
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plasmin-induced protein hydrolysis significantly compromises the stability of ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) milk. β-Lactoglobulin (β-Lg) was observed to inhibit plasmin activity, suggesting that there were active sites as plasmin inhibitors in β-Lg. Herein, plasmin inhibitory peptides were explored from β-Lg using experimental and computational techniques. The results revealed that increased denaturation of β-Lg enhanced its affinity for plasmin, leading to a stronger inhibition of plasmin activity. Molecular dynamics simulations indicated that electrostatic and van der Waals forces were the primary binding forces in the β-Lg/plasmin complex. Denatured β-Lg increased hydrogen bonding and reduced the binding energy with plasmin. The sites of plasmin bound to β-Lg were His624, Asp667, and Ser762. Four plasmin inhibitory peptides, QTMKGLDI, EKTKIPAV, TDYKKYLL, and CLVRTPEV, were identified from β-Lg based on binding sites. These peptides effectively inhibited plasmin activity and enhanced the UHT milk stability. This study provided new insights into the development of novel plasmin inhibitors to improve the stability of UHT milk.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, fibrinolytic protease was isolated and purified from Perinereis aibuhitensis Grub, and the extraction process was optimized. The properties of the enzyme, such as the amino acid composition, thermal stability, optimal temperature, and pH, were investigated. After detoxification, proteins collected from fresh Clamworm (Perinereis aibuhitensis Grub) were concentrated via ammonium sulfate precipitation. The crude protease was purified using gel filtration resin (Sephadex G-100), anion exchange resin (DEAE-Sepharose FF), and hydrophobic resin (Phenyl Sepharose 6FF). The molecular weight of the protease was determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The optimum temperature and optimum pH of the protease were determined. The activity of crude protease in the 40-60% salt-out section was the highest, reaching 467.53 U/mg. The optimal process for purifying crude protein involved the application of DEAE-Sepharose FF and Phenyl Sepharose 6FF, which resulted in the isolation of a single protease known as Asp60-D1-P1 with the highest fibrinolytic activity; additionally, the enzyme activity was measured at 3367.76 U/mg. Analysis by Native-PAGE and SDS-PAGE revealed that the molecular weight of Asp60-D1-P1 was 44.5 kDa, which consisted of two subunits with molecular weights of 6.5 and 37.8 kDa, respectively. The optimum temperature for Asp60-D1-P1 was 40°C, and the optimal pH was 8.0.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: AST-004, a small molecule agonist of the adenosine A1 and A3 receptors, is a potential cerebroprotectant for patients with acute stroke and is currently in clinical trials. Drug-drug interactions are critically important to assess in the context of acute stroke care. Lytic therapy with tPA (tissue-type plasminogen activator)-induced plasmin formation (alteplase) is the only available pharmacotherapy for acute stroke. Consequently, it is imperative to evaluate potential interactions between AST-004 and tPAs such as alteplase and tenecteplase.
    UNASSIGNED: The interactions between AST-004 and tPAs were evaluated in 3 ways in preparation for AST-004 phase II trials. First, the metabolic stability of AST-004 was determined in the presence of alteplase and plasmin. Second, the potential for AST-004 to influence the thrombolytic efficacy of alteplase and tenecteplase was evaluated with an in vitro assay system utilizing a fluorogenic substrate of plasmin. Finally, the potential for AST-004 to influence the thrombolytic efficacy of alteplase was also determined with an in vitro thrombolysis assay of human blood thrombi.
    UNASSIGNED: Neither alteplase nor plasmin affected the stability of AST-004 in vitro. In 2 different in vitro systems, AST-004 had no effect on the ability of alteplase or tenecteplase to generate plasmin, and AST-004 had no effect on the thrombolytic efficacy of alteplase to lyse blood clots in human blood.
    UNASSIGNED: These studies indicate that there will be no interactions between AST-004 and tPAs such as alteplase or tenecteplase in patients with stroke undergoing thrombolytic therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Residual plasmin activity in whole ultra-instantaneous UHT (UI-UHT) milk causes rapid fat rise during storage, seriously affecting consumers\' purchase intentions. In this work, the molecular mechanisms underlying fat destabilization in whole UI-UHT milk by added plasmin were investigated based on the hydrolysis behavior of interfacial proteins. By using SDS-PAGE and peptidomic analysis, we found that the hydrolysis of interfacial proteins by plasmin led to a decrease in the amount and coverage of interfacial proteins and an increase in zeta-potential value, causing the flocculation and coalescence of fat globules. Moreover, the hydrolysis pattern varied in different categories of interfacial proteins by plasmin. In total, 125 peptides in all samples were identified. Plasmin tended to hydrolyze most major milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) proteins into protein fragments (>10 kDa) rather than peptides (<10 kDa). In contrast, peptides derived from caseins were more preferentially identified within a relatively short incubation time. It was the co-hydrolysis of caseins and some major MFGM proteins as anchors that destroyed the stability of MFGM. Furthermore, studies on the effect of trilayer membrane structure remaining at the interface on the hydrolysis rate of major MFGM proteins by plasmin revealed that ADPH and BTN were very sensitive to plasmin action, while PAS 7 was very resistant to plasmin action. Overall, membrane structure reduced the susceptibility of some major MFGM proteins to plasmin and provided protective effects. Therefore, this study provided important insights into the hydrolysis behavior of interfacial proteins in whole UI-UHT milk induced by plasmin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predicting the likelihood vascular events in patients with BCR/ABL1-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) is essential for the treatment of the disease. However, effective assessment methods are lacking. Thrombin-antithrombin complex (TAT), plasmin-α2- plasmininhibitor complex (PIC), thrombomodulin (TM), and tissue plasminogen activator-inhibitor complex (t-PAIC) are the new direct indicators for coagulation and fibrinolysis. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes of these four new indicators in thrombotic and hemorrhagic events in BCR/ABL1-negative MPN. The study cohort of 74 patients with BCR/ABL negative myeloproliferative disorders included essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera, and primary myelofibrosis (PMF). A panel of 4 biomarkers, including TAT, PIC, TM, and t-PAIC were determined using Sysmex HISCL5000 automated analyzers, whereas fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products (FDP), D-dimer and Antithrombin III (ATIII) were analyzed using Sysmex CS5100 coagulation analyzer. A total of 24 (32.4%) patients experienced thrombotic events and hemorrhagic events occurred in 8 patients (10.8%). Compared to patients without hemorrhagic-thrombotic events, patients with thrombotic events had higher fibrinogen (FIB) level, FDP level and lower ATIII activity, while patients with hemorrhagic events had lower white blood cell count and hemoglobin level, higher FDP level (P < 0.05). Patients with a JAK2V617F mutation were more likely to experience thrombotic events (P < 0.05). In addtion, patients with thrombotic events had higher TAT, PIC, TM, and t-PAIC levels than patients without hemorrhagic-thrombotic events (P < 0.05), whereas patients with hemorrhagic events had a lower median value in TAT and TM (no statistical difference, P > 0.05). Patients with higher TAT, TM and t-PAIC were more likely to experience thrombotic events (P < 0.05), and only TAT was positively correlated with thrombotic events (Spearman  r =0.287, P = 0.019). TAT, PIC, TM, and t-PAIC combined with ATIII and FDP have a certain value for predicting thrombosis in patients with BCR/ABL1-negative MPN. These 6 parameters are worth further exploration as predictive factors and prognostic markers for early thrombotic events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pivotal role of human endometrial stromal cells (hESCs) in the development of endometriosis lies in their ability to adopt a pro-invasive and proinflammatory profile upon migration to areas outside the uterus. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in these events remain unclear. In this study, we investigated how angiotensin II (Ang II) affects the plasminogen-plasmin system in hESCs, and the mechanisms underlying cell proliferation, migration, matrix degradation, and inflammation. Precursors, receptors, and peptidases involved in angiotensin metabolism increased significantly in Ang II-treated hESCs. The expression and activity of tissue (tPA)- and urokinase (uPA)- type plasminogen activators and the receptor for uPA (uPAR) were induced in the presence of Ang II. The up-regulation of tPA-uPA/uPAR pathway significantly contributes to heightened plasmin production both on the surface of hESCs and in their conditioned media. As a result, the plasmin generation induced by Ang II enhances the degradation of fibrin and matrix proteins, while also boosting hESC viability, proliferation, and migration through the up-regulation of growth factor expression. Notably, Ang II-induced hESC migration was dependent on the generation of active plasmin on cell surface. Ang II regulates oxidative and inflammatory signalling in hESCs primarily via NADPH oxidase and through the up-regulation of proinflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules. Interestingly, Ang II receptor (AT1R) blockage, decreased plasmin generation, tPA-uPA/uPAR expression and hESC migration. Our results suggest that Ang II/AT1R axis regulates hESC proliferation and migration through tPA-uPA/uPAR pathway activation and plasmin generation. We propose the Ang II/AT1R axis as a potential target for endometriosis treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Relapsing fever (RF) remains a neglected human disease that is caused by a number of diverse pathogenic Borrelia (B.) species. Characterized by high cell densities in human blood, relapsing fever spirochetes have developed plentiful strategies to avoid recognition by the host defense mechanisms. In this scenario, spirochetal lipoproteins exhibiting multifunctional binding properties in the interaction with host-derived molecules are known to play a key role in adhesion, fibrinolysis and complement activation.
    UNASSIGNED: Binding of CihC/FbpC orthologs to different human proteins and conversion of protein-bound plasminogen to proteolytic active plasmin were examined by ELISA. To analyze the inhibitory capacity of CihC/FbpC orthologs on complement activation, a microtiter-based approach was performed. Finally, AlphaFold predictions were utilized to identified the complement-interacting residues.
    UNASSIGNED: Here, we elucidate the binding properties of CihC/FbpC-orthologs from distinct RF spirochetes including B. parkeri, B. hermsii, B. turicatae, and B. recurrentis to human fibronectin, plasminogen, and complement component C1r. All CihC/FbpC-orthologs displayed similar binding properties to fibronectin, plasminogen, and C1r, respectively. Functional studies revealed a dose dependent binding of plasminogen to all borrelial proteins and conversion to active plasmin. The proteolytic activity of plasmin was almost completely abrogated by tranexamic acid, indicating that lysine residues are involved in the interaction with this serine protease. In addition, a strong inactivation capacity toward the classical pathway could be demonstrated for the wild-type CihC/FbpC-orthologs as well as for the C-terminal CihC fragment of B. recurrentis. Pre-incubation of human serum with borrelial molecules except CihC/FbpC variants lacking the C-terminal region protected serum-susceptible Borrelia cells from complement-mediated lysis. Utilizing AlphaFold2 predictions and existing crystal structures, we mapped the putative key residues involved in C1r binding on the CihC/FbpC orthologs attempting to explain the relatively small differences in C1r binding affinity despite the substitutions of key residues. Collectively, our data advance the understanding of the multiple binding properties of structural and functional highly similar molecules of relapsing fever spirochetes proposed to be involved in pathogenesis and virulence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Von Willebrand factor (VWF) plays a pivotal role in primary hemostasis. A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase with a ThromboSpondin type 1 motif, member 13 (ADAMTS13) is primarily responsible for cleaving ultra-large VWF multimers into smaller, less adhesive forms. However, plasmin has also been shown to cleave VWF multimers. This proteolytic cleavage of VWF results in a decreased multimer size and, hence, a lower VWF activity. This review aims to present a comprehensive overview of the involvement of plasmin-mediated VWF proteolysis in (micro)thrombosis.
    RESULTS: Plasmin-mediated VWF proteolysis has been suggested to play a role in various pathologies involving microthrombosis in combination with an imbalance in VWF antigen levels and ADAMTS13 activity, as well as activation of the fibrinolytic system, but quantitative assays to demonstrate this were lacking. Recently, a V H H-based bioassay was developed designed specifically to quantify plasmin-cleaved VWF (cVWF). The novel ELISA assay holds significant promise for gaining further insights into the clinical relevance of plasmin-mediated VWF proteolysis in several pathologies. Furthermore, local plasmin activation at the site of microthrombosis has been shown to be a promising treatment strategy by degrading VWF-rich microthrombi.
    CONCLUSIONS: Plasmin-mediated proteolysis of VWF is observed during microthrombosis; however, it remains unclear whether it impacts disease severity. A novel ELISA method to detect cVWF will improve our understanding of the clinical role of plasmin-mediated VWF degradation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Venous thromboembolism (VTE), is a noteworthy complication in individuals with gastric cancer, but the current diagnosis and treatment methods lack accuracy. In this study, we developed a t-PAIC chemiluminescence kit and employed chemiluminescence to detect the tissue plasminogen activator inhibitor complex (t-PAIC), thrombin-antithrombin III complex (TAT), plasmin-α2-plasmin inhibitor complex (PIC) and thrombomodulin (TM), combined with D-dimer and fibrin degradation products (FDP), to investigate their diagnostic potential for venous thrombosis in gastric cancer patients. The study assessed variations in six indicators among gastric cancer patients at different stages.
    RESULTS: The t-PAIC reagent showed LOD is 1.2 ng/mL and a linear factor R greater than 0.99. The reagents demonstrated accurate results, with all accuracy deviations being within 5%. The intra-batch and inter-batch CVs for the t-PAIC reagent were both within 8%. The correlation coefficient R between this method and Sysmex was 0.979. Gastric cancer patients exhibited elevated levels of TAT, PIC, TM, D-D, FDP compared to the healthy population, while no significant difference was observed in t-PAIC. In the staging of gastric cancer, patients in III-IV stages exhibit higher levels of the six markers compared to those in I-II stages. The ROC curve indicates an enhancement in sensitivity and specificity of the combined diagnosis of four or six indicators.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our chemiluminescence assay performs comparably to Sysmex\'s method and at a reduced cost. The use of multiple markers, including t-PAIC, TM, TAT, PIC, D-D, and FDP, is superior to the use of single markers for diagnosing VTE in patients with malignant tumors. Gastric cancer patients should be screened for the six markers to facilitate proactive prophylaxis, determine the most appropriate treatment timing, ameliorate their prognosis, decrease the occurrence of venous thrombosis and mortality, and extend their survival.





