HIV-1 subtype

HIV - 1 亚型
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    At present, research on the prevalence of primary drug resistance (PDR) in Hunan Province is limited. Therefore, we explored the current status of HIV-1 PDR in Hunan to provide a basis for antiretroviral therapy (ART) and a theoretical foundation for prevention and control of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Three hundred seventy newly diagnosed HIV-1-infected individuals who had not received ART in Hunan province, China, were enrolled in the study. Plasma samples were collected, RNA was extracted, two rounds of gene amplification were carried out with the in-house method, and subtype analysis and drug resistance analysis were carried out with relevant software. We found that the most prevalent subtypes of HIV-1 in Hunan Province are CRF_01AE (126/359, 35.1%) and CRF07_BC (85/359, 23.7%). The PDR rate among newly diagnosed HIV/AIDS patients was 10.0% (36/359). Among them, the drug resistance rates of protease inhibitors, nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors, non-nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors, and integrase inhibitors were 0.3% (1/359), 3.3% (12/359), 8.36% (30/359), and 0.6% (2/359), respectively. The distribution of HIV-1 subtypes in Hunan Province is diverse and complex, and the PDR rate has exceeded the low-level warning line set by the World Health Organization (<5%). Therefore, we should conduct pretreatment drug resistance assays to determine the optimal primary ART so that patients can obtain better antiretroviral treatment outcomes and transmission of drug-resistant strains in the population can be blocked.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is characterized by a large degree of genetic variability because of high rates of recombination and mutation, sizable population sizes, and rapid replication. Therefore, this study investigated HIV-1 subtype distribution and the appearance of drug resistance mutations (DRMs) in viruses that are prevalent in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The HIV-1 pol, env, and gag genes were amplified from 63 infected individuals and sequenced for a subtyping analysis. CRF01_AE was identified as the predominant HIV-1 circulating recombinant form (CRF) in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Subtype B and recombinant viruses containing CRF01_AE, CRF02_AG, and/or subtype B gene fragments were also detected. Several major DRMs against non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors were found among antiretroviral therapy (ART)-experienced subjects, whereas ART-naive subjects did not possess any transmitted drug resistance. The prevalence of DRMs was very high among ART-experienced subjects; therefore, further surveillance is required in this region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The HIV-1 epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa is heterogeneous with diverse unevenly distributed subtypes and regional differences in prevalence. Subtype-specific differences in disease progression rate and transmission efficiency have been reported, but the underlying biological mechanisms have not been fully characterized. Here, we tested the hypothesis that the subtypes prevalent in the East Africa, where adult prevalence rate is higher, have lower viral replication capacity (VRC) than their West African counterparts where adult prevalence rates are lower.
    Gag-protease sequencing was performed on 213 and 160 antiretroviral-naïve chronically infected participants from West and East Africa respectively and bioinformatic tools were used to infer subtypes and recombination patterns. VRC of patient-derived gag-protease chimeric viruses from West (n = 178) and East (n = 114) Africa were determined using a green fluorescent protein reporter-based cell assay. Subtype and regional differences in VRC and amino acid variants impacting VRC were identified by statistical methods. CRF02_AG (65%, n = 139), other recombinants (14%, n = 30) and pure subtypes (21%, n = 44) were identified in West Africa. Subtypes A1 (64%, n = 103), D (22%, n = 35), or recombinants (14%, n = 22) were identified in East Africa. Viruses from West Africa had significantly higher VRC compared to those from East Africa (p < 0.0001), with subtype-specific differences found among strains within West and East Africa (p < 0.0001). Recombination patterns showed a preference for subtypes D, G or J rather than subtype A in the p6 region of gag, with evidence that subtype-specific differences in this region impact VRC. Furthermore, the Gag A83V polymorphism was associated with reduced VRC in CRF02_AG. HLA-A*23:01 (p = 0.0014) and HLA-C*07:01 (p = 0.002) were associated with lower VRC in subtype A infected individuals from East Africa.
    Although prevalent viruses from West Africa displayed higher VRC than those from East Africa consistent with the hypothesis that lower VRC is associated with higher population prevalence, the predominant CRF02_AG strain in West Africa displayed higher VRC than other prevalent strains suggesting that VRC alone does not explain population prevalence. The study identified viral and host genetic determinants of virus replication capacity for HIV-1 CRF02_AG and subtype A respectively, which may have relevance for vaccine strategies.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of pretreatment drug resistance (PDR) is becoming an obstacle to the success of antiretroviral therapy (ART). Besides, data from developing settings including Ethiopia is still limited. Therefore, this study was aimed to assess HIV-1 genetic diversity and PDR mutations among ART-naive recently diagnosed HIV-1 infected individuals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
    Institutional based cross-sectional study was conducted from June to December 2018 in Addis Ababa among ART-naive recently diagnosed individuals. Partial HIV-1 pol region covering the entire protease (PR) and partial reverse transcriptase (RT) regions of 51 samples were amplified and sequenced using an in-house assay. Drug resistance mutations were examined using calibrated population resistance (CPR) tool version 6.0 from the Stanford HIV drug resistance database and the International Antiviral Society-USA (IAS-USA) 2019 mutation list.
    According to both algorithms used, 9.8% (5/51) of analyzed samples had at least one PDR Mutation. PDR mutations to Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs) were the most frequently detected (7.8% and 9.8%, according to the CPR tool and IAS-USA algorithm, respectively). The most frequently observed NNRTIs-associated mutations common to both algorithms were K103N (2%), Y188L (2%), K101E (2%), and V106A (2%), while E138A (2%) was observed according to IAS-USA only. Y115F and M184V (mutations that confer resistance to NRTIs) dual mutations were detected according to both criteria in a single study participant (2%). PDR mutation to protease inhibitors was found to be low (only G73S; 2% according to the CPR tool). Phylogenetic analysis showed that 98% (50/51) of the study participants were infected with HIV-1C virus while one individual (2%) was infected with HIV-1A1 virus.
    This study showed an increased level of PDR and persistence HIV-1C clade homogeneity after 15 years of the rollout of ART and 3 decades of HIV-1C circulation in Ethiopia, respectively. Therefore, we recommend routine baseline genotypic drug resistance testing for all newly diagnosed HIV infected patients before initiating treatment. This will aid the selection of appropriate therapy in achieving the 90% of patients having an undetectable viral load in consonance with the UN target.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The HIV type 1 (HIV-1) epidemic has continued to grow in Indonesia; however, continuous updates on the epidemiology of HIV-1 in Indonesia remain challenging because it is the biggest archipelago in the world. Furthermore, the emergence of HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) has had a negative impact on the treatment of infected individuals. In this study, we performed HIV-1 subtyping and the detection of HIVDR in 105 HIV-1-infected individuals residing in various cities in Indonesia during 2018-2019. The results obtained identified CRF01_AE as the major epidemic HIV-1 strain, responsible for 81.9% of infection cases, followed by subtype B (12.4%), CRF02_AG (3.8%), CRF52_01B (1%), and a recombinant between CRF01_AE and CRF02_AG (1.0%). Major drug resistance-associated mutations against reverse transcriptase inhibitors were detected in 20% of samples. These results suggest that CRF01_AE is a major HIV-1 strain in Indonesia, while CRF02_AG is emerging. The prevalence of HIVDR in Indonesia needs to be monitored.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Resistance to antiretroviral drugs is a major challenge among Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) positive patients receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART). Mutations that arise as a result of this are diverse across the various drugs, drug classes, drug regimens and subtypes. In Uganda, there is a paucity of information on how these mutations differ among the different drug regimens and the predominant HIV-1 subtypes. The purpose of this study was to determine mutation profile differences between first-line drug regimens: TDF/3TC/EFV and AZT/3TC/EFV and HIV-1 subtypes: A and D in Uganda. The study also investigated the potential usage of rilpivirine, doravirine and etravirine in patients who failed treatment on efavirenz.
    A retrospective study was conducted on 182 archived plasma samples obtained from patients who were experiencing virological failure between 2006 and 2017 at five Joint Clinical Research Center (JCRC) sites in Uganda. Sanger sequencing of the Reverse Transcriptase (RT) gene from codons 1-300 was done. Mutation scores were generated using the Stanford University HIV Drug Resistance Database. A Chi-square test was used to determine the association between drug resistance mutations (DRMs) and drug regimens or HIV-1 subtypes.
    The prevalence of DRMs was 84.6% among patients failing a first-line efavirenz (EFV)-based regimen. The most prevalent Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NRTI) mutations were M184V/I (67.3%), K219/Q/E (22.6%) and K65R (21.1%). While K103N (50.8%) and G190A/S/E/G (29.1%) were the most prevalent Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NNTRI) mutations. As expected, discriminatory DRMs such as K65R, L74I, and Y115F were noted in Tenofovir (TDF) containing regimens while the Thymidine Analogue Mutations (TAMs) L210W and T215 mutations were in Zidovudine (AZT)-based regimens. No significant difference (p = 0.336) was found for overall DRMs between HIV-1 subtypes A and D. Among the patients who had resistance to EFV, 37 (23.6%) were susceptible to newer NNRTIs such as Rilpivirine and Etravirine.
    Accumulation of DRMs between AZT/3TC/EFV and TDF/3TC/EFV is comparable but individual mutations that confer resistance to particular drugs should be considered at virological failure. Having either HIV-1 subtype A or D is not associated with the acquisition of DRMs, therefore HIV diversity should not determine the choice of treatment. Rilpivirine, etravirine and doravirine had minimal benefits for patients who failed on efavirenz.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transmitted drug resistance (TDR) and HIV-1 genetic diversity may affect treatment efficacy and clinical outcomes. Here we describe the circulating viral subtypes and estimate the prevalence of drug resistance among antiretroviral therapy (ART)-naïve patients attending Sapienza University Hospital (Rome, Italy) from 2006-2017.
    Genotypic resistance testing (GRT) was performed on 668 ART-naïve patients for integrase (n = 52), protease and reverse transcriptase (n = 668) sequences.
    Twenty-one different HIV-1 subtypes and circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) were identified. Subtype B was the most common (67.1%), followed by CRF02_AG (8.4%), and subtypes C and F (both 6.0%). A significantly increase in the proportion of non-B strains (P < 0.001) and the rate of non-Italian patients was observed over time. The overall prevalence of TDR was 9.4% (NRTI, 4.2%; NNRTI, 5.8%; and PI, 1.0%) and was higher in subtype B strains. Transmitted INSTI mutations (Q148H and G140S) responsible for high-level resistance to raltegravir and elvitegravir and intermediate resistance to dolutegravir and bictegravir were found, for the first time, in two individuals. Minor or accessory INSTI mutations were detected in 17.3% of patients. No significant decrease in the prevalence of TDR was documented over time.
    The significant increase in non-B subtypes suggests that the molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 is changing. Detection of a major INSTI mutation in two ART-naïve patients highlights the importance of performing GRT before commencing treatment. This finding and the lack of a significant reduction in TDRs underline the importance of continuous surveillance of resistance mutations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are marked differences in the spread and prevalence of HIV-1 subtypes worldwide, and differences in clinical progression have been reported. However, the biological reasons underlying these differences are unknown. Gag-protease is essential for HIV-1 replication, and Gag-protease-driven replication capacity has previously been correlated with disease progression. We show that Gag-protease replication capacity correlates significantly with that of whole isolates (r = 0.51; P = 0.04), indicating that Gag-protease is a significant contributor to viral replication capacity. Furthermore, we investigated subtype-specific differences in Gag-protease-driven replication capacity using large well-characterized cohorts in Africa and the Americas. Patient-derived Gag-protease sequences were inserted into an HIV-1 NL4-3 backbone, and the replication capacities of the resulting recombinant viruses were measured in an HIV-1-inducible reporter T cell line by flow cytometry. Recombinant viruses expressing subtype C Gag-proteases exhibited substantially lower replication capacities than those expressing subtype B Gag-proteases (P < 0.0001); this observation remained consistent when representative Gag-protease sequences were engineered into an HIV-1 subtype C backbone. We identified Gag residues 483 and 484, located within the Alix-binding motif involved in virus budding, as major contributors to subtype-specific replicative differences. In East African cohorts, we observed a hierarchy of Gag-protease-driven replication capacities, i.e., subtypes A/C < D < intersubtype recombinants (P < 0.0029), which is consistent with reported intersubtype differences in disease progression. We thus hypothesize that the lower Gag-protease-driven replication capacity of subtypes A and C slows disease progression in individuals infected with these subtypes, which in turn leads to greater opportunity for transmission and thus increased prevalence of these subtypes.IMPORTANCE HIV-1 subtypes are unevenly distributed globally, and there are reported differences in their rates of disease progression and epidemic spread. The biological determinants underlying these differences have not been fully elucidated. Here, we show that HIV-1 Gag-protease-driven replication capacity correlates with the replication capacity of whole virus isolates. We further show that subtype B displays a significantly higher Gag-protease-mediated replication capacity than does subtype C, and we identify a major genetic determinant of these differences. Moreover, in two independent East African cohorts we demonstrate a reproducible hierarchy of Gag-protease-driven replicative capacity, whereby recombinants exhibit the greatest replication, followed by subtype D, followed by subtypes A and C. Our data identify Gag-protease as a major determinant of subtype differences in disease progression among HIV-1 subtypes; furthermore, we propose that the poorer viral replicative capacity of subtypes A and C may paradoxically contribute to their more efficient spread in sub-Saharan Africa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have demonstrated that coinfection with HPgV is a protective factor for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients, leading to slower disease progression, and longer survival after established disease. The present study sought to estimate the prevalence of HPgV infection and associated risk factors in patients harboring C or non-C HIV-1 subtypes followed-up at HU-FURG, southern Brazil. Samples from 347 HIV-1-infected subjects were subjected to plasma RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, HPgV RNA detection, and HIV-1 genotyping. The overall prevalence of HPgV RNA was 34%. Individuals aged 18-30 years had higher chances of infection compared with those 50 years or older (95%CI 1.18-52.36, P = 0.03). The number of sexual partner between one and three was a risk factor for HPgV infection (95%CI 1.54-10.23; P < 0.01), as well as the time since diagnosis of HIV-1 ≥ 11 years (95%CI 1.01-2.89; P = 0.04). Patients infected with HIV non-C subtypes had six times more chance of being HPgV-infected when compared to subtype C-infected subjects (95%CI 2.28-14.78; P < 0.01). This was the first study conducted in southern Brazil to find the circulation of HPgV. HIV/HPgV coinfection was associated with a longer survival among HIV+ patients. Of novelty, individuals infected by HIV non-C subtypes were more susceptible to HPgV infection. However, additional studies are needed to correlate the HIV-1 subtypes with HPgV infection and to clarify cellular and molecular pathways through which such associations are ruled. J. Med. Virol 88:2106-2114, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The distribution of prevalent HIV-1 strains are still complex in China. Men who have sex with men (MSM) play an important bridging role in spreading HIV. The aim of our study was to quantitatively evaluate the prevalence of HIV-1 subtypes among the MSM population in China from published studies. Relevant studies were searched by selection criteria from CNKI, CBM, Pubmed, etc. We computed the estimates of the pooled proportion of HIV-1 subtypes. Heterogeneity between studies was investigated and measured using Cochran\'s Q statistic and the I (2) statistic. All analyses were conducted by the R statistical package version 2.13.1. A meta-analysis was performed, which included 19 articles. For comprehensive analysis of env, gag and pol genes, the pooled estimates for the prevalence of subtype B was 28.25% (95% CI: 18.10-39.66%), CRF01_AE was 53.46% (95% CI: 46.11-60.74%), CRF07_BC was 18.66% (95% CI: 13.06-25.01%) and CRF08_BC was 5.85% (95% CI: 2.73-10.07%), respectively. In subgroup analysis, the proportion of subtype B decreased, while the proportion of CRF01_AE and CRF07_BC showed an increasing tendency. Beijing, Guangdong and Henan provinces had high proportions of subtype CRF01_AE while Guangdong and Hebei provinces had the highest proportions of subtype B and CRF07_BC, respectively. A high genetic variability of HIV-1 presents a serious challenge for HIV prevention and treatment strategies among MSM in China.





