  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The second part of this CME article discusses sunscreen regulation and safety considerations for humans and the environment. First, we provide an overview of the history of the United States Food and Drug Administration\'s regulation of sunscreen. Recent Food and Drug Administration studies clearly demonstrate that organic ultraviolet filters are systemically absorbed during routine sunscreen use, but to date there is no evidence of associated negative health effects. We also review the current evidence of sunscreen\'s association with vitamin D levels and frontal fibrosing alopecia, and recent concerns regarding benzene contamination. Finally, we review the possible environmental effects of ultraviolet filters, particularly coral bleaching. While climate change has been shown to be the primary driver of coral bleaching, laboratory-based studies suggest that organic ultraviolet filters represent an additional contributing factor, which led several localities to ban certain organic filters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gradient and spin echo (GRASE) is widely employed in arterial spin labeling (ASL) as an efficient readout sequence. Hemodynamic parameter mappings of perfusion, such as cerebral blood flow (CBF) and arterial transit time (ATT), can be derived via multi-delay ASL acquisitions. Multi-delay ASL perfusion imaging inevitably suffers limited signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) since a motion-sensitized vessel suppressing module has to be employed to highlight perfusion signals. The present work reveals that in multi-delay ASL, manipulation of GRASE sequence on either planar imaging echo echo train for adjusted spatial resolutions or FSE echo train for modulated extent ofT2-blurring can significantly alter the mapping contrasts among tissues and among cerebral lobes under different pathways of blood circulation, and meanwhile regulates SNR. Four separate multi-delay ASL scans with different echo train designs in 3D whole brain covering GRASE were carried out for healthy subjects to evaluate the variations in regard to the parameter quantifications and SNR. Based on the quantification mappings, the GRASE acquisition with moderate spatial resolution (3.5 × 3.5 × 4 mm3) and segmentedkzscheme was recognized for the first time to be recommended for more unambiguous CBF and ATT contrasts between GM and WM in conjunction with more enhanced ATT contrast between anterior and posterior cerebral circulations, with reasonably good SNR. The technical proposal is of great value for the cutting-edge research of a variety of neurological diseases of global concerns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To compare the performance of 3D MRU based on a breath-hold gradient- and spin-echo (BH-GRASE) technique with conventional 3D respiratory-triggered FSE (RT-FSE) sequence in patients with urinary tract dilation.
    We prospectively included 90 patients with urinary tract dilation who underwent both 3D BH-GRASE and RT-FSE MRU at 3T. The acquisition time of two MRU sequences was recorded. Three readers blinded to the protocols reviewed the image quality using a five-point scale and assessed the diagnostic performance related to urinary tract dilation. The relative contrast ratio (CR) between the urinary tract and adjacent area was measured quantitatively.
    Acquisition time was 14.8 s for BH-GRASE MRU and 213.6 ± 52.2 s for RT-FSE MRU. The qualitative image analysis demonstrated significant equivalence between the two MRU protocols. 3D BH-GRASE MRU better depicted bilateral renal calyces than RT-FSE MRU (p < 0.05). The CR values of the urinary tract were lower on BH-GRASE MRU compared with RT-FSE MRU (p < 0.05). There were excellent agreements in the assessment of urinary tract dilation between BH-GRASE and RT-FSE MRU, including the dilated degree, obstructive level, and obstructive imaging features (inter-sequence κ = 0.924-1).
    3D BH-GRASE MRU significantly decreased the acquisition time and achieved comparable image quality, urinary tract visualization, and diagnostic performance with conventional 3D RT-FSE MRU. Breath-hold 3D MRU with GRASE may provide a feasible evaluation of urinary tract dilation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To assess the vessel size specificity and sensitivity of rapid CPMG and GRASE for functional BOLD imaging for different echo train lengths, echo spacings, field strength, and refocusing flip angle schemes. In addition, the behavior of signals acquired before and after the refocusing time points is analyzed.
    Evolution of magnetization within a network of artificial cylinders is simulated with Monte Carlo methods for all relevant coherence pathways. In addition, measurements on microspheres were performed to confirm some of the theoretical results.
    For reduced refocusing flip angles, the peak of the vessel size sensitivity curve is shifting toward larger radii with increasing echo time. Furthermore, the BOLD-related signal change along the echo train depends on the chosen refocusing flip angle scheme and in general does not follow corresponding echo amplitudes.
    CPMG or GRASE can be used with low refocusing flip angles without significant loss of sensitivity to BOLD. The evolution of BOLD signal changes along the echo train can be used to design optimal k-space reordering schemes. Signals acquired before or after the spin echo time point show contributions from larger vessels similar to gradient echo sequences. Short echo spacing (time between refocusing pulses) suppresses gradient echo-related contributions from larger vessels, whereas the spin echo-related contribution from small vessels remains constant and is independent of the echo spacing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Functional MRI (fMRI) at the mesoscale of cortical layers and columns requires both sensitivity and specificity, the latter of which can be compromised if the imaging method is affected by vascular artifacts, particularly cortical draining veins at the pial surface. Recent studies have shown that cerebral blood volume (CBV) imaging is more specific to the actual laminar locus of neural activity than BOLD imaging using standard gradient-echo EPI sequences. Gradient and spin-echo (GRASE) BOLD imaging has also shown greater specificity when compared with standard gradient-echo EPI BOLD. Here we directly compare CBV and BOLD contrasts in high-resolution imaging of the primary motor cortex for laminar functional MRI in four combinations of signal labeling, CBV using slice-selective slab-inversion vascular space occupancy (VASO) and BOLD, each with 3D gradient-echo EPI and zoomed 3D-GRASE image readouts.
    Activations were measured using each sequence and contrast combination during a motor task. Activation profiles across cortical depth were measured to assess the sensitivity and specificity (pial bias) of each method.
    Both CBV imaging using gradient-echo 3D-EPI and BOLD imaging using 3D-GRASE show similar specificity and sensitivity and are therefore useful tools for mesoscopic functional MRI in the human cortex. The combination of GRASE and VASO did not demonstrate high levels of sensitivity, nor show increased specificity.
    Three-dimensional EPI with VASO contrast and 3D-GRASE with BOLD contrast both demonstrate sufficient sensitivity and specificity for laminar functional MRI to be used by neuroscientists in a wide range of investigations of depth-dependent neural circuitry in the human brain.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays an important role in abdominal imaging. The high contrast resolution offered by MRI provides better lesion detection and its capacity to provide multiparametric images facilitates lesion characterization more effectively than computed tomography. However, the relatively long acquisition time of MRI often detrimentally affects the image quality and limits its accessibility. Recent developments have addressed these drawbacks. Specifically, multiphasic acquisition of contrast-enhanced MRI, free-breathing dynamic MRI using compressed sensing technique, simultaneous multi-slice acquisition for diffusion-weighted imaging, and breath-hold three-dimensional magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography are recent notable advances in this field. This review explores the aforementioned state-of-the-art techniques by focusing on their clinical applications and potential benefits, as well as their likely future direction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To reduce artifacts and scan time of GRASE imaging by selecting an optimal sampling pattern and jointly reconstructing gradient echo and spin echo images.
    We jointly reconstruct images for the different echo types by considering these as additional virtual coil channels in the novel Autocalibrated Parallel Imaging Reconstruction with Sampling Pattern Optimization for GRASE (APIR4GRASE) method. Besides image reconstruction, we identify optimal sampling patterns for the acquisition. The selected optimal patterns were validated on phantom and in-vivo acquisitions. Comparison to the conventional GRASE without acceleration, and to the GRAPPA reconstruction with a single echo type was also performed.
    Using identified optimal sampling patterns, APIR4GRASE eliminated modulation artifacts in both phantom and in-vivo experiments; mean square error (MSE) was reduced by 78% and 94%, respectively, compared to the conventional GRASE with similar scan time. Both artifacts and g-factor were reduced compared to the GRAPPA reconstruction with a single echo type.
    APIR4GRASE substantially improves the speed and quality of GRASE imaging over the state-of-the-art, and is able to reconstruct both spin echo and gradient echo images.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-resolution three-dimensional (3D) structural MRI is useful for delineating complex or small structures of the body. However, it requires long acquisition times and high SAR, limiting its clinical use. The purpose of this work is to accelerate the acquisition of high-resolution images by combining compressed sensing and parallel imaging (CSPI) on a 3D-GRASE sequence and to compare it with a (CS)PI 3D-FSE sequence. Several sampling patterns were investigated to assess their influence on image quality.
    The proposed k-space sampling patterns are based on two undersampled k-space grids, variable density (VD) Poisson-disc, and VD pseudo-random Gaussian, and five different trajectories described in the literature. Bloch simulations are performed to obtain the transform point spread function and evaluate the coherence of each sampling pattern. Image resolution was assessed by the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM). Prospective CSPI 3D-GRASE phantom and in vivo experiments in knee and brain are carried out to assess image quality, SNR, SAR, and acquisition time compared to PI 3D-GRASE, PI 3D-FSE, and CSPI 3D-FSE acquisitions.
    Sampling patterns with VD Poisson-disc obtain the lowest coherence for both PD-weighted and T 2 -weighted acquisitions. VD pseudo-random Gaussian obtains lower FWHM, but higher sidelobes than VD Poisson-disc. CSPI 3D-GRASE reduces acquisition time (43% for PD-weighted and 40% for T 2 -weighted) and SAR (∼45% for PD-weighted and T 2 -weighted) compared to CSPI 3D-FSE.
    CSPI 3D-GRASE reduces acquisition time compared to a CSPI 3DFSE acquisition, preserving image quality. The design of the sampling pattern is crucial for image quality in CSPI 3D-GRASE image acquisitions.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myelin water imaging can be achieved using multicomponent T2 relaxation analysis to quantify in vivo measurement of myelin content, termed the myelin water fraction (MWF). Therefore, myelin water imaging can be a valuable tool to better understand the underlying white matter pathology in demyelinating diseases, such as multiple sclerosis. To apply myelin water imaging in multisite studies and clinical applications, it must be acquired in a clinically feasible scan time (less than 15 min) and be reproducible across sites and scanner vendors. Here, we assessed the reproducibility of MWF measurements in regional and global white matter in 10 healthy human brains across two sites with two different 3 T magnetic resonance imaging scanner vendors (Philips and Siemens), using a 32-echo gradient and spin echo (GRASE) sequence. A strong correlation was found between the MWF measurements in the global white matter (Pearson\'s r = 0.91; p < 0.001) for all participants across the two sites. The mean intersite MWF coefficient of variation across participants was 2.77% in the global white matter and ranged from 4.47% (splenium of the corpus callosum) to 17.89% (genu of the corpus callosum) in white matter regions of interest. Bland-Altman analysis showed a good agreement in MWF measurements between the two sites with small bias of 0.002. Overall, MWF estimates were in good agreement across the two sites and scanner vendors. Our findings support the use of quantitative multi-echo T2 relaxation metrics, such as the MWF, in multicenter studies and clinical trials to gain deeper understanding about the pathological processes resulting from the underlying disease progression in neurodegenerative diseases.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myelin water fraction (MWF) mapping permits direct visualization of myelination patterns in the developing brain and in pathology. MWF is conventionally measured through multiexponential T2 analysis which is very sensitive to noise, leading to inaccuracies in derived MWF estimates. Although noise reduction filters may be applied during postprocessing, conventional filtering can introduce bias and obscure small structures and edges. Advanced nonblurring filters, while effective, exhibit a high level of complexity and the requirement for supervised implementation for optimal performance. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the ability of the recently introduced nonlocal estimation of multispectral magnitudes (NESMA) filter to greatly improve the determination of MWF parameter estimates from gradient and spin echo (GRASE) imaging data.
    We evaluated the performance of the NESMA filter for MWF mapping from clinical GRASE imaging data of the human brain, and compared the results to those calculated from unfiltered images. Numerical and in vivo analyses of the brains of three subjects, representing different ages, were conducted.
    Our results demonstrated the potential of the NESMA filter to permit high-quality in vivo MWF mapping. Indeed, NESMA permits substantial reduction of random variation in derived MWF estimates while preserving accuracy and detail.
    In vivo estimation of MWF in the human brain from GRASE imaging data was markedly improved through use of the NESMA filter. The use of NESMA may contribute to the goal of high-quality MWF mapping in clinically feasible imaging times.





