
  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The brain drain of physicians from lower-middle-income countries to high-income countries is a growing phenomenon that contributes to global health inequalities. Retention strategies are difficult to implement locally and to specifically target the population at risk of migrating. We hypothesize that medical students who are teaching assistants have greater intentions to migrate to practice Medicine abroad.
    Medical students from Argentina were invited to an online survey of 22 multiple-choice questions based on the LIRHUS Network survey, previously used in Latin America.
    2,301 medical students were enrolled. Most were young (23 [20-25] years old), single (90%), and female (79%). The majority studied at public universities (87%). The intention to migrate to practice Medicine abroad was more frequent among teaching assistants (36% vs 31%; χ2 = 4.4982; p = 0.0339). After adjusting for sex and age, being a teaching assistant was associated with the intention to migrate to practice Medicine abroad (OR = 1.26; 95% CI 1.02 - 1.55; p = 0.002).
    Argentine teaching assistants have a greater risk of migrating to practice Medicine abroad. Given their high academic profile, these are valuable human resources trained using the public financing of low-middle-income countries. The loss of these resources could contribute to health inequalities. This is an easily identifiable and accessible subgroup toward which local retention policies could be directed.
    La fuga de cerebros de médicos de países de ingresos medianos- bajos a países de ingresos altos es un fenómeno creciente que contribuye a las desigualdades mundiales en salud. Las estrategias de retención son difíciles de implementar localmente y de dirigir específicamente a la población en riesgo de migrar. Hipotetizamos que los estudiantes de Medicina que son ayudantes tienen mayores intenciones de migrar para ejercer la Medicina en el extranjero.
    Estudiantes de Medicina de Argentina fueron invitados a una encuesta online de 22 preguntas de opción múltiple basada en la encuesta de la Red LIRHUS, previamente utilizada en América Latina.
    Se enrolaron 2.301 estudiantes de Medicina. La mayoría eran jóvenes (23 [20-25] años), solteras (90%) y mujeres (79%). La mayoría estudiaba en universidades públicas (87%). La intención de migrar para ejercer la Medicina en el extranjero fue más frecuente entre los ayudantes (36% vs 31%; χ2 = 4,4982; p = 0,0339). Después de ajustar por sexo y edad, ser ayudante se asoció con la intención de migrar para ejercer la Medicina (OR = 1,26; IC 95% 1,02 - 1,55; p = 0,002).
    Los ayudantes argentinos tienen mayor riesgo de migrar para ejercer la Medicina en el exterior. Dado su alto perfil académico, se trata de recursos humanos valiosos formados con la financiación pública de un país de ingresos medianos-bajos, cuya pérdida puede contribuir a las desigualdades en salud. Es un subgrupo fácilmente identificable y accesible hacia el que se pueden dirigir políticas de retención locales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study scrutinizes gender representation in invited faculty and conference committee leadership at key gastroenterology and hepatology conferences in Pakistan over five years, exploring the impact of the \"glass ceiling\" and \"sticky floor\" phenomena on gender diversity within academic medicine.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted between January and March of 2023. The three major national societies of gastroenterology and hepatology in Pakistan that had been established for more than 10 years and the scientific programs of their annual conferences, which were publicly accessible, were included and coded as Society 1, Society 2 and Society 3 to maintain anonymity. The scientific programs for the last five years (2018-2022) were retrieved. The roles of invited faculties were identified as invited speakers, moderators, chairs/panelists, presidents and chairs of organizing or scientific committees and the gender makeup of the faculty was compared. Regression analysis was used to evaluate the trends for female representation over time for each role.
    RESULTS: Significant gender disparity was evident by an extremely lower cumulative proportion of female invited faculty compared to males (211 [11.9%] vs. 1567 [88.1%], p 0.001). The predominance of invited male faculty was observed across all societies as well as in various roles of invited faculty (p 0.01). A significant disparity has also been observed in leadership positions of all three societies (43 [95.5%] males vs. 2 [4.5%] females, p 0.001), while the trend of women\'s underrepresentation across all societies remained almost unchanged over time (slope = 0.08, R2 =  - 0.078, p-value = 0.875).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study unveils striking gender disparities in women\'s representation as invited speakers and other roles at the annual scientific conferences of major gastroenterology and hepatology. Additionally, male dominance remains entrenched, notably in leadership positions, necessitating a proactive, multifaceted approach to rectify gender inequities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The commitment of pharmacy graduates to patient care and research is crucial to advancing pharmaceutical science and practice. Consequently, the value of involving undergraduate pharmacy students in research has been increasingly recognized. Given that the College of Pharmacy at Qatar University offers two undergraduate pharmacy research courses, it is relevant to explore the perception of faculty members of the delivery, impact, facilitators, barriers, and suggested improvements in these courses. This exploration will help to improve the existing curriculum and to highlight the prospective impact of student involvement in undergraduate pharmacy research courses on the personal and professional growth of students, as well as on the progressive evolution of the pharmacy profession.
    METHODS: A qualitative exploratory case study was performed in which five virtual focus groups were conducted. All eligible faculty members from the clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical science departments with experience supervising students who had taken one or two undergraduate pharmacy research courses were invited to participate. The focus group questions were based on the Theoretical domain framework of behavioral determinants. Verbatim transcription was performed, and the collected data were thematically analyzed using the computer-assisted coding software NVivo®.
    RESULTS: Of the 26 eligible faculty members, 21 participated in this study. Five deductive themes were identified: social professional role and influences, beliefs about capabilities, skills, beliefs about consequences and goals, and environmental resources and behavioral regulations. Overall, faculty members identified themselves as assessors and mentors. Participants expected students to possess independence, responsibility, and motivation. They believed that students generally required more practical research skills. Several benefits of incorporating students into undergraduate research have been highlighted, including increased publication productivity and quality. However, several hurdles to undergraduate research in pharmacy have been identified, including limited resources, limited timeframes, and sometimes delayed ethical approval.
    CONCLUSIONS: Faculty members expressed optimism regarding the undergraduate research courses. However, some logistical concerns, including the lengthy ethical approval process and resource availability, must be addressed to optimize the effectiveness of these courses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Psychosocial hazards in the workplace were identified as a considerable risk to employee mental health as well as their general well-being. Few studies were found to examine its relationship with work engagement and mental health. Thus, this study examines the relationships between psychosocial factors, work engagement, and mental health within the faculty in Saudi Arabia using structural equation modeling.
    METHODS: The cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample size of 375 faculty. Data collection was done using a self-administered online survey that included instruments such as the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ), Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). SmartPLS 3 software facilitated data analysis and included the assessment of factors. Structural equation modelling was used to examine the interplay between psychosocial factors, work engagement, and mental health.
    RESULTS: The robust measurement model was characterized by high loadings (0.719 to 0.970), Cronbach\'s alpha (0.595 to 0.933), and composite reliability (0.807 to 0.968). Convergent and discriminant validity were confirmed using AVE and various criteria. The fit of the saturated model was superior. Burnout explained significant variance (0.585) with predictive relevance for all constructs. Notably, the impact of burnout on family conflict and the influence of stress on burnout were found to have significant effect sizes.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study uses structural equation modeling to examine the relationships between psychosocial factors, work engagement, and mental health among faculty in Saudi Arabia. The robust measurement model demonstrated high reliability and validity, while the saturated model demonstrated excellent fit. These findings contribute to our understanding of psychosocial dynamics, work engagement, and overall health among faculty in Saudi Arabia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This month, April 2024, the University of Benin, a federally-funded university in Southern Nigeria announced the first endowed professorial chair in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in sub-Saharan Africa, and possibly the first such chair globally. This professorship is named in honour of Friday Okonofua1, the irrepressible champion who is a trailblazer in women\'s health, social advocate for women\'s social advancement, lead founder of the University\'s African Centre of Excellence in Reproductive Health, and founder of Nigeria\'s leading non-governmental organization, the Women\'s Health and Action Research Centre and the African Journal of Reproductive Health. The new professorship will be crucial in deepening and scaling up reproductive health curricula at the University of Benin, by drawing upon the principles and models of transparency, excellence, and accountability that Friday Okonofua has championed over several years. The University\'s Registrar alluded to this approach by explaining that the endowment \"will strengthen the leadership of the University of Benin in Nigeria in this area of public health and educational delivery.
    Ce mois-ci, en avril 2024, l\'Université du Bénin, une université financée par le gouvernement fédéral dans le sud du Nigéria, a annoncé la création de la première chaire professorale dotée en santé et droits sexuels et reproductifs (SDSR) en Afrique subsaharienne, et peut-être la première chaire de ce type au monde. Cette chaire est nommée en l\'honneur de Friday Okonofua1, champion irrépressible, pionnier de la santé des femmes, défenseur social de la promotion sociale des femmes, fondateur principal du Centre d\'excellence africain en santé reproductive de l\'université et fondateur de la principale organisation non gouvernementale du Nigeria, le Centre de recherche sur la santé et l\'action des femmes et l\'African Journal of Reproductive Health. La nouvelle chaire sera cruciale pour approfondir et élargir les programmes de santé reproductive à l’Université du Bénin, en s’appuyant sur les principes et les modèles de transparence, d’excellence et de responsabilité que Friday Okonofua défend depuis plusieurs années. Le registraire de l’Université a fait allusion à cette approche en expliquant que la dotation « renforcera le leadership de l’Université du Bénin au Nigeria dans ce domaine de la santé publique et de l’enseignement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This essay explores the convergences and singularities of popular education and Food and Nutrition Education based on biographical fragments of the undergraduate training program in Nutrition of three university professors who established their academic and professional trajectories at these crossroads of knowledge and actions mediated by popular education. Inspired by the autobiographical method, the narratives revealed that the initial indignations with social inequalities were mobilizing the routes in the formative path toward understanding hunger, suffering, and human care. To this end, seeking spaces and opportunities to learn about and experience social work in contexts of vulnerabilities was a decisive factor in their personal and professional constructions, revealing the contradictions of traditional training models and the starting point for the genesis of critical thinking. Thus, clues are offered to understand the interfaces of Popular Education (PE) and Food and Nutrition Education (FNE) in the converging actions around the fight against hunger and the right to food without, however, reducing one to the other when food and Nutrition are projected on the horizon of practices.
    Este ensaio explora as convergências e singularidades do diálogo entre a educação popular (EP) e a educação alimentar e nutricional (EAN) a partir de fragmentos biográficos do percurso formativo da graduação em Nutrição de três docentes universitários que constituíram as suas trajetórias acadêmico-profissional mediados pela Educação Popular. Inspirando-se na autobiografia, as narrativas revelaram que as indignações iniciais com as desigualdades sociais foram mobilizadoras do percurso formativo, possibilitando a compreensão dos fenômenos da fome, do sofrimento e do cuidado humano. Assim, o exercício de buscarem espaços e oportunidades na qual pudessem conhecer e experienciar o trabalho social em contextos de vulnerabilidades mostrou-se decisivo nas construções pessoais e profissionais, revelando as contradições dos modelos tradicionais de formação e foram o ponto de partida para a gênese do pensamento crítico. Assim, pretende-se oferecer pistas para compreender as interfaces entre EP e EAN, na convergência de ações em torno da luta contra a fome e pelo Direito à Alimentação, sem, entretanto, reduzir-se uma à outra, quando a alimentação e nutrição se projetam no horizonte das práticas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of the Current Insights feature is to highlight recent research and scholarship from outside the Life Sciences Education (LSE) community. In this installment, I draw together a collection of articles that explore the challenging emotions that emerge for teachers in learning and professional development contexts. Recent research has begun to deepen understandings of the role of emotions in learning-mostly studying students. The articles in this set extend that focus to teachers who, like students, can feel frustration, overwhelm, or fear when faced with challenges involved in learning. Insights from these articles can inform those working with teachers to support transformational change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: With an overarching goal of increasing diversity and inclusion in biomedical sciences, the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) developed a web-based national mentoring platform (MyNRMN) that seeks to connect mentors and mentees to support the persistence of underrepresented minorities in the biomedical sciences. As of May 15, 2024, the MyNRMN platform, which provides mentoring, networking, and professional development tools, has facilitated more than 12,100 unique mentoring connections between faculty, students, and researchers in the biomedical domain.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to examine the large-scale mentoring connections facilitated by our web-based platform between students (mentees) and faculty (mentors) across institutional and geographic boundaries. Using an innovative graph database, we analyzed diverse mentoring connections between mentors and mentees across demographic characteristics in the biomedical sciences.
    METHODS: Through the MyNRMN platform, we observed profile data and analyzed mentoring connections made between students and faculty across institutional boundaries by race, ethnicity, gender, institution type, and educational attainment between July 1, 2016, and May 31, 2021.
    RESULTS: In total, there were 15,024 connections with 2222 mentees and 1652 mentors across 1625 institutions contributing data. Female mentees participated in the highest number of connections (3996/6108, 65%), whereas female mentors participated in 58% (5206/8916) of the connections. Black mentees made up 38% (2297/6108) of the connections, whereas White mentors participated in 56% (5036/8916) of the connections. Mentees were predominately from institutions classified as Research 1 (R1; doctoral universities-very high research activity) and historically Black colleges and universities (556/2222, 25% and 307/2222, 14%, respectively), whereas 31% (504/1652) of mentors were from R1 institutions.
    CONCLUSIONS: To date, the utility of mentoring connections across institutions throughout the United States and how mentors and mentees are connected is unknown. This study examined these connections and the diversity of these connections using an extensive web-based mentoring network.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Value-based medical education is essential for the provision of quality-assured patient-centered healthcare services. The purpose of the current review is to explore the need for the adoption of a value-based approach in medical curriculum, identify the merits, devise a stepwise plan for the implementation of a value-based curriculum, and identify the potential concerns and the strategies to overcome them. The implementation of a value-based approach in medical curricula requires a systematic and stepwise approach to ensure the attainment of maximum benefits. However, this implementation can be accompanied by multiple challenges, and we will require the active involvement of medical educators and college administrators to overcome them. The delivery of value-based medical education is expected to prepare the future cohort of healthcare professionals to deliver patient-centered care. This calls for the need to adopt a multipronged approach to ensure that this value-driven teaching is integrated into the existing model of delivery of medical education, as it will significantly improve patient outcomes and well-being.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The intersection of work-family dynamics and job contentment has become a pivotal area of investigation within the higher education landscape, drawing scholarly attention, especially in the Chinese context. This study delves into the intricate relationship between work-family culture and job satisfaction, with a particular spotlight on the mediating influence of perceptions of organizational fairness. The impetus behind this emphasis lies in the burgeoning acknowledgment of organizational justice as a pivotal force shaping employee attitudes and conduct within academic establishments.
    UNASSIGNED: This research was conducted using two distinct groups. The first group consisted of 1,075 faculty members at Chinese universities, while the second group comprised 972 administrative and technical employees at these institutions.
    UNASSIGNED: The mediational analyses provided in this study offer an enhanced comprehension of the intricate relationships under discussion. Significantly, the findings reveal that Work-Family Culture plays a crucial predictive role in influencing perceptions of Organizational Justice among both faculty and administrative staff. More importantly, the study uncovers that Work-Family Culture indirectly affects Job Satisfaction through its impact on Organizational Justice.
    UNASSIGNED: This insight underscores the importance of harmonious work-family interactions as a determinant of job-related attitudes and satisfaction levels.





