Gating pore

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Variants of the SCN5A gene, which encodes the NaV1.5 cardiac sodium channel, have been linked to arrhythmic disorders associated with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). However, the precise pathological mechanisms remain elusive. The present study aimed to elucidate the pathophysiological consequences of the DCM-linked Nav1.5/R219H variant, which is known to generate a gating pore current, using patient-specific human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) cultured in monolayers.
    METHODS: Ventricular- and atrial-like hiPSC-CM monolayers were generated from DCM patients carrying the R219H SCN5A variant as well as from healthy control individuals. CRISPR-corrected hiPSC-CMs served as isogenic controls. Simultaneous optical mapping of action potentials (APs) and calcium transients (CaTs) was employed to measure conduction velocities (CVs) and AP durations (APDs) and served as markers of electrical excitability. Calcium handling was evaluated by assessing CaT uptake (half-time to peak), recapture (tau of decay), and durations (TD50 and TD80). A multi-electrode array (MEA) analysis was conducted on hiPSC-CM monolayers to measure field potential (FP) parameters, including corrected Fridericia FP durations (FPDc).
    RESULTS: Our results revealed that CVs were significantly reduced by more than 50 % in both ventricular- and atrial-like hiPSC-CM monolayers carrying the R219H variant compared to the control group. APDs were also prolonged in the R219H group compared to the control and CRISPR-corrected groups. CaT uptake, reuptake, and duration were also markedly delayed in the R219H group compared to the control and CRISPR-corrected groups in both the ventricular- and the atrial-like hiPSC-CM monolayers. Lastly, the MEA data revealed a notably prolonged FPDc in the ventricular- and atrial-like hiPSC-CMs carrying the R219H variant compared to the control and isogenic control groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight the impact of the gating pore current on AP propagation and calcium homeostasis within a functional syncytium environment and offer valuable insights into the potential mechanisms underlying DCM pathophysiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL) acts as an \"emergency release valve\" that protects bacterial cells from acute hypoosmotic stress, and it serves as a paradigm for studying the mechanism underlying the transduction of mechanical forces. MscL gating is proposed to initiate with an expansion without opening, followed by subsequent pore opening via a number of intermediate substates, and ends in a full opening. However, the details of gating process are still largely unknown. Using in vivo viability assay, single channel patch clamp recording, cysteine cross-linking, and tryptophan fluorescence quenching approach, we identified and characterized MscL mutants with different occupancies of constriction region in the pore domain. The results demonstrated the shifts of constriction point along the gating pathway towards cytoplasic side from residue G26, though G22, to L19 upon gating, indicating the closed-expanded transitions coupling of the expansion of tightly packed hydrophobic constriction region to conduct the initial ion permeation in response to the membrane tension. Furthermore, these transitions were regulated by the hydrophobic and lipidic interaction with the constricting \"hot spots\". Our data reveal a new resolution of the transitions from the closed to the opening substate of MscL, providing insights into the gating mechanisms of MscL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients suffering from type 1 hypokalaemic periodic paralysis (HypoPP1) experience attacks of muscle paralysis associated with hypokalaemia. The disease arises from missense mutations in the gene encoding the α1 subunit of the dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR), a protein complex anchored in the tubular membrane of skeletal muscle fibres which controls the release of Ca2+ from sarcoplasmic reticulum and also functions as a Ca2+ channel. The vast majority of mutations consist of the replacement of one of the outer arginines in S4 segments of the α1 subunit by neutral residues. Early studies have shown that muscle fibres from HypoPP1 patients are abnormally depolarized at rest in low K+ to the point of inducing muscle inexcitability. The relationship between HypoPP1 mutations and depolarization has long remained unknown. More recent investigations conducted in the closely structurally related voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels have shown that comparable S4 arginine substitutions gave rise to elevated inward currents at negative potentials called gating pore currents. Experiments performed in muscle fibres from different models revealed such an inward resting current through HypoPP1 mutated Ca2+ channels. In mouse fibres transfected with HypoPP1 mutated channels, the elevated resting current was found to carry H+ for the R1239H arginine-to-histidine mutation in a S4 segment and Na+ for the V876E HypoPP1 mutation, which has the peculiarity of not being located in S4 segments. Muscle paralysis probably results from the presence of a gating pore current associated with hypokalaemia for both mutations, possibly aggravated by external acidosis for the R1239H mutation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Voltage-gated sodium channels belong to the superfamily of voltage-gated cation channels. Their structure is based on domains comprising a voltage sensor domain (S1-S4 segments) and a pore domain (S5-S6 segments). Mutations in positively charged residues of the S4 segments may allow protons or cations to pass directly through the gating pore constriction of the voltage sensor domain; these anomalous currents are referred to as gating pore or omega (ω) currents. In the skeletal muscle disorder hypokalemic periodic paralysis, and in arrhythmic dilated cardiomyopathy, inherited mutations of S4 arginine residues promote omega currents that have been shown to be a contributing factor in the pathogenesis of these sodium channel disorders. Characterization of gating pore currents in these channelopathies and with artificial mutations has been possible by measuring the voltage-dependence and selectivity of these leak currents. The basis of gating pore currents and the structural basis of S4 movement through the gating pore has also been studied extensively with molecular dynamics. These simulations have provided valuable insight into the nature of S4 translocation and the physical basis for the effects of mutations that promote permeation of protons or cations through the gating pore.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The NaV1.4 sodium channel is highly expressed in skeletal muscle, where it carries almost all of the inward Na+ current that generates the action potential, but is not present at significant levels in other tissues. Consequently, mutations of SCN4A encoding NaV1.4 produce pure skeletal muscle phenotypes that now include six allelic disorders: sodium channel myotonia, paramyotonia congenita, hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, hypokalemic periodic paralysis, congenital myasthenia, and congenital myopathy with hypotonia. Mutation-specific alternations of NaV1.4 function explain the mechanistic basis for the diverse phenotypes and identify opportunities for strategic intervention to modify the burden of disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Missense mutations in the gene encoding the α1 subunit of the skeletal muscle voltage-gated Ca2+ channel induce type 1 hypokalaemic periodic paralysis, a poorly understood neuromuscular disease characterized by episodic attacks of paralysis associated with low serum K+ . Acute expression of human wild-type and R1239H HypoPP1 mutant α1 subunits in mature mouse muscles showed that R1239H fibres displayed Ca2+ currents of reduced amplitude and larger resting leak inward current increased by external acidification. External acidification also produced intracellular acidification at a higher rate in R1239H fibres and inhibited inward rectifier K+ currents. These data suggest that the R1239H mutation induces an elevated leak H+ current at rest flowing through a gating pore and could explain why paralytic attacks preferentially occur during the recovery period following muscle exercise.
    Missense mutations in the gene encoding the α1 subunit of the skeletal muscle voltage-gated Ca2+ channel induce type 1 hypokalaemic periodic paralysis, a poorly understood neuromuscular disease characterized by episodic attacks of paralysis associated with low serum K+ . The present study aimed at identifying the changes in muscle fibre electrical properties induced by acute expression of the R1239H hypokalaemic periodic paralysis human mutant α1 subunit of Ca2+ channels in a mature muscle environment to better understand the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in this disorder. We transferred genes encoding wild-type and R1239H mutant human Ca2+ channels into hindlimb mouse muscle by electroporation and combined voltage-clamp and intracellular pH measurements on enzymatically dissociated single muscle fibres. As compared to fibres expressing wild-type α1 subunits, R1239H mutant-expressing fibres displayed Ca2+ currents of reduced amplitude and a higher resting leak inward current that was increased by external acidification. External acidification also produced intracellular acidification at a higher rate in R1239H fibres and inhibited inward rectifier K+ currents. These data indicate that the R1239H mutation induces an elevated leak H+ current at rest flowing through a gating pore created by the mutation and that external acidification favours onset of muscle paralysis by potentiating H+ depolarizing currents and inhibiting resting inward rectifier K+ currents. Our results could thus explain why paralytic attacks preferentially occur during the recovery period following intense muscle exercise.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nav 1.5 dysfunctions are commonly linked to rhythms disturbances that include type 3 long QT syndrome (LQT3), Brugada syndrome (BrS), sick sinus syndrome (SSS) and conduction defects. Recently, this channel protein has been also linked to structural heart diseases such as dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM).





