Facial prosthesis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Maintenance of the quality and hygiene of maxillofacial prosthesis allows to maintain the health of the residual tissues. Sampling of the maxillofacial prostheses has relieved presence of microbial colonization on silicone surfaces. Cleaning procedures of maxillofacial silicones are done using mechanical means or using adjunctive with chemical means. Cleaning with a 2-4% chlorhexidine gluconate spray or dipping in solution for a minute and then washing under running water can sufficiently condition to reduce the amount of bacterial contamination. Due to rising microorganism resistance and fewer adverse effects, phytoextracts appear to be a viable option. Additionally, the use of excipients derived from plants is provides new opportunities for the pharmaceutical industry into the creation of innovative pharmaceutical products that are sustainable.
    UNASSIGNED: To evaluate and compare the leaf extracts of Mangifera indica (M.indica), Anacardium occidentale(A.occidentale) and 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX) on disinfection of maxillofacial silicone material surface contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus) and Candida albicans (C.albicans).
    UNASSIGNED: Of the 150 maxillofacial silicone elastomer silicone samples, 75 samples were contaminated with S. aureus and 75 with C.albicans. The contaminated disc was rolled on blood agar and pre-disinfection Colony Forming Units (CFU) were evaluated followed by subjecting the discs to disinfection protocols. The contaminated discs with S. aureus and C.albicans were disinfected using M.indica leaf extracts, A.occidentale leaf extracts and 0.2% CHX for 10 min. Post-disinfection CFUs were evaluated by rolling the disc on blood agar. The results were tabulated and analysed using dependent t-test, one-way ANOVA and Tukeys multiple posthoc procedure.
    UNASSIGNED: Pair-wise comparison of pre-and post-disinfection log CFU counts of S.aureus gave a statistical significance between 0.2% CHX and and M.indica leaf extract. No statistically significant results were found between 0.2% CHX and A.occidentale. Pair wise comparison of the log CFU from pre-disinfection to post-disinfection of C.albicans gave a statistical significance between all the three groups.
    UNASSIGNED: In the present study A.occidentale leaf extract and M.indica leaf extract have shown significant reduction in CFU of both the organisms. 0.2% CHX showed the most CFU reduction post disinfection of maxillofacial silicone material surface contaminated S.aureus and C.albicans followed by A.occidentale leaf extracts and M.indica leaf extracts. Given the limitations of the current research, A.occidentale leaf extract and M.indica leaf extract can be used as an alternative for disinfection of maxillofacial silicone prosthesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prosthetic nasal reconstruction provides a restorative option for patients with nasal defects, and these can be retained with a variety of methods including adhesives and implants. These prostheses can significantly improve appearance, self-esteem, and quality of life for patients and they restore many functions of the external nose. Traditional fabrication methods are often used by the skilled professionals who make these custom prostheses, but digital technology is improving the workflow for design and fabrication of silicone nasal prostheses. Nasal prosthetic reconstruction requires multidisciplinary coordination between surgeons, maxillofacial prosthodontists, anaplastologists, and other members of the healthcare team. Prosthetic treatment can be considered as an alternative to, or an addition to treatment with surgical reconstruction.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    The objective of the literature review was to study and analyze literature sources on the methods and means of facial prosthesis manufacture by three-dimensional printing.
    METHODS: An analysis of information sources covering the last 15 years was carried out, in search sources as PubMed, Elsiver and eLIBRARY and on the website of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property.
    RESULTS: The technology of direct production of prostheses by volumetric printing from silicone materials is the object of research for its development. Most of the materials used for the manufacture of facial prostheses using 3D printing need technical improvements, often requiring expensive equipment, which in turn does not allow the method of manufacturing face prostheses by direct method in everyday clinical practice.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on the obtained data there is a need to develop a new structural material for the manufacture of facial prostheses by 3D printing using laser stereolithography and digital LED projection technologies.
    UNASSIGNED: Изучить и проанализировать информационные источники, посвященные методам и средствам компьютерного производства эпитезов лица.
    UNASSIGNED: Проведен обзор информационных научных источников за последние 15 лет, в поисковых системах PubMed, Elsiver и eLIBRARY и на сайте Федерального института промышленной собственности.
    UNASSIGNED: Технология прямого производства лицевых протезов методом объемной печати из силиконовых материалов, находится на раннем этапе своего развития. Большинство материалов, используемых для изготовления протезов лица с помощью трехмерной печати, нуждаются в технических доработках, зачастую для их применения требуется дорогостоящее оборудование, что в свою очередь не позволяет применять способ изготовления протезов лица прямым методом в повседневной клинической практике.
    UNASSIGNED: На основе проанализированных данных нами было принято решение о разработке нового конструкционного материала для изготовления протезов лица методом трехмерной печати с применением технологий лазерной стереолитографии и цифровой светодиодной проекции.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A comprehensive questionnaire with 43 questions was designed to evaluate quality of life, based on rehabilitation with a facial prosthesis. Each patient\'s psychological situation was assessed using the validated questionnaire and associated scales. Different patient groups were compared with each other in terms of questionnaire scores and general data. In total, 76 patients with a prosthesis of the orbit, nose, or ear, or a combination thereof, were included. There was a highly significant difference in overall satisfaction with defect reconstruction via a prosthesis of the ear compared with the orbit and nose (F(3) = 6.511, p = 0.001). Patients with congenital defects showed a significantly higher level of general satisfaction compared with patients with acquired defects (F(2) = 5.795, p = 0.001). Patients who returned to work were significantly more satisfied with their quality of life (T(57) = 2.626, p = 0.011). With regard to improvements to the state-of-the-art prostheses, the majority of patients suggested better retention, more durable colors, make-up possibilities, less noticeable margins, softer materials, and a movable orbital prosthesis. Within the limitations of the study it seems that facial epitheses improved mental wellbeing and increased quality of life among patients with facial defects. Multiple factors, such as type of facial defect, location of residence, and education can have a potential influence on the quality of life of affected patients. However, further studies are needed, since the psychological and social challenges remain.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: Was to develop and evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of a structural material for the manufacture of facial epithesis using photopolymer printing technology.
    METHODS: The study of the physical and mechanical properties of the developed structural material consisted of measuring the Shore hardness; determination of material strength at break, conditional yield strength, relative elongation at break and modulus of elasticity; the study of the characteristics described above, after artificial aging, simulating the daily use of a prosthesis.
    RESULTS: According to the test results, the samples of the studied material did not have a yield strength, they were torn at a deformation of 40-60%. The values of the conditional yield strength were 0.41±0.01 MPa, regardless of the time of the aging procedure. The values of the modulus of elasticity were 2.96±0.19 MPa and 2.88±0.14 MPa for the samples that underwent the aging procedure at 6 and 12 months, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained were compared with the results of similar studies of structural materials used in 3D printing technology of facial prostheses, which allowed us to recommend the developed material for clinical use after evaluating its toxicological and biological characteristics.
    UNASSIGNED: Разработать и оценить физико-механические свойства конструкционного материала для изготовления эпитезов лица по технологии фотополимерной печати.
    UNASSIGNED: Изучение физико-механических свойств разработанного конструкционного материала заключалось в: измерении твердости по Шору; определении прочности материала при разрыве, условного предела текучести, относительного удлинения при разрыве и модуля упругости; изучении описанных выше характеристик после искусственного старения, имитирующего ежедневное применение протеза.
    UNASSIGNED: Образцы исследуемого материала не имели предела текучести, разрывались при деформации в 40—60%. Значения условного предела текучести составляли 0,41±0,01 МПа независимо от времени процедуры старения, а значения модуля упругости — 2,96±0,19 МПа и 2,88±0,14 МПа для образцов, прошедших процедуру старения в 6 и 12 мес, соответственно.
    UNASSIGNED: Полученные результаты были сопоставлены с результатами аналогичных исследований конструкционных материалов, используемых в технологии 3D-печати лицевых протезов, что позволило рекомендовать разработанный материал для клинического применения после оценки его токсикологических и биологических характеристик.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Gunshot wounds in the maxillofacial region may cause serious defects that result in functional and esthetic disabilities. A 14-year-old male patient was referred to the prosthodontics clinic for provisional prosthetic restoration 5 months after an injury involving the midline midfacial region. An interim extraoral silicone maxillofacial prosthesis (MFP), also known as an epithesis, replacing the nose and upper lip, was fabricated to enhance appearance and speech intelligibility. The effect of the prosthesis insertion on speech outcome was assessed over 6 months. Blood pulse oxygen saturation levels and heart rate were monitored to assess ventilation following the prosthesis insertion. Results of the Assessment of Articulation Subtest revealed the patient produced the target speech sounds of 31 more words correctly at 6 months follow-up. Bilabial, labiodental, and postalveolar speech sounds in the phonetic inventory improved. Fabrication of an extraoral silicone MFP, modifying substructure design, and prosthesis usage over time contributed to the significant enhancement of speech intelligibility and did not significantly change the blood pulse oxygen saturation levels and heart rate. It led to an improvement in overall aesthetic outcomes and was a useful tool for the patient\'s social integration.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Surgical ablation of a large tumor creates a defect which is technically difficult to reconstruct. Radiated tissue bed poses a challenge to reconstruction and is complicated in presence of osteoradionecrosis. This report describes a case of a 62 year old gentleman with oral cancer who underwent surgery and radiotherapy twice. He developed an orocutaneous defect (OCD) following surgery and radiotherapy. Prosthetic rehabilitation of OCD was done. Full facial impression with irreversible hydrocolloid was made and wax sculpture made on the model obtained. Standard laboratory steps were followed for mould fabrication and maxillofacial silicone was used to fabricate the prosthesis. It was retained to the spectacle with silicone adhesives. The silicone facial prosthesis provided to the patient was easy to use, covered the defect and improved the quality of life of the patient.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Patients cannot wear ocular prostheses after undergoing orbital exenteration. They require a facial prosthesis to obtain a more favorable appearance, which greatly affects their social life and psychological health. In addition, conventional prosthesis-making processes require substantial time and expense. The economic burden is particularly heavy on children, who may require many prosthesis replacements as they mature. We report a method of fabricating a facial prosthesis by three-dimensional (3D) facial scanning and 3D printed for a 13-year-old girl who underwent partial orbital exenteration for malignant ciliary body medulloepithelioma 2 years ago. The patient\'s facial contour was captured with a hand-held, point-and-shoot 3D scanner. A facial prosthesis was designed using a mirror image technique with 3D modeling software and 3D printed. The prosthesis was then postprocessed and cast in silicone rubber. An ocular prosthesis was integrated into the facial prosthesis. The prosthesis was retained by prosthetic adhesives. This digitally assisted, impression-free method may lower the cost and effort of making facial prostheses and improve patient comfort, especially for children.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Total nasal defects after injures or surgical interventions can negatively affect patient\'s quality of life. Maxillofacial prosthesis is a contemporarily and reliable solution. This method gives us opportunity to restore missing tissues and helps patients to overcome social and psychological difficulties. In this article we demonstrated advantages and disadvantages of the method in two clinical cases. The application of magnetic and adhesive retention in different cases is described. Also, we outlined clinical and technological steps of maxillofacial prosthesis manufacture. Modified procedure of impression obtaining is offered.
    Возникновение тотального дефекта наружного носа вследствие хирургического вмешательства или травмы неизбежно приводит к снижению качества жизни пациента. Экзопротезирование — это современный надежный метод, позволяющий заместить утраченные ткани лица, в частности, наружного носа и помочь пациенту справиться с социальными сложностями и психологическими проблемами, возникшими из-за изъянов внешности. В статье на примере двух клинических случаев продемонстрированы преимущества и недостатки метода с учетом современного уровня развития прикладного материаловедения в челюстно-лицевом протезировании. Описаны аспекты применения магнитной и адгезивной фиксации экзопротеза в разных клинических ситуациях. Подробно изложены клинические и технологические этапы изготовления экзопротеза носа. Предложена модификация этапа снятия оттиска лица.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the change in color of the maxillofacial silicone after curing using a mobile phone colorimeter application.
    METHODS: A two-piece metal mold was fabricated. Twenty five samples were made using M511, maxillofacial silicone. A jig was prepared to hold the mobile phone at a fix distance from the samples. The color was measured for each sample in terms of HSV (hue, saturation, value) with the mobile phone colorimeter application after manipulation and after polymerization of the samples. Data were statistically analyzed using the Student\'s paired t test and the software used in the analysis was SPSS 22.0 version.
    RESULTS: The mean difference of hue was 1.32 ± 2.71, with p value 0.053. Mean differences in saturation was 0.72 ± 2.01, with p value 0.066. Mean differences in value were 2.16 ± 3.11, with a p value 0.002. The measure of value showed statistically significant differences (p < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: There was a significant change in the value of the color of the maxillofacial silicone after polymerization.
    CONCLUSIONS: Increasing the value of the color by 2-3% at the time of manipulation of the maxillofacial silicone with the use of a mobile phone colorimeter application can help the clinician to reproduce the same color in the final prosthesis after curing to achieve a predictable esthetic outcome for a facial prosthesis.





