• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nearly two million people die each year from fungal infections. Additionally, fungal crop infections jeopardize the global food supply. The use of 254 nm UVC radiation from mercury vapor lamps is a disinfection technique known to be effective against all microorganisms, and there are surveys of published UVC sensitivities. However, these mainly focus on bacteria and viruses. Therefore, a corresponding overview for fungi will be provided here, including far-UVC, UVB, UVA, and visible light, in addition to the conventional 254 nm UVC inactivation. The available literature was searched for photoinactivation data for fungi in the above-mentioned spectral ranges. To standardize the presentation, the mean log-reduction doses were retrieved and sorted by fungal species, spectral range, wavelength, and medium, among others. Additionally, the median log-reduction dose was determined for fungi in transparent liquid media. Approximately 400 evaluable individual data sets from publications over the last 100 years were compiled. Most studies were performed with 254 nm radiation from mercury vapor lamps on Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, the data found were highly scattered, which could be due to the experimental conditions. Even though the number of individual data sets seems large, many important fungi have not been extensively studied so far. For example, UV irradiation data does not yet exist for half of the fungal species classified as \"high priority\" or \"medium priority\" by the World Health Organization (WHO). In addition, researchers should measure the transmission of their fungal suspensions at the irradiation wavelength to avoid the undesirable effects of either absorption or scattering on irradiation results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research has demonstrated the difficulty associated with degrading the conventional 1-2 carbon aliphatic halogenated byproducts of disinfectant reactions with organic matter [disinfection byproducts (DBPs)] within advanced oxidation process (AOP) units in potable reuse trains, but the efficacy of AOP units for treating the emerging classes of halogenated aromatic DBPs is unclear. We herein demonstrate more effective removal of 28 halogenated aromatic DBPs in the UV/H2O2 AOP at 222 nm (UV222) than in the conventional UV/H2O2 AOP at 254 nm. Direct photolysis of 28 halogenated aromatic DBPs was greatly enhanced at 222 nm with fluence-based photodecay rate constants of 4.31 × 10-4-1.53 × 10-2 cm2 mJ-1, which was mainly attributed to the higher molar absorption coefficients of halogenated aromatic DBPs at 222 nm than 254 nm. Generally, quantum yields of halogenated aromatic DBPs at both 222 and 254 nm followed the order of halophenols > halohydroxybenzaldehydes > halonitrophenols. All 28 halogenated aromatic DBPs exhibit high reactivity toward HO• with second-order rate constants ranging from 2.18 × 109 to 1.15 × 1010 M-1 s-1 determined by X-ray radiolysis. The UV fluence required to achieve 90% loss of halogenated aromatic DBPs in the UV222/H2O2 AOP was 75-95% lower than that in the UV254/H2O2 AOP, and 90% removal of most tested halogenated aromatic DBPs can be achieved in the UV222/H2O2 AOP within the UV fluence levels commonly applied in potable reuse (700-1000 mJ cm-2).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Krypton chloride (KrCl*) excimer lamps (222 nm) are used as a promising irradiation source to drive ultraviolet-based advanced oxidation processes (UV-AOPs) in water treatment. In this study, the UV222/peracetic acid (PAA) process is implemented as a novel UV-AOPs for the degradation of emerging contaminants (ECs) in water. The results demonstrate that UV222/PAA process exhibits excellent degradation performance for carbamazepine (CBZ), with a removal rate of 90.8 % within 45 min. Notably, the degradation of CBZ in the UV222/PAA process (90.8 %) was significantly higher than that in the UV254/PAA process (15.1 %) at the same UV dose. The UV222/PAA process exhibits superior electrical energy per order (EE/O) performance while reducing resource consumption associated with the high-energy UV254/PAA process. Quenching experiments and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) detection confirm that HO• play a dominant role in the reaction. The contributions of direct photolysis, HO•, and other active species (RO• and 1O2) are estimated to be 5 %, 88 %, and 7 %, respectively. In addition, the effects of Cl-, HCO3-, and humic acid (HA) on the degradation of CBZ are evaluated. The presence of relatively low concentrations of Cl-, HCO3-, and HA can inhibit CBZ degradation. The UV222/PAA oxidation process could also effectively degrade several other ECs (i.e., iohexol, sulfamethoxazole, acetochlor, ibuprofen), indicating the potential application of this process in pollutant removal. These findings will propel the development of the UV222/PAA process and provide valuable insights for its application in water treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prevention and reduction of microbial species entering and leaving Earth\'s biosphere is a critical aspect of planetary protection research. While various decontamination methods exist and are currently utilized for planetary protection purposes, the use of far-UVC light (200-230 nm) as a means for microbial reduction remains underexplored. Unlike conventional germicidal ultraviolet at 254 nm, which can pose a health risk to humans even with small exposure doses, far-UVC light poses minimal health hazard making it a suitable candidate for implementation in occupied areas of spacecraft assembly facilities. This study investigates the efficacy of far-UVC 222-nm light to inactivate bacteria using microbial species which are relevant to planetary protection either in vegetative cell or spore form. All the tested vegetative cells demonstrated susceptibility to 222-nm exposure, although susceptibility varied among the tested species. Notably, Deinococcus radiodurans, a species highly tolerant to extreme environmental conditions, exhibited the most resistance to far-UVC exposure with a dose of 112 mJ/cm2 required for a 1-log reduction in survival. While spore susceptibility was similar across the species tested, Bacillus pumilus spores were the most resistant of the tested spores when analyzed with a bi-exponential cell killing model (D90 of 6.8 mJ/cm2). Overall, these results demonstrate the efficacy of far-UVC light for reducing microbial bioburden to help ensure the success and safety of future space exploration missions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increasing radical yields to reduce UV fluence requirement for achieving targeted removal of micropollutants in water would make UV-based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) less energy demanding in the context of United Nations\' Sustainable Development Goals and carbon neutrality. We herein demonstrate that, by switching the UV radiation source from conventional low-pressure UV at 254 nm (UV254) to emerging Far-UVC at 222 nm (UV222), the fluence-based concentration of HO• in the UV/peroxydisulfate (UV/PDS) AOP increases by 6.40, 2.89, and 6.00 times in deionized water, tap water, and surface water, respectively, with increases in the fluence-based concentration of SO4•- also by 5.06, 5.81, and 55.47 times, respectively. The enhancement to radical generation is confirmed using a kinetic model. The pseudo-first-order degradation rate constants of 16 micropollutants by the UV222/PDS AOP in surface water are predicted to be 1.94-13.71 times higher than those by the UV254/PDS AOP. Among the tested water matrix components, chloride and nitrate decrease SO4•- but increase HO• concentration in the UV222/PDS AOP. Compared to the UV254/PDS AOP, the UV222/PDS AOP decreases the formation potentials of carbonaceous disinfection byproducts (DBPs) but increases the formation potentials of nitrogenous DBPs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Far-ultraviolet C (UVC) light has demonstrated its ability to inactivate microbes on surfaces. However, the factors influencing the efficacy of far-UVC surface disinfection remain unclear. This study aimed to explore the effects of material properties on far-UVC disinfection of bioaerosols (represented by Escherichia coli (E. coli)) deposited on surfaces. The susceptibility constants (Z-values) of E. coli on 14 common materials were measured and analyzed. Additionally, five possible influencing factors (roughness, pores, electrostatic charge, wetness, and temperature) related to surface properties were investigated by control experiments. The results show that far-UVC light effectively disinfected E. coli on the 14 materials, with disinfection efficiencies ranging from 69.1% to 98.9% under a dose of 100.8 J/m2. Surface roughness and electrostatic charges had negligible influence on far-UVC disinfection of E. coli on surfaces. However, for porous materials, pore sizes larger than the E. coli size resulted in lower Z-values. Higher surface wetness decreased both the Z-value and natural decay rate. Meanwhile, a higher surface temperature of 40 °C resulted in a higher Z-value and natural decay rate. The results can improve our understanding of far-UVC disinfection of microbes on surfaces, and the database can be used for numerical models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There has been much recent interest in whole-room far-UVC (wavelength around 222 nm) to markedly and safely reduce overall levels of airborne pathogens in occupied indoor locations. Far-UVC light produces very low levels of ozone-in real-world scenarios induced ozone levels of less than 10 ppb, and much less in moderately or well-ventilated rooms compliant with US far-UVC dose recommendations, and very much less in rooms compliant with international far-UVC dose standards. At these very low ozone levels, there is no epidemiological evidence of increased health risks from any of the very large outdoor ozone studies, whether from ozone alone or from ozone plus associated pollutants. Indoors, at the low ozone concentrations of relevance here, ozone does not react rapidly enough with preexisting airborne volatile organic compounds to compete with even extremely low levels of room ventilation, so significant ozone-induced ultrafine particle production is very unlikely. Direct measurements in real-life room scenarios are consistent with these conclusions. A potential exception is the cleaning material limonene, which has an unusually high ozone interaction cross-section; in the far-UVC context, turning off far-UVC lights during cleaning with limonene products would be reasonable.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Effective and affordable disinfection technology is one key to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6. In this work, we develop a process by integrating Far-UVC irradiation at 222 nm with free chlorine (UV222/chlorine) for rapid inactivation of the chlorine-resistant and opportunistic Aspergillus niger spores in drinking water. The UV222/chlorine process achieves a 5.0-log inactivation of the A. niger spores at a chlorine dosage of 3.0 mg L-1 and a UV fluence of 30 mJ cm-2 in deionized water, tap water, and surface water. The inactivation rate constant of the spores by the UV222/chlorine process is 0.55 min-1, which is 4.6-fold, 5.5-fold, and 1.8-fold, respectively, higher than those of the UV222 alone, chlorination alone, and the conventional UV254/chlorine process under comparable conditions. The more efficient inactivation by the UV222/chlorine process is mainly attributed to the enhanced generation of reactive chlorine species (e.g., 6.7 × 10-15 M of Cl•) instead of hydroxyl radicals from UV222 photolysis of chlorine, which is verified through both experiments and a kinetic model. We further demonstrate that UV222 photolysis damages the membrane integrity and benefits the penetration of chlorine and radicals into cells for inactivation. The merits of the UV222/chlorine process over the UV254/chlorine process also include the more effective inhibition of the photoreactivation of the spores after disinfection and the lower formation of chlorinated disinfection byproducts and toxicity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To minimize health risks, surrogates are often employed to reduce experiments with pathogenic microorganisms and the associated health risk. Due to structural similarities between the enveloped RNA-viruses SARS-CoV-2 and Phi6, the latter has been established as a nonpathogenic coronavirus surrogate for many applications. However, large discrepancies in the UV log-reduction doses between SARS-CoV-2 and Phi6 necessitate the search for a better surrogate for UV inactivation applications. A literature study provided the bacteriophage PhiX174 as a potentially more suitable nonpathogenic coronavirus surrogate candidate. In irradiation experiments, the sensitivity of PhiX174 was investigated upon exposure to UV radiation of wavelengths 222 nm (Far-UVC), 254 nm (UVC), 302 nm (broad-band UVB), 311 nm (narrow-band UVB) and 366 nm (UVA) using a plaque assay. The determined log-reduction doses for PhiX174 were 1.3 mJ/cm2 @ 222 nm, 5 mJ/cm2 @ 254 nm, 17.9 mJ/cm2 @ 302 nm, 625 mJ/cm2 @ 311 nm and 42.5 J/cm2 @ 366 nm. The comparison of these results with published log-reduction doses of SARS-CoV-2 in the same spectral region, led to the conclusion that the bacteriophage PhiX174 exhibits larger log-reduction doses than SARS-CoV-2, nevertheless, it is a better UV-surrogate at 222 nm (Far-UVC), 254 nm (UVC) and 302 nm (UVB) than the often applied Phi6.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Far-UVC radiation sources of wavelengths 222 nm and 233 nm represent an interesting potential alternative for the antiseptic treatment of the skin due to their high skin compatibility. Nevertheless, no studies on far-UVC-induced DNA damage in different skin types have been published to date, which this study aims for. After irradiating the skin with far-UVC of the wavelengths 222 and 233 nm as well as broadband UVB, the tissue was screened for cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer-positive (CPD+ ) cells using immunohistochemistry. The epidermal DNA damage was lower in dark skin types than in fair skin types after irradiation at 233 nm. Contrary to this, irradiation at 222 nm caused no skin type-dependent differences, which can be attributed to the decreased penetration depth of radiation. UVB showed the relatively strongest differences between light and dark skin types when using a suberythemal dose of 3 mJ/cm2 . As melanin is known for its photoprotective effect, we evaluated the ratio of melanin content in the stratum basale and stratum granulosum in samples of different skin types using two-photon excited fluorescence lifetime imaging (TPE-FLIM) finding a higher ratio up to skin type IV-V. As far-UVC is known to penetrate only into the upper layers of the viable skin, the aforementioned melanin ratio could explain the less pronounced differences between skin types after irradiation with far-UVC compared to UVB.





