Hyla cinerea

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Clinostomum spp. are common parasites of piscivorous birds. Metacercaria are typically observed in the muscles or just under the skin of fish and rarely amphibians. We describe an unusually severe case of Clinostomum marginatum infection in an adult female green tree frog (Hyla cinerea) from Georgia (USA). The frog was found in November 2015 with a high number (>250) of widely disseminated, raised, subcutaneous nodules. The frog died in December. At necropsy, it was emaciated, and the skin was covered in raised uniform, tan-green, subcutaneous, ∼2-3 mm diameter nodules. Each nodule contained 1-3 C. marginatum metacercariae. Microscopically, high numbers of trematodes were within subcutaneous tissues and in coelomic and oral cavities, lung, liver, kidney, ovary, orbit and calvarium. Small to large numbers of lymphocytes and melanomacrophages were in connective tissues and epidermis. A 732 bp region of COI was 98.8-99.8% similar to numerous sequences of C. marginatum and, phylogenetically it grouped with these C. marginatum sequences. The ITS-1 region was 100% similar to a C. marginatum sample from a great egret (Ardea alba) from Mississippi. This report represents a novel finding of severe trematodiasis in a free-ranging amphibian with C. marginatum infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Mucus and mucus glands are important features of the amphibian cutis. In tree frogs, the mucus glands and their secretions are crucial components of the adhesive digital pads of these animals. Despite a variety of hypothesised functions of these components in tree frog attachment, the functional morphology of the digital mucus glands and the chemistry of the digital mucus are barely known. Here, we use an interdisciplinary comparative approach to analyse these components, and discuss their roles in tree frog attachment.
    UNASSIGNED: Using synchrotron micro-computer-tomography, we discovered in the arboreal frog Hyla cinerea that the ventral digital mucus glands differ in their morphology from regular anuran mucus glands and form a subdermal gland cluster. We show the presence of this gland cluster also in several other-not exclusively arboreal-anuran families. Using cryo-histochemistry as well as infrared and sum frequency generation spectroscopy on the mucus of two arboreal (H. cinerea and Osteopilus septentrionalis) and of two terrestrial, non-climbing frog species (Pyxicephalus adspersus and Ceratophrys cranwelli), we find neutral and acidic polysaccharides, and indications for proteinaceous and lipid-like mucus components. The mucus chemistry varies only little between dorsal and ventral digital mucus in H. cinerea, ventral digital and abdominal mucus in H. cinerea and O. septentrionalis, and between the ventral abdominal mucus of all four studied species.
    UNASSIGNED: The presence of a digital mucus gland cluster in various anuran families, as well as the absence of differences in the mucus chemistry between arboreal and non-arboreal frog species indicate an adaptation towards generic functional requirements as well as to attachment-related requirements. Overall, this study contributes to the understanding of the role of glands and their secretions in tree frog attachment and in bioadhesion in general, as well as the evolution of anurans.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated whether hearing advertisement calls over several nights, as happens in natural frog choruses, modified the responses of the peripheral auditory system in the green treefrog, Hyla cinerea. Using auditory evoked potentials (AEP), we found that exposure to 10 nights of a simulated male chorus lowered auditory thresholds in males and females, while exposure to random tones had no effect in males, but did result in lower thresholds in females. The threshold change was larger at the lower frequencies stimulating the amphibian papilla than at higher frequencies stimulating the basilar papilla. Suprathreshold responses to tonal stimuli were assessed for two peaks in the AEP recordings. For the peak P1 (assessed for 0.8-1.25 kHz), peak amplitude increased following chorus exposure. For peak P2 (assessed for 2-4 kHz), peak amplitude decreased at frequencies between 2.5 and 4.0 kHz, but remained unaltered at 2.0 kHz. Our results show for the first time, to our knowledge, that hearing dynamic social stimuli, like frog choruses, can alter the responses of the auditory periphery in a way that could enhance the detection of and response to conspecific acoustic communication signals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a long history in neuroethology of investigating how communication signals influence the brain and behavior. It has become increasingly clear that brain areas associated with sensory processing are plastic in adults and that this plasticity is related to reproductive condition. However, the role of communication signal reception in adult auditory plasticity has received relatively little attention. Here, we investigated whether the reception of communication signals (a frog chorus) could enhance the responsiveness of the auditory system to future reception of communication signals (a single male call). We found that animals that had been exposed to 10 days of a male chorus had stronger auditory midbrain immediate early gene expression than animals that had been exposed to 10 days of random tones when tested with 30 min of male calls or 30 min of tones. Our results suggest that exposure to dynamic social stimuli, like frog choruses, may play an important role in shaping the neural and behavioral responses to communication signals.





