Health and social care

  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    BACKGROUND: In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, changing demographics, and evolving healthcare needs, the landscape of health services has been undergoing a profound transformation. Innovation has emerged as a central force driving change in the healthcare sector, as stakeholders across the globe strive to enhance the quality, accessibility, and efficiency of healthcare services.
    OBJECTIVE: Within this dynamic context, this systematic literature review explored the barriers and driving forces behind successful health service innovation.
    METHODS: A comprehensive systematic literature review was conducted using the Griffith University Library search engine and databases that included PubMed, ProQuest, Web of Science, Scopus, and CINHAL. To achieve the study goal, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines and the associated PRISMA checklist guided the review and reporting method.
    RESULTS: Findings from this review identified a need for a universal definition of health innovation that encompasses the unique complexities and challenges within this context. In our comprehensive analysis of healthcare innovation, we have uncovered pivotal findings that underscore the indispensable nature of a well-structured framework.
    CONCLUSIONS: To succeed in fostering innovation within the health and social care sectors, it is imperative to establish an overarching organisational culture that meticulously addresses the following key components: team challenges; communication and collaboration; governance goals and authentic leadership, environmental engagement; and innovation endurance. Through systematic analysis of existing literature, this review offers a definition of health innovation, covering its conceptual foundations, determinants, and barriers, and provides a framework for creating an innovative culture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To describe health and social care managers\' self-assessed competence in knowledge management and the factors associated with management competence.
    BACKGROUND: It has been shown that the performance of an organization is as good as the competence of its managers, so health and social care managers\' competence in knowledge management should be assessed to improve organizational performance.
    UNASSIGNED: A descriptive cross-sectional design.
    METHODS: A total of 116 managers participated from six Finnish public health and social care organizations. The data were collected in February and August 2022 using the managers\' competence in knowledge management (MCKM) instrument and analysed using descriptive statistical methods.
    RESULTS: Health and social care managers rated their self-reported total competence in knowledge management as good. Among the dimensions of knowledge management competence, managing a culture of competence received the highest rating, while planning competence development and cooperation was perceived as the weakest dimension. The results indicate that background factors such as the healthcare setting, the number of units managed and the number of direct staff had a statistically significant association with the health and social care managers\' self-assessed competence in planning competence development and cooperation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Even though the health and social care managers\' total self-assessed competence level in knowledge management was rated as good, the results underscore the significance of continuous competence development among these managers in all dimensions of knowledge management.
    CONCLUSIONS: By enhancing and clarifying managers\' tasks and competence in knowledge management, managers can increase staff retention, attractiveness and work well-being.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results can be utilized to identify managers\' strengths and weaknesses in knowledge management and, thus, effectively target their limited competence development resources.
    UNASSIGNED: The STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) checklist.
    UNASSIGNED: There is no patient or public contribution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Internationally there has been much interest in the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the care and support of older people including those with needs arising from self-neglect and/or hoarding. During the pandemic English local authorities\' legal duties remained to respond to concerns about harm about people with care and support needs living in the community. This paper reports interviews with 44 participants working for adult safeguarding/adult protective services (APS) in 31 local authorities recruited from all English regions. Interviews took place online in November-December 2020 as the pandemic\'s second UK wave was emerging. Analytic induction methods were used to develop themes.
    UNASSIGNED: Participants reported some of the variations in referrals to their services with more contact being received from community sources concerned about their neighbours\' welfare. Participants provided accounts of the local organisation of adult safeguarding services during the pandemic, including in some areas the potential for offering early help to older people at risk of harm from self-neglect or hoarding behaviour. Online inter-agency meetings were positively received but were acknowledged to potentially exclude some older people.
    UNASSIGNED: This article reports observations from adult safeguarding practitioners about their services which may be of interest internationally and in renewing services that can sustain public interest in the welfare of their older citizens and in developing early help. The findings reflect those from children\'s services where online meetings are also predicted to enhance professional communications post-pandemic but similarly need to ensure effective engagement with service users and their families.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This perspective paper begins with discussing how COVID-19 magnified the pre-pandemic \'bare life\' conditions which exposed older people\'s lives to risks and indignities in the health and social care system. Then, by using the concept of Necropolitics, the life and death decisions, based on age as a proxy measure for population health during the pandemic, are discussed. This discussion includes examples of \'exceptional\' practices that were implemented in the UK during the first wave, including \'Do Not Resuscitate\' orders, unsafe hospital discharges, not transferring to hospitals, and denying access to treatment for older people. It then goes on to renew the call for a feminist care ethic to be central to the ways in which our future health and social care systems are configured. Arguing for the need to politically reframe ageing, health and social care provision towards a radical alternative system that rethinks care relations and addresses inequality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Physical inactivity is a global public health priority. There are known health and well-being consequences of being inactive, and the benefits of being physically active are well established. However, there are persistent inequalities when it comes to how physically active people are, with disabled people, people living with long-term health conditions, and people residing in areas of socio-economic deprivation being particularly affected. Methods such as whole system approaches (WSAs), which are dynamic, multifaceted, and engage all relevant stakeholders, have gained momentum as an approach to address such complex public health problems. However, evidence relating to the implementation of WSAs to address physical inactivity is lacking. The aim of the Prevention and Enablement Model (PEM) was to take a whole system approach in Essex to encourage and support disabled people and/or individuals living with long-term health conditions to be more active, happier, and to live more independently.
    METHODS: The aim of this study was to explore the enablers, challenges, and reflections associated with the process of designing and implementing the PEM. Semi-structured interviews (n = 12) were used to collect data from people involved in the PEM\'s design, implementation and/or delivery. Data was analysed using Braun and Clarke\'s reflexive thematic analysis.
    RESULTS: Four themes were identified: (1) Working collaboratively: Specific enablers of time and space were identified as important in the planning and implementation of a WSA (2) Leadership and planning: Distributed and flexible leadership was identified as central to successful implementation (3) Re-orientating practice: Highlighted the transformative potential of a whole system approach and how it contrasts with conventional work practices, and (4) Reflection and learning: Informing ongoing refinements and further implementation of successful system change.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight the challenge and complexity of implementing a WSA that involves diverse stakeholders from across adult social care, the NHS, and the third sector. Several important enablers are identified, such as leadership and planning, and the challenges and discomfort that can arise whilst changing systems. Ongoing efforts are required to ensure that different elements of the system collaborate effectively to address inequalities in physical activity participation, through the implementation of a WSA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Expanding and sustaining student nurse placements outside of the acute sector is a universal challenge. This paper aims to evaluate the Care Home Education Facilitator Role introduced in one area of Wales, United Kingdom, and to report on the outcomes achieved from this novel role.
    METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with key stakeholders including the Care Home Education Facilitator postholder leading the pilot, care home managers, higher education institutions\' placement managers/coordinators, student nurses and national health service staff.
    RESULTS: Five key areas were identified, which included timing of introducing the post and establishing a clear rationale and understanding of the intention of the role. The benefits, challenges and suggested improvements to the Care Home Education Facilitator initiative are provided.
    CONCLUSIONS: Introducing the role of the Care Home Education Facilitator to work closely with key stakeholders resulted in increased placements for student nurses, but investing time in developing relationships with these stakeholders was critical to the success of the role.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Governments in many European countries have been working towards integrating health and social care services to eliminate the fragmentation that leads to poor care coordination for patients. We conducted a systematic review to identify and synthesize knowledge about the integration of health and social care services in Europe. We identified 490 records, in 14 systematic reviews that reported on 1148 primary studies and assessed outcomes of integration of health care and social care. We categorized records according to three purposes: health outcomes, service quality and integration procedures outcomes. Health outcomes include improved clinical outcomes, enhanced quality of life, and positive effects on quality of care. Service quality improvements encompass better access to services, reduced waiting times, and increased patient satisfaction. Integration procedure outcomes involve cost reduction, enhanced collaboration, and improved staff perceptions; however, some findings rely on limited evidence. This umbrella review provides a quality-appraised overview of existing systematic reviews.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    OBJECTIVE: To review the evidence on using family resilience as a concept in interventions by public health nurses/health visitors with families with children and young people as part of an evaluation of the evidence base for the Family Resilience Assessment Instrument and Tool (FRAIT). FRAIT was developed by University faculty with Health Visitors and a Community of Practice in Wales, and is used by Health Visitors in Wales with families with children under 5 years to assess family resilience.
    METHODS: A standard Cochrane Systematic Review methodology was used to review published literature. A protocol ( = 230845) was submitted to Prospero in September 2021, and reviewing began in January 2022. Title and abstract searching were undertaken 12 databases and results were captured using PRISMA and Excel spreadsheet. Second reviewers reviewed title and abstract screening, and full-text extraction.
    RESULTS: Initial title screening brought back 1350 papers across 12 databases. Titles and abstract screening reduced these to 106, 44 papers were considered for full-text extraction, with 25 papers included for review.
    CONCLUSIONS: Results demonstrated a focus on specific demographics, and use of family resilience with families living with specific health problems. Existing family resilience scales showed improved results in selected specific demographic groups, albeit in a reactive way. FRAIT has originality within the literature as it is used in a universal, preventative way with all families regardless of demographic or health issues. There is evidence to show that using a family resilience program in this way has originality and implications for the physical and mental health of children and young people.
    UNASSIGNED: This was a systematic review of existing literature so public or patient contribution would not have been appropriate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Integrated care refers to person-centered and coordinated, health and social care, and community services. Integrated care systems are partnerships of organizations that deliver health and care services which were placed on a statutory footing in England, April 2022. Due to the need for fast, accessible, and relevant evidence, a rapid review was conducted according to World Health Organization methods to determine barriers and enablers of integrated care across the United Kingdom, 2018-2022. Nine databases were searched for review articles reporting evaluation of integrated care interventions involving medical (clinical and diagnostic) and nonmedical (public health services and community-based or social care/person-centred care) approaches, quality checked with the Critical Appraisal Skills Program qualitative checklist. OpenGrey and hand searches were used to identify grey literature, quality checked with the Authority, Accuracy, Coverage, Objectivity, Date, and Significance checklist. Thirty-four reviews and 21 grey literature reports fitted inclusion criteria of adult physical/mental health outcomes/multiple morbidities. Thematic analysis revealed six themes (collaborative approach; costs; evidence and evaluation; integration of care; professional roles; service user factors) with 20 subthemes including key barriers (cost effectiveness; effectiveness of integrated care; evaluation methods; focus of evidence; future research; impact of integration) and enablers (accessing care; collaboration and partnership; concept of integration; inter-professional relationships; person-centered ethos). Findings indicated a paucity of robust research to evaluate such interventions and lack of standardized methodology to assess cost effectiveness, although there is growing interest in co-production that has engendered information sharing and reduced duplication, and inter-professional collaborations that have bridged task-related gaps and overlaps. The importance of identifying elements of integrated care associated with successful outcomes and determining sustainability of interventions meeting joined-up care and preventive population health objectives was highlighted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although the promise of integrated neighborhood approaches, including the essential roles of communities and collaboration between the medical and social domains, has been widely acknowledged, the realization of such approaches in practice often remains difficult. To gain insight into the development of integrated neighborhood approaches, this case study describes the experiences of stakeholders involved in such an approach for health promotion and prevention in Rotterdam.
    METHODS: Interviews with 18 stakeholders (including health and social care professionals, health insurance employees, and policymakers) were conducted, and stakeholders\' statements were analyzed thematically.
    RESULTS: The results reveal a lack of alignment among the professional, organizational, and system levels. Elements needed for collaboration between health and social care professionals are not supported at the organizational and system levels. The lack of integration at the policy and organizational levels encourages competition and self-interest instead of stimulating collaboration.
    CONCLUSIONS: Intersectoral collaboration and coordination must take place not only between professionals, but also at the organizational and policy levels. As long as integration at the organizational and system levels is lacking, professionals\' ability to collaborate and provide coordinated support to neighborhood residents will be compromised.





