
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three morning glory species in the genus Argyreia Lour., A. lycioides (Choisy) Traiperm & Rattanakrajang, A. mekongensis Gagnep & Courchet, and A. versicolor (Kerr) Staples & Traiperm, were found co-occurring and co-flowering. Argyreia mekongensis and A. versicolor are rare, while A. lycioides is near threatened and distributed throughout Myanmar and Thailand. We investigated key floral characters (floral morphology and phenology, as well as the micromorphology of the floral nectary disc and staminal trichomes) and screened for important chemical compounds hypothesized to contribute to pollinator attraction. Our findings demonstrate that some aspects of floral morphology (e.g., corolla size, limb presence, and floral color) of the three studied congeners exhibit significant differences. Moreover, pollinator composition appears to be influenced by floral shape and size; morning glory species with wider corolla tubes were pollinated by larger bees. The morphology of the floral nectary disc was similar in all species, while variation in staminal trichomes was observed across species. Glandular trichomes were found in all three species, while non-glandular trichomes were found only in A. versicolor. Histochemical results revealed different compounds in the floral nectary and staminal trichomes of each species, which may contribute to both floral attraction and defense. These findings demonstrate some segregation of floral visitors among sympatric co-flowering morning glory species, which appears to be influenced by the macro- and micromorphology of flowers and their chemical compounds. Moreover, understanding the floral morphology and chemical attractants of these sympatric co-flowering Argyreia species may help to maintain their common pollinators in order to conserve these rare and endangered species, especially A. versicolor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sooty moulds are saprophytic epiphytic fungi that grow mostly on insect secretions, but they can also be associated with plant secretions. In this study, we aimed to describe de interaction of Capnodium alfenasii sooty mould with the extrafloral shoot nectaries of Azadirachta indica. Anatomical and histochemical studies were carried out on serial sections of extrafloral shoot nectaries of A. indica without and with C. alfenasii infestation. The total soluble sugar content of the secreted nectar was determined, and the conidial germination of the fungus in distilled water and in dextrose and nectar solutions was evaluated. The shoot nectaries of A. indica are elongated structures that occur in pairs near the base of the petiole. The exuded nectar contains an average of 534.8 µg of total soluble sugars per µL of nectar and provides ideal conditions for conidial germination and fungal growth. C. alfenasii hyphae grow on the nectary, penetrate through breaks in the cuticle, travel under the cuticle and penetrate the secretory tissue by inter- and intracellular routes. The present report is the first to describe the interaction of C. alfenasii with the A. indica nectary, including the penetration of hyphae into nectariferous tissues and the plant defence mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The gall-host Eugenia uniflora (Myrtaceae) is adaptable to different light conditions, enabling leaf production and survival in both sun and shade. Leaves of E. uniflora in shaded environments have more mesophyll layers, and galls of Clinodiplosis profusa (Cecidomyiidae) are larger and wider. Based on these previous observations, this study investigated the morphogenesis of galls induced by C. profusa on leaves of E. uniflora in different light conditions, revealing if the galls have a potential for acclimation, as observed with leaves. For this purpose, we compared the anatomical, histometric, and histochemical development of leaves and galls at different stages of development in sun and shade environments. Additionally, we analyzed the cytological features of the tissues composing the mature gall walls. Cells of shade galls expanded more toward the end of the developmental phase, which may explain the larger volume found for shade galls in a previous study. However, during the mature phase, these galls showed no significant differences in tissue thickness and final cell elongation in the contrasting light conditions. In the ultrastructural analyses, mature galls showed a gradient distinguishing the outer and inner parenchyma cells. The inner parenchyma had nutritive cells, with dense cytoplasm and abundant organelles. A higher accumulation of starch grains in nutritive cells, with evidence of hydrolysis of starch grains detected in the innermost layers leads to the accumulation of reducing sugars, which, with the presence of plastoglobules and protein bodies, are important mechanisms of oxidative stress dissipation in the cells in contact with the gall inducer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Brassicaceae family, commonly referred to as cruciferous plants, is globally cultivated and consumed, with the Brassica genus being particularly renowned for its functional components. These vegetables are rich sources of nutrients and health-promoting phytochemicals, garnering increased attention in recent years. This study presents a comprehensive microscopic, chromatographic, and spectroscopic characterization of Brassica napus L. seeds from Kazakhstan aimed at elucidating their morphological features and chemical composition. Microscopic analysis revealed distinct localization of flavonoids, total lipids, and alkaloids. High-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) analysis of seed extracts demonstrated a complex chemical profile with significant quantities of non-polar compounds in the hexane extracts. Additionally, methanolic extracts revealed the presence of diverse chemical compounds, including alkaloids, flavonoids, and glucosinolates. The chemical composition exhibited varietal differences across different Brassica species, with B. napus L. seeds showing higher concentrations of bioactive compounds. Furthermore, liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QToF-MS) analysis provided insights into the chemical composition, with sinapine isomers, feruloyl, and sinapoyl choline derivatives as major compounds in the seeds. This study contributes to a better understanding of the chemical diversity and quality control methods\' approximations of B. napus L. seeds, highlighting their importance in functional food and nutraceutical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In situ RT-PCR presents advantages over other expression analysis methods due to its rapid processing and low-cost equipment. However, this technique is not without its challenges. A protocol based on a capsule made from centrifuge tubes that offers advantages over slides is presented. This capsule protects histological sections from drying out, and its easy assembly reduces time pauses between incubations. In addition, the container size where the sample is deposited allows the addition and withdrawal of the different solutions. The capsule does not need previous sealing after each incubation, and, above all, it is a low-cost and accessible material. A guideline for tissue sectioning using a cryostat that offers advantages over other sectioning methods is also described.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tissue tropism and the wide host range of influenza A viruses are determined by the presence of sialic acid (SA) α2,3-Gal and SA α2,6-Gal receptors. Recent studies have shown that animals possessing both receptors allow for the rearrangement and emergence of new viral strains of public health importance. This study aimed to evaluate the expression and distribution of human and avian influenza A receptors in nine Neotropical snake species using lectin immunohistochemistry. We selected 17 snakes that were examined post mortem at the Veterinary Pathology Sector of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais between 2019 and 2023. Sections of nasal turbinate, trachea, lung, oral mucosa, stomach and intestine were subjected to immunohistochemical analysis using the lectins Maackia amurensis and Sambucus nigra. This research detected, for the first time, co-expression of SA α2,3-Gal and SA α2,6-Gal receptors in the respiratory and digestive tracts of snakes, indicating the possible susceptibility of these species to influenza A virus of avian and human origin. Consequently, snakes can be considered important species for monitoring influenza A in wild, urban and peri-urban environments. More studies should be conducted to investigate the role of snakes in influenza A epidemiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polystyrene nanoplastics and titanium dioxide nanoparticles are widely spread in all environments, often coexisting within identical frameworks. Both these contaminants can induce negative effects on cell and plant physiology, giving concerns on their possible interaction which could increase each other\'s harmful effects on plants. Despite the urgency of this issue, there is very little literature addressing it. To evaluate the potential risk of this co-contamination, lentil seeds were treated for five days with polystyrene nanoplastics and titanium dioxide nanoparticles (anatase crystalline form), alone and in co-presence. Cytological analyses, and histochemical and biochemical evaluation of oxidative stress were carried out on isolated shoots and roots. TEM analysis seemed to indicate the absence of physical/chemical interactions between the two nanomaterials. Seedlings under cotreatment showed the greatest cytotoxic and genotoxic effects and high levels of oxidative stress markers associated with growth inhibition. Even if biochemical data did not evidence significant differences between materials treated with polystyrene nanoplastics alone or in co-presence with titanium dioxide nanoparticles, histochemical analysis highlighted a different pattern of oxidative markers, suggesting a synergistic effect by the two nanomaterials. In accordance, the fluorescence signal linked to nanoplastics in root and shoot was higher under cotreatment, perhaps due to the well-known ability of titanium dioxide nanoparticles to induce root tissue damage, in this way facilitating the uptake and translocation of polystyrene nanoplastics into the plant body. In the antioxidant machinery, peroxidase activity showed a significant increase in treated roots, in particular under cotreatment, probably more associated with stress-induced lignin synthesis than with hydrogen peroxide detoxification. Present results clearly indicate the worsening by metal nanoparticles of the negative effects of nanoplastics on plants, underlining the importance of research considering the impact of cotreatments with different nanomaterials, which may better reflect the complex environmental conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A comprehensive light and ultrastructural examination of the cornea in Domestic Pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) revealed four distinct layers: the anterior epithelium, corneal stroma, Descemet\'s membrane and endothelium. Although Bowman\'s layer was not distinctly identified through histology, histochemical analysis indicated the presence of a rudimentary Bowman\'s layer, possibly vestigial from evolution. Scanning electron microscopy of the outer corneal surface unveiled two cell types, characterized by micro-projections, with light cells exhibiting shorter, thicker projections compared to dark cells. Examination of the inner surface via scanning electron microscopy demonstrated an endothelial layer devoid of cilia and microvilli, yet faint round to oval elevations were observed, potentially representing cell nuclei. Transmission electron microscopy unveiled that basal cells of the anterior epithelium closely adhered to the basement membrane, featuring half desmosomes along the basal surface. These basal cells extensively interconnected through interdigitations and a few desmosomes. The superficial cell layer consisted of a few rows of closely attached flat cells, forming a leak-proof layer with zona occludens. The outermost cells of this layer displayed fine projections to enhance the surface area, facilitating tear film distribution. At lower magnification, Transmission electron microscopy of the corneal stroma revealed alternating light and dark bands, with light bands representing transverse sections of collagen fibril lamellae and dark bands corresponding to longitudinal or oblique sections. Spindle-shaped keratocytes (fibroblasts) were identified as the primary stromal cells, intermingled between the lamellae, and featured long processes in close contact with neighbouring keratocytes. Overall, the histomorphology of the pig cornea resembles that of the human cornea except indistinct Bowman\'s membrane. This detailed understanding of the normal corneal structure in pigs hold great significance for biomedical research, providing a valuable reference for studies involving this animal model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to describe the morphology of the tongue of the okapi, and to compare the results with other ruminants including browsers, intermediates and grazers. The material was collected post-mortem from two animals from a Zoological Garden. The structure of the okapi tongue, focusing of the shape of the tongue, lingual surface, its papillae and lingual glands, was examined using gross morphology, light and polarized microscopy, and by scanning electron microscopy. The okapi tongue was characterized by dark pigmentation on the lingual dorsum (except lingual torus) and on the whole ventral surface. Two types of filiform papillae were observed, with additional, even 6-8 projections at their base. The round fungiform papillae were present at a higher density, up to 16/cm2, on the ventro-lateral area of the lingual apex. Round and elongate vallate papillae were arranged in two parallel lines between the body and root of the tongue. Numerous taste buds were detected within the epithelium of their vallum, while fungiform papillae had sparse taste buds. A lack of foliate papillae was noted. Very small conical papillae, some lenticular in shape, were present on the lingual torus. Thick collagen type I fibers were dominant over collagen type III fibers in the connective tissue of the lingual papillae. The mucous acini units were dominant among lingual glands, indicating that the secretion of okapi lingual glands was mostly mucous. In many aspects, the tongue of okapi resembles the tongue of other ruminants. The specific lingual shape and lingual surface, together with the lingual glands, support the processing of plant food, such as young and soft leaves. Although okapi tongue is characterized by smaller conical papillae compared to other ruminants, its high number of vallate papillae is similar that found in other browsers, intermediate and grazers. Thus the number of gustatory papillae rather indicates that this feature is not related to the type of feeding.





