Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study examined the roles of the laminin and proteoglycan receptor dystroglycan (DG) in extracellular matrix stabilization and cellular mechanosensory processes conveyed through communication between the extracellular matrix (ECM) and cytoskeleton facilitated by DG. Specific functional attributes of HS-proteoglycans (HSPGs) are conveyed through interactions with DG and provide synaptic specificity through diverse interactions with an extensive range of cell attachment and adaptor proteins which convey synaptic plasticity. HSPG-DG interactions are important in phototransduction and neurotransduction and facilitate retinal bipolar-photoreceptor neuronal signaling in vision. Besides synaptic stabilization, HSPG-DG interactions also stabilize basement membranes and the ECM and have specific roles in the assembly and function of the neuromuscular junction. This provides neuromuscular control of muscle systems that control conscious body movement as well as essential autonomic control of diaphragm, intercostal and abdominal muscles and muscle systems in the face, mouth and pharynx which assist in breathing processes. DG is thus a multifunctional cell regulatory glycoprotein receptor and regulates a diverse range of biological and physiological processes throughout the human body. The unique glycosylation of the αDG domain is responsible for its diverse interactions with ECM components in cell-ECM signaling. Cytoskeletal cell regulatory switches assembled by the βDG domain in its role as a nuclear scaffolding protein respond to such ECM cues to regulate cellular behavior and tissue homeostasis thus DG has fascinating and diverse roles in health and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is an important proangiogenic factor and has been considered as a key target of antiangiogenetic therapy in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). However, clinical application of bevacizumab, a specific VEGF antibody, didn\'t improve the survival rate of OSCC patients. One possible explanation is that VEGF gene expresses diverse isoforms, which associate with extracellular vesicles (EVs), and EVs potentially contribute to VEGF resistance to bevacizumab. However, clear solution is lacking in addressing this issue.
    METHODS: Expression of VEGF isoforms in OSCC cells was confirmed by reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and western blot. EVs isolated from OSCC cell\'s conditioned medium (CM) were characterized by western blot, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA). Flow cytometry, immunogold labeling and western blot were applied to study the VEGF on EVs. Tube formation assay and Matrigel plug angiogenesis assay were used for analyzing the angiogenesis capacity of EV-VEGF.
    RESULTS: The most popular isoforms expressed by VEGF gene are VEGF121, VEGF165 and VEGF189. In this study, we demonstrated that all three isoforms of mRNA could be detected at varying levels in OSCC cells, while only VEGF165 and VEGF189 proteins were found. CM derived from OSCC cells, both soluble and non-soluble forms of VEGF could be detected. We further confirmed the presence of VGEF189 bound to EVs as a non-soluble form. EV-bound VEGF189 presented angiogenic activity, which could not be neutralized by bevacizumab. It was found that VEGF189 bound to EVs by heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG). In addition, the angiogenic effect of EV-VEGF could be reversed by surfen, a kind of HSPG antagonist both in vitro and in vivo.
    CONCLUSIONS: Antagonists targeting HSPG might potentially overcome the resistance of EV-VEGF to bevacizumab and serve as an alternative for anti-VEGF therapy in OSCC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antithrombin III (ATIII) is a potent endogenous anticoagulant that binds to heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) on endothelial cells\' surfaces. Among these HSPGs, syndecans (SDCs) are crucial as transmembrane receptors bridging extracellular ligands with intracellular signaling pathways. Specifically, syndecan-4 (SDC4) has been identified as a key receptor on endothelial cells for transmitting the signaling effects of ATIII. Meanwhile, SDCs have been implicated in facilitating the cellular internalization of SARS-CoV-2. Given the complex interactions between ATIII and SDC4, our study analyzed the impact of ATIII on the virus entry into host cells. While ATIII binds to all SDC isoforms, it shows the strongest affinity for SDC4. SDCs\' heparan sulfate chains primarily influence ATIII\'s SDC attachment, although other parts might also play a role in ATIII\'s dominant affinity toward SDC4. ATIII significantly reduces SARS-CoV-2\'s cellular entry into cell lines expressing SDCs, suggesting a competitive inhibition mechanism at the SDC binding sites, particularly SDC4. Conversely, the virus or its spike protein decreases the availability of SDCs on the cell surface, reducing ATIII\'s cellular attachment and hence contributing to a procoagulant environment characteristic of COVID-19.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Directly involved in the \"suck-and-spit\" physiology, female mosquito salivary glands (SGs) primarily imbibe blood for egg development and release anticoagulants to keep blood flowing. Indirectly involved, mosquitoes can uptake arboviruses during blood feeding from a viremic host. This research examined the presence of the filamentous cytoplasmic contractile protein (F-actin) and heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG), in the female mosquito SGs. Immunofluorescent antibody labeling of actin molecules or HSPG combined with anatomy suggests that F-actin forms a network in the SG lobe parenchymal cells attached to intralobar ducts by HSPG. In addition, F-actin twists around intralobar SG ducts in a beaded manner, altogether involved in the expulsion of SG secretions. This arrangement in female Aedes aegypti SGs, suggests that F-actin structures are integrally involved in transmitting infectious agents into hosts.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Study
    OBJECTIVE: Bariatric surgery induces a significant loss of both fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM). The proteoglycan receptor syndecan-4 (SDC4) plays a crucial role in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle functions. Thus, this study was performed (i) to assess plasma SDC4 levels after both Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG) and Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) surgeries, and (ii) to explore potential associations with changes in body composition variables.
    RESULTS: Twenty-six patients (17 females) with severe obesity underwent SG (n = 13) or RYGB (n = 13) and were followed up to 1 year (1Y). Body weight, FM, FFM, and SCD4 were measured at baseline (BL), and at week 11 (W11) and 1Y after surgery. Independently of procedure, there was a significant body weight loss at W11, with an average FM and FFM reduction of 13.7 ± 0.6 kg and 5.3 ± 0.5 kg, respectively. Participants continued to lose weight afterwards, with a total weigth loss of 38.2 ± 1.5 kg at 1Y. No associations were found at BL between SDC4 levels and any anthropometric variable; however, SDC4 levels were lower than BL at both W11 and 1Y, independently of type of surgery. Additionally, changes in SDC4 between BL and 1Y were positively correlated with weight and FFM loss during the same period.
    BACKGROUND: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04051190 on 09/08/2019.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurodegenerative diseases, particularly Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), pose a significant challenge in ageing populations. Our current understanding indicates that the onset of toxic amyloid and tau protein pathologies initiates disease progression. However, existing treatments targeting these hallmark symptoms offer symptomatic relief without halting disease advancement. This review offers an alternative perspective on AD, centring on impaired adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN) as a potential early aetiological factor. By delving into the intricate molecular events during the initial stages of AD (Braak Stages I-III), a novel hypothesis is presented, interweaving the roles of Notch signalling and heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) in compromised AHN. While acknowledging the significance of the amyloid and tau hypotheses, it calls for further exploration beyond these paradigms, suggesting the potential of altered HS sulfation patterns in AD initiation. Future directions propose more detailed investigations into early HS aggregation, aberrant sulfation patterns and examination of their temporal relationship with tau hyperphosphorylation. In challenging the conventional \'triggers\' of AD and urging their reconsideration as symptoms, this review advocates an alternative approach to understanding this disease, offering new avenues of investigation into the intricacies of AD pathogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polymer-cationic mediated gene delivery is a well-stablished strategy of transient gene expression (TGE) in mammalian cell cultures. Nonetheless, its industrial implementation is hindered by the phenomenon known as cell density effect (CDE) that limits the cell density at which cultures can be efficiently transfected. The rise in personalized medicine and multiple cell and gene therapy approaches based on TGE, make more relevant to understand how to circumvent the CDE. A rational study upon DNA/PEI complex formation, stability and delivery during transfection of HEK293 cell cultures has been conducted, providing insights on the mechanisms for polyplexes uptake at low cell density and disruption at high cell density. DNA/PEI polyplexes were physiochemically characterized by coupling X-ray spectroscopy, confocal microscopy, cryo-transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Our results showed that the ionic strength of polyplexes significantly increased upon their addition to exhausted media. This was reverted by depleting extracellular vesicles (EVs) from the media. The increase in ionic strength led to polyplex aggregation and prevented efficient cell transfection which could be counterbalanced by implementing a simple media replacement (MR) step before transfection. Inhibiting and labeling specific cell-surface proteoglycans (PGs) species revealed different roles of PGs in polyplexes uptake. Importantly, the polyplexes uptake process seemed to be triggered by a coalescence phenomenon of HSPG like glypican-4 around polyplex entry points. Ultimately, this study provides new insights into PEI-based cell transfection methodologies, enabling to enhance transient transfection and mitigate the cell density effect (CDE).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human extracellular 6-O-endosulfatases Sulf-1 and Sulf-2 are the only enzymes that post-synthetically alter the 6-O sulfation of heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG), which regulates interactions of HSPG with many proteins. Oncogenicity of Sulf-2 in different cancers has been documented, and we have shown that Sulf-2 is associated with poor survival outcomes in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Despite its importance, limited information is available on direct protein-protein interactions of the Sulf-2 protein in the tumor microenvironment. In this study, we used monoclonal antibody (mAb) affinity purification and mass spectrometry to identify galectin-3-binding protein (LG3BP) as a highly specific binding partner of Sulf-2 in the conditioned media of HNSCC cell lines. We validated their direct interaction in vitro using recombinant proteins and have shown that the chondroitin sulfate (CS) covalently bound to the Sulf-2 influences the binding to LG3BP. We confirmed the importance of the CS chain for the interaction by generating a mutant Sulf-2 protein that lacks the CS. Importantly, we have shown that the LG3BP inhibits Sulf-2 activity in vitro in a concentration-dependent manner. As a consequence, the addition of LG3BP to a spheroid cell culture inhibited the invasion of the HNSCC cells into Matrigel. Thus, Sulf-2 interaction with LG3BP may regulate the physiological activity of the Sulf-2 enzyme as well as its activity in the tumor microenvironment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glycoprotein C (gC), one of ∼12 HSV-1 envelope glycoproteins, carries out several important functions during infection, including the enhancement of virion attachment by binding to host cell heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG). Here we report that gC can also enhance the release of cell-free progeny virions at the end of the infectious cycle. This activity was observed in multiple cellular contexts including Vero cells and immortalized human keratinocytes. In the absence of gC, progeny virions bound more tightly to infected cells, suggesting that gC promotes the detachment of virions from the infected cell surface. Given this finding, we analyzed the biochemical interactions that tether progeny virions to cells and report evidence for two distinct modes of binding. One is consistent with a direct interaction between gC and HSPG, whereas the other is gC-independent and likely does not involve HSPG. Together, our results i) identify a novel function for a long-studied HSV-1 glycoprotein, and ii) demonstrate that the extracellular release of HSV-1 virions is a dynamic process involving multiple viral and host components.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurological disorders impact around one billion individuals globally (15 % approx.), with significant implications for disability and mortality with their impact in Australia currently amounts to 6.8 million deaths annually. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are complex extracellular molecules implicated in promoting Tau fibril formation resulting in Tau tangles, a hallmark of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD). HSPG-Tau protein interactions contribute to various AD stages via aggregation, toxicity, and clearance, largely via interactions with the glypican 1 and syndecan 3 core proteins. The tunnelling nanotubes (TNTs) pathway is emerging as a facilitator of intercellular molecule transport, including Tau and Amyloid β proteins, across extensive distances. While current TNT-associated evidence primarily stems from cancer models, their role in Tau propagation and its effects on recipient cells remain unclear. This review explores the interplay of TNTs, HSPGs, and AD-related factors and proposes that HSPGs influence TNT formation in neurodegenerative conditions such as AD.





