Genome organization

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome organization is essential for proper function, including gene expression. In metazoan genome organization, chromatin loops and Topologically Associated Domains (TADs) facilitate local gene clustering, while chromosomes form distinct nuclear territories characterized by compartmentalization of silent heterochromatin at the nuclear periphery and active euchromatin in the nucleus center. A similar hierarchical organization occurs in the fungus Neurospora crassa where its seven chromosomes form a Rabl conformation, where heterochromatic centromeres and telomeres independently cluster at the nuclear membrane, while interspersed heterochromatic loci in Neurospora aggregate across megabases of linear genomic distance for forming TAD-like structures. However, the role of individual heterochromatic loci in normal genome organization and function is unknown. Here, we examined the genome organization of a Neurospora strain harboring a ~47.4 kilobase facultative (temporarily silent) heterochromatic region deletion, as well as the genome organization of a strain deleted of a 110.6 kilobase permanently silent constitutive heterochromatic region. While the facultative heterochromatin deletion had little effect on local chromatin structure, the constitutive heterochromatin deletion altered local TAD-like structures, gene expression, and the predicted 3D genome structure by qualitatively repositioning genes into the nucleus center. Our work elucidates the role of individual heterochromatic regions for genome organization and function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Partitioning of repressive from actively transcribed chromatin in mammalian cells fosters cell-type-specific gene expression patterns. While this partitioning is reconstructed during differentiation, the chromatin occupancy of the key insulator, CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF), is unchanged at the developmentally important Hox clusters. Thus, dynamic changes in chromatin boundaries must entail other activities. Given its requirement for chromatin loop formation, we examined cohesin-based chromatin occupancy without known insulators, CTCF and Myc-associated zinc-finger protein (MAZ), and identified a family of zinc-finger proteins (ZNFs), some of which exhibit tissue-specific expression. Two such ZNFs foster chromatin boundaries at the Hox clusters that are distinct from each other and from MAZ. PATZ1 was critical to the thoracolumbar boundary in differentiating motor neurons and mouse skeleton, while ZNF263 contributed to cervicothoracic boundaries. We propose that these insulating activities act with cohesin, alone or combinatorially, with or without CTCF, to implement precise positional identity and cell fate during development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The organization of genomes into chromosomes is critical for processes such as genetic recombination, environmental adaptation, and speciation. All animals with bilateral symmetry inherited a genome structure from their last common ancestor that has been highly conserved in some taxa but seemingly unconstrained in others. However, the evolutionary forces driving these differences and the processes by which they emerge have remained largely uncharacterized. Here, we analyze genome organization across the phylum Annelida using 23 chromosome-level annelid genomes. We find that while many annelid lineages have maintained the conserved bilaterian genome structure, the Clitellata, a group containing leeches and earthworms, possesses completely scrambled genomes. We develop a rearrangement index to quantify the extent of genome structure evolution and show that, compared to the last common ancestor of bilaterians, leeches and earthworms have among the most highly rearranged genomes of any currently sampled species. We further show that bilaterian genomes can be classified into two distinct categories-high and low rearrangement-largely influenced by the presence or absence, respectively, of chromosome fission events. Our findings demonstrate that animal genome structure can be highly variable within a phylum and reveal that genome rearrangement can occur both in a gradual, stepwise fashion, or rapid, all-encompassing changes over short evolutionary timescales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The insect order Blattodea (cockroaches and termites) has drawn substantial research attention for their dietary habits and lifestyle of living with or around humans. In the present study, we focused on the discovery of RNA viruses hidden in Blattodea insects using the publicly available RNA sequencing datasets. Overall, 136 distinctive RNA viruses were identified from 36 Blattodea species, of which more than 70 % were most closely related to the invertebrate-associated viral groups within Picornavirales, Sobelivirales, Bunyaviricetes, Jingchuvirales, Durnavirales, Lispiviridae, Orthomyxoviridae, Permutotetraviridae, Flaviviridae and Muvirales. Several viruses were associated with pathogens of vertebrates (Paramyxoviridae), plants (Tymovirales), protozoa (Totiviridae), fungi (Narnaviridae) and bacteria (Norzivirales). Collectively, 93 complete or near-complete viral genomes were retrieved from the datasets, and several viruses appeared to have remarkable temporal and spatial distributions. Interestingly, the newly identified Periplaneta americana dicistrovirus displayed a remarkable distinct bicistronic genome arrangement from the well-recognized dicistroviruses with the translocated structural and non-structural polyprotein encoding open reading frames over the genome. These results significantly enhance our knowledge of RNA virosphere in Blattodea insects, and the novel genome architectures in dicistroviruses and other RNA viruses may break our stereotypes in the understanding of the genomic evolution and the emergence of potential novel viral species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The most significant genetic influence on eye color pigmentation is attributed to the intronic SNP rs12913832 in the HERC2 gene, which interacts with the promoter region of the contiguous OCA2 gene. This interaction, through the formation of a chromatin loop, modulates the transcriptional activity of OCA2, directly affecting eye color pigmentation. Recent advancements in technology have elucidated the precise spatial organization of the genome within the cell nucleus, with chromatin architecture playing a pivotal role in regulating various genome functions. In this study, we investigated the organization of the chromatin close to the HERC2/OCA2 locus in human lymphocyte nuclei using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and high-throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) data. The 3 Mb of genomic DNA that belonged to the chromosomal region 15q12-q13.1 revealed the presence of three contiguous chromatin loops, which exhibited a different level of compaction depending on the presence of the A or G allele in the SNP rs12913832. Moreover, the analysis of the genomic organization of the genes has demonstrated that this chromosomal region is evolutionarily highly conserved, as evidenced by the analysis of syntenic regions in species from other Vertebrate classes. Thus, the role of rs12913832 variant is relevant not only in determining the transcriptional activation of the OCA2 gene but also in the chromatin compaction of a larger region, underscoring the critical role of chromatin organization in the proper regulation of the involved genes. It is crucial to consider the broader implications of this finding, especially regarding the potential regulatory role of similar polymorphisms located within intronic regions, which do not influence the same gene by modulating the splicing process, but they regulate the expression of adjacent genes. Therefore, caution should be exercised when utilizing whole-exome sequencing for diagnostic purposes, as intron sequences may provide valuable gene regulation information on the region where they reside. Thus, future research efforts should also be directed towards gaining a deeper understanding of the precise mechanisms underlying the role and mode of action of intronic SNPs in chromatin loop organization and transcriptional regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    5S ribosomal DNAs (rDNAs) are arranged in tandem and are often under-represented in genome assemblies. In the present study, we performed a global and in-depth analysis of the 5S rDNAs in the model insect Tribolium castaneum and its closely related species Tribolium freemani. To accomplish this goal, we used our recently published genome assemblies based on Nanopore and PacBio long-read sequencing. Although these closely related species share the 5S rRNA gene sequence with high homology, they show a different organization of the 5S rDNA locus. Analysis of 5S rDNA arrays in T. castaneum revealed a typical tandemly repeated organization characterized by repeat units consisting of the 121 bp long 5S rRNA gene and the 71 bp long nontranscribed spacer (NTS). In contrast, T. freemani showed a much more complex organization of 5S rDNA arrays characterized by two patterns. The first is based on the association of 5S rRNA gene with arrays of a satellite DNA, representing the NTS sequence of the 5S rDNA genes in T. freemani. The second, more complex type is characterized by a somewhat less frequent occurrence of the 5S rRNA gene and its association with longer satellite DNA arrays that are regularly interrupted by Jockey-like retrotransposons. This organization, in which the ribosomal gene is associated with two completely different repetitive elements such as satellite DNAs and retrotransposons, suggests that the 5S rRNA gene, regardless of its crucial function in the genome, could be a subject of extremely dynamic genomic rearrangements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genome organization can regulate gene expression and promote cell fate transitions. The differentiation of germline stem cells (GSCs) to oocytes in Drosophila involves changes in genome organization mediated by heterochromatin and the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Heterochromatin represses germ cell genes during differentiation, and NPCs anchor these silenced genes to the nuclear periphery, maintaining silencing to allow for oocyte development. Surprisingly, we found that genome organization also contributes to NPC formation, mediated by the transcription factor Stonewall (Stwl). As GSCs differentiate, Stwl accumulates at boundaries between silenced and active gene compartments. Stwl at these boundaries plays a pivotal role in transitioning germ cell genes into a silenced state and activating a group of oocyte genes and nucleoporins (Nups). The upregulation of these Nups during differentiation is crucial for NPC formation and further genome organization. Thus, cross-talk between genome architecture and NPCs is essential for successful cell fate transitions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The association of genomic loci to the nuclear periphery is proposed to facilitate cell type-specific gene repression and influence cell fate decisions. However, the interplay between gene position and expression remains incompletely understood, in part because the proteins that position genomic loci at the nuclear periphery remain unidentified. Here, we used an Oligopaint-based HiDRO screen targeting ∼1000 genes to discover novel regulators of nuclear architecture in Drosophila cells. We identified the heterochromatin-associated protein Stonewall (Stwl) as a factor promoting perinuclear chromatin positioning. In female germline stem cells (GSCs), Stwl binds and positions chromatin loci, including GSC differentiation genes, at the nuclear periphery. Strikingly, Stwl-dependent perinuclear positioning is associated with transcriptional repression, highlighting a likely mechanism for Stwl\'s known role in GSC maintenance and ovary homeostasis. Thus, our study identifies perinuclear anchors in Drosophila and demonstrates the importance of gene repression at the nuclear periphery for cell fate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    All cells must maintain the structural and functional integrity of the genome under a wide range of environments. High temperatures pose a formidable challenge to cells by denaturing the DNA double helix, causing chemical damage to DNA, and increasing the random thermal motion of chromosomes. Thermophiles, predominantly classified as bacteria or archaea, exhibit an exceptional capacity to mitigate these detrimental effects and prosper under extreme thermal conditions, with some species tolerating temperatures higher than 100°C. Their genomes are mainly characterized by the presence of reverse gyrase, a unique topoisomerase that introduces positive supercoils into DNA. This enzyme has been suggested to maintain the genome integrity of thermophiles by limiting DNA melting and mediating DNA repair. Previous studies provided significant insights into the mechanisms by which NAPs, histones, SMC superfamily proteins, and polyamines affect the 3D genomes of thermophiles across different scales. Here, I discuss current knowledge of the genome organization in thermophiles and pertinent research questions for future investigations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mystery of how human DNA is compactly packaged into a nucleus-a space a hundred thousand times smaller-while still allowing for the regulation of gene function, has long been one of the greatest enigmas in cell biology. This puzzle is gradually being solved, thanks in part to the advent of new technologies. Among these, innovative genome-labeling techniques combined with high-resolution imaging methods have been pivotal. These methods facilitate the visualization of DNA within intact nuclei and have significantly contributed to our current understanding of genome organization. This review will explore various labeling and imaging approaches that are revolutionizing our understanding of the three-dimensional organization of the genome, shedding light on the relationship between its structure and function.





