Host–parasite interactions

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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic analyses of host-specific parasites can elucidate the evolutionary histories and biological features of their hosts. Here, we used population-genomic analyses of ectoparasitic seal lice (Echinophthirius horridus) to shed light on the postglacial history of seals in the Arctic Ocean and the Baltic Sea region. One key question was the enigmatic origin of relict landlocked ringed seal populations in lakes Saimaa and Ladoga in northern Europe. We found that that lice of four postglacially diverged subspecies of the ringed seal (Pusa hispida) and Baltic gray seal (Halichoerus grypus), like their hosts, form genetically differentiated entities. Using coalescent-based demographic inference, we show that the sequence of divergences of the louse populations is consistent with the geological history of lake formation. In addition, local effective population sizes of the lice are generally proportional to the census sizes of their respective seal host populations. Genome-based reconstructions of long-term effective population sizes revealed clear differences among louse populations associated with gray versus ringed seals, with apparent links to Pleistocene and Holocene climatic variation as well as to the isolation histories of ringed seal subspecies. Interestingly, our analyses also revealed ancient gene flow between the lice of Baltic gray and ringed seals, suggesting that the distributions of Baltic seals overlapped to a greater extent in the past than is the case today. Taken together, our results demonstrate how genomic information from specialized parasites with higher mutation and substitution rates than their hosts can potentially illuminate finer scale population genetic patterns than similar data from their hosts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Supplemental feeding can increase the overall health of animals but also can have variable effects on how animals defend themselves against parasites. However, the spatiotemporal effects of food supplementation on host-parasite interactions remain poorly understood, likely because large-scale, coordinated efforts to investigate them are difficult. Here, we introduce the Nest Parasite Community Science Project, which is a community-based science project that coordinates studies with bird nest box \'stewards\' from the public and scientific community. This project was established to understand broad ecological patterns between hosts and their parasites. The goal of this study was to determine the effect of food supplementation on eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) and their nest parasite community across the geographic range of the bluebirds from 2018 to 2021. We received 674 nests from 69 stewards in 26 states in the eastern United States. Nest box stewards reported whether or not they provided mealworms or suet near nesting bluebirds, then they followed the nesting success of the birds (number of eggs laid and hatched, proportion that hatched, number and proportion of nestlings that successfully fledged). We then identified and quantified parasites in the nests. Overall, we found that food supplementation increased fledging success. The most common nest parasite taxon was the parasitic blow fly (Protocalliphora sialia), but a few nests contained fleas (Ceratophyllus idius, C. gallinae and Orchopeas leucopus) and mites (Dermanyssus spp. and Ornithonyssus spp.). Blow flies were primarily found at northern latitudes, where food supplementation affected blow fly prevalence. However, the direction of this effect varied substantially in direction and magnitude across years. More stewards fed bluebirds at southern latitudes than at northern latitudes, which contradicts the findings of other community-based science projects. Overall, food supplementation of birds was associated with increased host fitness but did not appear to play a consistent role in defence against these parasites across all years. Our study demonstrates the importance of coordinated studies across years and locations to understand the effects of environmental heterogeneity, including human-based food supplementation, on host-parasite dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nematodes of the genus Trichinella are important pathogens of humans and animals. This study aimed to enhance the genomic and transcriptomic resources for T. pseudospiralis (non-encapsulated phenotype) and T. spiralis (encapsulated phenotype) and to explore transcriptional profiles. First, we improved the assemblies of the genomes of T. pseudospiralis (code ISS13) and T. spiralis (code ISS534), achieving genome sizes of 56.6 Mb (320 scaffolds, and an N50 of 1.02 Mb) and 63.5 Mb (568 scaffolds, and an N50 value of 0.44 Mb), respectively. Then, for each species, we produced RNA sequence data for three key developmental stages (first-stage muscle larvae [L1s], adults, and newborn larvae [NBLs]; three replicates for each stage), analysed differential transcription between stages, and explored enriched pathways and processes between species. Stage-specific upregulation was linked to cellular processes, metabolism, and host-parasite interactions, and pathway enrichment analysis showed distinctive biological processes and cellular localisations between species. Indeed, the secreted molecules calmodulin, calreticulin, and calsyntenin-with possible roles in modulating host immune responses and facilitating parasite survival-were unique to T. pseudospiralis and not detected in T. spiralis. These insights into the molecular mechanisms of Trichinella-host interactions might offer possible avenues for developing new interventions against trichinellosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parasite infections are increasingly reported to change the microbiome of the parasitized hosts, while parasites bring their own microbes to what can be a multi-dimensional interaction. For instance, a recent hypothesis suggests that the microbial communities harboured by parasites may play a role in the well-documented ability of many parasites to manipulate host phenotype, and explain why the degree to which host phenotype is altered varies among conspecific parasites. Here, we explored whether the microbiomes of both hosts and parasites are associated with variation in host manipulation by parasites. Using colour quantification methods applied to digital images, we investigated colour variation among uninfected Transorchestia serrulata amphipods, as well as amphipods infected with Plagiorhynchus allisonae acanthocephalans and with a dilepidid cestode. We then characterized the bacteriota of amphipod hosts and of their parasites, looking for correlations between host phenotype and the bacterial taxa associated with hosts and parasites. We found large variation in amphipod colours, and weak support for a direct impact of parasites on the colour of their hosts. Conversely, and most interestingly, the parasite\'s bacteriota was more strongly correlated with colour variation among their amphipod hosts, with potential impact of amphipod-associated bacteria as well. Some bacterial taxa found associated with amphipods and parasites may have the ability to synthesize pigments, and we propose they may interact with colour determination in the amphipods. This study provides correlational support for an association between the parasite\'s microbiome and the evolution of host manipulation by parasites and host-parasite interactions more generally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the fundamental aims of ecological, epidemiological and evolutionary studies of host-parasite interactions is to unravel which factors affect parasite virulence. Theory predicts that virulence and transmission are correlated by a trade-off, as too much virulence is expected to hamper transmission owing to excessive host damage. Coinfections may affect each of these traits and/or their correlation. Here, we used inbred lines of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae to test how coinfection with T. evansi impacted virulence-transmission relationships at different conspecific densities. The presence of T. evansi on a shared host did not change the relationship between virulence (leaf damage) and the number of transmitting stages (i.e. adult daughters). The relationship between these traits was hump-shaped across densities, both in single and coinfections, which corresponds to a trade-off. Moreover, transmission to adjacent hosts increased in coinfection, but only at low T. urticae densities. Finally, we tested whether virulence and the number of daughters were correlated with measures of transmission to adjacent hosts, in single and coinfections at different conspecific densities. Traits were mostly independent, meaning that interspecific competitors may increase transmission without affecting virulence. Thus, coinfections may impact epidemiology and parasite trait evolution, but not necessarily the virulence-transmission trade-off.This article is part of the theme issue \'Diversity-dependence of dispersal: interspecific interactions determine spatial dynamics\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Context-dependent dispersal allows organisms to seek and settle in habitats improving their fitness. Despite the importance of species interactions in determining fitness, a quantitative synthesis of how they affect dispersal is lacking. We present a meta-analysis asking (i) whether the interaction experienced and/or perceived by a focal species (detrimental interaction with predators, competitors, parasites or beneficial interaction with resources, hosts, mutualists) affects its dispersal; and (ii) how the species\' ecological and biological background affects the direction and strength of this interaction-dependent dispersal. After a systematic search focusing on actively dispersing species, we extracted 397 effect sizes from 118 empirical studies encompassing 221 species pairs; arthropods were best represented, followed by vertebrates, protists and others. Detrimental species interactions increased the focal species\' dispersal (adjusted effect: 0.33 [0.06, 0.60]), while beneficial interactions decreased it (-0.55 [-0.92, -0.17]). The effect depended on the dispersal phase, with detrimental interactors having opposite impacts on emigration and transience. Interaction-dependent dispersal was negatively related to species\' interaction strength, and depended on the global community composition, with cues of presence having stronger effects than the presence of the interactor and the ecological complexity of the community. Our work demonstrates the importance of interspecific interactions on dispersal plasticity, with consequences for metacommunity dynamics.This article is part of the theme issue \'Diversity-dependence of dispersal: interspecific interactions determine spatial dynamics\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many genes and signalling pathways within plant and animal taxa drive the expression of multiple organismal traits. This form of genetic pleiotropy instigates trade-offs among life-history traits if a mutation in the pleiotropic gene improves the fitness contribution of one trait at the expense of another. Whether or not pleiotropy gives rise to conflict among traits, however, likely depends on the resource costs and timing of trait deployment during organismal development. To investigate factors that could influence the evolutionary maintenance of pleiotropy in gene networks, we developed an agent-based model of co-evolution between parasites and hosts. Hosts comprise signalling networks that must faithfully complete a developmental programme while also defending against parasites, and trait signalling networks could be independent or share a pleiotropic component as they evolved to improve host fitness. We found that hosts with independent developmental and immune networks were significantly more fit than hosts with pleiotropic networks when traits were deployed asynchronously during development. When host genotypes directly competed against each other, however, pleiotropic hosts were victorious regardless of trait synchrony because the pleiotropic networks were more robust to parasite manipulation, potentially explaining the abundance of pleiotropy in immune systems despite its contribution to life history trade-offs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pathogens have traditionally been studied in isolation within host systems; yet in natural settings they frequently coexist. This raises questions about the dynamics of co-infections and how host life-history traits might predict co-infection versus single infection. To address these questions, we investigated the presence of two parasites, a gut parasite (Isospora coccidians) and a blood parasite (Plasmodium spp.), in House Finches (Haemorhous mexicanus), a common passerine bird in North America. We then correlated these parasitic infections with various health and condition metrics, including hematological parameters, plasma carotenoids, lipid-soluble vitamins, blood glucose concentration, body condition, and prior disease history. Our study, based on 48 birds captured in Tempe, Arizona, US, in October 2021, revealed that co-infected birds exhibited elevated circulating lutein levels and a higher heterophil:lymphocyte ratio (H/L ratio) compared to those solely infected with coccidia Isospora spp. This suggests that co-infected birds experience heightened stress and may use lutein to bolster immunity against both pathogens, and that there are potentially toxic effects of lutein in co-infected birds compared to those infected solely with coccidia Isospora sp. Our findings underscore the synergistic impact of coparasitism, emphasizing the need for more co-infection studies to enhance our understanding of disease dynamics in nature, as well as its implications for wildlife health and conservation efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most malaria (Plasmodium spp.) parasite species undergo asexual replication synchronously within the red blood cells of their vertebrate host. Rhythmicity in this intraerythrocytic developmental cycle (IDC) enables parasites to maximise exploitation of the host and align transmission activities with the time of day that mosquito vectors blood feed. The IDC is also responsible for the major pathologies associated with malaria, and plasticity in the parasite\'s rhythm can confer tolerance to antimalarial drugs. Both the severity of infection (virulence) and synchrony of the IDC vary across species and between genotypes of Plasmodium; however, this variation is poorly understood. The theory predicts that virulence and IDC synchrony are negatively correlated, and we tested this hypothesis using two closely related genotypes of the rodent malaria model Plasmodium chabaudi that differ markedly in virulence. We also test the predictions that, in response to perturbations to the timing (phase) of the IDC schedule relative to the phase of host rhythms (misalignment), the virulent parasite genotype recovers the correct phase relationship faster, incurs less fitness losses and so hosts benefit less from misalignment when infected with a virulent genotype. Our predictions are partially supported by results suggesting that the virulent parasite genotype is less synchronous in some circumstances and recovers faster from misalignment. While hosts were less anaemic when infected by misaligned parasites, the extent of this benefit did not depend on parasite virulence. Overall, our results suggest that interventions to perturb the alignment between the IDC schedule, and host rhythms and increase synchrony between parasites within each IDC, could alleviate disease symptoms. However, virulent parasites, which are better at withstanding conventional antimalarial treatment, would also be intrinsically better able to tolerate such interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For a profound understanding of antagonistic coevolution, it is necessary to identify the coevolving genes. The bacterium Pasteuria and its host, the microcrustacean Daphnia, are a well-characterized paradigm for co-evolution, but the underlying genes remain largely unknown. A genome-wide association study suggested a Pasteuria collagen-like protein 7 (Pcl7) as a candidate mediating parasite attachment and driving its coevolution with the host. Since Pasteuria ramosa cannot currently be genetically manipulated, we used Bacillus thuringiensis to express a fusion protein of a Pcl7 carboxy-terminus from P. ramosa and the amino-terminal domain of a B. thuringiensis collagen-like protein (CLP). Mutant B. thuringiensis (Pcl7-Bt) spores but not wild-type B. thuringiensis (WT-Bt) spores attached to the same site of susceptible hosts as P. ramosa. Furthermore, Pcl7-Bt spores attached readily to susceptible host genotypes, but only slightly to resistant host genotypes. These findings indicated that the fusion protein was properly expressed and folded and demonstrated that indeed the C-terminus of Pcl7 mediates attachment in a host genotype-specific manner. These results provide strong evidence for the involvement of a CLP in the coevolution of Daphnia and P. ramosa and open new avenues for genetic epidemiological studies of host-parasite interactions.





