Growth cessation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the course of the year, temperate trees experience extremes in temperature and day length. In order to protect themselves from frost damage in winter, they enter a dormant state with no visible growth where all leaves are shed and buds are dormant. Also the young floral tissues need to withstand harsh winter conditions, as temperature fruit trees like apple develop their flower buds in the previous year of fruit development. So far, the genetic control of induction and release of dormancy is not fully understood. However, the transcription factor family of DORMANCY-Associated MADS-box (DAM) genes plays a major role in the control of winter dormancy. One of these genes is MdDAM4. This gene is expressed in the early phase of bud dormancy, but little is known about its function. Six transgenic apple lines were produced to study the function of MdDAM4 in apple. For plant transformation, the binary plasmid vector p9oN-35s-MdDAM4 was used that contains the coding sequence of MdDAM4 driven by the 35S promoter. Transgenicity of the lines was proven by PCR and southern hybridization. Based on siRNA sequencing and phenotypic observations, it was concluded that line M2024 overexpresses MdDAM4 whereas the gene is silenced in all other lines. Phenotyping of the transgenic lines provided evidence that the overexpression of MdDAM4 leads to an earlier induction and a later release of dormancy. Silencing this gene had exactly the opposite effects and thereby led to an increased duration of the vegetation period. Expression experiments revealed genes that were either potentially repressed or activated by MdDAM4. Among the potentially suppressed genes were several homologs of the cytokinin oxidase 5 (CKX5), five LOX homologs, and several expansins, which may indicate a link between MdDAM4 and the control of leaf senescence. Among the potentially activated genes is MdDAM1, which is in line with observed expression patterns during winter dormancy. MdDAM2, which shows little expression during endodormancy also appears to be activated by MdDAM4. Overall, this study provides experimental evidence with transgenic apple trees for MdDAM4 being an important regulator of the onset of bud dormancy in apple.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to clarify the differences in spine and total body height growth and curve progression between Sanders maturation stage (SMS) 7A and 7B in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS).
    METHODS: This retrospective case-control study involving patients with AIS at SMS 7 evaluated the differential gains in the spine (T1-S1) and total body height and curve progression between SMS 7A and 7B. A validated formula was used to calculate the corrected height, accounting for height loss due to scoliosis. A multivariable non-linear and logistic regression model was applied to assess the distinct growth and curve progression patterns between the SMS 7 subtypes, adjusting for potential confounders.
    RESULTS: A total of 231 AIS patients (83% girls, mean age 13.9 ± 1.2 years) were included, with follow-up averaging 3.0 years. Patients at SMS 7A exhibited larger gains in spine height (9.9 mm vs. 6.3 mm) and total body height (19.8 mm vs. 13.4 mm) compared with SMS 7B. These findings remained consistent even after adjustments for curve magnitude. Non-linear regression models showed continued spine and total body height increases plateauing after 2 years, significantly greater in SMS 7A. More SMS 7A patients had curve progression over 10°, with an adjusted odds ratio of 3.31.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed that patients staged SMS 7A exhibited more spine and total body growth and a greater incidence of substantial curve progression than those at 7B. These findings imply that delaying brace discontinuation until reaching 7B could be beneficial, particularly for those with larger curves.
    METHODS: Level III (Case-control study).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Osteomyelitis, a severe bone infection, poses a multifaceted challenge to healthcare professionals. While its pathophysiology and treatment have been extensively studied, the impact of osteomyelitis on skeletal growth, particularly in pediatric patients, is an area that warrants attention. This abstract highlights the significance of understanding and managing growth disturbances in osteomyelitis, providing key findings and recommendations for clinicians. Understanding growth disturbance in osteomyelitis is essential because it can lead to lifelong consequences for pediatric patients. The infection may affect the growth plate, leading to limb length discrepancies, angular deformities, and functional impairments. These complications not only diminish the quality of life but also pose a substantial economic burden on the healthcare system. Therefore, early recognition and intervention are crucial. Key findings indicate that the risk of growth disturbances in osteomyelitis is particularly high in pediatric patients due to the vulnerability of the growth plate. Timely diagnosis, appropriate management, and targeted interventions can mitigate the long-term sequelae of growth disturbances. These include utilizing advanced imaging techniques to assess the extent of growth plate involvement, optimizing antibiotic therapy, and employing surgical techniques like epiphysiodesis, guided growth, or corrective osteotomies. Additionally, fostering a multidisciplinary approach that involves orthopedic surgeons, infectious disease specialists, and pediatric endocrinologists is vital to achieving successful outcomes. Recommendations for managing growth disturbance in osteomyelitis encompass early detection, meticulous monitoring, and a tailored treatment plan. Healthcare providers should remain vigilant for signs of growth plate involvement in osteomyelitis patients, especially in the pediatric population. A thorough evaluation, including advanced imaging and clinical assessment, is essential for accurate diagnosis. Close collaboration between specialists to address the infection and its skeletal consequences is crucial. Furthermore, patient and family education plays a pivotal role in fostering compliance with the treatment regimen. In conclusion, understanding and managing growth disturbances in osteomyelitis is paramount, particularly in pediatric patients. The implications of growth plate involvement are significant, and timely intervention is essential to prevent lifelong consequences. By implementing a comprehensive approach that combines accurate diagnosis, multidisciplinary collaboration, and patient education, healthcare professionals can enhance the quality of life and well-being of those affected by this challenging condition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perennial trees in boreal and temperate regions undergo growth cessation and bud set under short photoperiods, which are regulated by phytochrome B (phyB) photoreceptors and PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 8 (PIF8) proteins. However, the direct signaling components downstream of the phyB-PIF8 module remain unclear. We found that short photoperiods suppressed the expression of miR156, while upregulated the expression of miR156-targeted SQUAMOSA-PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE 16 (SPL16) and SPL23 in leaves and shoot apices of Populus trees. Accordingly, either overexpression of MIR156a/c or mutagenesis of SPL16/23 resulted in the attenuation of growth cessation and bud set under short days (SD), whereas overexpression of SPL16 and SPL23 conferred early growth cessation. We further showed that SPL16 and SPL23 directly suppressed FLOWERING LOCUS T2 (FT2) expression while promoted BRANCHED1 (BRC1.1 and BRC1.2) expression. Moreover, we revealed that PIF8.1/8.2, positive regulators of growth cessation, directly bound to promoters of MIR156a and MIR156c and inhibited their expression to modulate downstream pathways. Our results reveal a connection between the phyB-PIF8 module-mediated photoperiod perception and the miR156-SPL16/23-FT2/BRC1 regulatory cascades in SD-induced growth cessation. Our study provides insights into the rewiring of a conserved miR156-SPL module in the regulation of seasonal growth in Populus trees.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The decision to stop growing and mature into an adult is a critical point in development that determines adult body size, impacting multiple aspects of an adult\'s biology. In many animals, growth cessation is a consequence of hormone release that appears to be tied to the attainment of a particular body size or condition. Nevertheless, the size-sensing mechanism animals use to initiate hormone synthesis is poorly understood. Here, we develop a simple mathematical model of growth cessation in Drosophila melanogaster, which is ostensibly triggered by the attainment of a critical weight (CW) early in the last instar. Attainment of CW is correlated with the synthesis of the steroid hormone ecdysone, which causes a larva to stop growing, pupate, and metamorphose into the adult form. Our model suggests that, contrary to expectation, the size-sensing mechanism that initiates metamorphosis occurs before the larva reaches CW; that is, the critical-weight phenomenon is a downstream consequence of an earlier size-dependent developmental decision, not a decision point itself. Further, this size-sensing mechanism does not require a direct assessment of body size but emerges from the interactions between body size, ecdysone, and nutritional signaling. Because many aspects of our model are evolutionarily conserved among all animals, the model may provide a general framework for understanding how animals commit to maturing from their juvenile to adult form.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fluctuations in environmental conditions greatly influence life on earth. Plants, as sessile organisms, have developed molecular mechanisms to adapt their development to changes in daylength, or photoperiod. One of the first plant features that comes to mind as affected by the duration of the day is flowering time; we all bring up a clear image of spring blossom. However, for many plants flowering happens at other times of the year, and many other developmental aspects are also affected by changes in daylength, which range from hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis thaliana to tuberization in potato or autumn growth cessation in trees. Strikingly, many of the processes affected by photoperiod employ similar gene networks to respond to changes in the length of light/dark cycles. In this review, we have focused on developmental processes affected by photoperiod that share similar genes and gene regulatory networks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The seasonally synchronized annual growth cycle that is regulated mainly by photoperiod and temperature cues is a crucial adaptive strategy for perennial plants in boreal and temperate ecosystems. Phytochrome B (phyB), as a light and thermal sensor, has been extensively studied in Arabidopsis. However, the specific mechanisms for how the phytochrome photoreceptors control the phenology in tree species remain poorly understood. We characterized the functions of PHYB genes and their downstream PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR (PIF) targets in the regulation of shade avoidance and seasonal growth in hybrid aspen trees. We show that while phyB1 and phyB2, as phyB in other plants, act as suppressors of shoot elongation during vegetative growth, they act as promoters of tree seasonal growth. Furthermore, while the Populus homologs of both PIF4 and PIF8 are involved in the shade avoidance syndrome (SAS), only PIF8 plays a major role as a suppressor of seasonal growth. Our data suggest that the PHYB-PIF8 regulon controls seasonal growth through the regulation of FT and CENL1 expression while a genome-wide transcriptome analysis suggests how, in Populus trees, phyB coordinately regulates SAS responses and seasonal growth cessation.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    BACKGROUND: Over the life cycle of perennial trees, the dormant state enables the avoidance of abiotic stress conditions. The growth cycle can be partitioned into induction, maintenance and release and is controlled by complex interactions between many endogenous and environmental factors. While phytohormones have long been linked with dormancy, there is increasing evidence of regulation by DAM and CBF genes. To reveal whether the expression kinetics of CBFs and their target PtDAM1 is related to growth cessation and endodormancy induction in Populus, two hybrid poplar cultivars were studied which had known differential responses to dormancy inducing conditions.
    RESULTS: Growth cessation, dormancy status and expression of six PtCBFs and PtDAM1 were analyzed. The \'Okanese\' hybrid cultivar ceased growth rapidly, was able to reach endodormancy, and exhibited a significant increase of several PtCBF transcripts in the buds on the 10th day. The \'Walker\' cultivar had delayed growth cessation, was unable to enter endodormancy, and showed much lower CBF expression in buds. Expression of PtDAM1 peaked on the 10th day only in the buds of \'Okanese\'. In addition, PtDAM1 was not expressed in the leaves of either cultivar while leaf CBFs expression pattern was several fold higher in \'Walker\', peaking at day 1. Leaf phytohormones in both cultivars followed similar profiles during growth cessation but differentiated based on cytokinins which were largely reduced, while the Ox-IAA and iP7G increased in \'Okanese\' compared to \'Walker\'. Surprisingly, ABA concentration was reduced in leaves of both cultivars. However, the metabolic deactivation product of ABA, phaseic acid, exhibited an early peak on the first day in \'Okanese\'.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that PtCBFs and PtDAM1 have differential kinetics and spatial localization which may be related to early growth cessation and endodormancy induction under the regime of low night temperature and short photoperiod in poplar. Unlike buds, PtCBFs and PtDAM1 expression levels in leaves were not associated with early growth cessation and dormancy induction under these conditions. Our study provides new evidence that the degradation of auxin and cytokinins in leaves may be an important regulatory point in a CBF-DAM induced endodormancy. Further investigation of other PtDAMs in bud tissue and a study of both growth-inhibiting and the degradation of growth-promoting phytohormones is warranted.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Apple trees require a long exposure to chilling temperature during winter to acquire competency to flower and grow in the following spring. Climate change or adverse meteorological conditions can impair release of dormancy and delay bud break, hence jeopardizing fruit production and causing substantial economic losses. In order to characterize the molecular mechanisms controlling bud dormancy in apple we focused our work on the MADS-box transcription factor gene MdDAM1. We show that MdDAM1 silencing is required for the release of dormancy and bud break in spring. MdDAM1 transcript levels are drastically reduced in the low-chill varieties \'Anna\' and \'Dorsett Golden\' compared to \'Golden Delicious\' corroborating its role as a key genetic factor controlling the release of bud dormancy in Malus species. The functional characterization of MdDAM1 using RNA silencing resulted in trees unable to cease growth in winter and that displayed an evergrowing, or evergreen, phenotype several years after transgenesis. These trees lost their capacity to enter in dormancy and produced leaves and shoots regardless of the season. A transcriptome study revealed that apple evergrowing lines are a genocopy of \'Golden Delicious\' trees at the onset of the bud break with the significant gene repression of the related MADS-box gene MdDAM4 as a major feature. We provide the first functional evidence that MADS-box transcriptional factors are key regulators of bud dormancy in pome fruit trees and demonstrate that their silencing results in a defect of growth cessation in autumn. Our findings will help producing low-chill apple variants from the elite commercial cultivars that will withstand climate change.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cessation of growth as winter approaches is a key adaptive trait for survival of perennial plants, such as long-lived trees native to boreal and temperate regions [1, 2]. The timing of growth cessation in these plants is controlled by photoperiodic cues. As shown recently, perception of growth-repressive short photoperiod (SP) mediated via components of circadian clock results in downregulation of the tree ortholog of Arabidopsis flowering regulator FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), FT2 [3, 4]. Downregulation of FT2 results in suppression of downstream components LAP1 (orthologous to the Arabidopsis floral meristem identity gene APETALA1) and AIL1 (orthologous to AINTEGUMENTA in Arabidopsis), culminating in induction of growth cessation and bud set [5-7]. Results presented here reveal that, in addition to the CO/FT pathway, a photoperiodically controlled negative feedback loop involving a tree ortholog of Arabidopsis BRANCHED1 (BRC1) (a member of TEOSINTE BRANCHED 1, CYCLOIDEA, PCF family), LAP1, and FT2 participates in regulation of seasonal growth in the model tree hybrid aspen. In growth-promotive long photoperiod, LAP1 suppresses expression of BRC1, but upon perception of growth-repressive SP, downregulation of LAP1 de-represses expression of its downstream target BRC1. BRC1 physically interacts with FT2, and BRC1-FT interaction further reinforces the effect of SP and triggers growth cessation by antagonizing FT action. Accordingly, BRC1 gain and loss of function result in early and retarded growth cessation responses to SP, respectively. Thus, these results reveal a regulatory feedback loop that reinforces responses to SP and induction of seasonal growth cessation.





