifying enzyme (AchE, CarE, GST and MFO) activities and corresponding molecular docking analyses. Our findings provide a new idea for the development and utilization of the latex of E. dentata, as well as a potential application of norsesquiterpenes in botanical insecticides.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Soybean root rot, caused by Fusarium oxysporum, leads to significant economic and financial losses to the soybean processing industry globally. In the study, we aimed to explore a biocontrol agent to combat F. oxysporum infection in soybean.
    RESULTS: From soybean rhizosphere soil, 48 strains were isolated. Among them, the strain DR11 exhibited the highest inhibition rate of 72.27%. Morphological, physiological, biochemical, and 16S rDNA identification revealed that the strain DR11 was Klebsiella grimontii DR11. Strain DR11 could inhibit the growth of F. oxysporum and spore formation and alter the mycelial morphology. At 5.0 × 106 CFU mL-1, pH 7, and 30°C, it exhibited the highest inhibitory rate (72.27%). Moreover, it could decrease the activity of cell-wall-degrading enzymes of F. oxysporum. Simultaneously, the activities of defense-related enzymes and content of malondialdehyde in soybean plants were increased after treatment with strain DR11. In addition, strain DR11 could form aggregates to form biofilm and adsorb on the surface of soybean roots. It inhibited F. oxysporum growth on soybean seedlings, with an inhibitory effect of 62.71%.
    CONCLUSIONS: Klebsiella grimontii DR11 had a strong inhibitory effect on F. oxysporum and could be used as a biocontrol agent to combat F. oxysporum infection in soybean.





