
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are required for the specification and formation of the epibranchial placodes, which give rise to the distal part of the cranial sensory ganglia. However, it remains unclear whether FGFs play a role in regulating the neurite outgrowth of the epibranchial placode-derived ganglia during further development. Previous studies have shown that Fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) promotes neurite outgrowth from the statoacoustic ganglion in vitro. However, these studies did not distinguish between the neural crest- and placode-derived components of the sensory ganglia. In this study, we focused on the petrosal and nodose ganglia as representatives of the epibranchial ganglia and investigated their axonal outgrowth under the influence of FGF8 signaling protein in vitro. To precisely isolate the placode-derived ganglion part, we labeled the placode and its derivatives with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) through electroporation. The isolated ganglia were then collected for qRT-PCR assay and cultured in a collagen gel with and without FGF8 protein. Our findings revealed that both placode-derived petrosal and nodose ganglia expressed FGFR1 and FGFR2. In culture, FGF8 exerted a neural trophic effect on the axon outgrowth of both ganglia. While the expression levels of FGFR1/2 were similar between the two ganglia, the petrosal ganglion exhibited greater sensitivity to FGF8 compared to the nodose ganglion. This indicates that the placode-derived ganglia have differential responsiveness to FGF8 signaling during axonal extension. Thus, FGF8 is not only required for the early development of the epibranchial placode, as shown in previous studies, but also promotes neurite outgrowth of placode-derived ganglia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Putatively, tooth agenesis was attributed to the initiation failure of tooth germs, though little is known about the histological and molecular alterations. To address if constitutively active FGF signaling is associated with tooth agenesis, we activated Fgf8 in dental mesenchyme with Osr-cre knock-in allele in mice (Osr2-creKI; Rosa26R-Fgf8) and found incisor agenesis and molar microdontia. The cell survival assay showed tremendous apoptosis in both the Osr2-creKI; Rosa26R-Fgf8 incisor epithelium and mesenchyme, which initiated incisor regression from cap stage. In situ hybridization displayed vanished Shh transcription, and immunostaining exhibited reduced Runx2 expression and enlarged mesenchymal Lef1 domain in Osr2-creKI; Rosa26R-Fgf8 incisors, both of which were suggested to enhance apoptosis. In contrast, Osr2-creKI; Rosa26R-Fgf8 molar germs displayed mildly suppressed Shh transcription, and the increased expression of Ectodin, Runx2 and Lef1. Although mildly smaller than WT controls prenatally, the Osr2-creKI; Rosa26R-Fgf8 molar germs produced a miniature tooth with impaired mineralization after a 6-week sub-renal culture. Intriguingly, the implanted Osr2-creKI; Rosa26R-Fgf8 molar germs exhibited delayed odontoblast differentiation and accelerated ameloblast maturation. Collectively, the ectopically activated Fgf8 in dental mesenchyme caused incisor agenesis by triggering incisor regression and postnatal molar microdontia. Our findings reported tooth agenesis resulting from the regression from the early bell stage and implicated a correlation between tooth agenesis and microdontia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The great arteries of the vertebrate carry blood from the heart to the systemic circulation and are derived from the pharyngeal arch arteries. In higher vertebrates, the pharyngeal arch arteries are a symmetrical series of blood vessels that rapidly remodel during development to become the asymmetric aortic arch arteries carrying oxygenated blood from the left ventricle via the outflow tract. At the base of the aorta, as well as the pulmonary trunk, are the semilunar valves. These valves each have three leaflets and prevent the backflow of blood into the heart. During development, the process of aortic arch and valve formation may go wrong, resulting in cardiovascular defects, and these may, at least in part, be caused by genetic mutations. In this chapter, we will review models harboring genetic mutations that result in cardiovascular defects affecting the great arteries and the semilunar valves.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fovea is a small region within the central retina that is responsible for our high acuity daylight vision. Chickens also have a high acuity area (HAA), and are one of the few species that enables studies of the mechanisms of HAA development, due to accessible embryonic tissue and methods to readily perturb gene expression. To enable such studies, we characterized the development of the chick HAA using single molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization (smFISH), along with more classical methods. We found that Fgf8 provides a molecular marker for the HAA throughout development and into adult stages, allowing studies of the cellular composition of this area over time. The radial dimension of the ganglion cell layer (GCL) was seen to be the greatest at the HAA throughout development, beginning during the period of neurogenesis, suggesting that genesis, rather than cell death, creates a higher level of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in this area. In contrast, the HAA acquired its characteristic high density of cone photoreceptors post-hatching, which is well after the period of neurogenesis. We also confirmed that rod photoreceptors are not present in the HAA. Analyses of cell death in the developing photoreceptor layer, where rods would reside, did not show apoptotic cells, suggesting that lack of genesis, rather than death, created the \"rod-free zone\" (RFZ). Quantification of each cone photoreceptor subtype showed an ordered mosaic of most cone subtypes. The changes in cellular densities and cell subtypes between the developing and mature HAA provide some answers to the overarching strategy used by the retina to create this area and provide a framework for future studies of the mechanisms underlying its formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Zebrafish are now widely used to study skeletal development and bone-related diseases. To that end, understanding osteoblast differentiation and function, the expression of essential transcription factors, signaling molecules, and extracellular matrix proteins is crucial. We isolated Sp7-expressing osteoblasts from 4-day-old larvae using a fluorescent reporter. We identified two distinct subpopulations and characterized their specific transcriptome as well as their structural, regulatory, and signaling profile. Based on their differential expression in these subpopulations, we generated mutants for the extracellular matrix protein genes col10a1a and fbln1 to study their functions. The col10a1a-/- mutant larvae display reduced chondrocranium size and decreased bone mineralization, while in adults a reduced vertebral thickness and tissue mineral density, and fusion of the caudal fin vertebrae were observed. In contrast, fbln1-/- mutants showed an increased mineralization of cranial elements and a reduced ceratohyal angle in larvae, while in adults a significantly increased vertebral centra thickness, length, volume, surface area, and tissue mineral density was observed. In addition, absence of the opercle specifically on the right side was observed. Transcriptomic analysis reveals up-regulation of genes involved in collagen biosynthesis and down-regulation of Fgf8 signaling in fbln1-/- mutants. Taken together, our results highlight the importance of bone extracellular matrix protein genes col10a1a and fbln1 in skeletal development and homeostasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fovea centralis (fovea) is a specialized region of the primate retina that plays crucial roles in high-resolution visual acuity and color perception. The fovea is characterized by a high density of cone photoreceptors and no rods, and unique anatomical properties that contribute to its remarkable visual capabilities. Early histological analyses identified some of the key events that contribute to foveal development, but the mechanisms that direct the specification of this area are not understood. Recently, the expression of the retinoic acid-metabolizing enzyme CYP26A1 has become a hallmark of some of the retinal specializations found in vertebrates, including the primate fovea and the high-acuity area in avian species. In chickens, the retinoic acid pathway regulates the expression of FGF8 to then direct the development of a rod-free area. Similarly, high levels of CYP26A1, CDKN1A, and NPVF expression have been observed in the primate macula using transcriptomic approaches. However, which retinal cells express these genes and their expression dynamics in the developing primate eye remain unknown. Here, we systematically characterize the expression patterns of CYP26A1, FGF8, CDKN1A, and NPVF during the development of the rhesus monkey retina, from early stages of development in the first trimester until the third trimester (near term). Our data suggest that some of the markers previously proposed to be fovea-specific are not enriched in the progenitors of the rhesus monkey fovea. In contrast, CYP26A1 is expressed at high levels in the progenitors of the fovea, while it localizes in a subpopulation of macular Müller glia cells later in development. Together these data provide invaluable insights into the expression dynamics of several molecules in the nonhuman primate retina and highlight the developmental advancement of the foveal region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The gill slits of fishes develop from an iterative series of pharyngeal endodermal pouches that contact and fuse with surface ectoderm on either side of the embryonic head. We find in the skate (Leucoraja erinacea) that all gill slits form via a stereotypical sequence of epithelial interactions: 1) endodermal pouches approach overlying surface ectoderm, with 2) focal degradation of ectodermal basement membranes preceding endoderm-ectoderm contact; 3) endodermal pouches contact and intercalate with overlying surface ectoderm, and finally 4) perforation of a gill slit occurs by epithelial remodelling, without programmed cell death, at the site of endoderm-ectoderm intercalation. Skate embryos express Fgf8 and Fgf3 within developing pharyngeal epithelia during gill slit formation. When we inhibit Fgf signalling by treating skate embryos with the Fgf receptor inhibitor SU5402 we find that endodermal pouch formation, basement membrane degradation and endodermal-ectodermal intercalation are unaffected, but that epithelial remodelling and gill slit perforation fail to occur. These findings point to a role for Fgf signalling in epithelial remodelling during gill slit formation in the skate and, more broadly, to an ancestral role for Fgf signalling during pharyngeal pouch epithelial morphogenesis in vertebrate embryos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In early vertebrate development, organizer regions-groups of cells that signal to and thereby influence neighboring cells by secreted morphogens-play pivotal roles in the establishment and maintenance of cell identities within defined tissue territories. The midbrain-hindbrain organizer drives regionalization of neural tissue into midbrain and hindbrain territories with fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) acting as a key morphogen. This organizer has been extensively studied in chicken, mouse, and zebrafish. Here, we demonstrate the enrichment of FGF8-expressing cells from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs), cultured as attached embryoid bodies using antibodies that recognize \"Similar Expression to Fgf\" (SEF) and Frizzled proteins. The arrangement of cells in embryoid body subsets of these cultures and the gene expression profile of the FGF8-expressing population show certain similarities to the midbrain-hindbrain organizer in animal models. In the embryonic chick brain, the enriched cell population induces formation of midbrain structures, consistent with FGF8-organizing capability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The identification of structural variants and single-nucleotide variants is essential in finding molecular etiologies of monogenic genetic disorders. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) is becoming more widespread in genetic disease diagnosis. However, data on its clinical utility remain limited in prenatal practice. We aimed to expand our understanding of implementing WGS in the genetic diagnosis of fetal structural anomalies.
    METHODS: We employed trio WGS with a minimum coverage of 40× on the MGI DNBSEQ-T7 platform in a cohort of 17 fetuses presenting with aberrations detected by ultrasound, but uninformative findings of standard chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) and exome sequencing (ES).
    RESULTS: Causative genetic variants were identified in two families, with an increased diagnostic yield of 11.8% (2/17). Both were exon-level copy-number variants of small size (3.03 kb and 5.16 kb) and beyond the detection thresholds of CMA and ES. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, we have described the first prenatal instance of the association of FGF8 with holoprosencephaly and facial deformities.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis demonstrates the clinical value of WGS in the diagnosis of the underlying etiology of fetuses with structural abnormalities, when routine genetic tests have failed to provide a diagnosis. Additionally, the novel variants and new fetal manifestations have expanded the mutational and phenotypic spectrums of BBS9 and FGF8. © 2023 International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The asymptomatic nature, high rate of disease recurrence, and resistance to platinum-based chemotherapy highlight the need to identify and characterize novel target molecules for ovarian cancer. Fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) aids in the development and metastasis of ovarian cancer; however, its definite role is not clear. We employed ELISA and IHC to examine the expression of FGF8 in the saliva and tissue samples of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) patients and controls. Furthermore, various cell assays were conducted to determine how FGF8 silencing influences ovarian cancer cell survival, adhesion, migration, and invasion to learn more about the functions of FGF8. In saliva samples, from controls through low-grade to high-grade EOC, a stepped overexpression of FGF8 was observed. Similar expression trends were seen in tissue samples, both at protein and mRNA levels. FGF8 gene silencing in SKOV3 cells adversely affected various cell properties essential for cancer cell survival and metastasis. A substantial reduction was observed in the cell survival, cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix, migration, and adhesion properties of SKOV3 cells, suggesting that FGF8 plays a crucial role in the development of EOC. Conclusively, this study suggests a pro-metastatic function of FGF8 in EOC.





