Folding free energy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A number of analyses require estimates of the folding free energy changes of specific RNA secondary structures. These predictions are often based on a set of nearest neighbor parameters that models the folding stability of a RNA secondary structure as the sum of folding stabilities of the structural elements that comprise the secondary structure. In the software suite RNAstructure, the free energy change calculation is implemented in the program efn2. The efn2 program estimates the folding free energy change and the experimental uncertainty in the folding free energy change. It can be run through the graphical user interface for RNAstructure, from the command line, or a web server. This chapter provides detailed protocols for using efn2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), as the precursor of serotonin and melatonin in animals, can regulate mood, sleep, and behavior, which is widely used in pharmaceutical and health products industry. The enzymatic production of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) from L-tryptophan (L-Trp) using tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) show huge potential in application due to its advantages, such as mild reaction conditions, avoidance of protection/deprotection processes, excellent regioselectivity and considerable catalytic efficiency, compared with chemical synthesis and natural extraction. However, the low thermostability of TPH restricted its hydroxylation efficiency toward L-Trp. In this study, we aimed to improve the thermostability of TPH via semi-rational design guided by (folding free energy) ΔΔG fold calculation. After two rounds of evolution, two beneficial mutants M1 (S422V) and M30 (V275L/I412K) were obtained. Thermostability evaluation showed that M1 and M30 possessed 5.66-fold and 6.32-fold half-lives (t1/2) at 37 °C, and 4.2 °C and 6.0 °C higher melting temperature (Tm) than the WT, respectively. The mechanism behind thermostability improvement was elucidated with molecular dynamics simulation. Furthermore, biotransformation of 5-HTP from L-Trp was performed, M1 and M30 displayed 1.80-fold and 2.30-fold than that of WT, respectively. This work provides important insights into the thermostability enhancement of TPH and generate key mutants that could be robust candidates for practical production of 5-HTP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Revealing the molecular effect that pathogenic missense mutations have on the corresponding protein is crucial for developing therapeutic solutions. This is especially important for monogenic diseases since, for most of them, there is no treatment available, while typically, the treatment should be provided in the early development stages. This requires fast targeted drug development at a low cost. Here, we report an updated database of monogenic disorders (MOGEDO), which includes 768 proteins and the corresponding 2559 pathogenic and 1763 benign mutations, along with the functional classification of the corresponding proteins. Using the database and various computational tools that predict folding free energy change (ΔΔG), we demonstrate that, on average, 70% of pathogenic cases result in decreased protein stability. Such a large fraction indicates that one should aim at in silico screening for small molecules stabilizing the structure of the mutant protein. We emphasize that knowledge of ΔΔG is essential because one wants to develop stabilizers that compensate for ΔΔG, but do not make protein over-stable, since over-stable protein may be dysfunctional. We demonstrate that, by using ΔΔG and predicted solvent exposure of the mutation site, one can develop a predictive method that distinguishes pathogenic from benign mutations with a success rate even better than some of the leading pathogenicity predictors. Furthermore, hydrophobic-hydrophobic mutations have stronger correlations between folding free energy change and pathogenicity compared with others. Also, mutations involving Cys, Gly, Arg, Trp, and Tyr amino acids being replaced by any other amino acid are more likely to be pathogenic. To facilitate further detection of pathogenic mutations, the wild type of amino acids in the 768 proteins mentioned above was mutated to other 19 residues (14,847,817 mutations), the ΔΔG was calculated with SAAFEC-SEQ, and 5,506,051 mutations were predicted to be pathogenic.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Revealing the molecular effect that pathogenic missense mutations cause on the corresponding protein is crucial for developing therapeutic solutions. This is especially important for monogenic diseases since, for most of them, there is no treatment available, while typically, the treatment should be provided in the early development stages. This requires fast, targeted drug development at a low cost. Here, we report a database of monogenic disorders (MOGEDO), which includes 768 proteins, the corresponding 2559 pathogenic and 1763 benign mutations, along with the functional classification of the corresponding proteins. Using the database and various computational tools that predict folding free energy change (ΔΔG), we demonstrate that, on average, 70% of pathogenic cases result in decreased protein stability. Such a large fraction indicates that one should aim at in-silico screening for small molecules stabilizing the structure of the mutant protein. We emphasize that knowledge of ΔΔG is essential because one wants to develop stabilizers that compensate for ΔΔG but not to make protein over-stable since over-stable protein may be dysfunctional. We demonstrate that using ΔΔG and predicted solvent exposure of the mutation site; one can develop a predictive method that distinguishes pathogenic from benign mutation with a success rate even better than some of the leading pathogenicity predictors. Furthermore, hydrophobic-hydrophobic mutations have stronger correlations between folding free energy change and pathogenicity compared with others. Also, mutations involving Cys, Gly, Arg, Trp and Tyr amino acids being replaced by any other amino acid are more likely to be pathogenic. To facilitate further detection of pathogenic mutations, the wild type of amino acids in the 768 proteins mentioned above was mutated to other 19 residues (14,847,817 mutations), and the ΔΔG was calculated with SAAFEC-SEQ, and 5,506,051 mutations were predicted to be pathogenic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) plays a crucial role in synthesizing telomeric repeats that safeguard chromosomes from damage and fusion, thereby maintaining genome stability. Mutations in the TERT gene can lead to a deviation in gene expression, impaired enzyme activity, and, as a result, abnormal telomere shortening. Genetic markers of productivity traits in livestock can be developed based on the TERT gene polymorphism for use in marker-associated selection (MAS). In this study, a bioinformatic-based approach is proposed to evaluate the effect of missense single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the pig TERT gene on enzyme function and structure, with the prospect of developing genetic markers.
    RESULTS: A comparative analysis of the coding and amino acid sequences of the pig TERT was performed with corresponding sequences of other species. The distribution of polymorphisms in the pig TERT gene, with respect to the enzyme\'s structural-functional domains, was established. A three-dimensional model of the pig TERT structure was obtained through homological modeling. The potential impact of each of the 23 missense SNPs in the pig TERT gene on telomerase function and stability was assessed using predictive bioinformatic tools utilizing data on the amino acid sequence and structure of pig TERT.
    CONCLUSIONS: According to bioinformatic analysis of 23 missense SNPs of the pig TERT gene, a predictive effect of rs789641834 (TEN domain), rs706045634 (TEN domain), rs325294961 (TRBD domain) and rs705602819 (RTD domain) on the structural and functional parameters of the enzyme was established. These SNPs hold the potential to serve as genetic markers of productivity traits. Therefore, the possibility of their application in MAS should be further evaluated in associative analysis studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reliable prediction of free energy changes upon amino acid substitutions (ΔΔGs) is crucial to investigate their impact on protein stability and protein-protein interaction. Advances in experimental mutational scans allow high-throughput studies thanks to multiplex techniques. On the other hand, genomics initiatives provide a large amount of data on disease-related variants that can benefit from analyses with structure-based methods. Therefore, the computational field should keep the same pace and provide new tools for fast and accurate high-throughput ΔΔG calculations. In this context, the Rosetta modeling suite implements effective approaches to predict folding/unfolding ΔΔGs in a protein monomer upon amino acid substitutions and calculate the changes in binding free energy in protein complexes. However, their application can be challenging to users without extensive experience with Rosetta. Furthermore, Rosetta protocols for ΔΔG prediction are designed considering one variant at a time, making the setup of high-throughput screenings cumbersome. For these reasons, we devised RosettaDDGPrediction, a customizable Python wrapper designed to run free energy calculations on a set of amino acid substitutions using Rosetta protocols with little intervention from the user. Moreover, RosettaDDGPrediction assists with checking completed runs and aggregates raw data for multiple variants, as well as generates publication-ready graphics. We showed the potential of the tool in four case studies, including variants of uncertain significance in childhood cancer, proteins with known experimental unfolding ΔΔGs values, interactions between target proteins and disordered motifs, and phosphomimetics. RosettaDDGPrediction is available, free of charge and under GNU General Public License v3.0, at






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the role of stability strengths and weaknesses in proteins is a key objective for rationalizing their dynamical and functional properties such as conformational changes, catalytic activity, and protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions. We present BRANEart, a new, fast and accurate method to evaluate the per-residue contributions to the overall stability of membrane proteins. It is based on an extended set of recently introduced statistical potentials derived from membrane protein structures, which better describe the stability properties of this class of proteins than standard potentials derived from globular proteins. We defined a per-residue membrane propensity index from combinations of these potentials, which can be used to identify residues which strongly contribute to the stability of the transmembrane region or which would, on the contrary, be more stable in extramembrane regions, or vice versa. Large-scale application to membrane and globular proteins sets and application to tests cases show excellent agreement with experimental data. BRANEart thus appears as a useful instrument to analyze in detail the overall stability properties of a target membrane protein, to position it relative to the lipid bilayer, and to rationally modify its biophysical characteristics and function. BRANEart can be freely accessed from






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peptides designed with residues that have a high propensity to occur in β-turns form β-hairpin structures in apolar as well as in polar organic solvents such as dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Due to limited solubility, their conformations have not been investigated experimentally in water. We have examined the conformations of four of such designed peptides that fold into well-defined β-hairpin structures facilitated by β-turns, in the crystalline state and in solution, by molecular dynamics simulations (MDS). The peptides folded into β-hairpin structures in water, starting from the fully extended conformation. However, in DMSO, neither folding nor unfolding was observed during MDS, when the starting structures were unfolded and folded, respectively. The lack of folding in DMSO was investigated by constructing folding free energy landscapes by umbrella sampling. The folding free energy landscape is smooth in water, whereas in DMSO, folded and unfolded structures are separated by high-energy barriers. The folding free energy is less in DMSO compared with water due to a more stable unfolded structure in DMSO compared with water, which in turn is due to stabilisation of the unfolded state by hydrophobic interactions in DMSO. This finding will be helpful to researchers to accurately model and/or design small peptide structures in water and organic solvents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stability is a key ingredient of protein fitness, and its modification through targeted mutations has applications in various fields, such as protein engineering, drug design, and deleterious variant interpretation. Many studies have been devoted over the past decades to build new, more effective methods for predicting the impact of mutations on protein stability based on the latest developments in artificial intelligence. We discuss their features, algorithms, computational efficiency, and accuracy estimated on an independent test set. We focus on a critical analysis of their limitations, the recurrent biases toward the training set, their generalizability, and interpretability. We found that the accuracy of the predictors has stagnated at around 1 kcal/mol for over 15 years. We conclude by discussing the challenges that need to be addressed to reach improved performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Codon usage bias (CUB) and mRNA structural stability are important intrinsic features of mRNA that correlate positively with mRNA expression level. However, it remains unclear whether the mRNA expression level can be regulated by adjusting these two parameters, influencing the mRNAs\' structure. Here we explored the influence of CUB and mRNA structural stability on mRNA expression levels in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, using both wild type and computationally mutated mRNAs. Although in wild type, both CUB and mRNA stability positively regulate the mRNA expression level, any deviation from natural situation breaks such equilibrium. The naturally occurring codon composition is responsible for optimizing the mRNA expression, and under such composition, the mRNA structure having highest stability is selected by nature.





