Fingerprint identification

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Developing new materials that could identify fingerprint using the naked eye and observe the level 3 microscopic details is challenging. Here, we designed a novel hydrochromic and piezochromic dual-responsive optical film, which achieved the visual transparency transition. The performances of hydrochromic and piezochromic responses from high transparency to opaque whiteness were attributed to the introduction of poloxamer. The hygroscopic swelling of the disordered micelles led to light scattering, causing the hydrochromic response. The piezochromic response may be ascribed to the microcracks in the fragments of poloxamer crystals, which changed the refractive index of light. The fascinating combination of hydrochromic and piezochromic response was effectively applied in fingerprint identification. Hydrochromic response accurately recognized sweat pores, and piezochromic response could gradually reveal the ridges and valleys according to the different color of imprinted fingerprints. The film could identify fake fingerprints based on the differences in sweat pores between fake fingerprints and living fingers. More importantly, the film could easily detected not only the clear ridges but also the detailed sweat pores using the naked eye, indicating that the film has profound research significance in fingerprint analysis and liveness fingerprint detection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of high-intensity fluorescent materials is always the focuses and forefront projects because of their important applications in displays, sensing and detection fields. In recent years, the detection of explosives has attracted increasing attention due to security and counterterrorism issues. Herein, two diphenyl-anthracene (DPA) derivatives were designed and synthesized by introducing strong electron withdrawing fluorine atoms and cyano-groups to DPA, which exhibited strong fluorescence both in the solution and solid phase with the absolute quantum yields up to 70.4 % and 45.9 % respectively. The detection behavior of nitroaromatic explosives such as picric acid (PA), 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and 3-Nitropropionic acid (3-NP) also shows good sensitivity with the quenching constant as high as 6.3×104  L mol-1 . Theoretical calculation demonstrates that the fluorescence quenching behavior of the two DPA derivatives is caused by the behavior of photoinduced electron transfer (PET) and the resonance energy transfer (RET) studies explained the higher sensitivity and selectivity of both compounds towards PA than other nitro-containing explosives. Furthermore, the strong solid-state fluorescence of the DPA derivatives also shows excellent advantages in enhancing latent fingerprint recognition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Facile synthesis of Ultralong room-temperature phosphorescence (URTP) with super stability and long-afterglow are of great significance, but hard to achieve. Herein, a brilliant gram-scale and solvent-free pyrolysis treatment strategy has been developed to prepare high-performance URTP carbon dots (CDs) by regulating different temperature (250-500 °C). The optimized CDs (CD-400) showed room-temperature phosphorescence 1.99 s and lasting over 22 s to naked eyes, which is superior to most of the reported URTP CDs. Owing to the stabilization effects of the modified B2O3 layer on the surface, the homogenous distribution of CD-400 with the narrow diameter of 1.44 nm was constructed, displaying a superb stability through hydrogen-bond network. In addition, the doping atoms (N, O) greatly enhanced the n-π* transitions and stabilized triplet excitons radiative transitions, facilitating the effective intersystem crossing (ISC) and the RTP emissions. More importantly, the B2O3-modified CDs were successfully applied in the multi-level information encryption (time-resolved RTP performance) and fingerprint identification (bifurcation, whorl and termination details).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence and fast development of carbon dots (CDs) provide an unprecedented opportunity for applications in the field of photoelectricity, but their practicability still suffers from complicated synthesis procedures and the substrate dependence of solid-state fluorescence. In this study, we design a unique microwave-assisted solid-phase synthesis route for preparing tunable fluorescent CD powders with yellow, orange, and red fluorescence (Y-CDs, O-CDs, R-CDs) by simply adjusting the mass ratio of reactants, a method which is suitable for the large-scale synthesis of CDs. The Y-/O-/R-CDs were systematically characterized using physics and spectroscopy techniques. Based on the perfect solid-state fluorescence performance of the proposed fluorescent CD powders, the Y-/O-/R-CDs were successfully applied for the construction of multi-color and white light-emitting diode devices at low cost. Furthermore, the Y-CDs displayed much higher yield and luminous efficiency than the O-CDs and R-CDs and were further used for fingerprint identification on the surfaces of glass sheets and tinfoil. In addition, the R-CD aqueous solution fluorescence is sensitive to pH, suggesting its use as a pH indicator for monitoring intracellular pH fluctuations. The proposed series of fluorescent powders composed of CDs may herald a new era in the application of optical components and criminal investigation fields.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biometric features are useful for unique identification, authentication, and security applications. Among all biometric features, fingerprints are the most commonly used because they contain ridges and valleys. There are challenges in recognizing child or infant fingerprints since the ridges are not mature as the hands are covered with a white substance and acquisition of fingerprint images is difficult. In the context of COVID-19 pandemic, contactless fingerprint acquisition gains importance as it is not infectious especially with children. In this study, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based children recognition system named Child-CLEF, that uses Contact-Less Children Fingerprint (CLCF) dataset acquired using a mobile phone-based scanner is proposed. The quality of captured fingerprint images is enhanced using a hybrid image enhancement method. Furthermore, the minutiae features are extracted using the proposed Child-CLEF Net model and the identification of children is made using a matching algorithm. The proposed system is tested with a self-captured children fingerprint dataset, CLCF and publicly available PolyU fingerprint dataset. It is found that the proposed system outperforms the existing fingerprint recognition systems in terms of accuracy and equal error rate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People can fail to notice objects and events in their visual environment when their attention is engaged elsewhere. This phenomenon is known as inattentional blindness, and its consequences can be costly for important real-world decisions. However, not noticing certain visual information could also signal expertise in a domain. In this study, we compared professional fingerprint analysts and novices on a fingerprint matching task in which we covertly placed an image of a gorilla into one of the prints. This gorilla was either small, or large, but always embedded in a way that made it largely irrelevant to the primary task. We found that analysts were more likely than the novices to miss the large gorilla. We interpret this finding not as a flaw in how these experts make decisions, but most likely an expression of their expertise; instead of processing more information they filter out irrelevant information and constrain their attention to what is important.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: When a patient receives a transplant-be it classically an organ or bone marrow or, more recently, composite allotransplantations of the limb or face-it can result in artificial chimerism. Such chimerism raises considerations in forensic medicine, a field that relies on the collection and identification of biological samples from crime scenes. Beyond this chimerism, composite allotransplantations create further challenges.
    METHODS: After screening the literature and press releases, we provide a brief history and summary of some of the technologies used in forensic identification, explaining their advantages and pitfalls in the light of transplantation and cautioning against misidentifying those who evade justice by taking advantage of such considerations.
    RESULTS: With face transplantation, patients can receive the skin, hair, salivary glands, teeth, and oral and nasal mucosa of their donors, components which hold great importance in forensic science. Modern technologies such as computer-assisted facial recognition, although gradually becoming more accurate over time, also face new challenges in this post-transplantation era as facial recognition software can be misled by surgical alterations of the face or face transplantation. With limb transplantation, there is an impact on fingerprint identification.
    CONCLUSIONS: Both surgical transplantation techniques and forensic technologies have seen incomprehensibly great innovation in the past century. Given the growing rate of successful composite transplantation in the USA and worldwide, it is now important for law enforcement agents to be aware of the new possibility of having two sets of genetic material, hair, saliva, fingerprints, or even facial recognition data for the same individual.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Daubert case in Philadelphia in 1999 caused a debate about the scientificity of fingerprint evidence. Since then, the current fingerprint identification system has been constantly challenged and questioned. Quantitative identification technology based on the statistics of fingerprint minutiae has become a new research hot spot. In this paper, an automatic detection algorithm is designed to achieve automatic classification of fingerprint minutiae using the deep convolution neural network YOLOv5 model. Then the occurrence frequencies of minutiae are statistically evaluated in 619,297 fingerprint images. The results show that the frequency ranges (unit%) of six types of minutiae per finger are ridge endings [68.49, 70.81], bifurcations [26.37, 27.26], independent ridges [1.533, 1.626], spurs [1.129, 1.198], lakes [0.4588, 0.4963], crossovers [0.3034, 0.3256]. The results also show that there are differences in the distribution frequency of the six types of minutiae in the ten finger positions ( thumb, middle, ring, index and little finger of the left and right hand) and in the four finger patterns ( arch, left loop, right loop and whorl). From the quantitative point of view of fingerprint identification, this paper calculates the number and frequency ranges of six types of minutiae, distinguishes the evaluation value of each type of minutiae, and provides the basic data support for establishing a probability model of fingerprint identification in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tenacity of the fingerprint evidence for the identification of criminals has been well documented, but none of the research work so far focussed on unusual prints. Therefore, in the present study, we attempted to define rarely encountered fingerprints in a human population. Our purpose was to explore unusual pattern types on the finger balls and compare these with commonly occurring and classifiable pattern types. Furthermore, we discuss the occurrence of unusual fingerprints in both the sexes with reference to the finger digits. The study was conducted on 512 participants aged between 18 and 35 years from two ethnic groups of North India. A total of 5120 fingerprints from each digit of the 512 individuals were obtained. The fingerprints were analysed for the pattern types based on Henry\'s classification. Patterns that did not fall in the prescribed category as per the definition of the published finger pattern types were identified as unusual fingerprints. We found an incidence of unusual prints of 0.21% and describe these based on a comparison with the general pattern types according to Henry\'s classification. We describe eleven unusual fingerprint patterns, formulating categories that may aid in the individualisation process. The proposed new nomenclature of these unusual fingerprints may assist forensic scientists and fingerprint examiners in better understanding and labelling of similar patterns in forensic cases. Our research may also influence the general forensic science community and biological anthropologists in making population standards pertaining to different types of fingerprints in various population groups and their genetic and familial relationships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The local regional similarity of fingerprints has always been a hot issue in the field of fingerprint research. With the increasing size of ten-print databases, the appearance of close non-matches (CNMs) in automatic fingerprint identification system (AFIS) candidate lists has attracted increasing attention from forensic science departments worldwide. In this study, three categories (high-, medium-, and low-level) of standards for CNMs were established and 60 whorl samples were marked with different numbers of minutiae to explore the occurrence and influencing factors of CNMs in AFIS candidate lists based on a ten million people database. The results showed that all prints could be found with their corresponding CNMs. The average occurrence rate of CNMs for every query was 52.7% in the top 100 lists, and the most similar CNM was exactly the same in the local area of 12 coincidence points. CNMs appeared more in the middle and lower parts of the central region of the whorl. Moreover, shorter C2C distances and the same finger number and hand led to more CNMs being inspected. CNMs with higher similarity required a more extensive regional area and smaller minutiae density. We concluded that CNMs have a high occurrence rate in large-scale databases and many factors are closely related to them. Fingerprint examiners and researchers need to strengthen their understanding of CNMs to avoid the occurrence of misidentification like the Madrid bombings.





