• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic testing is becoming part of mainstream endocrinology. An increasing number of rare and not-so-rare endocrine diseases have an identifiable genetic cause, either at the germline or at the somatic level. Here we summerise germline genetic alterations in patients with pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (pituitary adenomas). These may be disorders with isolated pituitary tumors, such as X-linked acrogigantism, or AIP-related pituitary tumors, or as part of syndromic diseases, such as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 or Carney complex. In some cases, this could be relevant for treatment choices and follow-up, as well as for family members, as cascade screening leads to early identification of affected relatives and improved clinical outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: IGSF1 deficiency syndrome (immunoglobulin superfamily member 1) is considered the most common sex-linked cause of secondary congenital hypothyroidism and is characterized by a wide variety of other clinical and biochemical features, including hypoprolactinemia, transient and partial growth hormone deficiency, early/normal timing of testicular enlargement but delayed testosterone rise in puberty, and adult macro-orchidism. Congenital central hypothyroidism is a rare disease (1:65,000 births); the detection of which may be delayed and missed by neonatal screening programs since most neonatal screening programs are based on TSH determination in dried blood spots only. Untreated hypothyroidism may cause abnormal liver biochemistry and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Our aim is to report a case of secondary hypothyroidism in an infant with an uncommon initial presentation.
    UNASSIGNED: A 3-month-old male baby was referred to our hospital due to elevated alpha-fetoprotein levels, hypercholesterolemia, and macrosomia. Initial investigations revealed enlarged fatty liver and central hypothyroidism. Pituitary insufficiency was biochemically excluded and a pituitary MRI showed normal findings. Upon genetic analysis, a hemizygous variant NM_001170961.1:c.2422dup, p.(His808Profs*14), in IGSF1 gene was detected, establishing the diagnosis of the IGSF1 deficiency syndrome. In our patient, no other clinical findings were identified. Treatment with levothyroxine led to the remission of liver disease.
    CONCLUSIONS: Liver disease may be the initial presentation of secondary hypothyroidism in neonates and infants. Macrosomia in patients with isolated secondary central hypothyroidism is a strong indicator of IGSF1 syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Prostate cancer is considered as the second leading cause of cancer related death in men worldwide and the third frequent cancer among Iranian men. Despite the use of PSA as the only biomarker for early diagnosis of prostate cancer, its application in clinical settings is under debate. Therefore, the introduction of new molecular markers for early detection of prostate cancer is needed.
    UNASSIGNED: In the present study we intended to evaluate the expression of IGSF1, Wnt5a, FGF14, and ITPR1 in prostate cancer specimens by real time PCR. Biopsy samples of 40 prostate cancer cases and 41 healthy Iranian men were compared to determine the relative gene expression of IGSF1, Wnt5a, FGF14, and ITPR1 by real time PCR.
    UNASSIGNED: Our results showed that Wnt5a, FGF14, and IGSF1 were significantly overexpressed in the prostate cancer patients while the mean relative expression of ITPR1 showed a significant decrease in PCa samples compared to healthy controls.
    UNASSIGNED: According to results of the present study, the combination panel of IGSF1, Wnt5a, FGF14, and ITPR1 genes could be considered as potential genetic markers for prostate cancer diagnosis. However further studies on larger populations and investigating the clinicopathological relevance of these genes is needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Loss of function mutations in IGSF1/Igsf1 cause central hypothyroidism. Igsf1 knockout mice have reduced pituitary thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor, Trhr, expression, perhaps contributing to the phenotype. Because thyroid hormones negatively regulate Trhr, we hypothesized that IGSF1 might affect thyroid hormone availability in pituitary thyrotropes. Consistent with this idea, IGSF1 coimmunoprecipitated with the thyroid hormone transporter monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8) in transfected cells. This association was impaired with IGSF1 bearing patient-derived mutations. Wild-type IGSF1 did not, however, alter MCT8-mediated thyroid hormone import into heterologous cells. IGSF1 and MCT8 are both expressed in the apical membrane of the choroid plexus. However, MCT8 protein levels and localization in the choroid plexus were unaltered in Igsf1 knockout mice, ruling out a necessary chaperone function for IGSF1. MCT8 expression was low in the pituitary and was similarly unaffected in Igsf1 knockouts. We next assessed whether IGSF1 affects thyroid hormone transport or action, by MCT8 or otherwise, in vivo. To this end, we treated hypothyroid wild-type and Igsf1 knockout mice with exogenous thyroid hormones. T4 and T3 inhibited TSH release and regulated pituitary and forebrain gene expression similarly in both genotypes. Interestingly, pituitary TSH beta subunit (Tshb) expression was consistently reduced in Igsf1 knockouts relative to wild-type regardless of experimental condition, whereas Trhr was more variably affected. Although IGSF1 and MCT8 can interact in heterologous cells, the physiological relevance of their association is not clear. Nevertheless, the results suggest that IGSF1 loss can impair TSH production independently of alterations in TRHR levels or thyroid hormone action.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    IGSF1 deficiency is a rare X-linked condition characterized by central hypothyroidism and a wide variety of other clinical features with variable prevalence, including a delayed pubertal testosterone rise and growth spurt in the context of normal or accelerated testicular growth, and adult macroorchidism with relatively low serum testosterone concentrations. Other features include increased waist circumference, attention deficit, prolactin deficiency and transient partial growth hormone (GH) deficiency in childhood, contrasting with an increased GH secretion in adulthood. Patients with this disorder are not detected shortly after birth if neonatal screening programs are based on thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations. A 13.2-year-old male patient was referred to pediatric endocrinology for evaluation of short stature. He was born large for gestational age into a nonconsanguineous family. During work-up for short stature, deficiencies of TSH, prolactin and GH were detected, leading to treatment with levothyroxine and GH. At 16.9 years, GH treatment was stopped and during transition to adult care, his insulin-like growth factor 1 level was above the normal range. This prompted an analysis of IGSF1, in which a novel hemizygous variant causing a stop codon at c.3559C>T (p.Q1187*) was found, confirming the diagnosis of IGSF1 deficiency syndrome. In this report, we describe his clinical and hormonal characteristics at presentation and during long-term follow-up.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    In recent years, variants in immunoglobulin superfamily member 1 (IGSF1) have been associated with congenital hypopituitarism. Initially, IGSF1 variants were only reported in patients with central hypothyroidism (CeH) and macroorchidism. Later on, IGSF1 variants were also reported in patients with additional endocrinopathies, sometimes without macroorchidism. We studied IGSF1 as a new candidate gene for patients with combined CeH and growth hormone deficiency (GHD). We screened 80 male and 14 female Dutch patients with combined CeH and GHD for variants in the extracellular region of IGSF1, and we report detailed biomedical and clinical data of index cases and relatives. We identified three variants in our patient cohort, of which two were novel variants of unknown significance (p.L570I and c.1765+37C>A). In conclusion, we screened 94 patients with CeH and GHD and found variants in IGSF1 of which p.L570I could be of functional relevance. We provide detailed phenotypic data of two boys with the p.C947R variant and their large family. The remarkable phenotype of some of the relatives sheds new light on the phenotypic spectrum of IGSF1 variants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Loss-of-function mutations in the X-linked immunoglobulin superfamily, member 1 (IGSF1) gene result in central hypothyroidism, often associated with macroorchidism. Testicular enlargement in these patients might be caused by increases in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels, as IGSF1 has been proposed to function as an inhibin B receptor or as an inhibitor of activin type I receptor (ALK4) activity in pituitary gonadotrope cells. If true, loss of IGSF1 should lead to reduced inhibin B action or disinhibition of activin signaling, thereby increasing FSH synthesis. Here, we show that FSH levels and sperm counts are normal in male Igsf1 knockout mice, although testis size is mildly increased. Sperm parameters are also normal in men with IGSF1 deficiency, although their FSH levels may trend higher and their testes are enlarged. Inhibin B retains the ability to suppress FSH synthesis in pituitaries of Igsf1-knockout mice and IGSF1 does not interact with ALK4 or alter activin A/ALK4 stimulation of FSHβ (Fshb/FSHB) subunit transcription or expression. In light of these results, it is unlikely that macroorchidism in IGSF1 deficiency derives from alterations in spermatogenesis or inhibin/activin regulation of FSH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Loss-of-function mutations in the immunoglobulin superfamily, member 1 (IGSF1) gene cause X-linked central hypothyroidism, and therefore its mutation affects mainly males. Central hypothyroidism in males is the hallmark of the disorder, however some patients additionally present with hypoprolactinemia, transient and partial growth hormone deficiency, early/normal timing of testicular enlargement but delayed testosterone rise in puberty, and adult macro-orchidism. Here, we report a boy with congenital central hypothyroidism caused by a novel variant in the IGSF1 gene. In our patient, early testicular enlargement but delayed testosterone rise with central hypothyroidism and hypoprolactinemia were the most important clues for diagnosis. In genetic analysis, we identified a novel, hemizygous nonsense c.3763 C>T (G1n1255Ter) variant in IGSF1 gene. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of IGSF1 deficiency from Turkey.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





