Heart Rate

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hemodynamic response during the transition from the supine to standing position in idiopathic atrial fibrillation (AF) patients is not completely understood. This study aimed to analyze the hemodynamic changes that occur during the head-up tilt test in idiopathic AF patients. We investigated the hemodynamic changes during the head-up tilt test with impedance cardiography in 40 AF patients (12 with AF rhythm-AFr and 28 with sinus rhythm-AFsr) and 38 non-AF controls. Patients with AFr had attenuated SVI decrease after standing when compared to AFsr and non-AF [ΔSVI in mL/m2: -1.3 (-3.4 to 1.7) vs. -6.4 (-17.3 to -0.1) vs. -11.8 (-18.7 to -8.0), respectively; p < 0.001]. PVRI decreased in AFr but increased in AFsr and non-AF [ΔPVRI in dyne.seg.m2/cm5: -477 (-1148 to 82.5) vs. 131 (-525 to 887) vs. 357 (-29 to 681), respectively; p < 0.01]. Similarly, compared with non-AF patients, AFr patients also had a greater HR and greater CI increase after standing. The haemodynamic response to orthostatic challenge suggests differential adaptations between patients with AF rhythm and those reverted to sinus rhythm or healthy controls. Characterizing the hemodynamic phenotype may be relevant for the individualized treatment of AF patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Self-powered sensors have the potential to enable real-time health monitoring without contributing to the ever-growing demand for energy. Piezoelectric nanogenerators (PENGs) respond to mechanical deformations to produce electrical signals, imparting a sensing capability without external power sources. Textiles conform to the human body and serve as an interactive biomechanical energy harvesting and sensing medium without compromising comfort. However, the textile-based PENG fabrication process is complex and lacks scalability, making these devices impractical for mass production. Here, we demonstrate the fabrication of a long-length PENG fiber compatible with industrial-scale manufacturing. The thermal drawing process enables the one-step fabrication of self-poled MoS2-poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) nanocomposite fiber devices integrated with electrodes. Heat and stress during thermal drawing and MoS2 nanoparticle addition facilitate interfacial polarization and dielectric modulation to enhance the output performance. The fibers show a 57 and 70% increase in the output voltage and current compared to the pristine PVDF fiber, respectively, at a considerably low MoS2 loading of 3 wt %. The low Young\'s modulus of the outer cladding ensures an effective stress transfer to the piezocomposite domain and allows minute motion detection. The flexible fibers demonstrate wireless, self-powered physiological sensing and biomotion analysis capability. The study aims to guide the large-scale production of highly sensitive integrated fibers to enable textile-based and plug-and-play wearable sensors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The intramuscular (IM) administration of 7.5-10 mg/kg of alfaxalone produces anesthetic effects that enable endotracheal intubation with mild cardiorespiratory depression in dogs. However, the effects of IM co-administration of medetomidine, butorphanol, and alfaxalone on cardiorespiratory function under inhalation anesthesia have not been studied.
    UNASSIGNED: To assess the cardiorespiratory function following the IM co-administration of 5 μg/kg of medetomidine, 0.3 mg/kg of butorphanol, and 2.5 mg/kg of alfaxalone (MBA) in dogs anesthetized with sevoflurane.
    UNASSIGNED: Seven intact healthy Beagles (three males and four females, aged 3-6 years old and weighing 10.0-18.1 kg) anesthetized with a predetermined minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of sevoflurane were included in this study. The baseline cardiorespiratory variable values were recorded using the thermodilution method with a pulmonary artery catheter after stabilization for 15 minutes at 1.3 times their individual sevoflurane MAC. The cardiorespiratory variables were measured again following the IM administration of MBA. Data are expressed as median [interquartile range] and compared with the corresponding baseline values using the Friedman test and Sheff\'s method. A p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
    UNASSIGNED: The intramuscular administration of MBA transiently decreased the cardiac index [baseline: 3.46 (3.18-3.69), 5 minutes: 1.67 (1.57-1.75) l/minute/m2 : p < 0.001], respiratory frequency, and arterial pH. In contrast, it increased the systemic vascular resistance index [baseline: 5,367 (3,589-6,617), 5 minutes:10,197 (9,955-15,005) dynes second/cm5/m2 : p = 0.0092], mean pulmonary arterial pressure, and arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide.
    UNASSIGNED: The intramuscular administration of MBA in dogs anesthetized with sevoflurane transiently decreased cardiac output due to vasoconstriction. Although spontaneous breathing was maintained, MBA administration resulted in respiratory acidosis due to hypoventilation. Thus, it is important to administer MBA with caution to dogs with insufficient cardiovascular function. In addition, ventilatory support is recommended.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autonomic control of heart rate is well known in adult subjects, but limited data are available on the development of the heart rate control during childhood and adolescence. Continuous 12-lead electrocardiograms were recorded in 1045 healthy children and adolescents (550 females) aged 4 to 19 years during postural manoeuvres involving repeated 10-min supine, unsupported sitting, and unsupported standing positions. In each position, heart rate was measured, and heart rate variability indices were evaluated (SDNN, RMSSD, and high (HF) and low (LF) frequency components were obtained). Quasi-normalized HF frequency components were defined as qnHF = HF/(HF + LF). These measurements were, among others, related to age using linear regressions. In supine position, heart rate decreases per year of age were significant in both sexes but lower in females than in males. In standing position, these decreases per year of age were substantially lowered. RMSSD and qnHF indices were independent of age in supine position but significantly decreased with age in sitting and standing positions. Correspondingly, LF/HF proportions showed steep increases with age in sitting and standing positions but not in the supine position. The study suggests that baseline supine parasympathetic influence shows little developmental changes during childhood and adolescence but that in young children, sympathetic branch is less responsive to vagal influence. While vagal influences modulate cardiac periods in young and older children equally, they are less able to suppress the sympathetic influence in younger children.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the effect of stage 3 fragmentation and the paradoxical phase of night sleep on melatonin (MT) secretion, and to evaluate the effects of changes in autonomic balance and activation reactions that occur in the orthodox and paradoxical phases of sleep.
    METHODS: Fifteen healthy men participated in three sessions: with stage 3 fragmentation, with fragmentation of paradoxical sleep, and in a control experiment in which sleep was not disturbed. In each experiment, 7 saliva samples were collected in the evening, at night and in the morning and the MT content was determined. Heart rate variability was analyzed using an electrocardiogram and autonomic balance was assessed.
    RESULTS: Sleep fragmentation was accompanied by activation reactions and reduced the duration of stage 3 and paradoxical phase sleep by 50% and 51% in the corresponding sessions. Fragmentation of paradoxical sleep also led to an increase in the duration of night wakefulness. Sleep disturbances caused an increase in MT secretion in the second half of the night and in the morning, especially pronounced in sessions with fragmentation of paradoxical sleep, in which upon awakening MT was 1.8 times higher than in the control. Stage 3 fragmentation was accompanied by increased sympathetic activation, while fragmentation of paradoxical sleep did not cause autonomic shifts. The subjects were divided into 2 clusters: with high and low MT in night and morning saliva samples. In all sessions, subjects with high MT had 1.7-2 times longer duration of night wakefulness; in sessions with fragmentation, they had significantly more activations in the paradoxical phase of sleep.
    CONCLUSIONS: Night sleep disturbances cause an increase in MT secretion, especially pronounced during the fragmentation of the paradoxical phase. An increase in MT levels does not depend on changes in autonomic balance and is apparently associated with activation of the serotonergic system, which accompanies disturbances in the depth and continuity of sleep.
    UNASSIGNED: Сравнить влияние на секрецию мелатонина (МТ) фрагментации 3-й стадии и парадоксальной фазы ночного сна, а также оценить эффекты изменений вегетативного баланса и реакций активации, возникающих в ортодоксальной и парадоксальной фазах сна.
    UNASSIGNED: Пятнадцать здоровых мужчин участвовали в трех экспериментах: с фрагментацией 3-й стадии, с фрагментацией парадоксального сна, и в контрольном, в котором сон не нарушался. В каждом эксперименте вечером, ночью и утром собирали 7 проб слюны и определяли содержание МТ. По электрокардиограмме анализировали вариабельность сердечного ритма и оценивали вегетативный баланс.
    UNASSIGNED: Фрагментация сна сопровождалась реакциями активации и снизила продолжительность 3-й стадии и парадоксальной фазы сна на 50 и 51% в соответствующих экспериментах. Фрагментация парадоксального сна привела также к увеличению продолжительности ночного бодрствования. Нарушения сна вызывали рост секреции МТ во второй половине ночи и утром, особенно выраженный в экспериментах с фрагментацией парадоксального сна, в которых при пробуждении МТ был в 1,8 раза выше, чем в контроле. Фрагментация 3-й стадии сопровождалась усилением симпатической активации, тогда как фрагментация парадоксального сна не вызывала вегетативных сдвигов. Испытуемые разделились на 2 кластера: с высоким и низким МТ в ночных и утренних пробах слюны. Испытуемые с высоким МТ имели во всех экспериментах в 1,7—2 раза большую продолжительность ночного бодрствования, в экспериментах с фрагментацией у них было значительно больше активаций в парадоксальной фазе сна.
    UNASSIGNED: Нарушения ночного сна вызывают рост секреции МТ, особенно выраженный при фрагментации парадоксальной фазы. Повышение уровня МТ не зависит от изменений вегетативного баланса и, по-видимому, связано с активацией серотонинергической системы, сопровождающей нарушение глубины и непрерывности сна.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Imagery rescripting (ImRs) is a psychotherapeutic intervention targeting aversive memories. During the three-phase intervention, patients reexperience their aversive memory (phase 1), observe the scene from their adult perspective, and intervene to help their former selves (phase 2), and reexperience it again with the positive changes (phase 3). Previous studies have rarely investigated emotional and regulatory processes taking place during the intervention.
    OBJECTIVE: This randomized controlled trial investigated self-reported affective and physiological responses during ImRs.
    METHODS: Seventy-seven patients with social anxiety disorder (SAD) were randomly assigned to a single session of ImRs or a control intervention (recall and discussion of the memory) targeting an aversive social memory. Heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) were assessed during and post hoc ratings of positive and negative feelings after baseline and the intervention phases.
    RESULTS: Relative to the control intervention, ImRs resulted in an initial increase in negative feelings from baseline to phase 1 and a following larger (phase 1 to phase 2) and more stable (phase 2 to phase 3) decrease in negative feelings/increase in positive feelings. On the physiological level, during ImRs compared to the control intervention, mean HR was significantly higher during phase 1 and HRV during phase 3, each compared to baseline.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results provide further information about the specific sequence of emotional responses on different response levels during ImRs, being consistent with known theories of emotional processing and supposed mechanisms of ImRs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High stress is a key risk factor for alcohol use disorder (AUD) and often accompanied by physiological dysregulation including autonomic nervous system (ANS) disruptions. However, neural mechanisms underlying drinking behaviors associated with stress and ANS disruptions remain unclear. The current study aims to understand neural correlates of stress, ANS disruptions, and subsequent alcohol intake in social drinkers with risky drinking. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we investigated brain and heart rate (HR) autonomic responses during brief exposure to stress, alcohol, and neutral cues utilizing a well-validated, individualized imagery paradigm in 48 social drinkers of which 26 reported high-risk drinking (HD) while 22 reported low-risk drinking (LD) patterns. Results indicated that HD individuals showed stress and ANS disruptions with increased basal HR, stress-induced craving, and decreased brain response to stress exposure in frontal-striatal regions including the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VmPFC), anterior cingulate cortex, striatum, insula, and temporal gyrus. Furthermore, whole-brain correlation analysis indicated that greater basal HR was associated with hypoactive VmPFC, but hyperactive medulla oblongata (MOb) responses during stress, with an inverse association between activity in the VmPFC and Mob (whole-brain corrected (WBC), p < 0.05). Functional connectivity with the MOb as a seed to the whole brain indicated that HD versus LD had decreased functional connectivity between the VmPFC and MOb during stress (WBC, p < 0.05). In addition, those with more compromised functional connectivity between the VmPFC and MOb during stress consumed greater amount of alcohol beverage during an experimental alcohol taste test conducted on a separate day, as well as in their self-reported weekly alcohol intake. Together, these results indicate that stress-related, dysfunctional VmPFC control over brain regions of autonomic arousal contributes to greater alcohol motivation and may be a significant risk factor for hazardous alcohol use in non-dependent social drinkers. Findings also suggest that restoring VmPFC integrity in modulating autonomic arousal during stress may be critical for preventing the development of AUD.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    To achieve non-contact measurement of human heart rate and improve its accuracy, this paper proposes a method for measuring human heart rate based on multi-channel radar data fusion. The radar data were firstly extracted by human body position identification, phase extraction and unwinding, phase difference, band-pass filtering optimized by power spectrum entropy, and fast independent component analysis for each channel data. After overlaying and fusing the four-channel data, the heartbeat signal was separated using frost-optimized variational modal decomposition. Finally, a chirp Z-transform was introduced for heart rate estimation. After validation with 40 sets of data, the average root mean square error of the proposed method was 2.35 beats per minute, with an average error rate of 2.39%, a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.97, a confidence interval of [-4.78, 4.78] beats per minute, and a consistency error of -0.04. The experimental results show that the proposed measurement method performs well in terms of accuracy, correlation, and consistency, enabling precise measurement of human heart rate.
    为实现人体心率的非接触式测量并提高其测量的精准度,本文提出一种基于多通道雷达数据融合的人体心率测量方法。雷达数据首先依次对每个通道数据进行人体位置识别、相位提取与解缠绕、相位差分、功率谱熵优化的带通滤波以及快速独立成分分析提取。再将四通道数据叠加融合后,使用霜冰优化的变分模态分解分离出心跳信号。最后引入线性调频Z变换进行心率估计。经过40组数据验证,本文方法的平均均方根误差为2.35次/分,平均错误率为2.39%,皮尔逊相关系数为0.97,置信区间为[–4.78, 4.78]次/分,一致性误差为–0.04次/分。实验结果显示,本文提出的测量方法在准确性、相关性、一致性方面表现出色,能够实现人体心率的精准测量。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heart rate variability (HRV) is related to cardiac vagal control and emotional regulation and an index for cardiac vagal control and cardiac autonomic activity. This study aimed to develop the Taiwan HRV normative database covering individuals aged 20 to 70 years and to assess its diagnosing validity in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). A total of 311 healthy participants were in the HRV normative database and divided into five groups in 10-year age groups, and then the means and standard deviations of the HRV indices were calculated. We recruited 272 patients with MDD for cross-validation, compared their HRV indices with the normative database, and then converted them to Z-scores to explore the deviation of HRV in MDD patients from healthy groups. The results found a gradual decline in HRV indices with advancing age in the HC group, and females in the HC group exhibit higher cardiac vagal control and parasympathetic activity than males. Conversely, patients in the MDD group demonstrate lower HRV indices than those in the HC group, with their symptoms of depression and anxiety showing a negative correlation with HRV indices. The Taiwan HRV normative database has good psychometric characteristics of cross-validation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Respiratory rate (RR) is a vital indicator for assessing the bodily functions and health status of patients. RR is a prominent parameter in the field of biomedical signal processing and is strongly associated with other vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rate variability. Various physiological signals, such as photoplethysmogram (PPG) signals, are used to extract respiratory information. RR is also estimated by detecting peak patterns and cycles in the signals through signal processing and deep-learning approaches. In this study, we propose an end-to-end RR estimation approach based on a third-generation artificial neural network model-spiking neural network. The proposed model employs PPG segments as inputs, and directly converts them into sequential spike events. This design aims to reduce information loss during the conversion of the input data into spike events. In addition, we use feedback-based integrate-and-fire neurons as the activation functions, which effectively transmit temporal information. The network is evaluated using the BIDMC respiratory dataset with three different window sizes (16, 32, and 64 s). The proposed model achieves mean absolute errors of 1.37 ± 0.04, 1.23 ± 0.03, and 1.15 ± 0.07 for the 16, 32, and 64 s window sizes, respectively. Furthermore, it demonstrates superior energy efficiency compared with other deep learning models. This study demonstrates the potential of the spiking neural networks for RR monitoring, offering a novel approach for RR estimation from the PPG signal.





