Floury endosperm

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endosperm, the major storage organ in cereal grains, determines the grain yield and quality. Mitochondria provide the energy for dry matter accumulation, in the endosperm development. Although mitochondrial single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (mtSSBs) play a canonical role in the maintenance of single-stranded mitochondrial DNA, their molecular functions in RNA processing and endosperm development remain obscure. Here, we report a defective rice endosperm mutant, floury endosperm26 (flo26), which develops abnormal starch grains in the endosperm. Map-based cloning and complementation experiments showed that FLO26 allele encodes a mitochondrial single-stranded DNA-binding protein, named as mtSSB1.1. Loss of function of mtSSB1.1 affects the transcriptional level of many mitochondrially-encoded genes and RNA splicing of nad1, a core component of respiratory chain complex I in mitochondria. As a result, dysfunctional mature nad1 led to dramatically decreased complex I activity, thereby reducing ATP production. Our results reveal that mtSSB1.1 plays an important role in the maintenance of mitochondrial function and endosperm development by stabilizing the splicing of mitochondrial RNA in rice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As a staple food for more than half of the world\'s population, the importance of rice is self-evident. Compared with ordinary rice, rice cultivars with superior eating quality and appearance quality are more popular with consumers due to their unique taste and ornamental value, even if their price is much higher. Appearance quality and CEQ (cooking and eating quality) are two very important aspects in the evaluation of rice quality. Here, we performed a genome-wide association study on floury endosperm in a diverse panel of 533 cultivated rice accessions. We identified a batch of potential floury genes and prioritize one (LOC_Os03g48060) for functional analyses. Two floury outer endosperm mutants (flo19-1 and flo19-2) were generated through editing LOC_Os03g48060 (named as FLO19 in this study), which encodes a class I glutamine amidotransferase. The different performances of the two mutants in various storage substances directly led to completely different changes in CEQ. The mutation of FLO19 gene caused the damage of carbon and nitrogen metabolism in rice, which affected the normal growth and development of rice, including decreased plant height and yield loss by decreased grain filling rate. Through haplotype analysis, we identified a haplotype of FLO19 that can improve both CEQ and appearance quality of rice, Hap2, which provides a selection target for rice quality improvement, especially for high-yield indica rice varieties.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11032-021-01226-z.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rice flour is useful as a substitute for wheat flour, however, to obtain fine flour, millers need special milling facilities, which increase the cost of milling. To reduce the milling cost, we developed a floury mutant line by irradiating gamma-rays to dry seeds of the japonica cultivar \'Hoshinoyume\'. The line was registered as a new cultivar, \'Hoshinoko\'. Genetical analysis of the floury trait was conducted using an F2 population derived from a cross between \'Hoshinoko\' and \'Corbetti\' (a japonica rice cultivar with normal endosperm), which indicated the involvement of a single recessive gene located near the RM163 marker on the long arm of rice chromosome 5, flanking flo4 identified by Kang et al. (2005). Sequence analysis of flo4 showed a two-bp (CA) insertion in the eighth exon of in \'Hoshinoko\' compared to that of \'Hoshinoyume\', which led to a frameshift mutation. The CAPS-based genotype of flo4 gene completely correlated to the phenotype of endosperm in two populations. This CAPS marker could be helpful for rice breeders to develop new cultivars harboring floury endosperm of the flo4-303 gene.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The improvement of the cooking and eating quality (CEQ) of rice is one of the major objectives of current rice-breeding programs. A few major genes such as Waxy (Wx) and starch synthase IIa (SSIIa) have been successfully applied in molecular breeding. However, their interactive effects on CEQ have not been fully understood. In this study, a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population was constructed by crossing the white-core mutant GM645 with the transparent phenotype of the japonica rice variety Tainung 67 (TN67). GM645 and TN67 contain different alleles of FLOURY ENDOSPERM2 (FLO2), Wx, and SSIIa. The effects of different allele combinations of FLO2, Wx, and SSIIa on the CEQ of rice were investigated. The inbred lines with the mutation allele flo2 had a significantly lower apparent amylose content (AAC), viscosity characteristics except for setback (SB), and gel texture properties compared to those lines with the FLO2 allele. The allelic combination of FLO2 and Wx significantly affected the AAC, breakdown (BD), and gel textural properties, which could explain most of the variations in those rice quality traits that were correlated with AAC. The allelic combination of FLO2 and SSIIa significantly affected the hot paste viscosity (HPV) and pasting temperature (PT). The Wx × SSIIa interaction had a significant effect on the PT. The interaction of FLO2, Wx and SSIIa significantly affected the AAC, cold paste viscosity (CPV), PT, and consistency viscosity (CS). These results highlight the important roles of these quality-related genes in regulating the CEQ of rice and provide new clues for rice-quality improvement by marker-assisted selection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Andean purple maize (APM) is an ancient crop widely used as a natural coloring in traditional Peruvian cuisine. However, it has been little explored within the food industry. The present study assessed how APM impacts on techno-functional properties and sensory acceptance of breakfast cereals. Extruded samples formulated with 100, 75, 50, and 25% APM, and complemented with yellow corn grits (YCG), were analyzed for their techno-functional and sensory properties.
    RESULTS: Increases in bulk density, as well as reduction in the expantion and porosity were observated for extrudates containing ≥ 50% APM, accompanied by an increase in purple color intensity. Increase in milk absorption index, reduction in milk solubility index and decrease in cereal hardness with increase in APM were also observed. Despite this, APM extented the cereal bowl-life. High sensory scores of overall liking (6) and color (7) were obtained for extruded formulations containing ≥ 50% APM and low values for extrudates with 25% APM. Aroma, flavor, and texture scores did not present significant differences.
    CONCLUSIONS: APM is an ingredient with the potential to be used to produce breakfast cereals since it improves their techno-functional characteristics and sensory acceptance, at the same time, it leads to the production of healthy, nutritious, and sustainable food. © 2022 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The endosperm of corn kernel consists of two components, a horny endosperm, and a floury endosperm. In the experiment, a kind of floury endosperm corn was identified. The result of phenotypic trait analysis and determination of amino acid content showed that the floury endosperm filled with the small, loose, and scattered irregular spherical shape starch granules and contained higher content of amino acid. The starch biochemical properties are similar between floury corns and regular flint corn. By using dynamically comparative transcriptome analysis of endosperm at 20, 25, and 30 DAP, a total of 113.42 million raw reads and 50.508 thousand genes were obtained. By using the weighted gene co-expression network analysis, 806 genes and six modules were identified. And the turquoise module with 459 genes was proved to be the key module closely related to the floury endosperm formation. Nine zein genes in turquoise module, including two zein-alpha A20 (Zm00001d019155 and Zm00001d019156), two zein-alpha A30 (Zm00001d048849 and Zm00001d048850), one 50 kDa gamma-zein (Zm00001d020591), one 22 kDa alpha-zein 14 (Zm00001d048817), one zein-alpha 19D1 (Zm00001d030855), one zein-alpha 19B1 (Zm00001d048848), and one FLOURY 2 (Zm00001d048808) were identified closely related the floury endosperm formation. Both zein-alpha 19B1 (Zm00001d048848) and zein-alpha A30 (Zm00001d048850) function as source genes with the highest expression level in floury endosperm. These results may provide the supplementary molecular mechanism of structure and nutrient formation for the floury endosperm of maize.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The amyloplast is a specialized plastid in rice endosperm cells where starch is synthesized and stored as starch granules (SGs). However, little is known about the molecular mechanism underlying amyloplast and SG development. In this study, a novel mutant (c134) demonstrating a floury endosperm with enlarged SGs and amyloplasts was identified. The floury endosperm was caused by rounder, loosely packed SG. Grain-quality profile and expression analysis showed reduced contents of total starch and amylose in the c134 mutant, as well as reduced expression of a number of genes involved in starch biosynthesis. Galactosyldiacylglycerol (GDG) content and fatty acid synthesis play important roles in plastid development, and in the c134 endosperm, an obvious decrease in GDG and various fatty acids was observed, with down-regulated expression of various genes involved in lipid biosynthesis. Furthermore, map-based cloning revealed an amino acid substitution (glycine to aspartic acid) in the substandard starch grain4 (SSG4) protein. The results of this study suggest that SSG4 influences the regulation of starch and lipid metabolism as well as amyloplast development, a finding that is useful for potential genetic improvement of rice grain quality in future starch and lipid breeding and biotechnology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our objective was to evaluate the effects of corn grain varying in endosperm type and conserved as high-moisture or dry ground corn on dry matter intake (DMI), feeding behavior, ruminal fermentation, and yields of milk and milk components of cows in early to mid-lactation. Seven ruminally and duodenally cannulated Holstein cows (73 ± 39 d in milk; mean ± SD) were used in a duplicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with 21-d periods. A 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was used with main effects of corn grain endosperm type (floury or vitreous) conserved as high-moisture corn (HMC) or dry ground corn (DGC). Rations were formulated to contain 27.0% starch, 26.6% neutral detergent fiber (NDF), 19.1% forage NDF, and 16.5% crude protein. Corn grain treatments supplied 86.6% of dietary starch and contained alfalfa silage as the sole forage. Dry matter intake was increased 1.3 kg/d by DGC compared with HMC. The increase in DMI by DGC was related to a shorter intermeal interval (104.4 vs. 118.2 min/d), and meal size was not affected by treatment. Dry ground corn decreased rumination bout length and number of chews per bout compared with HMC. No differences were detected between endosperm treatments for DMI, yields of milk, 3.5% fat-corrected milk (FCM), milk fat, protein, lactose, or solids-not-fat (SNF). Mean yield of 3.5% FCM across treatments was 47.5 kg/d. However, a tendency for an interaction was observed for feed efficiency; floury endosperm increased efficiency 0.05 kg 3.5% FCM per kg of DMI for DGC but decreased it by 0.14 kg 3.5% FCM per kg of DMI for HMC relative to vitreous endosperm. Vitreous compared with floury corn tended to increase true protein concentration in milk when conserved as DGC (2.68% vs. 2.62%) but not as HMC. Concentration of SNF was increased by DGC compared with HMC (8.45 vs. 8.37%) due, in part, to the effect of treatment on milk protein concentration. Body weight was not affected by treatment, but vitreous endosperm tended to increase loss of body condition compared with floury endosperm. Corn endosperm type and conservation method had little effect on productive performance of high-producing cows.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our objective was to evaluate the relative effects of endosperm type and conservation method of corn grain on ruminal kinetics, site of nutrient digestion, and flow of nitrogen fractions to the duodenum in lactating dairy cows. Seven ruminally and duodenally cannulated Holstein cows (73 ± 39 d in milk; mean ± SD) were used in a duplicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with 21-d periods. A 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was used, with main effects of corn grain endosperm type (floury or vitreous) and conserved as dry ground corn (DGC) or high-moisture corn (HMC). Rations were formulated to contain 27.0% starch, 26.6% neutral detergent fiber (NDF), 19.1% forage NDF, and 16.5% crude protein. Corn grain treatments supplied 86.6% of dietary starch, and alfalfa silage was the sole forage. True ruminal starch digestibility was increased by HMC compared with DGC (87.2 vs. 64.3%) and by floury compared with vitreous corn grain (83.7 vs. 67.7%). The increase for HMC compared with DGC was because of an increase in the degradation rate (33.8 vs. 23.1%/h) and a decrease in passage rate of starch (7.6 vs. 15.2%/h). The increase for floury compared with vitreous corn grain was because of an increase in the degradation rate (31.5 vs. 25.4%/h) and a decrease in rate of starch passage from the rumen (7.9 vs. 14.9%/h). Apparent total-tract starch digestibility was increased by HMC compared with DGC and by floury compared with vitreous corn, but the increase for floury corn was greater for the DGC treatment. Dry ground corn compared with HMC tended to increase nonammonia N flow to the duodenum (466 vs. 431 g/d) by increasing flow of nonammonia nonmicrobial N (211 vs. 111 g/d) despite a decrease in microbial N flow (255 vs. 320 g/d). Vitreous corn increased nonammonia nonmicrobial N flow to the duodenum (187 vs. 135 g/d) compared with floury corn, but microbial N flow to the duodenum was not affected by endosperm type. Efficiency of microbial N production was not affected by treatment. Endosperm type and conservation method of corn grain greatly affect digestion kinetics and ruminal digestibility of starch as well as flow of N fractions to the duodenum and should be considered during diet formulation for lactating cows.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our objective was to evaluate effects of corn grain endosperm type and fineness of grind on feed intake, feeding behavior, ruminal fermentation, and productive performance of lactating cows. Eight ruminally and duodenally cannulated Holstein cows in mid lactation (130 ± 42 d in milk; mean ± standard deviation) were used in a duplicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with 21-d periods. A 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments was used with main effects of corn grain endosperm type (floury or vitreous) and fineness of grind of corn grain (fine or medium). Rations were formulated to contain 29% starch, 27% neutral detergent fiber, 18.2% forage neutral detergent fiber, and 18% crude protein. Corn grain treatments supplied 86.2% of dietary starch. Endosperm was 25% vitreous for floury corn and 66% vitreous for vitreous corn. Fineness of grind did not affect dry matter intake (DMI), but floury corn tended to reduce DMI (23.8 vs. 25.1 kg/d) compared with vitreous corn. Floury corn increased meal frequency more for fine grind size (9.57 vs. 9.41 meals/d) than medium grind size (9.78 vs. 9.75 meals/d). However, there were no effects of treatment on any other measure of feeding behavior. Endosperm type did not affect yields of milk or milk components or milk composition except that vitreous corn tended to decrease milk lactose concentration compared with floury corn. Finely ground corn decreased yields of milk (31.1 vs. 33.1 kg/d), 3.5% fat-corrected milk (33.1 vs. 35.1 kg/d), milk fat (1.22 vs. 1.32 kg/d), milk lactose (1.48 vs. 1.59 kg/d), and solids not fat (2.46 vs. 2.63 kg/d) compared with medium grind size. However, fineness of grind did not affect milk composition. Treatments had no effect on change in body weight or body condition score or efficiency of milk production (kg of 3.5% fat-corrected milk/kg of DMI). Mean ruminal pH was not affected by treatment, but pH variance was decreased by vitreous compared with floury corn. Total volatile fatty acids and propionate concentrations in the rumen were increased by floury compared with vitreous corn but were not affected by fineness of grind. Effects of fineness of grind on yield of milk and milk components were greater than the effects of corn grain vitreousness.





