Isochromosome 12p

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Chordoma, a rare malignant tumor arising from notochordal tissue, usually occurs along the spinal axis. Only a few published reports of primary lung chordomas exist. Herein, we present a case of primary lung chordoma and discuss important considerations for diagnosing rare chordomas.
    METHODS: We report a case of primary lung chordoma in a 39-year-old male with a history of testicular mixed germ-cell tumor of yolk sac and teratoma. Computed tomography revealed slow-growing solid lesions in the left lower lobe. We performed wedge resection for suspected germ-cell tumor lung metastasis. Histologically, large round or oval cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm were surrounded by large cells with granular, lightly eosinophilic cytoplasm. Tumor cells were physaliphorous. Immunohistochemistry was positive for brachyury, S-100 protein, epithelial membrane antigen, vimentin, and cytokeratin AE1/AE3, suggesting pulmonary chordoma. Re-examination of the testicular mixed germ-cell tumor revealed no notochordal elements. Although some areas were positive for brachyury staining, hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining did not show morphological features typical of chordoma. Complementary fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of the lung tumor confirmed the absence of isochromosome 12p and 12p amplification. Thus, a final diagnosis of primary lung chordoma was established.
    CONCLUSIONS: In patients with a history of testicular mixed germ cell tumors, comparison of histomorphology using HE and Brachyury staining of lung and testicular tumors, and analyzing isochromosome 12p and 12p amplification in lung tumors using FISH is pivotal for the diagnosis of rare lung chordomas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aberrant male germline development can lead to the formation of seminoma, a testicular germ cell tumor. Seminomas are biologically similar to primordial germ cells (PGCs) and many bear an isochromosome 12p [i(12p)] with two additional copies of the short arm of chromosome 12. By mapping seminoma transcriptomes and open chromatin landscape onto a normal human male germline trajectory, we find that seminoma resembles premigratory/migratory PGCs; however, it exhibits enhanced germline and pluripotency programs and upregulation of genes involved in apoptosis, angiogenesis, and MAPK/ERK pathways. Using pluripotent stem cell-derived PGCs from Pallister-Killian syndrome patients mosaic for i(12p), we model seminoma and identify gene dosage effects that may contribute to transformation. As murine seminoma models do not exist, our analyses provide critical insights into genetic, cellular, and signaling programs driving seminoma transformation, and the in vitro platform developed herein permits evaluation of additional signals required for seminoma tumorigenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spermatocytic tumors are rare testicular tumors occurring predominantly in older men. Most show a classical tripartite morphology (different from seminoma) and are benign. However, well-documented cases of malignant spermatocytic tumors exist. Our previous work showed that a subset of spermatocytic tumors exhibiting TP53 mutations, DNA methylation profiles closer to seminomas, and/or gains in chromosome 12p exhibited aggressive characteristics, including sarcomatoid transformation and metastatic dissemination. The microRNA-371-373 cluster is a promising biomarker which is upregulated in non-teratoma germ cell tumors with malignant behavior. In this work we analyze microRNAs-371-373 b y quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction in 18 spermatocytic tumors representative of the whole clinical spectrum, including 6 with aggressive features (sarcomatoid transformation, metastases, or gains in chromosome 12p). The levels of microRNAs-371-373 were significantly higher in non-teratoma germ cell tumors compared to spermatocytic tumors, overall (p < 0.0001). Importantly, levels of microRNA-371-373 were higher in spermatocytic tumors with aggressive features compared to non-aggressive neoplasms. The highest levels were observed in one tumor showing isochromosome 12p. These results further support our previous findings that a subset of spermatocytic tumors are intermediate between so-called type II and type III germ cell tumors and that embryonic microRNAs play a role in aggressive behavior in spermatocytic tumors. Accordingly, this subset of tumors may behave aggressively and require close follow up. In the future, this opens an opportunity for microRNA testing in serum of spermatocytic tumor patients for risk stratification purposes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Somatic-type malignancy (STM) can occur infrequently within a primary or metastatic testicular germ cell tumor (TGCT) and is associated with dismal prognosis and survival. STM with chondrosarcomatous features is exceedingly rare and head and neck involvement has not been previously documented. A 39-year-old white man presented with nasal obstruction and epistaxis. Imaging disclosed a 6.9-cm expansile tumor involving the nasal cavity and skull base with intraorbital and intracranial extension. The histopathologic properties of the tumor were compatible with chondrosarcoma, grade II-III. Immunohistochemically, malignant cells were strongly and diffusely positive for S100 and epithelial markers, and showed loss of SMARCB1 expression. IDH1/2 mutations were not detected. Following whole-body PET scan, a 7.0-cm left testicular mass was discovered and diagnosed as seminoma with syncytiotrophoblastic cells, stage pT3NXM1b. Extensive retroperitoneal, mediastinal, and supraclavicular lymphadenopathy was also noticed. Histopathologic examination of the left supraclavicular lymph node revealed metastatic seminoma. By FISH, most metastatic nodal seminoma cells harbored 1 to 4 copies of isochromosome 12p, while the chondrosarcoma featured duplication of 12p. Presence of a malignant TGCT with disseminated supradiaphragmatic lymphadenopathy, the unique immunophenotypic properties of the skull-based chondrosarcoma and lack of IDH1/2 aberrations with gain of 12p strongly support the diagnosis of STM chondrosarcoma arising from metastatic TGCT. The patient did not respond to chemotherapy and succumbed three months after diagnosis. Although exceedingly uncommon, metastasis to the head and neck may occur in patients with TGCT. This case of STM chondrosarcoma demonstrated divergent immunophenotypic and molecular characteristics compared to \"typical\" examples of head and neck chondrosarcoma. High index of suspicion is advised regarding the diagnosis of lesions that present with otherwise typical histomorphology but unexpected immunohistochemical or molecular features.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article will review current aspects of the histopathological, immunohistochemical and molecular analysis of primary mediastinal germ cell tumours (PMGCTs) as well as their aetiological, epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic features. PMGCTs represent an important differential diagnosis in the spectrum of mediastinal tumours, and their diagnosis is usually made on small tissue samples from core needle biopsies in combination with diagnostic imaging and serum tumour markers. As in lymphomas, a small biopsy is often the only viable tumour sample available from these patients, as they receive chemotherapy prior to eventual surgical resection. Pathologists therefore need to apply an efficient combination of immunohistochemical markers to confirm the diagnosis of a PMGCT and to exclude morphological mimics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Isochromosome 12p (iChr12p) is typical in almost all invasive testicular cancers. Increased copy number of genes on 12p is associated with the development of a clinically manifest tumor; however, the causative genes have not yet been identified. Chromosome 12 harbors many genes involved in Vitamin D metabolism. RNAseq analysis of Vitamin D receptor (VDR) genes from the TCGA cohort revealed that clustering of VDR expression signatures could differentiate between pure seminomas and non-seminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCT). Using TCGA mRNA expression of anabolic (CYP2R1, CYP27A1 and CYP27B1) and catabolic (CYP24A1) Vitamin D enzymes, positive (PTHLH, IFNG, and TNF) and negative (FGF23) feedback regulators could also clearly distinguish between pure seminomas and NSGCT. We hypothesize that the regulation of Vitamin D metabolism might be disturbed through iChr12p formation, influencing testicular carcinogenesis via increased FGF23 and PTHLH expression. While FGF23 represses CYP27B1 and activates catabolism of active hormone, increased PTHLH secretion can lead to hypercalcemia via inactivation of VDR. In conclusion, testicular cancer is associated with extensive modifications in intratesticular Vitamin D homeostasis. Further research is needed to clarify whether Vitamin D deficiency causes the formation of iChr12p and whether Vitamin D deficiency via iChr12p genomic aberration is involved in testicular carcinogenesis.






  • 背景:纯青春期后卵黄囊瘤(YSTs)是一种极为罕见的恶性生殖细胞肿瘤(GCT),占睾丸GCT的<1%。临床上,与更常见的青春期前对照相比,它们更具攻击性。本研究的目的是分析临床表现,辅助测试和临床结果,除了呈现一系列组织形态学特征外,在一个案例系列以及文献综述中。
    BACKGROUND: Pure post-pubertal yolk sac tumors (YSTs) are an extremely rare type of malignant germ cell tumor (GCT) that account for <1 % of testicular GCTs. Clinically, they are more aggressive compared to the more common pre-pubertal counterpart. The aim of this study is to analyze the clinical presentation, ancillary tests and clinical outcomes in addition to presenting a spectrum of histomorphological features, in a case series along with a literature review.
    METHODS: A retrospective review of 4 cases of pure post-pubertal YST of the testis was performed. Data collected for each patient included demographics, clinical presentation, serum markers, radiology and pathologic findings, treatment, and clinical outcomes.
    RESULTS: All patients presented with a testicular mass with or without associated pain and elevated serum alpha-feto protein. Mean age at presentation was 36 years (range 25-68 years). Two patients presented with metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis. Histologic patterns and features are as follows: germ cell neoplasia in-situ (n = 4), reticular/microcystic, solid, glandular, papillary, endometrioid, cystic, necrosis and angiolymphatic invasion (n = 3). Fluorescent in-situ hybridization test performed on Case 2, showed presence of isochromosome 12p and next generation sequencing showed gains of 12p. Case 1, 2 and 4 showed metastatic disease on follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: Diagnosis of pure post-pubertal YST remains challenging due to the variety of morphologic patterns often present in these tumors. Extensive sampling along with use of ancillary tests is the key for diagnosis. In this study, 75 % of cases had metastatic disease at or after the diagnosis confirming the aggressive nature of this rare entity.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Testicular germ cell tumours (GCTs) are the most frequent solid malignancy in younger males aged 15-40. The differentiation between seminomas and non-seminomas impacts prognosis, clinical management and follow-up procedures. With stage- and risk-adapted multimodal treatment approaches, GCTs have an exceptionally good prognosis. Therefore, avoiding overtreatment to reduce treatment-related long-term side effects is of utmost importance. Clinical and histopathological risk factors aid in treatment decision-making.
    OBJECTIVE: Discussion of (histo-)pathological characteristics that directly influence treatment decision-making by urologists and oncologists.
    METHODS: Non-systematic literature review to describe histopathological features for interdisciplinary treatment planning.
    RESULTS: Key histopathological characteristics for clinicians are: (i) identification of a GCT, if necessary by 12p aberration analysis, (ii) description of the different subtypes, and (iii) risk factors, including lymphovascular invasion and/or rete testis infiltration and size of the primary tumour. Molecular pathological analyses, that is, genomic sequencing, is not part of routine diagnostics due to the lack of prognostic/predictive markers and effective targeted treatment approaches.
    CONCLUSIONS: Detailed histopathology reporting, ideally with a synoptic template, is the basis for planning and conducting guideline-endorsed, risk-adapted, multi-disciplinary management of GCTs. Along with radiographic imaging and assessment of the serum tumour markers AFP and β‑HCG (especially in non-seminomas), histopathology is crucial to maintain success and reduce the burden of GCT treatment.
    UNASSIGNED: HINTERGRUND: Keimzelltumoren des Hodens sind die häufigste maligne Tumorerkrankung bei Männern im Alter von 15–40 Jahren. Die Unterscheidung von Seminomen und Nichtseminomen hat prognostische Bedeutung und ist für Therapieplanung und Nachsorge essenziell. Durch interdisziplinäre, stadiengerechte Therapie haben Keimzelltumoren generell eine sehr gute Prognose. Eine Übertherapie sollte wegen möglicher Langzeitfolgen vermieden werden. Hierbei hilft die Risikobeurteilung anhand klinischer und pathologischer Faktoren.
    UNASSIGNED: Darstellung der (histo-)pathologischen Charakteristika, die die uroonkologische Therapieplanung maßgeblich beeinflussen.
    METHODS: Nichtsystematischer Übersichtsartikel über die relevanten (histo-)pathologischen Befunde für die klinische Therapieplanung im interdisziplinären Kontext.
    UNASSIGNED: Zentrale Pathologiebefunde für Kliniker:Innen sind: (i) Identifikation eines Keimzelltumors, ggf. durch Nachweis eines Chromosom-12p-Zugewinns, (ii) Subtypenspezifizierung und (iii) Angabe von Risikofaktoren (insbesondere Invasion von Lymphgefäßen und/oder Rete testis und Tumorgröße). Molekularpathologische Untersuchungen i. S. von Mutationsanalysen sind angesichts einer sehr geringen Mutationslast und bislang fehlender prädiktiver Marker und zielgerichteter Therapieoptionen nicht Teil der Routinediagnostik.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ein detaillierter, idealerweise synoptischer histopathologischer Befundbericht ist Grundlage der Planung und Durchführung einer leitlinienkonformen, risikoadaptierten Therapie und neben der bildgebenden Diagnostik und der Bestimmung der Serumtumormarker AFP und β‑HCG (letztere insbesondere bei Nichtseminomen) mitentscheidend, um die guten Heilungsaussichten zu wahren und eine Übertherapie zu vermeiden.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A genetic hallmark of malignant germ cell tumours (GCTs) is isochromosome 12p, but oncogenes located in 12p that are specifically expressed in GCT have not yet been identified. SIN3-HDAC complex-associated factor (SINHCAF) is a subunit of the Sin3/histone deacetylase (HDAC) complex, and it defines a Sin3a-Hdac complex variant that is required for the self-renewal of mouse embryonic stem cells. This study demonstrated that SINHCAF is expressed in a vast majority of malignant GCTs and is rarely expressed in somatic malignancy. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation revealed SINHCAF amplification in malignant GCTs. SINHCAF silencing using shRNA reduced anchorage-dependent cell proliferation and tumoursphere formation and inhibited tumour cell migration and invasion in GCT cell lines. Moreover, in the GCT cell line NTERA2/D1, SINHCAF silencing inhibited the expression of genes associated with embryonic stem cells and induced the expression of genes associated with neuronal and white fat cell differentiation. Compared with somatic cell lines, GCT cell lines were more susceptible to HDAC inhibitor treatment. Thus, we identified SINHCAF to be a potential oncogene located in the amplicon of chromosome 12p and showed that SINHCAF was specifically expressed in malignant GCTs. HDAC inhibitor treatment may counteract the oncogenic activity of SINHCAF and is a promising therapeutic approach for GCTs. © 2022 The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of clonally related hematologic neoplasms in the setting of primary mediastinal germ cell tumors (PMGCTs) has been recognized previously and is associated with a dismal prognosis. However, the presentation of hematologic neoplasms as chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) has been rarely reported. Here we report two patients with PMGCTs and hematologic neoplasms. The PMGCT was composed mostly of yolk sac tumor whereas the hematologic neoplasms had morphologic features that resembled CMML and HLH. The hematologic neoplasms from both patients harbored isochromosome 12p [i(12p)] and TP53 mutations, supporting a clonal relationship between these tumors. This association represents a unique clinical syndrome that likely contributes to the poor clinical outcome of these patients.





