
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) dentistry have significantly changed workflows in recent years. Restorations and devices can now be digitally designed and 3D-printed for dental care purposes. This clinical case report provides straightforward protocols for the digital design and 3D manufacture of gingivectomy and tooth preparation guides. These types of guides improved the gingival architecture of the anterior teeth and provided controllable tooth preparations prior to labial ceramic veneers. Thoughtful clinical evaluation started with listening to the patient\'s chief complaint and extra- and intra-oral evaluations. Then a digital wax-up was performed, followed by an intra-oral mock-up, to evaluate the shape of the proposed restorations. After patient acceptance, the clinical procedure started with the gingivectomy and tooth preparation. Hand-crafted porcelain veneers were bonded under rubber dam isolation to avoid any contamination and maximize the bonding protocol. The esthetic and functional demands were fully satisfied. Predictable outcomes can be obtained whenever a meticulous evaluation and execution of all the steps are performed. Three dimensional printing technology allows the fabrication of devices such as gingivectomy and tooth reduction guides that help accomplish the desired results.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This article aims to describe purposeful reimplantation and inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia cases caused due to poor dental health and malpositioning of teeth. A 17-year-old male patient was referred to a dental specialty hospital for soft tissue growth in the lower anterior tooth region. Anamnesis and clinical examination revealed that tooth #31 was severely hypoplastic. A surgical procedure and purposeful reimplantation were carried out, and a histological examination revealed inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia. During the follow-up appointments, it was feasible to see progress and the patient\'s satisfaction. Despite the low occurrence of inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia, it is important to note that tooth positioning outside of its normal alignment in the arch can contribute to plaque and calculus accumulation, which can then become etiological factors for inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia. As a result, dentists must be attentive in order to establish a diagnosis and therapeutic therapy as well as monitor these instances.
    UNASSIGNED: Gangwar A, Murry JN, Jungio MP, et al. Establishing Aesthetics by Purposeful Autoreimplantation in Inflammatory Fibrous Hyperplasia: A 12-Month Follow-up Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2024;17(2):216-220.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Gingival enlargement (GE) is an increase in the size of the gingiva. It may be due to inflammation caused by extensive plaque accumulation, intake of drugs, systemic conditions like pregnancy and puberty, systemic diseases such as leukemia or Wegener\'s granulomatosis, hereditary gingival fibromatosis, and neoplastic or false enlargement. Idiopathic GE is the massive increase in the size of the gingiva with an unknown etiology. It may have a hereditary basis, be linked to physical impairment, or begin with eruption of primary or permanent dentition. It is also referred as gingivomatosis, hereditary gingival fibromatosis, elephantiasis gingivae, gigantism of the gingiva, or congenital macrogingivae. The enlarged gingiva compromises oral hygiene maintenance, which secondarily adds to the inflammatory component of enlargement. Altogether, this exaggerates the existing condition. This type of extensively disfigured gingiva affects speech, mastication, and esthetics, causes halitosis, and disturbs the overall well-being of the individual. Surgical removal of the enlarged gingiva along with meticulous non-surgical means of plaque control is expected to provide a satisfactory functional and esthetic outcome. This case report presents a rare case of long-standing massive grade III GE extending up to the occlusal level in a 17-year-old systemically healthy, non-syndromic young female involving both arches, thereby posing a diagnostic dilemma. It was treated by gingivectomy using a conventional technique to facilitate precise incision, lower cost, and faster re-epithelialization. This was followed by gingivoplasty using electrocautery. The postoperative results of three months were satisfactory in terms of function and esthetics with uneventful healing. Further follow-up is ongoing for the same.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Gingival enlargement (GE) can result from gingival inflammation, fibrous overgrowth, or a combination of both factors. Various etiological factors contribute to GE, including low-grade trauma, iatrogenic causes, drug-induced effects, systemic diseases, plaque accumulation, hormonal influences, vitamin deficiencies, genetic predispositions, and idiopathic reasons. Effective treatment in clinical practice hinges on accurately diagnosing the underlying cause. Among these, plaque-induced inflammation is the most common, driven by the accumulation of plaque and calculus. One challenge in maintaining oral hygiene is orthodontic treatment, which can impact speech, chewing, aesthetics, and psychological well-being. In this case report, a 21-year-old female patient developed GE associated with orthodontic appliance use. To address this, excess gingival tissue was surgically removed under local anesthesia using gingivectomy and gingivoplasty procedures, and the excised tissue was sent for histopathological examination. Following the surgery, a periodontal dressing (GC Coe Pack™) was applied to protect the tissue and aid in healing. The case underscores that enlarged gingival tissue, covering nearly half of the dental crowns, led to plaque accumulation and aesthetic concerns. Post-procedure, achieving a proper gingival contour eliminated suprabony pockets and enhanced the aesthetic appearance. The patient showed positive outcomes with no remaining suprabony pockets, resulting in a natural gingival contour, improved aesthetics, and reduced plaque retention. Surgical gingivectomy and gingivoplasty proved to be successful interventions in this case.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Zimmermann-Laband Syndrome (ZLS; MIM 135500) is a rare genetic disorder with the main clinical manifestations of gingival fibromatosis and finger/toe nail hypoplasia. KCNH1 (potassium channel, voltage-gated, subfamily H, member-1), KCNN3 (potassium channel, voltage-gated, subfamily H, member-3) and ATP6V1B2 (ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit B2) genes are considered causative genes for ZLS. However, there are limited reports about the diverse clinical presentation and genetic heterogeneity. Reporting more information on phenotype-genotype correlation and the treatment of ZLS is necessary. This case reported a 2-year-old patient with gingival enlargement that failure of eruption of the deciduous teeth and severe hypoplasia of nails. Based on a systemic examination and a review of the relevant literature, we made an initial clinical diagnosis of ZLS. A novel pathogenic variant in the KCNH1 gene was identified using whole-exome sequencing to substantiate our preliminary diagnosis. The histopathological results were consistent with gingival fibromatosis. Gingivectomy and gingivoplasty were performed under general anesthesia. After surgery, the gingival appearance improved significantly, and the masticatory function of the teeth was restored. After 2-year follow-up, the gingival showed slightly hyperplasia. Systemic examination and gene sequencing firstly contribute to provide information for an early diagnosis for ZLS, then timely removal of the hyperplastic gingival facilitates the establishment of a normal occlusal relationship and improves oral aesthetics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Resveratrol is a natural polyphenolic compound with biological activities such as anti-inflammation and antioxidation. Its anti-fibrotic effect has been experimentally demonstrated in the pancreas and liver. This study aims to determine the anti-proliferative effect of resveratrol on fibroblasts obtained from hyperplastic gingival tissues from a patient diagnosed with Juvenile Hyaline Fibromatosis (JHF).
    METHODS: Primary gingival fibroblast cell lines were obtained from gingival growth tissues by the gingivectomy of a patient with JHF. Gingival fibroblasts were treated with or without 3 different doses of resveratrol (50, 100, 200 µM). Cytotoxicity and cell proliferation were evaluated after 24, 48, and 72 h. Collagen, TGF, and CTGF were analyzed by ELISA in the 48-hour supernatants.
    RESULTS: All three doses of resveratrol suppressed the proliferation of JHF gingival fibroblasts at 24 and 48 h without showing any cytotoxic effect compared to the control group (p < 0.0001). At 72 h, 100 and 200 µM resveratrol showed significantly less proliferation (p < 0.0001), less collagen, CTGF, and TGF- β (p < 0.001) than the control group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Resveratrol had a profound anti-proliferative effect on gingival fibroblasts obtained from gingival enlargements with JHF, suggesting that it can be used as a therapeutic to prevent excessive cell growth by suppressing collagen, CTGF, and TGF- β synthesis in the pathogenesis of hyperplasia.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The frenum, a fold of mucous membrane, connects the lip and cheek to the alveolar mucosa, gingiva, and underlying periosteum. When the frenum is positioned excessively near the gingival margin, it has the potential to compromise gingival health, impeding plaque control efforts and inducing muscular stress. A frenectomy is a commonly employed corrective measure for anomalous frenum attachments. In a recent clinical case, a 21-year-old female patient was referred from the Department of Orthodontics to the Department of Periodontics due to a papillary-type aberrant labial frenum attachment and excessive gingival tissue surrounding the upper right and left central incisors. The patient underwent a frenectomy, gingivectomy, and gingivoplasty procedures under local anesthesia to address the abnormal frenum attachment and gingival overgrowth using a scalpel. This approach has been demonstrated to yield optimal outcomes in orthodontic therapy for patients exhibiting elevated frenum attachment and gingival overgrowth. Following the achievement of hemostasis, a periodontal pack was applied to facilitate healing and preserve the soft tissue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Gingivectomy has been the preferred method since the findings in 1884. It evolved from \"blind\" subgingival scaling to \"the excision of the soft tissue\". The use of these techniques is no longer mandatory in clinical situations; therefore, researchers have searched for numerous publications that have been registered regarding gingivectomy. This research aims to fill the niche area by assessing more about gingivectomy and it\'s trend among the periodontology topic of discussion.
    UNASSIGNED: Descriptive and analytical observation by evaluating the result of the VOS viewer mapping and calculation throughout the bibliographic data from publications obtained from SCOPUS in July 2022.
    UNASSIGNED: There are 660 publications from six types of publication. Related keywords are compiled and visualized by network mapping. There is a significant gap among the contributing countries in the number of documents and number of citations per journal. However, a minimal gap is seen in other objectives, such as authors, journals, and institutions on their contribution towards the publication of gingivectomy topics.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 660 of 1914 articles were included in the analysis after the filtering process, and these articles were cited 5910 times, with an average of 9 citations per article.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: One of the important things to preserve during crown lengthening is the biologic width (BW), recently called supracrestal tissue attachment. A healthy periodontium with adequate BW is very essential for the success of restored teeth. There are various techniques to perform crown lengthening procedures. Most of the studies have focused on assessing the changes in the position of the marginal gingiva and bone as outcome parameters rather than BW. Also, most of the research was done on animal models.
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the periodontal tissue changes at three months and six months following two different surgical crown lengthening procedures.
    METHODS: Sixty mandibular first molars among 60 patients that required surgical crown lengthening were enrolled in the study and subjected to two different procedures, gingivectomy (Group I; n=30) and apically positioned flap with ostectomy (Group II; n=30). The following parameters were recorded at baseline, three months, and six months, position of free gingival margin (FGM), probing depth (PD), relative attachment level (RAL), bone level (BL), and BW. These measurements were made at three sites in every patient: treated tooth sites (TT), adjacent tooth\'s adjacent sites (AD), and adjacent tooth\'s non-adjacent sites (NAD). The data was then subjected to statistical analysis using SPSS software (Version 20.0). Statistical significance was set to p<0.05.
    RESULTS: When groups I and II were compared at three and six months, there was no statistical difference in terms of position of FGM, PD, and RAL (p>0.05). When BW was compared between the two groups at three and six months, group II showed better reestablishment of BW at any given time period and was statistically significant (p<0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS:  Following surgical crown lengthening, the bone level was shifted apically and allowed for the reestablishment of BW. At six months of follow-up, the apically positioned flap with ostectomy was superior in restoring the BW compared to gingivectomy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Idiopathic gingival fibromatosis (IGF), a rare fibroproliferative disease of unknown etiology, affects gingival tissue and has substantial adverse effects on patients. Therefore, the pathogenesis of IGF requires more extensive and in-depth research. In this case, a patient with confirmed IGF underwent initial nonsurgical periodontal therapy and gingivectomy, and the prognosis was good. The patient had no loss of periodontal attachment but had a history of swelling and bleeding of the gingiva prior to fibrous enlargement, which prompted further investigation. We explored the patient\'s subgingival microbiome and found a high abundance of periodontal pathogens. Gingival tissue biopsy revealed abundant fibrous tissue containing multiple inflammatory cell infiltrates. These results suggest that gingival inflammation secondary to periodontal pathogens can contribute to IGF onset.





