Gill epithelium

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastics are ubiquitous environmental pollutants frequently detected in aquatic environments. Here we used the Atlantic salmon epithelial gill cell line (ASG-10) to investigate the uptake and effects of polystyrene (PS) microplastic. The ASG-10 cell line has phagocytotic/endocytic capacities and can take up clear PS particles at 0.2 and 1.0 µm, while PS at 10 µm was not taken up. As a response to the uptake, the ASG-10 cells increased their lysosomal activity. Furthermore, no effects on the mitochondria were found, neither on the mitochondrial membrane potential nor the mitochondria morphology (branch length and diameter). Interestingly, even a very high concentration of PS (200 µg/ml) with all tested particle sizes had no effects on cell viability or cell cycle. The environmental toxin Benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P), a known inducer of CYP1A, is highly hydrophobic and thus sticks to the PS particles. However, co-exposure of B(a)P and PS the particles did not increase the induction of CYP1A activity compared to B(a)P alone. Our study contributes to the understanding of the cellular effects of PS particles using a highly relevant Atlantic salmon gill epithelium in vitro model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A 2D primary gill cell culture system of the sevenband grouper (Hyporthodus septemfasciatus) was established to validate the pathogenesis of nervous necrosis virus (NNV) as observed in previous studies. This system, developed using the double-seeded insert (DSI) technique, yielded confluent cell layers. Upon challenge with NNV in a setup containing both autoclaved salt water and L15 media in the apical compartment, viral replication akin to that anticipated based on previous studies was observed. Consequently, we advocate for the utilization of primary gill cell culture as a viable alternative to conventional methodologies for investigating host pathogen interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here we evaluated the gill epithelial cell line ASG-10 from Atlantic salmon, as an in vitro model for research on known water quality challenges in aquaculture. Ammonia/ammonium (NH3/NH4+), a recognized challenge in water-intensive recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), induced lysosomal vacuolization, reduced protein degradation and cell migration of the ASG-10 cells. Aluminium (Aln+), another challenge in freshwater aquaculture facilities had only minor effects. Next, we investigated the tolerance for direct water exposure of ASG-10. The cells tolerated water with osmolarity between 169 and 419 mOsmol/kg for 24 h. However, cells exposed for 3 h to water at 863 mOsmol/kg changed cellular morphology and induced gene expression related to stress (gpx1, casp3, hsp70), and after 24 h exposure cellular viability was severely reduced. Nevertheless, when the cells were grown in transwell inserts, they tolerated 863 mOsmol/kg for 3 h and induction of stress response associated genes was considerably reduced. Lastly, the ASG-10 cells were exposed to water samples, with no known quality issues, from different aquaculture facilities. The cells showed no differences in viability or morphology compared to their representative control. In conclusion, the ASG-10 cell line is a promising in vitro model to study water quality challenges and whole water samples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fish gills are not only the respiratory organ, but also essential for ion-regulation, acid-base control, detoxification, waste excretion and host defense. Multifactorial gill diseases are common in farmed Atlantic salmon, and still poorly understood. Understanding gill pathophysiology is of paramount importance, but the sacrifice of large numbers of experimental animals for this purpose should be avoided. Therefore, in vitro models, such as cell lines, are urgently required to replace fish trials. An Atlantic salmon gill epithelial cell line, ASG-10, was established at the Norwegian Veterinary institute in 2018. This cell line forms a monolayer expressing cytokeratin, e-cadherin and desmosomes, hallmarks of a functional epithelial barrier. To determine the value of ASG-10 for comparative studies of gill functions, the characterization of ASG-10 was taken one step further by performing functional assays and comparing the cell proteome and transcriptome with those of gills from juvenile freshwater Atlantic salmon. The ASG-10 cell line appear to be a homogenous cell line consisting of epithelial cells, which express tight junction proteins. We demonstrated that ASG-10 forms a barrier, both alone and in co-culture with the Atlantic salmon gill fibroblast cell line ASG-13. ASG-10 cells can phagocytose and express several ATP-binding cassette transport proteins. Additionally, ASG-10 expresses genes involved in biotransformation of xenobiotics and immune responses. Taken together, this study provides an overview of functions that can be studied using ASG-10, which will be an important contribution to in vitro gill epithelial research of Atlantic salmon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Limnoperna fortunei, the golden mussel, is a bivalve mollusk considered an invader in South America. This species is responsible for ecological and economic damages due to its voluminous fouling capability. Chemical biocides such as MXD-100™ and sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC) are often used to control L. fortunei infestations in hydraulic systems. Thus, we proposed to investigate the effects of different periods (24, 48 and 72 h) of exposure to MXD-100™ (0.56 mg L-1) and NaDCC (1.5 mg L-1) on the gills of L. fortunei through morphological and molecular analyses. NaDCC promoted progressive morphological changes during the analyzed periods and only an upregulation of SOD and HSP70 expression during the first 24 h of exposure. MXD-100™ led to severe morphological changes from the first period of exposure, in addition to an upregulation of SOD, CAT, HSP70 and CYP expression during the first 24 h. In contrast, MXD-100™ led to a downregulation of CAT transcription between 24 and 48 h. In static conditions, NaDCC causes lethal damage after 72 h of exposure, and that exposure needs to be continuous to achieve the control of the species. Meanwhile, the MXD-100™ treatment presented several effects during the first 24 h, showing acute toxicity in a shorter period of time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gills reportedly play a crucial role in induction of an antiviral immune response in fish. We investigated the expression of innate response genes in the rainbow trout gill epithelial cell line RTgill-W1 36 h after pretreatment with ultraviolet-inactivated viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (UV-VHSV), flagellin C protein from Edwardsiella tarda (FliC), VHSV and SVCV using an Agilent 4 × 44k cGRASP salmonid microarray. RTgill-W1 cells pretreated with UV-VHSV, triggered an independent gene expression profile from those treated with a recombinant flagellin C protein from Edwardsiella tarda. In addition, exposure of RTgill-W1 cells to live viruses spring viremia of carp virus and viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus induced a less robust transcriptional change of 24 and 22 gene probes, respectively, when compared to 123 genes for UV-VHSV. Further the pretreatment of RTgill-W1 cells with (UV-VHSV) significantly reduced VHSV genome copy number at 6 d post infection (dpi) relative to the FliC-treated and untreated control. A quantitative PCR was used to study the transcriptional modulation of a set of 25 innate immune-related genes highlighted by the microarray data and a panel of 7 established antiviral genes in the protected cells. Notably, the expression of ifn1, ifn2, mx1 and mx3 were expressed more in untreated cells than in UV-VHSV-treated cells where virus replication was inhibited. The results from this study shed light on the mechanisms and pathways used by teleost gill epithelium innate immunity in combating viral and bacterial infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The branchial epithelium is not only a primary route of entry for viral pathogens, but is also a site of viral replication and subsequent shedding may also occur from the gill epithelium. This study investigated the potential of agents known to stimulate innate immunity to protect rainbow trout epithelial cells (RTgill-W1) from infection with VHSV IVb. RTgill-W1 cells were pretreated with poly I:C, FuGENE(®) HD + poly I:C, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), LPS + poly I:C or heat-killed VHSV IVb and then infected with VHSV IVb 4 days later. Cytopathic effect (CPE) was determined at 2, 3, 4, 7 and 11 days post-infection. Virus in cells and supernatant was detected using quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). All of the treatments delayed the onset of CPE (per cent of monolayer destruction), compared with untreated controls; however, killed VHSV or poly I:C combined with LPS was the most effective. Similarly, the detection of viral RNA in the supernatant was delayed, and the quantity was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced by all treatments with the exception of LPS alone (4 days). Unlike many of the other treatments, pretreatment of RTgill-W1 with heat-killed VHSV did not upregulate interferon 1, 2 or MX 1 gene expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amoebic gill disease (AGD) caused by the ectoparasite Paramoeba perurans affects several cultured marine fish species worldwide. In this study, the morphology and ultrastructure of P. perurans in vitro and in vivo was investigated using scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM, respectively). Amoebae cultures contained several different morphologies ranging from a distinct rounded cell structure and polymorphic cells with pseudopodia of different lengths and shapes. SEM studies of the gills of AGD-affected Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., revealed the presence of enlarged swellings in affected gill filaments and fusion of adjacent lamellae. Spherical amoebae appeared to embed within the epithelium, and subsequently leave hemispherical indentations with visible fenestrations in the basolateral surface following their departure. These fenestrated structures corresponded to the presence of pseudopodia which could be seen by TEM to penetrate into the epithelium. The membrane-membrane interface contained an amorphous and slightly fibrous matrix. This suggests the existence of cellular glycocalyces and a role for extracellular products in mediating pathological changes in amoebic gill disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vertebrate salt-secreting epithelia, Na(+) moves passively down an electrochemical gradient via a paracellular pathway. We assessed how this pathway is modified to allow Na(+) secretion in hypersaline environments. Mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus) acclimated to hypersaline [2× seawater (2SW), 64‰] for 30 days developed invasive projections of accessory cells with an increased area of tight junctions, detected by punctate distribution of CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) immunofluorescence and transmission electron miscroscopy of the opercular epithelia, which form a gill-like tissue rich in ionocytes. Distribution of CFTR was not explained by membrane raft organization, because chlorpromazine (50 μmol l(-1)) and filipin (1.5 μmol l(-1)) did not affect opercular epithelia electrophysiology. Isolated opercular epithelia bathed in SW on the mucosal side had a transepithelial potential (Vt) of +40.1±0.9 mV (N=24), sufficient for passive Na(+) secretion (Nernst equilibrium voltage≡ENa=+24.11 mV). Opercular epithelia from fish acclimated to 2SW and bathed in 2SW had higher Vt of +45.1±1.2 mV (N=24), sufficient for passive Na(+) secretion (ENa=+40.74 mV), but with diminished net driving force. Bumetanide block of Cl(-) secretion reduced Vt by 45% and 29% in SW and 2SW, respectively, a decrease in the driving force for Na(+) extrusion. Estimates of shunt conductance from epithelial conductance (Gt) versus short-circuit current (Isc) plots (extrapolation to zero Isc) suggested a reduction in total epithelial shunt conductance in 2SW-acclimated fish. In contrast, the morphological elaboration of tight junctions, leading to an increase in accessory-cell-ionocyte contact points, suggests an increase in local paracellular conductance, compensating for the diminished net driving force for Na(+) and allowing salt secretion, even in extreme salinities.





