GM papaya

  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    In the Japanese official detection method for unauthorized genetically modified (GM) papayas, one of two types of real-time PCR reagents with DNA polymerase (TaqMan Gene Master Mix [TaqMan Gene] or FastGene QPCR Probe Mastermix w/ROX [FastGene]) is primarily used for measurement. In 2022, we conducted a laboratory performance study on the unauthorized GM papaya line PRSV-YK, and the results revealed that high threshold cycle (Cq) values for the PRSV-YK detection test were obtained using TaqMan Gene with the 7500 Fast & 7500 Real-Time PCR System (ABI7500) and QuantStudio 12K Flex (QS12K), indicating the possibility of false negatives. The possibility of similar problems with all unauthorized GM papaya lines detection tests needs to be evaluated. In this study, we performed detection tests on unauthorized GM papaya lines (PRSV-YK, PRSV-SC, and PRSV-HN), the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promotor (CaM), and a papaya positive control (Chy), and examined how the limits of detection (LOD) for each test are affected by two types of DNA polymerases (TaqMan Gene and FastGene) and three types of real-time PCR instruments (ABI7500, QS12K, and LightCycler 480 Instrument II [LC480]). In the PRSV-YK and PRSV-SC detection tests using ABI7500 and QS12K, measurement with TaqMan Gene showed a higher LOD than FastGene. In this case, an exponential amplification curve was confirmed on the amplification plot; however, the amplification curve did not cross the ΔRn threshold line and the correct Cq value was not obtained with a threshold line=0.2. The other tests (PRSV-HN, CaM, and Chy with ABI7500 and QS12K, and all detection tests with LC480) showed no important differences in the LOD for each test using either DNA polymerase. Therefore, when performing PRSV-YK and PRSV-SC detection tests with the ABI7500 or QS12K, FastGene should be used to avoid false negatives for foods containing GM papaya lines PRSV-YK and PRSV-SC at low mixing levels.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Since the establishment of procedures for the safety assessment of food products that use recombinant DNA technology, the manufacture, import, and sale of genetically modified (GM) foods that have not undergone safety assessment are prohibited under the Food Sanitation Act. Therefore, a performance study to confirm the GM food testing operations of each laboratory is very important to ensure the reliability of the GM food monitoring system. In 2022, GM papaya line PRSV-YK-which has not yet been authorized in Japan-was selected for testing, and a papaya paste and a DNA solution were used as the test samples. With these samples, a laboratory performance study of the DNA extraction and real-time PCR operations was conducted. This confirmed that the 18 participating laboratories were generally performing the DNA extraction and real-time PCR operations correctly. However, some laboratories using certain DNA amplification reagent with some real-time PCR instruments were not able to determine the PRSV-YK detection test. This suggests that the PRSV-YK detection test may not be able to correctly detect samples containing GM papaya when performed with these combinations of instruments and reagent. In order to ensure the reliability of the PRSV-YK detection test, it is necessary to examine in detail how the combination of DNA polymerase reagents and real-time PCR instruments affects the detection limit, and to implement an appropriate solution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV)-resistant genetically modified (GM) papaya \'Huanong No.1\' has been certified as safe for consumption and widely planted in China for about 18 years. To protect consumers\' rights and facilitate government supervision and monitoring, it is necessary to establish a simple, rapid, and specific detection method for \'Huanong No.1\'. Herein, we developed a platform based on recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) coupled with CRISPR-Cas12a for the detection of \'Huanong No.1\'. The RPA-CRISPR-Cas12a platform was found to have high specificity, with amplification signals only present in \'Huanong No.1\'. Additionally, the platform was highly sensitive, with a limit of detection (LOD) of approximately 20 copies. The detection process was fast and could be completed in less than 1 h. This novel platform enables the rapid on-site visualization detection of \'Huanong No.1\', eliminating dependence on laboratory conditions and specialized instruments, and can serve as a technical reference for the rapid detection of other GM plants.





