
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Halophila stipulacea (Forsskål and Niebuhr) Ascherson is a small marine seagrass that belongs to the Hydrocharitaceae family. It is native to the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, and Indian Ocean and has successfully invaded the Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas. This article summarizes the pharmacological activities and phytochemical content of H. stipulacea, along with its botanical and ecological characteristics. Studies have shown that H. stipulacea is rich in polyphenols and terpenoids. Additionally, it is rich in proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates, contributing to its nutritional value. Several biological activities are reported by this plant, including antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-metabolic disorders, and anti-osteoclastogenic activities. Further research is needed to validate the efficacy and safety of this plant and to investigate the mechanisms of action underlying the observed effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The microplastics in aquatic ecosystems pose a serious threat to ecological security and environmental health, which have received widespread attention. To reveal the response of a water-Vallisneria natans-sediment system to microplastics exposure, the V. natans was exposed to polyethylene microplastics (PE-MPs) with different mass fractions (1%-5%, sediment wet mass fraction), and the effects of PE-MPs on the physiochemical indicators of water quality, morphological characteristics of submerged plants, physiological characters, antioxidant system, and microbial community structure in sediments were studied respectively. The results showed that the physiochemical properties of the water body were not significantly changed in the PE-MPs treatment group, whereas the plant height, oxidative stress index, and antioxidant system were significantly inhibited. For the plant height, the 1% PE-MPs treatment group height was only 47.44% of that in the control group. Chlorophyll a content was 81.04% of that in the control group, and the activities of catalase (CAT), malondialdehyde (MDA), and peroxidase (POD) increased by 233.70%, 117.82%, and 61.62%, respectively. Different mass fractions of PE-MPs had a certain impact on microbial community structure in sediments. The above results are helpful to improve the evaluation system of PE-MPs ecological risk in the water-submerged plant-sediment system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) pose a significant threat to aquatic ecosystems. This study investigated the content and potential sources of PTEs (Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb) in water, sediment, and dominant aquatic plants (Hydrilla verticillata and Spirogyra varians) in the Xiaojiang River, located near the Zhaiying manganese mine in Guizhou Province, China. Correlation analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), and cluster analysis were employed to assess PTE distribution and potential sources. Water PTE concentrations complied with the Class II standard (GB3838-2002), indicating no water pollution. However, sediment PTE levels exceeded background values, particularly Mn, which exhibited moderate to strong contamination. Cd also showed moderate contamination, posing a considerable ecological risk. Cd was the main potential pollutant with the highest contribution rate. Mn and Cd were therefore identified as priority pollutants requiring targeted abatement strategies. Mining activities likely represent the primary source, but combined pollution from vehicle traffic and agriculture might also contribute. Hydrilla verticillata demonstrated a higher capacity for PTE enrichment from sediment compared to Spirogyra varians, suggesting its potential for sediment remediation (except for Cu). A significant correlation existed between both plant species and sediment PTE content. PCA supported the association between S. varians and sediment PTEs. Linear regression analyses revealed better correlations between S. varians and sediment Mn, Ni, Cu, and Zn (0.77, 0.68, 0.82, and 0.79, respectively). Taken together, these findings suggest that S. varians serves as an effective bioindicator for monitoring sediment contamination with PTEs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play crucial roles in element cycling and pollutant dynamics, but their variations and mechanisms in the rhizosphere of submerged macrophytes are poorly investigated. This study investigated the light-dark cycle fluctuations and periodic variations in ROS, redox-active substances, and microbial communities in the rhizosphere of Vallisneria natans. The results showed sustained production and significant diurnal fluctuations in the O2•- and •OH from 27.6 ± 3.7 to 61.7 ± 3.0 μmol/kg FW and 131.0 ± 6.8 to 195.4 ± 8.7 μmol/kg FW, respectively, which simultaneously fluctuated with the redox-active substances. The ROS contents in the rhizosphere were higher than those observed in non-rhizosphere sediments over the V. natans growth period, exhibiting increasing-decreasing trends. According to the redundancy analysis results, water-soluble phenols, fungi, and bacteria were the main factors influencing ROS production in the rhizosphere, showing contribution rates of 74.0, 17.3, and 4.4 %, respectively. The results of partial least squares path modeling highlighted the coupled effects of redox-active substances and microbial metabolism. Our findings also demonstrated the degradation effect of ROS in rhizosphere sediments of submerged macrophytes. This study provides experimental evidence of ROS-related rhizosphere effects and further insights into submerged macrophytes-based ecological restoration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Caribbean seagrass beds are facing increasing anthropogenic stress, yet comprehensive ground-level monitoring programs that capture the structure of seagrass communities before the 1980s are rare. We measured the distribution of seagrass beds and species composition and abundance of seagrass and associated macroalgae and macroinvertebrates in 3 years over a 47-year period (1969, 1994, 2016) at Carriacou, Granada, an area not heavily impacted by local human activity. Seagrass cover and physical parameters of fringing beds were measured in transects at high (HWE) and low wave energy (LWE) sites; frequency of occurrence of all species, and biomass and morphology of seagrasses, were measured at 100 m2 stations around the island. Losses in nearshore seagrass cover occurred at HWE but not LWE sites between 1969 and 2016 and were associated with increases in the seagrass-free inshore zone (SFI) and erosional scarps within beds. Total biomass did not vary across years although there were progressive changes in seagrass composition: a decline in the dominant Thalassia testudinum and concomitant increase in Syringodium filiforme, and establishment of invasive Halophila stipulacea in 2016 at LWE sites. Species richness and diversity of the seagrass community were highest in 1994, when 94% of macroalgae (excluding Caulerpa) were most abundant, and sea urchins were least abundant, compared to 1969 and 2016. Multivariate statistical analyses showed differences in community composition across the 3 years that were consistent with trends in urchin abundance. Increases in SFI and scarp number in seagrass beds at HWE sites occurred mainly after 1994 and likely were related to increased wave forcing following degradation of offshore coral reefs between 1994 and 2016. Our observations suggest that landward migration of seagrass beds with rapidly rising sea level in future will not be realized in reef-protected seagrass beds at Carriacou barring reversal in the processes that have caused reef flattening.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastic pollution and biological invasion, as two by-products of human civilization, interfere the ecological function of aquatic ecosystem. The restoration of aquatic vegetation has been considered a practical approach to offset the deterioration of aquatic ecosystem. However, a lack of knowledge still lies in the species selection in the revegetation when confronting the interference from microplastic pollution and exotic counterpart. The present study subjected the native submerged species, Hydrilla verticillata and its exotic confamilial, Elodea nuttallii to the current and future scenarios of polyamide microplastic pollution. The plant performance proxies including biomass and ramet number were measured. We found that the native H. verticillata maintained its performance while the exotic E. nuttallii showed decreases in biomass and ramet number under severest pollution conditions. The restoration of native submerged plant such as H. verticillata appeared to be more effective in stabilizing aquatic vegetation in the scenario of accelerating microplastic pollution. In order to explore the underlying driving mechanism of performance differentiation, stress tolerance indicators for plants, sediment enzymatic activity and sediment fungal microbiome were investigated. We found that polyamide microplastic had weak effects on stress tolerance indicators for plants, sediment enzymatic activity and sediment fungal diversity, reflecting the decoupling between these indicators and plant performance. However, the relative abundance of sediment arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for H. verticillata significantly increased while E. nuttallii gathered \"useless\" ectomycorrhizal fungi at the presence of severest polyamide microplastic pollution. We speculate that the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi assisted the stabilization of plant performance for H. verticillata with exposure to the severest polyamide microplastic pollution.






  • 文章类型: Dataset
    To understand the genomic characteristics of Arctic plants, we generated 28-44 Gb of short-read sequencing data from 13 Arctic plants collected from the High Arctic Svalbard. We successfully estimated the genome sizes of eight species by using the k-mer-based method (180-894 Mb). Among these plants, the mountain sorrel (Oxyria digyna) and Greenland scurvy grass (Cochlearia groenlandica) had relatively small genome sizes and chromosome numbers. We obtained 45 × and 121 × high-fidelity long-read sequencing data. We assembled their reads into high-quality draft genomes (genome size: 561 and 250 Mb; contig N50 length: 36.9 and 14.8 Mb, respectively), and correspondingly annotated 43,105 and 29,675 genes using ~46 and ~85 million RNA sequencing reads. We identified 765,012 and 88,959 single-nucleotide variants, and 18,082 and 7,698 structural variants (variant size ≥ 50 bp). This study provided high-quality genome assemblies of O. digyna and C. groenlandica, which are valuable resources for the population and molecular genetic studies of these plants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The application of various submerged macrophytes for ecological restoration has gained increasing attention in urban lake ecosystems. The multitrophic microbial communities that colonized in various submerged macrophytes constitute microbial food webs through trophic cascade effects, which affect the biogeochemical cycles of the lake ecosystem and directly determine the effects of ecological restoration. Therefore, it is essential to reveal the diversity, composition, assembly processes, and stability of the microbial communities within epiphytic food webs of diverse submerged macrophytes under eutrophication and ecological restoration scenarios. In this study, we explored the epiphytic microbial food webs of Vallisneria natans and Hydrilla verticillata in both eutrophic and ecological restoration regions. The obtained results indicated that the two regions with different nutrient levels remarkably affected the diversity and composition of epiphytic multitrophic microbial communities of submerged macrophytes, among them, the community composition of epiphytic predators were more prone to change. Secondly, environmental filtering effects played a more important role in driving the community assembly of epiphytic predators than that of prey. Furthermore, the generality and intraguild predation of epiphytic predators were significantly improved within ecological restoration regions, which increased the stability of epiphytic microbial food webs. Additionally, compared with Hydrilla verticillata, the epiphytic microbial food webs of Vallisneria natans exhibited higher multitrophic diversity and higher network stability regardless of regions. Overall, this study focused on the role of the epiphytic microbial food webs of submerged macrophytes in ecological restoration and uncovered the potential of epiphytic predators to enhance the stability of microbial food webs, which may provide new insights into the development of ecological restoration strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since the Industrial Revolution, increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations have had a substantial negative impact influence on coastal ecosystems because of direct effects including ocean acidification and indirect effects such as extreme rainfall events. Using a two-factor crossover indoor simulation experiment, this study examined the combined effects of acidification and hyposaline stress on Thalassia hemprichii. Seawater acidification increased the photosynthetic pigment content of T. hemprichii leaves and promoted seagrass growth rate. Hyposaline stress slowed down seagrass growth and had an impact on the osmotic potential and osmoregulatory substance content of seagrass leaves. Acidification and salinity reduction had significant interaction effects on the photosynthesis rate, photosynthetic pigment content, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, and osmotic potential of T. hemprichii, but not on the growth rate. Overall, these findings have shown that the hyposaline stress inhibitory effect on the T. hemprichii physiological performance and growth may be reduced by acidification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed in women. Finding novel therapeutic agents with significant cytotoxic action and minimal adverse impact on normal cells becomes crucial. Today, natural anticancer agents present an unconventional method of treating cancer, either as a curative or preventative agent, with considerable concern for marine organisms.
    METHODS: The anticancer effect of the alcoholic extract of different Red Sea Seagrasses on MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line has been investigated. Seagrasses were collected from Wadi El Gamal, Red Sea and extracted. Qualitative HPLC analysis was performed on the extracts for the identification of their active biomarkers. This study was aimed to explore the cytotoxic impact of Thalassia hemprichii (Ehren.) and Enhalus acoroides (L.f.) Royle on MCF-7 and their mode of action. Their anti-proliferative effects on cancer cells were performed using Neutral red assay. On the other hand, their apoptotic effect and their capacity to induce cell cycle arrest were investigated by flow cytometry assay. The effect of Seagrasses on the mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔψM) was studied by using JC-1 mitochondrial membrane potential assay kit in Seagrasses treated cancer cells to Δψ Caspases 3/7activity was examined using the colorimetric method. Gene expression analysis and quantitative real time RT-PCR for the sea grasses on MCF-7 was performed. Immune-blotting technique for Bcl-2 and p53 was investigated.
    RESULTS: HPLC analysis demonstrated that the extracts contained mainly flavonoids and polyphenols such as Caffeic acid, Chlorogenic acids, catechin and kaempferol that might be responsible for these anticancer effects. Seagrasses alcoholic crude extract markedly suppressed the growth and expansion of MCF-7 cells concentration-dependently with no toxicity against normal human skin fibroblast HSF. Thalassia hemprichii and Enhalus acoroides trigger mode of cell death primarily via apoptosis as confirmed by the flow cytometry. Additionally, they have ability to induce G0/S cell cycle arrest in MCF-7. The data showed the depletion in mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔψM) in the treated cells dose-dependently Caspases 3/7activities markedly increased following 24 h treatment. Finally, Gene expression analysis showed a marked reduction in Bcl-2, Survivin and CDC2 gene expression levels and a significant increase in the expression of p53 and CC2D1A as compared to control cells.
    CONCLUSIONS: In summary, the Methanolic extract of seagrass, Thalassia hemperchii and Enhalus ocoroides are able to induce concentration-dependent cytotoxic effects in human MCF-7 cells through intrinsic pathway of apoptosis in MCF-7 cells. This study reveals the beneficial importance of sea grasses as a source of anticancer agents. Further in vivo study is recommended for the active isolated biomolecules.





