
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Monocrotaline (MCT) is a toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloid found in plants of the Crotalaria genus. As primary pollinators of Crotalaria plants, honeybees come into contact with this harmful substance. However, limited research has been conducted on the effects of MCT on Apis mellifera, particularly the risks of long-term exposure to sublethal concentrations. Through evaluating the proboscis extension reflex (PER) ability, analyzing the honeybee brain transcriptome, and analyzing the honeybee hemolymph metabolome, we discovered that sublethal concentrations of MCT impair the olfactory and memory capabilities of honeybees by affecting tryptophan (Trp) metabolism. Furthermore, MCT upregulates the expression of the corazonin receptor (CrzR) gene in the honeybee brain, which elevates reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels in the brain while reducing glucose levels in the hemolymph, consequently shortening the honeybees\' lifespan. Our findings regarding the multifaceted impact of MCT on honeybees lay the foundation for exploring its toxicological pathways and management in honeybee populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Galleria mellonella, the greater wax moth has always been an important pest against honeybees and has remained a nightmare for beekeeping farmers. Management of G. mellonella in live honeybee colonies is very difficult because most current management practices can destroy whole honeybee colonies. In the present study, experiments were conducted to isolate and characterize Bacillus thuringiensis from infected greater wax moth cadavers and to evaluate their biocontrol ability against G. mellonella. The bioefficacy of these isolates has been evaluated against greater wax moth along with the standard strain HD-1. Among all the strains tested, NBAIR BtGa demonstrated higher efficacy compared to other strains, with an LC50 value of 125.17 µg/ml, whereas HD-1 exhibited a significantly higher LC50 value of 946.61 µg/ml. Considering the economic importance of NBAIR BtGa we performed whole genome sequencing of this strain resulting in the identification of a genome size of 5.96 Mb consisting of 6888 protein-coding genes. Gene ontology analysis categorized these genes into three groups based on their roles, i.e., biological functions (2169 genes), cellular components (1900 genes), and molecular functions (2774 genes). Through insecticidal toxicity-related genes (ITRG) profiling of our strain across the genome by Bt toxin scanner and cry processor resulted in the identification of several Cry proteins namely Cry1Ab11, Cry1Ia44, Cry1Aa2, Cry2Af1, Cry1Da2, Cry1Eb1, Cry1Ab5, Cry1Cb2, Cry1Ac2. Besides Cry proteins, other ITRG genes, viz. Vip3Bb2, Zwittermicin A resistance proteins, Chitinase C, Mpp46Ab1, immune inhibitor A, Bmp1, Vpb4Ca1, and Spp1Aa1 were also reported, which show toxicity against lepidopteran pests. The studies were also conducted to test the biosafety of Bt toxins against honeybee larvae and adults, which showed strain NBAIR BtGa was more than 99% safer for honeybee larvae as well as adults. Thus, the data generated ascertains its effectiveness as a biocontrol agent and it can be used further for the development of bio formulation for the management of G. mellonella in honeybee colonies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mating control is a crucial aspect of honeybee breeding. Instrumental insemination of queens gives the breeder maximum control over the genetic origin of the involved drones. However, in addition to the drones\' descent, the breeder\'s control also extends over the number of drones to use for inseminations. Thus far, this aspect has largely been ignored in attempts to optimize honeybee breeding schemes. The literature provides some comparisons between single drone inseminations (SDI) and multi drone inseminations (MDI) but it is unclear whether the number of drones used in MDI is a relevant parameter for the optimization of honeybee breeding programs.
    METHODS: By computer simulations, we investigated the effect of the number of drones per inseminated queen in breeding programs that relied on best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) breeding values. We covered a range of 1 to 50 drones per queen and observed the developments of genetic gain and inbreeding over a period of 20 years. Hereby, we focused on insemination schemes that take the drones for one queen from a single colony.
    RESULTS: SDI strategies led to 5.46% to 14.19% higher genetic gain than MDI at the cost of 6.1% to 30.2% higher inbreeding rates. The number of drones used in MDI settings had only a negligible impact on the results. There was a slight tendency that more drones lead to lower genetic gain and lower inbreeding rates but whenever more than five drones were used for inseminations, no significant differences could be observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: The opportunities to optimize breeding schemes via the number of drones used in inseminations are very limited. SDI can be a viable strategy in situations where breeders are interested in genetically homogeneous offspring or precise pedigree information. However, such strategies have to account for the fact that the semen from a single drone is insufficient to fill a queen\'s spermatheca, whence SDI queens will not build full-strength colonies. When deciding for MDI, breeders should focus on collecting enough semen for a succesful insemination, regardless of how many drones they need for this purpose.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environment, forage quality, management practices, pathogens, and pesticides influence honeybee responses to stressors. This study proposes an innovative approach to assess colony health and performance using molecular diagnostic tools by correlating hemolymph proteins with common measures of colony strength, prevalent honeybee pathogens (Varroa destructor and Nosema spp.), and essential trace elements (iron, zinc and copper). Colonies were selected from four apiaries located in different environmental and foraging conditions in the province of Bologna (Italy). Hemolymph samples were taken from June to October 2019. The Varroa infestation of the colonies was estimated by assessing the natural mortality of the mites, while the bees were tested for Nosema spp. spores using a microscopic method. Hemolymph proteins were quantified and separated using SDS-PAGE, and colony performance was assessed by determining adult bees, total brood, honey, and pollen reserves. The biomarkers measured proved to be useful for monitoring changes in performance and trophic conditions during summer and early autumn. Significant correlations were found between hemolymph proteins and colony performance measures. A positive correlation between pollen reserves, vitellogenin, and hexamerin 70a highlights the importance of these proteins for successful overwintering. In October, Varroa infestation was negatively correlated with total proteins, vitellogenin, apolipophorin II, transferrin, and hexamerin 70a, with negative implications for overwintering; furthermore, Varroa infestation was also negatively correlated with iron content, potentially affecting iron homeostasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Honey is a bioactive food used for millennia to improve health and treat diseases. More recently, researchers employ honey as a tool to assess local environmental pollution. Honeybees effectively \'sample\' their environment within a ~ 7 km radius, actively collecting nectar, pollen, and water to bring to their hive. Foraging honeybees also sample the air as dust particles accumulate on their pubescence, adding to the hive\'s contaminant load. Many studies from around the world report elevated metal levels in honey, with the most reports from Iran, Italy, and Turkey, but only two reports have measured metal levels in honey from the United States (U.S.). We report levels of 20 metals from 28 honeys collected from 15 U.S. states between 2022-2023. We then focus on four toxic metals recognized as hazards in foodstuffs when the concentrations are above safety recommendations - lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury. Two of these metals (lead and mercury) are regulated in honey by the European Union (EU), though the U.S. currently lacks defined regulations for metal levels in honey. We consider the levels of these toxic metals by state, then compare the U.S. mean honey level for these metals against the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI). Our results suggest U.S. honey have levels metal that exceed the PWTI and EU regulations and may be hazardous to human health. Further research is needed to determine if the effects of these toxic metal at measured levels outweigh the health benefits from consumption of honey.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study delves into the concept of niche conservatism (NC) and its implications for how hornets (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) and honeybees respond to climate change. Our primary objectives are threefold: firstly, to assess whether distinct environmental niche spaces (E-space) exist between 12 hornets and honeybees like Apis cerana and Apis mellifera in Asia; Secondly, to explore the degree to which Asian hornets have attained geographic equilibrium alongside honeybee species. Lastly, is to investigate how the geographic niche overlap (G-space) between hornets and honeybees could potentially change under climate change scenarios. To accomplish these goals, we employed ordination and ecological niche modeling techniques to analyze 91 pairs of hornets and honeybees in both geographic (G-space) and environmental (E-space) contexts. Then, we projected the potential impacts of climate change on the future geographic overlap between hornets and honeybees, specifically under the SSP585 climate scenario for the year 2070. Our results demonstrated that the environmental niches (E-space) of hornets and honeybees can be treated as interchangeable, indicating they have similar environmental preferences despite being unrelated taxa. We found that Vespa velutina currently exhibits a moderate geographic niche overlap (G-space) of 0.63 with both honeybee species. Meanwhile, Vespa mandarinia demonstrates an overlap of 0.46 with Apis cerana and 0.63 with Apis mellifera. The overlap of Vespa velutina with Apis cerana might potentially decrease to 0.51 and 0.56 with Apis mellifera. For Vespa mandarinia, the overlap could reach 0.41 with Apis cerana and 0.6 with Apis mellifera under a climate change scenario. This study indicates that the limited spatial overlap between honeybees and hornets across certain areas in Asia is more likely influenced by geographical barriers rather than solely environmental unsuitability for hornets. In this study, we delve into the concept of niche conservatism (NC) and its implications for how hornets (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) and honeybees respond to climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates the ecological interaction between honeybees (Apis mellifera) and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) plants, examining the mutual benefits of this relationship. Field experiments conducted in Egypt from December 2022 to May 2023 recorded diverse insect pollinators attracted to fennel flowers, especially honeybees. Assessing honeybee colonies near fennel fields showed improvements in sealed brood (357.5-772.5 cells), unsealed brood (176.3-343.8 cells), pollen collection (53.25-257.5 units), honey accumulation (257.5-877.5 units), and colony strength (7.75-10) over three weeks. Fennel exposure explained 88-99% of variability in foraging metrics. Comparing open versus self-pollinated fennel revealed enhanced attributes with bee pollination, including higher flower age (25.67 vs 19.67 days), more seeds per umbel (121.3 vs 95.33), bigger seeds (6.533 vs 4.400 mm), heavier seeds (0.510 vs 0.237 g/100 seeds), and increased fruit weight per umbel (0.619 vs 0.226 g). Natural variation in seed color and shape also occurred. The outcomes demonstrate the integral role of honeybees in fennel agroecosystems through efficient pollination services that improve crop productivity and quality. Fennel provides abundant nutritional resources that bolster honeybee colony health. This research elucidates the symbiotic bee-fennel relationship, underscoring mutualistic benefits and the importance of ecological conservation for sustainable agriculture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Honeybees are insects very sensitive to environmental pollution and at the same time very good indicators of the pollution levels for certain types of pollutants. The morphology and ethology of these insects make them perfect vectors for dust and substances, including heavy metals produced by anthropic activities or naturally generated and deposited on foraged flora. When bees are raised to produce foods such as honey and pollen, they can easily transfer pollutants collected from contaminated flower affecting the quality of these products. However, depending on geographical location of the apiaries and their distance from pollution sources, the risk to contaminate bee products can be higher or lower requiring deep investigations. In this study, two apiaries were built near ground transport infrastructures and used as monitoring stations for investigating heavy metal presence in beehive products such as bee wax, pollen, and honey. Another apiary was placed between these two locations at a distance of 500 m from each one and used as central node to asses possible diffusion trends. Parallel, air quality was monitored in the proximity of each apiary to verify the air pollution of the environments close to these sites. The results of the study suggest that the presence of the highway and the train station affected the levels of heavy metal presence in the apiary products. Air quality near apiaries was also negatively affected by ground transport, especially in proximity of the highway. Wax resulted significantly more polluted in the apiary close to train station with elements such as Al, Zn, and Ni, while honey and pollen were significantly more polluted in the proximity of the highway with elements such as Al, Fe, Cu, and Zn. Honey was the product suffering less the contamination by heavy metals while pollen was the worse. In conclusion, the presence of transportation nodes determined a higher accumulation of heavy metals in beehive products respect the apiary placed in between, suggesting to pay particular attention in the site selection for the placement of apiaries to protect both bees and human health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In fact, less than 1% of applied pesticides reach their target pests, while the remainder pollute the neighboring environment and adversely impact human health as well as non-target organisms in agricultural ecosystem. Pesticides can contribute to the loss of agrobiodiversity, which are essential to maintaining the agro-ecosystem\'s structure and functioning in order to produce and secure enough food. This review article examines the negative effects of pesticides on non-target invertebrates including earthworms, honeybees, predators, and parasitoids. It also highlights areas where further research is needed to address unresolved issues related to pesticide exposure, aiming to improve conservation efforts for these crucial species. These organisms play crucial roles in ecosystem functioning, such as soil health, pollination, and pest control. Both lethal and sub-lethal effects of pesticides on the selected non-target invertebrates were discussed. Pesticides affect DNA integrity, enzyme activity, growth, behavior, and reproduction of earthworms even at low concentrations. Pesticides could also induce a reduction in individual survival, disruption in learning performance and memory, as well as a change in the foraging behavior of honeybees. Additionally, pesticides adversely affect population growth indices, reproduction, development, longevity, and consumption of predators and parasitoids. As a result, pesticides must pass adequate ecotoxicological risk assessment to be enlisted by regulatory authorities. Therefore, it is important to adopt integrated pest management (IPM) strategies that minimize pesticide use and promote the conservation of beneficial organisms in order to maintain agrobiodiversity and sustainable agricultural systems. Furthermore, adopting precision agriculture and organic farming lessen these negative effects as well.less than.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Honeybees are prone to poisoning, also known as jujube flower disease, after collecting nectar from jujube flowers, resulting in the tumultuous demise of foragers. The prevalence of jujube flower disease has become one of the main factors affecting the development of the jujube and beekeeping industries in Northern China. However, the pathogenic mechanisms underlying jujube flower disease in honeybees are poorly understood. Herein, we first conducted morphological observations of the midgut using HE-staining and found that jujube flower disease-affected honeybees displayed midgut damage with peritrophic membrane detachment. Jujube flower disease was found to increase the activity of chitinase and carboxylesterase (CarE) and decrease the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione S-transferase (GST), and the content of CYP450 in the honeybee midgut. Transcriptomic data identified 119 differentially expressed genes in the midgut of diseased and healthy honeybees, including CYP6a13, CYP6a17, CYP304a1, CYP6a14, AADC, and AGXT2, which are associated with oxidoreductase activity and vitamin binding. In summary, collecting jujube flower nectar could reduce antioxidant and detoxification capacities of the honeybee midgut and, in more severe cases, damage the intestinal structure, suggesting that intestinal damage might be the main cause of honeybee death due to jujube nectar. This study provides new insights into the pathogenesis of jujube flower disease in honeybees.





