
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Investigations of host feeding behaviour in haematophagous insects are critical to assess transmission routes of vector-borne diseases. Understanding if a certain species has ornithophilic or mammalophilic feeding behaviour can facilitate future studies focused on pathogens transmission to and from certain host species. Culicoides Latreille (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) are vectors of several pathogens, which include arboviruses, bacteria and parasites to a considerable diversity of vertebrate hosts. However, most of the studies focused on feeding habits target Culicoides species that could transmit the Bluetongue virus, consequently with a mammalophilic feeding behaviour, leaving aside the Culicoides species that are involved in the transmission of vector-borne parasites to birds, such as Haemoproteus Kruse (Haemosporida: Haemoproteidae). This study aimed to investigate the source of blood meals of wild-caught Culicoides using molecular-based methods and to correlate our findings with the reports of Haemoproteus parasites in Culicoides species. Engorged Culicoides females were collected using ultraviolet (UV)-light traps at seven different localities in Lithuania in 2021-2023. Biting midges were dissected, and the abdomens of engorged females were used for molecular investigation of the blood meal source. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol that amplifies a fragment of the Cytochrome B gene of vertebrates was used. Obtained sequences were compared to available information in GenBank database to confirm the source of the blood meal. In total, 258 engorged Culicoides females, representing nine different species, were analysed. The source of blood meal was identified in 29.1% of them with most of the insects having fed on birds (74.7%) and the remaining on mammals (25.3%). Culicoides segnis Campbell, Pelham-Clinton was the only species to feed exclusively on birds; Culicoides from the Obsoletus group, C. pallidicornis Kieffer and C. punctatus Latreille were found to feed exclusively on mammals; C. festivipennis Kieffer, C. kibunensis Tokunaga and C. pictipennis Staeger had an opportunistic feeding behaviour, with the first two preferably feeding on birds. Due to their feeding behaviour and the presence of Haemoproteus parasites reported in the literature, C. festivipennis, C. kibunensis, C. pictipennis, and C. segnis play an important role in the transmission of those avian vector-borne parasite in the wild. These Culicoides species were already confirmed as being able to support the development of several Haemoproteus species and lineages. Future studies focused on understanding the epidemiology of avian pathogens transmitted by Culicoides should target these species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Males and females often differ in ecology, behaviour and lifestyle, and these differences are expected to lead to sex differences in parasite susceptibility. However, neither the sex differences in parasite prevalence, nor their ecological and evolutionary drivers have been investigated across a broad range of taxa using phylogenetically corrected analyses. Using the most extensive dataset yet that includes 755 prevalence estimates from 151 wild bird species in a meta-analytic framework, here we compare sex differences in blood and gastrointestinal parasites. We show that despite sex differences in parasite infection being frequently reported in the literature, only Haemoproteus infections were more prevalent in females than in males. Notably, only seasonality was strongly associated with the sex-specific parasite prevalence of both Leucocytozoon and Haemoproteus, where birds showed greater female bias in prevalence during breeding periods compared to the non-breeding period. No other ecological or sexual selection variables were associated with sex-specific prevalence of parasite prevalence. We suggest that much of the variation in sex-biased prevalence could be idiosyncratic, and driven by local ecology and behavioural differences of the parasite and the host. Therefore, breeding ecology and sexual selection may only have a modest influence on sex-different parasite prevalence across wild birds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Urban areas, i.e. dense housing and reduced green spaces, can significantly impact avian health, through altering land use and increasing biotic and abiotic stress. This study assessed the association of urbanization on haemosporidian infections, vectors, immune response, and body condition in Parus major nestlings, across four classes of urbanization along an urban-to-rural gradient in Vienna, Austria. Contrary to our expectations, vector abundance remained consistent across the gradient, while an increase in leukocyte count is positively associated with total parasite intensity. We found that nestlings in more urbanized areas exhibited higher parasite intensity and altered immune response, as evidenced by variations in the heterophil to lymphocyte ratio and leukocyte counts. Culicidae female vectors were associated with nestlings\' total parasites, scaled mass index, and industrial units. Nestlings in highly developed areas had higher infection rates than those in forests, suggesting increased exposure to infections. However, there was no clear relationship between total female vectors and total parasites. The level of urbanization negatively affected nestling body condition, with a decrease in fat deposits from forested to highly urbanized areas. Our findings highlight the complex interplay between urbanization, vector-borne parasite transmission, and host immune response, emphasizing the need for comprehensive urban planning to improve wildlife health and guarantee ecosystem functioning. Understanding how urbanization affects bird immunity and parasite infections is critical for adapting urban landscapes for wildlife health and ecosystem integrity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During their journeys, migratory birds encounter a wider range of parasites than residents, transporting them over vast distances. While some parasites are widely distributed, transmission is not inevitable and depends on the presence of competent arthropod vectors as well as parasite compatibility with native bird species. Distinguishing between parasite distribution and transmission areas is crucial for monitoring and assessing risks to native bird species, as distribution areas, with the appropriate conditions, could become potential transmission areas. In this study, blood samples from 455 reed-living birds of the genera Acrocephalus, Locustella, and Emberiza, collected in the nature reserve \"Die Reit\" in Hamburg, Germany were screened, targeting haemosporidian parasites, trypanosomes, and filarioid nematodes. Determination of migratory bird age was employed to ascertain the transmission area of the detected parasites. Transmission areas were determined, based on information provided by resident and juvenile birds as well as findings in competent vectors. Long-distance migratory birds of the genus Acrocephalus showed a higher prevalence and diversity of blood parasites compared with partially migratory birds such as Emberiza schoeniclus. Notably, an age-dependent difference in parasite prevalence was observed in Acrocephalus spp., but not in E. schoeniclus. Nematodes were absent in all examined bird species. Proposed transmission areas were identified for nine haemosporidian lineages, showing three different types of transmission area, either with limited transmission in Europe or Africa, or active transmission in both regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Avian haemosporidians of the genera Plasmodium and Haemoproteus are a group of widely distributed blood parasites that can negatively affect the fitness of their hosts. Colombia contains the greatest diversity of birds on the planet, but knowledge about the associations between haemosporidian and its avifauna is scarce and fragmented. We collected blood samples from 255 birds (203 residents and 52 neotropical migrants) belonging to 27 families and 108 species. The study was conducted in six localities in the inter-Andean valleys of the Cauca and Magdalena rivers. Parasites of the genera Plasmodium and Haemoproteus were identified in the samples by morphological and molecular analysis of a fragment of the mitochondrial gene cyt b. Among the samples, 9.3% (n = 24) were positive for Plasmodium or Haemoproteus. Co-infection with Plasmodium and Haemoproteus was found in Red-eyed Vireo. Seventeen haemosporidian lineages were identified, five of which were reported for the first time in resident birds (Common Ground Dove, Checker-throated Stipplethroat, Tropical Kingbird, Pale-breasted Thrush, and Ruddy-breasted Seedeater) and one in the Summer Tanager (neotropical migrant). The research results confirm the wide diversity of haemosporidian present in tropical lowlands and the possible role of neotropical migratory birds in dissemination on haemosporidian along their migratory routes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leucocytozoon infection has been observed to impact the reproductive ecology and physiology of avian hosts, but its influence on nestling survival remains unclear. We investigated the effect of Leucocytozoon infection intensity, determined through triplicate PCR sample analyses, on the survival of 256 boreal owl (Aegolius funereus) nestlings during an 8-yr study. Contrary to our expectations, the survival probability of boreal owl nestlings was not influenced by their Leucocytozoon infection intensity. Nestling age and Leucocytozoon infection intensity in male and female parents also did not impact nestling survival. Instead, food abundance and hatching order were the key factors influencing nestling survival. Additionally, we observed a significantly higher Leucocytozoon infection intensity in male parents compared to female parents and nestlings. We suggest a distinct division of parental roles may lead females and nestlings staying within the nest boxes (cavities) to experience lower exposure to potential vectors transmitting blood parasites than their male counterparts. Our study shows that Leucocytozoon disease may not be lethal for boreal owl chicks, exhibiting a below-average infection intensity compared to their male parents.
    La infección por Leucocytozoon no influye en la supervivencia de los polluelos de mochuelo boreal Aegolius funereus. Se ha observado que la infección por Leucocytozoon afecta la ecología y fisiología reproductiva de las aves hospedadoras, pero su influencia en la supervivencia de los polluelos aún no está completamente determinada. Se investigó el efecto de la intensidad de la infección por Leucocytozoon, determinada mediante análisis de muestras de PCR por triplicado, sobre la supervivencia de 256 polluelos de mochuelo boreal (Aegolius funereus) durante un estudio de ocho años. Contrariamente a nuestras expectativas, la probabilidad de supervivencia de los polluelos de mochuelo boreal no se vio influenciada por la intensidad de la infección por Leucocytozoon. La edad de los polluelos y la intensidad de la infección por Leucocytozoon en los padres machos y hembras tampoco afectaron la supervivencia de los polluelos. En cambio, la abundancia de alimento y el orden de eclosión fueron los principales factores que influyeron en la supervivencia de los polluelos. Además, se observó una intensidad de infección por Leucocytozoon significativamente mayor en los padres machos en comparación con las hembras y los polluelos. Se sugiere que una clara división de los roles parentales puede llevar a que las hembras y los polluelos que permanecen dentro de las cajas nido (cavidades) experimenten una menor exposición a vectores potenciales que transmitan parásitos sanguíneos en comparación con los individuos adultos masculinos. Nuestro estudio muestra que la enfermedad de Leucocytozoon puede no ser letal para los polluelos de mochuelo boreal, ya que exhiben una intensidad de infección por debajo del promedio en comparación con sus padres machos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forest regeneration is becoming a powerful tool to combat land conversion which covers 30 % of the Neotropical territory. However, little is known about the effect of forest regeneration on vector-borne diseases. Here, we describe the haemosporidian lineage composition across a successional gradient within an Atlantic Forest bird community. We test whether forest successional stages, in addition to host life history traits affect haemosporidian infection probability. We sampled birds at 16 sampling units with different successional stages between 2017 and 2018 within a forest remnant located in Antonina, Paraná, Brazil. We captured bird individuals using mist-nets, identified them to the species level, and collected blood samples to detect and identify Plasmodium and Haemoproteus lineages based on molecular analysis. We used a Bayesian phylogenetic linear model with a Bernoulli distribution to test whether the haemosporidian infection probability is affected by nest type, foraging stratum, and forest successional stage. We captured 322 bird individuals belonging to 52 species and 21 families. We found 31 parasite lineages and an overall haemosporidian prevalence of 23.9 %, with most infections being caused by Plasmodium (21.7 % of prevalence). The Plasmodium probability of infection was associated with forest successional stage and bird foraging stratum. Birds from the secondary forest in an intermediate stage of succession are more likely to be infected by the parasites than birds from the primary forests (β = 1.21, 95 % CI = 0.11 - 2.43), birds from upper strata exhibit a lower probability of infection than birds from lower foraging strata (β = -1.81, 95 % CI = -3.80 - -0.08). Nest type did not affect the Plasmodium probability of infection. Our results highlight the relevance of forest succession on haemosporidian infection dynamics, which is particularly relevant in a world where natural regeneration is the main tool used in forest restoration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Avian haemosporidian parasites are spread worldwide and pose a threat to their hosts occasionally. A complete life cycle of these parasites requires two hosts: vertebrate and invertebrate (a blood-sucking insect that acts as a vector). In this study, we tested wild-caught mosquitoes for haemosporidian infections. Mosquitoes were collected (2021-2023) in several localities in Lithuania using a sweeping net and a CDC trap baited with CO2, morphologically identified, and preparations of salivary glands were prepared (from females collected in 2022-2023). 2093 DNA samples from either individual after dissection (1675) or pools (418 pools/1145 individuals) of female mosquito\'s abdomens were screened using PCR for the detection of haemosporidian parasite DNA. Salivary gland preparations were analyzed microscopically from each PCR-positive mosquito caught in 2022 and 2023. The average prevalence of haemosporidian parasites for all analyzed samples was 2.0 % and varied between 0.6 % (2021) and 3.5 % (2022). DNA of Plasmodium ashfordi (cytochrome b genetic lineage pGRW02), P. circumflexum (pTURDUS1), P. homonucleophilum (pSW2), P. matutinum (pLINN1), P. vaughani (pSYAT05), Haemoproteus brachiatus (hLK03), H. majoris (hWW2), and H. minutus (hTUPHI01) were detected in mosquitoes. Coquilletidia richiardii (3.5 %) and Culex pipiens (2.9 %) were mosquito species with the highest prevalence of haemosporidian parasite DNA detected. Mixed infections were detected in 16 mosquitoes. In one of the samples, sporozoites of P. matutinum (pLINN1) were found in the salivary gland preparation of Culex pipiens, confirming this mosquito species as a competent vector of Plasmodium matutinum and adding it to the list of the natural vectors of this avian parasite.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Avian haemosporidian parasites are useful model organisms to study the ecology and evolution of parasite-host interactions due to their global distribution and extensive biodiversity. Detection of these parasites has evolved from microscopic examination to PCR-based methods, with the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene serving as barcoding region. However, standard PCR protocols used for screening and identification purposes have limitations in detecting mixed infections and generating phylogenetically informative data due to short amplicon lengths. To address these issues, we developed a novel genus-specific nested PCR protocol targeting avian haemosporidian parasites. The protocol underwent rigorous testing utilizing a large dataset comprising blood samples from Malagasy birds of three distinct Passeriformes families. Furthermore, validation was done by examining smaller datasets in two other laboratories employing divergent master mixes and different bird species. Comparative analyses were conducted between the outcomes of the novel PCR protocol and those obtained through the widely used standard nested PCR method. The novel protocol enables specific identification of Plasmodium, Haemoproteus (Parahaemoproteus), and Leucocytozoon parasites. The analyses demonstrated comparable sensitivity to the standard nested PCR with notable improvements in detecting mixed infections. In addition, phylogenetic resolution is improved by amplification of longer fragments, leading to a better understanding of the haemosporidian biodiversity and evolution. Overall, the novel protocol represents a valuable addition to avian haemosporidian detection methodologies, facilitating comprehensive studies on parasite ecology, epidemiology, and evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Australian skink Egernia stokesii had been recognised as a host of two species of Plasmodium, Plasmodium mackerrasae and P. circularis; nevertheless, molecular data are available for only a single haemosporidian species of this host. Its sequences are labelled as \"Plasmodium sp.\" or \"Plasmodium mackerrasae\", but morphological characteristics of this isolate are unavailable. Phylogenetic analyses of these sequences placed them into the clade of the genus Haemocystidium. In this study, blood samples of six E. stokesii were analysed by both, molecular and microscopic methods to clarify the haemosporidia of this lizard. Application of these approaches offered discordant results. Whereas sequence analysis clustered our isolates with lizard species of Haemocystidium, morphology of blood stages is more akin to Plasmodium than Haemocystidium. However, limited sampling, indistinguishable nuclei/merozoites and risk of possible hidden presence of mixed infection prevent reliable species identification of detected parasites or their description as new species of Haemocystidium.





