Inorganic polyphosphate

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuronal senescence is a major risk factor for the development of many neurodegenerative disorders. The mechanisms that drive neurons to senescence remain largely elusive; however, dysregulated mitochondrial physiology seems to play a pivotal role in this process. Consequently, strategies aimed to preserve mitochondrial function may hold promise in mitigating neuronal senescence. For example, dietary restriction has shown to reduce senescence, via a mechanism that still remains far from being totally understood, but that could be at least partially mediated by mitochondria. Here, we address the role of mitochondrial inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) in the intersection between neuronal senescence and dietary restriction. PolyP is highly present in mammalian mitochondria; and its regulatory role in mammalian bioenergetics has already been described by us and others. Our data demonstrate that depletion of mitochondrial polyP exacerbates neuronal senescence, independently of whether dietary restriction is present. However, dietary restriction in polyP-depleted cells activates AMPK, and it restores some components of mitochondrial physiology, even if this is not sufficient to revert increased senescence. The effects of dietary restriction on polyP levels and AMPK activation are conserved in differentiated SH-SY5Y cells and brain tissue of male mice. Our results identify polyP as an important component in mitochondrial physiology at the intersection of dietary restriction and senescence, and they highlight the importance of the organelle in this intersection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Post-translational modifications of proteins (PTMs) introduce an extra layer of complexity to cellular regulation. Although phosphorylation of serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues is well-known as PTMs, lysine is, in fact, the most heavily modified amino acid, with over 30 types of PTMs on lysine having been characterized. One of the most recently discovered PTMs on lysine residues is polyphosphorylation, which sees linear chains of inorganic polyphosphates (polyP) attached to lysine residues. The labile nature of phosphoramidate bonds raises the question of whether this modification is covalent in nature. Here, we used buffers with very high ionic strength, which would disrupt any non-covalent interactions, and confirmed that lysine polyphosphorylation occurs covalently on proteins containing PASK domains (polyacidic, serine-, and lysine-rich), such as the budding yeast protein nuclear signal recognition 1 (Nsr1) and the mammalian protein nucleolin. This Matters Arising Response paper addresses the Neville et al. (2024) Matters Arising paper, published concurrently in Molecular Cell.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The maintenance of phosphate homeostasis serves as a foundation for energy metabolism and signal transduction processes in all living organisms. Inositol pyrophosphates (PP-InsPs), composed of an inositol ring decorated with monophosphate and diphosphate moieties, and inorganic polyphosphate (polyP), chains of orthophosphate residues linked by phosphoanhydride bonds, are energy-rich biomolecules that play critical roles in phosphate homeostasis. There is a complex interplay between these two phosphate-rich molecules, and they share an interdependent relationship with cellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi). In eukaryotes, the enzymes involved in PP-InsP synthesis show some degree of conservation across species, whereas distinct enzymology exists for polyP synthesis among different organisms. In fact, the mechanism of polyP synthesis in metazoans, including mammals, is still unclear. Early studies on PP-InsP and polyP synthesis were conducted in the slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum, but it is in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that a clear understanding of the interplay between polyP, PP-InsPs, and Pi homeostasis has now been established. Recent research has shed more light on the influence of PP-InsPs on polyP in mammals, and the regulation of both these molecules by cellular ATP and Pi levels. In this review we will discuss the cross-talk between PP-InsPs, polyP, ATP, and Pi in the context of budding yeast, slime mould, and mammals. We will also highlight the similarities and differences in the relationship between these phosphate-rich biomolecules among this group of organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nanoparticles of a particular, evolutionarily old inorganic polymer found across the biological kingdoms have attracted increasing interest in recent years not only because of their crucial role in metabolism but also their potential medical applicability: it is inorganic polyphosphate (polyP). This ubiquitous linear polymer is composed of 10-1000 phosphate residues linked by high-energy anhydride bonds. PolyP causes induction of gene activity, provides phosphate for bone mineralization, and serves as an energy supplier through enzymatic cleavage of its acid anhydride bonds and subsequent ATP formation. The biomedical breakthrough of polyP came with the development of a successful fabrication process, in depot form, as Ca- or Mg-polyP nanoparticles, or as the directly effective polymer, as soluble Na-polyP, for regenerative repair and healing processes, especially in tissue areas with insufficient blood supply. Physiologically, the platelets are the main vehicles for polyP nanoparticles in the circulating blood. To be biomedically active, these particles undergo coacervation. This review provides an overview of the properties of polyP and polyP nanoparticles for applications in the regeneration and repair of bone, cartilage, and skin. In addition to studies on animal models, the first successful proof-of-concept studies on humans for the healing of chronic wounds are outlined.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) is primarily synthesized by Polyphosphate Kinase-1 (PPK-1) and regulates numerous cellular processes, including energy metabolism, stress adaptation, drug tolerance, and microbial pathogenesis. Here, we report that polyP interacts with acyl CoA carboxylases, enzymes involved in lipid biosynthesis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We show that deletion of ppk-1 in M. tuberculosis results in transcriptional and metabolic reprogramming. In comparison to the parental strain, the Δppk-1 mutant strain had reduced levels of virulence-associated lipids such as PDIMs and TDM. We also observed that polyP deficiency in M. tuberculosis is associated with enhanced phagosome-lysosome fusion in infected macrophages and attenuated growth in mice. Host RNA-seq analysis revealed decreased levels of transcripts encoding for proteins involved in either type I interferon signaling or formation of foamy macrophages in the lungs of Δppk-1 mutant-infected mice relative to parental strain-infected animals. Using target-based screening and molecular docking, we have identified raloxifene hydrochloride as a broad-spectrum PPK-1 inhibitor. We show that raloxifene hydrochloride significantly enhanced the activity of isoniazid, bedaquiline, and pretomanid against M. tuberculosis in macrophages. Additionally, raloxifene inhibited the growth of M. tuberculosis in mice. This is an in-depth study that provides mechanistic insights into the regulation of mycobacterial pathogenesis by polyP deficiency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) is an ancient polymer which is extremely well-conserved throughout evolution, and found in every studied organism. PolyP is composed of orthophosphates linked together by high-energy bonds, similar to those found in ATP. The metabolism and the functions of polyP in prokaryotes and simple eukaryotes are well understood. However, little is known about its physiological roles in mammalian cells, mostly due to its unknown metabolism and lack of systematic methods and effective models for the study of polyP in these organisms. Methods: Here, we present a comprehensive set of genetically modified cellular models to study mammalian polyP. Specifically, we focus our studies on mitochondrial polyP, as previous studies have shown the potent regulatory role of mammalian polyP in the organelle, including bioenergetics, via mechanisms that are not yet fully understood. Results: Using SH-SY5Y cells, our results show that the enzymatic depletion of mitochondrial polyP affects the expression of genes involved in the maintenance of mitochondrial physiology, as well as the structure of the organelle. Furthermore, this depletion has deleterious effects on mitochondrial respiration, an effect that is dependent on the length of polyP. Our results also show that the depletion of mammalian polyP in other subcellular locations induces significant changes in gene expression and bioenergetics; as well as that SH-SY5Y cells are not viable when the amount and/or the length of polyP are increased in mitochondria. Discussion: Our findings expand on the crucial role of polyP in mammalian mitochondrial physiology and place our cell lines as a valid model to increase our knowledge of both mammalian polyP and mitochondrial physiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) plays a vital role in cellular energy metabolism and signaling, owing to its structure and high-energy phosphate bonds. Intracellular ATP functions both as a cellular energy source and a key factor in cell death, and ATP dynamics in tumor cells are crucial for advancing cancer therapy. In this study, we explored the interplay between polyP and ATP in cellular energy metabolism. Treatment with polyP did not affect cell proliferation of human non-small cell lung cancer H1299 and human glioblastoma T98G cell lines as compared to their respective control cells until 72 h post-treatment. The mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) in polyP-treated cells was low, contrasting with the time-dependent increase observed in control cells. While the ATP content increased over time in untreated and Na-phosphate-treated control cells, it remained unchanged in polyP-treated cells. Furthermore, the addition of cyclosporine A, a mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) inhibitor, failed to restore ATP levels in polyP-treated cells. We performed lactate assays and western blot analysis to evaluate the effect of polyP on glucose metabolism and found no significant differences in lactate secretion or glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity between polyP-treated and control cells. Additional pyruvate restored MMP but had no effect on the cellular ATP content in polyP-treated cells. We observed no correlation between the Warburg effect and glucose metabolism during ATP depletion in polyP-treated cells. Further investigation is warranted to explore the roles of polyP and ATP in cancer cell energy metabolism, which might offer potential avenues for therapeutic interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) is an ancient polymer, which was proven to be a signalling molecule in the mammalian brain, mediating the communication between astrocytes via activation of P2Y1 purinoreceptors and modulating the activity of neurons. There is very limited information regarding the ability of polyP to transmit the information as an agonist of purinoreceptors in other cells and tissues. Here, we show that application of polyP to the suspension of primary thymocytes increases the concentration of intracellular calcium. PolyP evoked calcium signal was dependent on the presence of P2X inhibitors but not P2Y1 inhibitor. PolyP dependent increase in intracellular calcium concentration caused mild mitochondrial depolarization, which was dependent on inhibitors of purinoreceptors, extracellular calcium and inhibitor of mitochondrial calcium uniporter but wasn\'t dependent on cyclosporin A. Application of polyP modulated cell volume regulation machinery of thymocytes in calcium dependent manner. Molecular docking experiments revealed that polyP can potentially bind to several types of P2X receptors with binding energy similar to ATP - natural agonist of P2X purinoreceptors. Further molecular dynamics simulations with P2X4 showed that binding of one molecule of polyP dramatically increases permeability of this receptor-channel for water molecules. Thus, in this research we for the first time showed that polyP can interact with P2X receptors in thymocytes and modulate physiological processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP) is an ancient polymer that is well-conserved throughout evolution. It is formed by multiple subunits of orthophosphates linked together by phosphoanhydride bonds. The presence of these bonds, which are structurally similar to those found in ATP, and the high abundance of polyP in mammalian mitochondria, suggest that polyP could be involved in the regulation of the physiology of the organelle, especially in the energy metabolism. In fact, the scientific literature shows an unequivocal role for polyP not only in directly regulating oxidative a phosphorylation; but also in the regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolism, mitochondrial free calcium homeostasis, and the formation and opening of mitochondrial permeability transitions pore. All these processes are closely interconnected with the status of mitochondrial bioenergetics and therefore play a crucial role in maintaining mitochondrial and cell physiology. In this invited review, we discuss the main scientific literature regarding the regulatory role of polyP in mammalian mitochondrial physiology, placing a particular emphasis on its impact on energy metabolism. Although the effects of polyP on the physiology of the organelle are evident; numerous aspects, particularly within mammalian cells, remain unclear and require further investigation. These aspects encompass, for example, advancing the development of more precise analytical methods, unraveling the mechanism responsible for sensing polyP levels, and understanding the exact molecular mechanism that underlies the effects of polyP on mitochondrial physiology. By increasing our understanding of the biology of this ancient and understudied polymer, we could unravel new pharmacological targets in diseases where mitochondrial dysfunction, including energy metabolism dysregulation, has been broadly described.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Inorganic polyphosphate (polyP), the polymeric form of phosphate, is attracting ever-growing attention due to the many functions it appears to perform within mammalian cells. This essay does not aim to systematically review the copious mammalian polyP literature. Instead, we examined polyP synthesis and functions in various microorganisms and used an evolutionary perspective to theorise key issues of this field and propose solutions. By highlighting the presence of VTC4 in distinct species of very divergent eucaryote clades (Opisthokonta, Viridiplantae, Discoba, and the SAR), we propose that whilst polyP synthesising machinery was present in the ancestral eukaryote, most lineages subsequently lost it during evolution. The analysis of the bacteria-acquired amoeba PPK1 and its unique polyP physiology suggests that eukaryote cells must have developed mechanisms to limit cytosolic polyP accumulation. We reviewed the literature on polyP in the mitochondria from the perspective of its endosymbiotic origin from bacteria, highlighting how mitochondria could possess a polyP physiology reminiscent of their \'bacterial\' beginning that is not yet investigated. Finally, we emphasised the similarities that the anionic polyP shares with the better-understood negatively charged polymers DNA and RNA, postulating that the nucleus offers an ideal environment where polyP physiology might thrive.





