
G é nero
  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To explore menstrual knowledge, menstrual management, the use of menstrual products, the prevalence of menstrual poverty and to assess the acceptability of a menstrual equity intervention among students in the fourth grade of compulsory secondary education in Catalonia (Spain).
    METHODS: Post-intervention mixed-methods study (cross-sectional study and qualitative study with focus groups) with a critical and gender perspective. It was conducted between July 2022 and March 2023. Descriptive and bivariate statistical analyses stratified by gender were carried out. Qualitative data were analysed using thematic analysis.
    RESULTS: Women and people who menstruate rated the intervention favourably, while some men were reluctant. The intervention promoted the use of some reusable menstrual products, although some barriers to use menstrual cups were identified. Participants reported institutional barriers to menstrual management in the school setting and 19.4% stopped attending school during menstruation in the 6 months prior to the study. Between 10.9-16.4% reported menstrual poverty in the 6 months prior to the study, and 29,0% took actions to reduce the environmental impact of menstrual products.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the need for co-designing menstrual interventions that consider gender dynamics and sexist attitudes with students, as well as targeting it to teachers. The provision of reusable menstrual products can be helpful in promoting their use, although accompaniment should be provided. In parallel, it is crucial to strengthen menstrual education, as well as to reduce menstrual poverty and school absenteeism during menstruation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the discrimination experienced by the general female surgeon.
    METHODS: Prospective, cross-sectional and descriptive study, with a survey of 30 questions, closed, anonymous, voluntary and confidential, distributed through a link in the WhatsApp chat in a closed group of female surgeons who are members of the Asociación Mexicana de Cirugía General.
    RESULTS: 146 female surgeons participated, with a response rate of 58.4%. The discrimination perceived by female surgeons in training was 86 (58.9%), and 28 (19.2%) when they are already surgeons by not allowing them to perform the same procedures as their peers. Regarding the patients, discrimination against female surgeons was 72 (49.3%). They do not call them doctors, but \"ladies\", in 126 (86.3%), and they are asked to perform nursing duties in 120 (82.2%). On the other hand, there is also discrimination against female surgeons by nursing staff in 87 (59.6%).
    CONCLUSIONS: Discrimination is common in the daily surgical practice of female surgeons in all three areas: peers, patients, and nursing staff. This is an initial work, where the quantification of discrimination in Mexico is carried out. Strategies must be implemented to avoid discrimination against female surgeons and be in an environment of equality.
    OBJECTIVE: Describir la discriminación que vive la cirujana general en México.
    UNASSIGNED: Estudio prospectivo, transversal y descriptivo, con una encuesta de 30 preguntas cerradas, de manera anónima, voluntaria y confidencial, distribuida a través de un enlace en el chat de WhatsApp en un grupo cerrado de cirujanas de todo el país que son miembros de la Asociación Mexicana de Cirugía General.
    RESULTS: Participaron 146 cirujanas, con un porcentaje de respuesta del 58.4%. La discriminación percibida por las cirujanas en formación fue de 86 (58.9%), frente a 28 (19.2%) cuando ya son cirujanas, al no permitirles realizar los mismos procedimientos que sus pares. La discriminación por parte de los pacientes fue de 72 (49.3%). No las llaman doctoras sino «señoritas» en 126 (86.3%) y les solicitan hacer funciones de enfermería en 120 (82.2%). También existe discriminación hacia las cirujanas por el personal de enfermería en 87 (59.6%).
    CONCLUSIONS: La discriminación hacia las cirujanas es frecuente en los tres ámbitos: pares, pacientes y personal de enfermería. Este es un trabajo inicial, donde se realiza la cuantificación de la discriminación en México. Se deberán implementar las estrategias para evitar la discriminación a las cirujanas y estar en un ambiente de igualdad.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Comprehensive biopsychosocial care for people with gender incongruence (ICD 11) who are transgender (trans) or gender diverse is a complex process in which the quality of the medical transition can only be guaranteed after a multidisciplinary approach, through teams that integrate professionals with training and experience not only in medicine but also in diversity and gender identity. Based on this, the Gonad, Identity and Sexual Differentiation working group of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (GT-GIDSEEN) has established minimum care requirements that aim to guarantee adequate health care for these people by professionals. A position paper has been produced and is available at https://www.seen.es/portal/documentos/estandares-calidad-gidseen-2024.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Physical activity (PA) is associated with positive health outcomes such as prevention of chronic diseases, psychological well-being and improved work performance. Medical residents are subjected to sleep deprivation, extended work schedule and high burnout prevalence. These conditions may lead to the neglect of personal health and the restriction of time dedicated to PA. The objective of the present study was to analyze the time dedicated to PA of medical residents, comparing women vs men residents and surgical vs clinical residents.
    METHODS: It is a cross-sectional study performed in a Spanish third-level university hospital. All medical residents from our institution were invited to voluntarily participate in the study answering a web-based questionnaire on June 2022. Data regarding demographics, residency and PA practice was recorded.
    RESULTS: The response rate was 20.73% (114/550). The 32.5% of the residents considered themselves to be physically inactive and mean time dedicated to PA in a regular week was 3.62 ± 2.22 h. Men residents dedicated more time to PA than women residents (4.23 ± 2.42 h vs 3.14 ± 1.95 h, p = 0.012) and surgical residents dedicated more time than clinical residents (4.33 ± 2.36 h vs 3.23 ± 2.05 h, p = 0.01).
    CONCLUSIONS: One third of the medical residents consider themself physically inactive. Women and clinical residents practice PA less time than men and surgical residents. Efforts should be made to encourage PA among residents, especially in women and non-surgeons.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: To find out the motivations of adolescents for alcohol consumption.
    METHODS: Qualitative methodology with discussion groups.
    METHODS: 131 adolescents (15-17 years old) enrolled in nine schools in Tarragona (Spain).
    METHODS: Systematic coding strategy, adapted to focus groups. Educational centers were selected through a stratified purposive sampling by educational levels (segmentation criterion) and ownership of the center (public or private). Participants within the educational levels were randomly selected for the groups. Content analysis was conducted using an open and flexible coding strategy.
    RESULTS: Motivations for alcohol consumption were identified, revolving around six fundamental dimensions: a) seeking fun and new sensations, b) alleviating discomfort, c) consumption due to social contagion and group pressure, d) consumption as a rite of passage into adulthood, e) environmental availability of alcohol, and f) low perception of risk. This motivation varied according to the adolescent\'s gender. In girls, drinking behavior appeared related to overcoming negative emotional states, while for boys, belonging to the peer group took precedence: drinking reinforces hegemonic masculinity and ensures complicity among peers. Adolescents considered that the information they receive from educational centers is sufficient, but it does not motivate change.
    CONCLUSIONS: Public health strategies focused on preventing alcohol consumption in adolescents should incorporate their motivations to achieve greater efficiency, paying due attention to sex/gender variables.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The prevalence of street drug abuse is difficult to establish in women because of stigma associated with the practice. The main objective of this study was to analyze possible differences between men and women in a sample of patients attended for emergencies due to acute poisonings. The secondary aim was to identify variables associated with severe poisonings defined arbitrarily as requiring intensive care for more than 12 hours after hospital admission.
    METHODS: Retrospective study in 2 hospital EDs. We included patients over the age of 18 years attended for street drug poisonings between July 1, 2020, and July 31, 2023. Epidemiologic, clinical, and laboratory variables were analyzed.
    RESULTS: A total of 1032 patients were studied; 191 (18.5%) were women. The mean (SD) age was 35 years, and the prevalences of acute mental illness and HIV infection were high at 32.2% and 35.7%, respectively. Drug use was recreational in most cases (90.9%). Cocaine, alcohol, and methamphetamines were the substances most often used. Multivariate analysis showed that the factors associated with the seriousness of poisoning were age, with an odds ratio (OR) of 1.03 (95% CI, 1.01-1.05; P = .003); HIV (OR, 2.10; 95% CI, 1.29-3.41; P = .003); use of benzodiazepines (OR, 3.48; 95% CI, 2.14-5.66; P .0001); and suicidal ideations (OR, 1.82; 95% CI, 1.25-3.79; P = .004).
    CONCLUSIONS: Differences in poisoning characteristics in women were found, probably related to the younger ages of men in the sample and their higher frequency of alcohol consumption. Public health policies and campaigns to prevent drug abuse should take gender differences into consideration in order to adapt messages to the target populations.
    OBJECTIVE: La prevalencia del uso de drogas de abuso es difícil de establecer en mujeres, debido a los estigmas asociados a ello. El objetivo principal fue analizar las posibles diferencias de las intoxicaciones agudas (IA) según el sexo en una muestra de pacientes atendidos en dos servicios de urgencias hospitalarios (SUH). El objetivo secundario fue identificar las variables asociadas a las intoxicaciones graves, definidas de forma arbitraria como las que requerían una atención intensiva médica de más de 12 horas y posterior ingreso hospitalario.
    METHODS: Estudio retrospectivo en dos SUH que incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años atendidos por IA por drogas de abuso, en el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de julio 2020 y el 31 de julio 2023. Se recogieron variables epidemiológicas, clínicas y de laboratorio.
    RESULTS: Se incluyeron 1.032 pacientes, un 18,5% (191) mujeres. La edad media fue de 35 (DE 10) años, con elevada prevalencia de enfermedad mental aguda (32,2%) e infección por VIH (35,7%). El principal motivo de consumo fue lúdico (90,9%). Las principales drogas de abuso fueron cocaína, alcohol y metanfetaminas. El análisis multivariado mostró que únicamente la edad (OR: 1,03, IC 95: 1,01-1,05, p = 0,003), el VIH (OR: 2,10, IC 95: 1,29-3,41, p = 0,003), el consumo de benzodiacepinas (OR: 3,48, IC 95%: 2,14-5,66, p 0,0001), y la ideación autolítica (OR: 1,82, IC 95%: 1,25-3,79, p = 0,004), se asociaron a gravedad de la intoxicación.
    CONCLUSIONS: Las IA por drogas de abuso en mujeres presentan algunas diferencias en relación a las de los hombres, ya que son más jóvenes y asocian consumo de alcohol con mayor frecuencia. Las campañas de prevención y políticas sanitarias sobre el uso de sustancias deberían tener en cuenta las diferencias en el consumo según el sexo para adaptarlas a la población a las que vayan dirigidas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Research indicates refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), particularly females, have a higher incidence of mental health problems compared to the global norm for conflict-affected populations.Objective: This study aimed to unpack gender differences in the mental health of Congolese refugees by examining specific risk (trauma exposure, adaptation challenges, and discrimination) and protective factors (marital status, literacy, and social resources) in relation to posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) and depression. Method: Utilizing systematic random sampling, we surveyed 667 adult refugees (370 females, 297 males) in the Kyaka II refugee settlement in Western Uganda. A multi-group path analysis was conducted, initially allowing for variance between genders and subsequently comparing a constrained model, where paths were set equal across groups.Results: The unconstrained model presented an excellent fit to the data. When paths were set to be equal across groups, the decline in model fit, confirmed by a chi-square difference test, indicated differences in the model for males and females. A series of Z-tests were used to compare individual paths. Experiencing discrimination was a stronger risk factor for depression among men, whereas a history of rape was more strongly associated with depression for females. Being literate and a member of a social group in the settlement were stronger protective factors for depression among men, whereas living with a partner and a felt sense of connection to their community was more important for women. Associations between risk and protective factors and PTSS were more similar across groups, only membership in a group was significantly moderated by gender; with group membership being more impactful for males.Conclusion: The results highlight similarities and differences in predictors of distress for male and female Congolese refugees and point to potential avenues for tailoring programming to be gender sensitive.
    This research identified key differences in how specific traumatic experiences and social factors correlate with psychological distress for male and female Congolese refugees, underscoring the need for tailored support strategies.The study reveals that while discrimination is a stronger predictor of depression in men, experiences of rape are more closely linked to depression in women. Conversely, social factors like literacy and group membership offer more protection to men, whereas relationship status and community connection are more protective for women.The findings shed light on the importance of gender-sensitive mental health and psychosocial support interventions.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Background: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) prevalence and clinical presentation reportedly vary with gender and/or sex. Equivalent complex PTSD (CPTSD) research is in its relative infancy and to date no systematic review has been conducted on this topic.Objective: To systematically review the literature and provide a narrative addressing the question of whether gender and/or sex differences exist in CPTSD prevalence and clinical presentation.Method: Embase, PsycINFO, PTSDpubs, PubMed, Web of Science, EThOS and Google Scholar were searched. Twelve papers were eligible for inclusion. Data were extracted and synthesised narratively.Results: Four themes were identified: (i) the reporting of gender and/or sex; (ii) index trauma; (iii) CPTSD prevalence rates; and (iv) CPTSD clinical presentation. Findings were mixed. Nine papers reported prevalence rates: eight found no gender and/or sex differences; one found higher diagnostic rates among women and/or females. Four papers reported clinical presentation: one reported higher cluster-level scores among women and/or females; two used single gender and/or sex samples; and one found higher scores in two clusters in men and/or males. Most papers failed to report in gender- and/or sex-sensitive ways.Conclusions: Gender- and sex-sensitive research and clinical practice is needed. Awareness in research and clinical practice is recommended regarding the intersect between identity and the experience and expression of complex trauma.
    This narrative review aims to establish whether gender and/or sex differences exist in complex post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosis rates and clinical presentation.Most papers adopted a binary approach to sex and gender.Most papers reported no difference in overall diagnosis rates, and few papers reported mixed findings regarding CPTSD presentation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Sexual victimization is a serious public health problem, with a range of negative impacts on mental and physical health. Responses that individuals get to disclosure of sexual victimization play an important role in recovery. With the increased use of social media, more survivors are talking about their experiences of sexual victimization online. Research is needed to document the correlates of online disclosure of sexual victimization.Objective: The current study examined the role of demographic characteristics, assault severity, coping strategies, and social isolation as putative correlates of disclosing sexual victimization online via the hashtag #MeToo.Methods: A sample of 637 adults recruited via social media who reported a history of sexual victimization since the age of 14 completed self-report surveys using online survey software to assess disclosure of sexual victimization, assault severity, coping strategies, and social isolation.Results: Multivariate analyses suggest that levels of emotion-focused coping were positively associated with the disclosure of sexual victimization online via #MeToo. Further, individuals who had experienced completed rape by verbal coercion were less likely to disclose via #MeToo, compared to individuals who experienced other forms of assault.Conclusion: Coping strategies and assault severity play an important role in determining whether survivors disclose sexual victimization online via #MeToo. Findings suggest that individuals may disclose via #MeToo to seek support or express their emotions. Further, individuals whose sexual victimization experiences do not conform to \'typical\' sexual victimization experiences are less likely to disclose via #MeToo.
    HIGHLIGHTSGreater reported use of emotion-focused coping is associated with an increased likelihood of disclosing via #MeToo.Individuals who experienced completed rape by verbal coercion were less likely to disclose via #MeToo, compared to individuals who experienced other forms of assault.Findings highlight the need to further investigate correlates of disclosure via #MeToo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    El número creciente de adolescentes con identidad de género no conforme parece estar asociado a lo que los autores consideran ser la manifestación contemporánea del fenómeno de la crisis de identidad adolescente. Ésta se expresa a través de un rechazo deliberado y una revaloración de los roles y las normas convencionales de género. La crisis de identidad adolescente, tal y como fue conceptualizada inicialmente por Erik Erikson (1956), constituye un fenómeno multifacético inconsciente que se manifiesta en el contexto familiar y social. Los autores hacen una revisión histórica de la terminología pertinente, seguida de la presentación de cuatro bocetos clínicos, seleccionados para mostrar este fenómeno y los conflictos familiares que comúnmente se producen como resultado. A continuación, se presenta un caso clínico que abarca el proceso de evaluación clínica, formulación psicodinámica, consideraciones del tratamiento y el trabajo con los padres. Se enumeran las fuentes de información disponibles para los pacientes y sus familias. Las ilustraciones clínicas están compuestas de varios casos sobrepuestos y los datos se han alterado para proteger la privacidad y confidencialidad de los pacientes. Por último, los autores hacen un llamado a la comunidad científica a realizar indagaciones profundas a largo plazo sobre este fenómeno clínico.





